. . . I t OltlU'H OF HKtlllN'W 8TATK K NEBIIASKA. BOX MITTE COUNTY. ss. At a County Court, hM nt t li -County Court Room. In said County, en the nrpt day of August, A. I). 1 9 1 ti. Present L. A. Horry, County Jinlpiv In the matter of the estate of II. E. lfacCrny, Deceased. On reading mid filiiiK Hi" petition f Christina MucCruy praying that Administration of paid Estate nuiy he granted to It. M. Hun pton as admin Istrator d bonis non. ORDERED. That Auptist 2.1th. A D. 1916, at 10 o'rtork a. in. I assln d for hearing said petition, when all persona interested In said matter may appear at a County Court to bo heln la and for said County, at County Court room In the city of Alliance, In aid county and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be panted; and that notice of the pend ancy of said petition and the hearing thereof, be plven to all persons Inter ested In said matter by publishing a copy of this order In the Alliance Herald, a weekly newspaper printed In said county, for three successive weeks, prior to said day of bearing. L, A. DERRY. (SEAL) County Judge St-4t-758-7327 NOTICK TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of Ferd inand DaBtlng, Deceased. In County Court for Dox Butte Coun ty, Nebraska. Notice to all persons Interested In aald estate Is hereby given tbat Barn Bel B. Otto, executor of said estate, will meet the creditors of said estate at the County Court Room In the sty of Alliance In said county on the Ith day of April, A. D. 1917, at 9 'clock a. m. for the purpose of the earing adjustment and allowance of claims against said estate. All per ena having claims or demands gainst said estate must file the same ta said court on or before the 11th fey of February, A. D. 1917, or said claims will be forever barred. Dated August 9, 1916. L. A. BERRY. (SEAL) County Judge 7-4t-761-7330 NOTICK OF 8IIFJtIFF.H 8 A MO Notice Is hereby given that by vir tue of an order of sale Issued by the Clerk of the District Court of Box Butte county, Nebraska, In an action wherein Belle Cladene Gaddis, Exec trlx of the Estate of George D. Oaddis, Deceased, Is Plaintiff and Prude Broyles, Robert B. Broyles, Grayce Broyles, James Durham, James W. Durham, J. G. Redln augh, Chenla A. Newberry, were Defendants; 1 will at 10 o'clock A. M. on the 8th day of September, 1416, at the west front door of the Court House tn the City of Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska, offer fer sale at Public Auction the follow log described lands and tenements, te-wlt: The South Half of the Northeast Quarter (SV4 NE4) and SoutheiiHt Quarter of Section Tweuty-four (24) la Township Twenty-four (24) North of Range Forty-nine (49), West of the 6th Principal Meridian Also a tract of land described as fol tows, Commencing at the northwest cor er of the northwest quarter of Sec Hon thirty (30) In Township Twen ty-four (24) north of Range Forty- eight (48) west of the 6th Principal Meridian thence east along the north line of said quarter section to the right of way of the Nebr. Wy. & Western R. R. right of way; thence outhwest along the west line of said right of way to south line of said uarter section; thence west along the south line of said quarter sec tion to its southwest corner, thence ortb along the west line of said quarter section to the point of begin alng. All In Box Butte County. Ne braska. Given under my hand this 9th day ef August, A. D. 1916. C. M. COX. Sheriff. 8. G. Gilman. Attorney for Plaintlft. 3-0t-760-7329 LPSAL NOTICK In the Matter of the Estate of Pat rick Collins, deceased. In the County Court of Box Butte Coun ty, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, ss. Creditors of said estate will take notice that the time limited for pre sentation and tiling of cl:iliu. akalns aid estate Is March 30. 1917. and the payment of debts Is Aliens 4th 117: tht I -a 1 1 "H :il Ml i Conn room u -iiil County on Sep tember 21st. 1916. at 2 P. M. and on March SO. 1917. at 2 P. M. to re reive, examine, hear, allow, or ad Just all claims and objections duly filed. Dated August 15. 1916. L. A. BERRY. (8EAL) County Judge Burton Reddish, Attorneys. J7-5t-76S-7558 VoTICE TO CREDITORS The State of Nebraska, Box Butte County, ss. IN THE COUNTY COURT. In the Matter of the Estate of B. F Gilman, deceased. To the Creditors of said Estate You are hereby notified that I will alt at the County Court Room In the city of Alliance, In said County, on the 8th day of April. 1917. at 10 'dock A. M-. to receive and exam lne all claims against said Estate with a Tlew to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for th presentation of claims against said Estate la six months from the sev nth day of September, A. D. 1916 aad the time limited for payment of etebts U One Year from said seventh d.-ij of September. 1916. W'ittuT.N my hand and the seal of suid (ot'lty Court, this 11th day of August, 1916. I, A. HER II Y. (SEAM County Judge. 3 7 -1 1 - 7 - 7 f .1 7 miiii i: to t keihtoiis The Slate of Nebraska, linx Untie County, ss. IN THE COUNTY COURT. In the matter of the estate of Daniel Rose, deceased. I-.. ( ?wi I'r. .ilit.irn rif R:ll(l entutfi You are hereby notified that 1 will , I. en,.nl. CnM rnntn In Alii. i ,...i r-....n.v7..,, , cm. ,i,.v of April. 1917, at 10 o'clock a. m. to receive and examine all ci,,,B L wiih vi.-u, t ....!- n.n ,nni uii..uUn.o Th.. time limited for the presentation of olainis against said estate Is six months from the seventh day of Sep 'ernber, A. D. 1916, and the time ilmlted for payment of debts Is one year from said seventh day of Sep tember, 1916. Witness my hand and the seal of mid County Court, this 11th day of .,,... lqtfi August, 191b. ja L. A. BERRY. (SEAL) 37-41-766-7555 County Judge XOTICK OF HUT AM) ATTAt'HMKNT Charles K. Maynard will take no- tlce that on the 18th day of August, 1916. L. V. Hulen flled his petition ncK 11 ii.( .nj ,nai. mnn. ey due on one promissory note dellv- ered to W. w! Norton on May 20. 1916. and assigned to plaintiff, in sum of $117.30, on promissory note delivered to W. J. Root on April 14. 1916. and assigned to plaintiff. In the sum of $80.00 and on account con- tracted with The Herald Publishing -,r,o., f Alllnr, MoroQlu n n it . "'.T"',' .l,r ' : USHlKIieu 10 1'llllllliu, in 1110 buui ii i co to .i imn an Br. fldavlt' to obtain an attachment i..... .1 ....i n.nnnr t I HKHIIIM l llium-jr "l said defendant. Said attachment has been made upon a piano and i.-.i.i . i. .... .i ...I i ,,ii en o..d.J aaiu buii in nun iviiiiii. k.v i v.. has been continued until October 2. 1916. Said defendant Is required to .... . . answer said pennon on or Deiore k... o m t f,.ii, so to do Judgment will be rendered o,.I.mI 1,1... ...I tl... nrimurlv n iwl I .,.ov ...tapt,..,! 'win he used to rmlv on ...M Imminent. 1. F. IIULKN. rliimtifT. . I Burton & Reddish, Attorneys. 8-Gt-768-7553 NOTICK OI' PETITION n tlie Matter or tne r;state oi An drew J. Donaldson, deceased. n the County Court of Dox Butte County, .NehrasKa. The State of Nebraska, to all per sons Interest in said estate, creditors and heirs, take notice that John W. Donaldson has (lied his petition al leging that Andrew J. Donaldson died intestate In the County of Wayne and State of Iowa on the 2fth day of January, 1902, being a resi dent of said County, and seized In in the County Court of Box Butte " Bl" " County. Nebraska, against said de- has there been such an encouraging rVndant. the obligation and prayer of landslide to democracy as seems ap- ...'."u .'. . . f narent thus far In the state and nat- fee simple of the following described wn, f (ne state house which state real-estate, to-wlt: The SK'i of Sec- eIMIitlrH report In an unsafe condi tion 31. Township 24 N. of Range .loi, After going over the matter r.2 W. of the 6th P. M.. Uox Hutu County, Nebraska; leaving as hi sole and only heirs the following mimed persons, to-wit: John W. Don aldson, a sou and petitioner herein. Josh Donaldson, a son, George Doi ulilsen, a ton, Minnie K. Mortac, a daughter, and Sarah Uunnell, a daughter, and that said persons are he sole and only heirs of said de- I ceased; that all debts of deceased ind of his estate are fully paid and that no administration of his estate and no application for appointment of an administrator thereof has beeii(nere lg no telling when it may be- n a a or mane wuuin iNeorassa ny any person whomsoever, haid petition prays for a decree to be entered here in finding that said decedant died In- testate, fixing time of the death of the deceased; finding that no appli- ntlon for administration of said er-1 tale has been made and that the es- tate has not been administered In the Binie oi jeuritMi; mm more iunii(lf building (illd rurnlsnitlg8 amouin- m . . .... . u . . , i. .... I two years nave elapsed since npjn)f to $108,247.92. death of said deceased, and that al! I '. debts against said estate have beei nald. that the Court may determlni I who are the heirs at law of said de- ceased, their degree of kinship an'. the right of descent to the real pror-1 rty of which said decedent died seized, above described, and that the hearing upon said petition has beer set for the 20th day of September. A D. 1916. at 10 o'clock A. M. Dited August 19th, 1916. L. A. RERRY. (SE.L County Judge rtui-ton Reddish. Attorneys. 38-4t-767-7S54 Serial No. 015824. Not lie for Publication Department of the Interior, 1?. S Land Otllce at Alliance, Nebraska. August 11, 1916. Notice Is hereby given that John 1 K'enon. of Alliance. Nebraska. who. on March 27, 1913. made Homestead Entry. No. 015824. for Lots 6, 7, 8 and 9. Section 7. Lot 3 Section 8. and N'H Section 17, Town ship 23 North, Range 47 West. 6th Principal Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Three- year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Alliance. Nebraska, on th 27th day of September, 1916. Claimant names as witnesses: James Cobby, William Dignell Joseph Dignell and Charles Sotb, al) of Alliance, Nebraska. T. J. O'KEEFE. Register. 37-6t-762-7517 Hacking Cough Weakens the System Don t suffer wltn a backing cough that has weakened your system get a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery. In use over 40 years, and benefiting all who use it. the toothing pine bal - am with tar heal the Irritated air passages aoothea the raw spots. loosens the mucous and prevent racking the body with coughing. Dr. King's New Discovery Induces natur - al Bleep and aids nature to cure you. AdT 1 STATE CAPITOL NEWS It Ih Pndiilel Hint Wilson Will fur ry Neliinkii l a Majotit) of IO.OM Vote (I; llerali Coriesponlents) Eilieoln, Nebr., Sept. 6 The in n-ease or lands a'lded to llie taxanie land values of the state since the ivy (if 1915. according to the of ficial report of O. E. ISernccki r, sec- ftary of the state Bllon, tOtlllS 1,.07 board of equaliz 213 acres. The total decrease in acreage for the ' I,,rio,l 31.411. Ul" ,rt est Increase was in Cherry county. with 238.r.77 acres. Seventy-one counties are . '"'Tease, while eighteen counties show a decrease. Personal property, based on a Tne-flfth valuation, shows an Increase of $1,675,086. In quite contrast to the gloom which hangs over republican state headquarters at the Llndell hotel, Is the jubllent activity which prevails ! lfmocra ic t'.h;,u"";'" over at the Lincoln hotel. Not a . . .ui-lun day goeB by but what Chairman Iinghorst of the democratic state committee receives large drafts of mail from every part of the state, containing words of encouragement. not only from democratic county committeemen, but from voters of very political hue , Hurln him of tHr support for Woodrow Wilson tonal campaign. Over at republican headquarters It is reluctantly admit ted that so far he democrats hay all the best of it. One republican member was heard to remark tnat the political outlook for the repub- Ucan ticket In Nr-oraslia was pre t Bloomy, while the Wilson tide was much .stronger than the comm tlee tiail Bl U TBI H II I u 1 I'll I ' In helne nredicted that Woodrow -- " ... i i .. a n W'l son will carry Nebraska by 40, 000. Hence great gobs of gloom at renubllcan headquarters. " .. . ,., ,!,, ... I,,,, l il, As a result of the rc mH ictloi In the Mate levy by the democra c state hoard of euualizat ion. a nun ber of countv hoards in several counties o - .... . , , . ... i,.., the, state will be enabled to reduce their levies this year. Several have ,.i i nu, b n n.iini't ion and others '" - ia w 11 no doubt follow where It Is practicable. A few days age tne ltinCSSier COUlll.v ui'.n.i .., tlon tedticed its levy for all purposes nhout $20,000. while the state levy t - t Y. . AAitnfv f rt 1 M 1 rv cnargeu nnioi wunW t lt by the slate board reiiuieu in- total state tax approximately 000 for the two years. lock and Seward counties are two others that have imbibed the democratic spirit of economy and etliciency ami nae jcut tu. ,OUnty levies this year, meet! '.IK of the legislative com mittee which was appointed by Gov ernor .Morehead. consisting of Senat or Phil Kohl of Wayne. Senator E. J. Si. irk of Wilber. Speaker Jackson ot Nelson and Representative v.. reirun I'eterson of Lincoln, met wltn tne slate board or purine r.inus aim buildings a few days ago. to con sider plans fr repairing the old east with Knidneer Johnson or tne siaie board of irrigation, it was decided tt formulate a report of the exact stat us of the structure and submit it to the next legislature, no minis now being available for the extensive re nairs which are necessary. Engin eer Johnson, with his assistants, has gone over the wing very carefully, Iu ),( measurements and other scl- .ntltle data show that tlie Duiuiing Iuih been settling for a number of v-iirn and while he is of the opinion ;..,, .here is no Immediate danger. Hrut!.. According to tne enron- y bearing on the history of the whraska state house, this wing was Dum n 1882. The legislature of 18gl appropriated $100,000 for its nn,tn,i'tinn. The contract was let ... it u stout for $96,700. and ,h i.niuinir waB completed and ac r.UI1.Mli ,,,, twember 1. 1882. the cost . ,. ..... should Sloan's Liniment Along Of course It Bhould! For after a I Htreuuous day when your muscleb I have been exercised to the lln.lt an application of Sloan s Liniment win j take the sorenesa and atlffness away land ret you In fine shape ror me mor I row. You should also use it for a mdden attack of toothache, sun- neck, backache, atlnga. bites and tin many accidents that are incidental to a vacation. "We should as soon leave nur baggage as go on a vacation or camn out without Sloan a Liniment. Writes one vacationist: "We use It 'or everything from cramps to tooth ache." Put a bottle In your bag, br prepared and have no regrets. AdT S BOARD WILL LOCATE FEDERAL LAND BONKS Hearing W ill Ho Held in Omaha S-i teiulx-r IH tit IKHernitne Ixira tlon of Hank In tliN Set tiou Hearings of great importance to farmers, farm organizations and clt ies throughout the country are to b .onducted by the newly appointed r'ederal Farm Loan Board One for the state of Nebraska will be held in the federal building a Omaha. September 18, 1916. Tbi hearing is to secure information to uuide the board In determining th I boundaries of the twelve federal land bank districts into wnicn tne united I States is to be divided for the admin 1 1st ration of the new rural credit I law, known as the Federal tarni 1 Loan Act I The members or the Federal Farm I Loan Board who will conduct th I hearings are Hon. Wm. O. McAdoo I secretary of the treasury: Geo. W 1 Norrls, farm loan commissioner I Herbert Quick. Capt. W. S. A. Smith land C. E. Lobdell. JACK fLUiU Auctioneer Live Stock and Farm Sale a Specialty. Write Me for Terms and Dates. Hi-st of Reformers. ALLIANCK. NKHU ASK A LEG SORES and ULCERS T Hinn I1 tn KnriHM Cltv. Ihm VAflllly t rtntHd thoUMHml ff raati)f rhmni una rni in i inrurttit MIKI-Ji im.I VAItKOSK IMMH. Mylnna fitmrifit', rvioit'tnct with or) gin a I niid nivHlorn nirthoHn I nrnro rnm il. t aiii ot wlihdiil kntff or prttn. Unte for ilUt d lHNk-FHKIC MaitHL PAYwhenCUREDI HI. I! Ill I IklM MaiiMM ilf. Ml), fJotelRome "The House of Courtesy' Omaha Room without bath S i.oo up. Room with bath $ i. 50 up. Modern Lunch Room ROME MILLER Owner Stock and Supply lanks Will outlast several steel tanks 01 several tanks made from other aia enal and cost less money. Thes auks will keep the water cooler In ummer and warmer In winter. Send 'or price list today. ATLAS TANK Mr CI. COMPANY, Fred llolsen. Manager, 1102 W. O. W. Hlris.. Omaha. N-Wr The hoard has requested farmers. farm organizations, and others inter- sted to furnish at each of these u-arings fails concerning the need f cheaper farm loans, and it has isked interested cities to present lalnis for the location of one of hese land banks. This will he the only hearing in the state of Nebras ka. The new Federal Farm Loan Act will do for the farmer what the Federal Reserve Act is doing for the business man. Under it the govern ment provides the machinery for as sembling capital to be loaned to farm owners or prospective farm owners, on tirst mortgage farm security. The loans cannot exceed 50 per cent of the value of the land and 20 per cent of the value of the permanent im provements. The loans will be made at a low rate of interest not yet de termined, but not over 6 per cent, ind provision is made for the bor rower to pay off the loan and interest in small annual or semi-annual pay ments at his option, during a period of not less than live nor more than forty years. Farmers, to avail them selves of the benefits of the law, must tirst organize themselves In groups of ten or more to obtain a charter as a farm loan association, and there after application for loans can be made through It to one of the twelve federal land banks. The land will then be appraised, and If It meets re quirements, the loans will be made. Thousands of requests to the U. S. Department for Information re garding the application of the law indicate the great nation-wide Inter est in its provisions. Secretary McAdoo predicts that the banks will be ready for operation January 1 or shortly thereafter. The new legislation 1b expected to prove a great boon to those sections of the country where development has been retarded bin' a use of high in terest rates, and It Is predicted that it will have the effect of making ag rlcultural prosperity permanent and uniform, stabilizing land values, and greatly improving general farm con ditions. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscrib ed In my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON, (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally and acts through the blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the sys tem. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. O Sold by all druggists. 75c. Hall's Family Pills for constipa tion. Adv Sept r WHEN IN OMAHA VIS!T Tr ''1 1 lp'(-0irTT7tt "Omaha's Tivt EVERY WEEK hjUw'- ' H- C Cimh, C'J.tr ffi'', 'f.-'T' It rrt, Jpcj. tik liit o. HCILS' SK. Vl d-t CULT DON'T CO HOME 3AY1NG! I DIDN'T VlTir THE C.YETV ILLU5TRATOR5 fNGRAVcR5 Geo. H. Miller GeneralContractcr srd Builder Estimitts Futnithit Fit Phoni Hack 413 H H. A. COPSEY l'tiysiclMii anil Surgeon Office Thone, 360 Res. Phone, 342 Calls answered promptly day and night from office. Offices: Alliance National Dank Building, over the Post Office. C. E. SLAOLE, M. D. I'hysiciini and Surgeon Office phone, 65 Res. phone, 62 ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA Orie Coppernoll F. J. Petersen Res. Phone, 20 Res. Phone, 43 Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen Osteopaths ROOM 5. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK BURTON & REDDISH Attorneys-nt-Law Land Attorneys OFFICE: First National Bank Bids. PHONE 180 ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA -r- ass . w mjm - i m H. M. BULLOCK thomas lynch Attorney. at-l4 V' 1619-1521 City N.uonal Bank ALLIANCE : NEBRASKA Building OMAHA L. W. BOWMAN Special Attention to Live Stock Physician ami Surgeon CUIn" OFFICE. First National Bank Bldg. PHONES: Office, 362; Residence. 16 DR. D. E. TYLER Dentist PHONE 36 2 OVi:it FIRST NATIONAL BANK ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER At The Herald Office REASONABLE KATES PROMPT SERVICE J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstracter I have the only set of abstract books In Box Butte County OFFICE: Rm. 7, Opera House Block "LET ME CHY FOR YOU" HARRY P. COURSBY Live Stock and General Sales Specialist and Auctioneer FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Terms Reasonable PHONE 664 ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA GEO. G. GADSBY Licensed Embalmer PHONE: Day, 498; Night. 510 ALLIANCE : NEBRASKA Tinner METAL WORK Bra alng We do all kinds of tinning, repair ing and metal work. Radiator tad aluminum crank cases a spec ialty. W. E. HAGAN The Tinner With Rheln-Rousey Co. Phone: 98 Res., 196 Famous Collins Saddles Best saddles made. Have stood the test for 50 years. Write for free cataloK Alfred Cornish & Comp'y KucreMhora to Colli lis A Morrison 1210 Farnam 6t Omaha, Neb. Dr. W. J. Mahaffy Dl'.NTlST fJas Atlmiiiit-rt'il Lady Asjilstjwit OVER POST OFFICE ALLIANCE : NEBRASKA PHONE: 233. CLARE A. DOW Electrician . IIOl'SK Willi. NO Motor mid Auto-starter Repairing ALLIANCE : NEBRASKA JAMES M. KENNEDY Dentist Nitrous Oxide Administered PHONES: Office, 23; Res., Black 1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDO. ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA J. JEFFREY, D. C. Ph. C. A. G. JEFFREY, D. C. CHIROPRACTORS OFFICE HOURS, 10 A. H. to 8 P. XKW W ILSON IHOCK TO AUTO LIVERY - - PHONE 573 - - C. E. Morgan Geo. J. Hand, H.D. Asthma and Hay Fever Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat PHONE 251 Calls answered from office day or night. Wm. RITCHIE. Jr. C. S. PERRY RITCHIE & PERRY Attorneys-at-law Office in Lincoln. 1411 O St., first Wednesday of Each Month BRIDGEPORT : NEBRASKA PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER All kinds of Photos. Interior and Exterior Views QUALITY PORTRAITS Alliance Art Studio M. K. Grebe, Prop. 114 East 4th. Phone Black 1 1 1 VARICOCELE CURED. jfSlnoe 1R8S In Kansas City, I have A fiiii'i''MMftill v tral..,! ihouMiimis of cast's of Vailroccle, Myelo cele, and allied troubles. Th knotted veins, pain, enlurse mint. weakness and other! symptoms ' quickly disappear. 1 Write for Illustrated book "Without the Knife" and full particu lars rree, sealed. Call or address t SriPaywI-enCURED KllliutltT, Ho. UailU.ZkUT. Ulc, CORRECT ENGLISH HOW TO USE IT Josephine Turck Baker, Editor 4 MONTHLY MAOAZINB For Progressive Men and Women, Business and Professional; CI ok Women, Teachers, Students, Mia. Inters, Doctors, lawyers, 8teno raphers, and for all who wish to Speak and Write Correct English. Special Feature Every Month VOUR EVERY-DAY VOCABULARY: HOW TO ENLARGE IT 8ample Copy 10c. Subscription Price. 12 a Year EVAN8TON. ILLINOIS Josephine Turck Baker's Standard Magailne and Books are recommend ed by this paper. nxvuC or cnAaArvvvQ . tot caMaaIoM, UlAjtM, llttaliXtj artl -Otlvvoc. )ervutA CdcxaAxr L 3 i '1