The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 07, 1916, Image 7

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nm it i
Did You Visit Our Store on the
Opening Day?
R. A. Hull came in from Bonner
Henry J. Wintcn was In town
Tuesday on bu si n"s.
F. I). Lewis t,f KiottsbhilT was an
Alliance caller Tuesday.
Mrs. C. M. Williams of Hoffland
visited in Alliance Tuesday.
O. Weymouth of Chadron was in
tbe city on business Tuesday.
John Snoddy loft Tuesday for
Ellsworth on a business trip.
A. W. Muzzey of Scottsbluff was
tn the city on business Tuesday.
Fred Hoover is out again after a
two weeks' siege of rheumatism.
Chase Feagins made a short trip
up from Ilyanni8 the first of the
GIIIL WANTED Inquire at Alli
ance Stem Laundry.
George Hapeman. ranchman, is
the proud owner of a fine new Chal
mers Six auto.
Real Estate. Loans and Insur
ance. F. E. REDDISH, Reddish
Block. 15tf-6727
Mrs. Samuel Tillett made a trip to
Kdgemont Sunday, returning Mon
day r.oon.
Robert Keisner of Mitchell was In
the city last week. He is a farmer
near that city.
Will Vogel has purchased a new
Orow-Elkhart auto from W. D. Ru
mer, state agent.
E. T. Herrion of this city was a
contertant in the sporting events at
the Ogalal'.a roundup.
S. G. Oilman and John Snoddy
made a trip to Rushville Saturday
via auto, returning the Fame day.
George Ellis of the Kecler-Coursey
garage made a trip to Hyannis Mon
day noon, returning Wednesday.
Be sure to see the Home Mission
ary Pageant at the Presbyterian
church on Sunday evening at 8
H. F. Frederick and family of St.
Joseph, after a visit with Mr. and
Mrs. O. E. .Williams and family, re
turned to their home the first of the
Our modern, sanitary cleaning anil
pressing cost no more than the oth
er kind. Keep-l'-.N'cat 'leaner. 205
Ilov Butte Avenue, Phone :M.
Misses Marie and Helen Seidell
came in from Chadron Monday to at
tend St. Agnes Academy. They are
sisters of F. M. Seidell, county agri
cultural agent.
All countries will be represented
by the children li costume in the
Presbyterian church' Sunday evening
at 8 o'clock.
Jack Kennedy, Burlington agent
at Ellsworth, was in the city on bus
iness Tuesday. Jack left Wednes
day for Spaulding, Nebr., to place his
son in school there.
Our modern, sanitary denning and
pressing costs mi more than the oth
er kind. Kee-l'-Xent Cleaners, 205
11 Unite Avenue. Phone
Miss M. Conway and sister, of St.
Louis, who have been visiting for
three weeks with her uncle, Thomas
Dean, returned to their homes in the
city Tuesday noon.
See the best talent of the city in
the Pageant at the Presbyterian
church on Sunday evening at 8
The twin babies of Mr. and Mrs.
H. E. Fisher are reported seriously
ill. Little hope is held out for their
recovery. The children were born
about two weeks ago.
GIIIL WANTED Inquire at Alli
ance Steam Laundry.
38-t f-7512
Lee Basye, county attorney, is
spending the week in Lincoln, where
he and Mrs. Basye are attending the
state fair and visiting relatives. They
expect to return about September 8.
E. A. Dion and family of Welling
ton. Colo., arrived Saturday for a
visit with Mr. and Mrs. George Hell
man. Mrs. Dion is a sister of Mrs.
Heilman. They are making their
trip in an auto.
Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Hargraves, Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Armour and Mr. and
Mrs. James Walker spent Labor Day
on a hunting trip in the hills. They
report a fine time but with only a
small catch of game.
L. C. Brumley, an Alliance man,
is said to be the central fisrure In a
forgery case at Lincoln. It is al
leged he forged a check on the First
National bank of that city for $35.
He signed the name of Steve Dowl
ing. Fred Hoover lost eighteen head of
two-year-old steers recently on his
ranch seventeen miles west of town.
The cattle were standing near a wire
fence during a thunder storm and
were killed by a bolt of lightning
which struck the fence. The same
holt nearly killed a valuable mare
which was standing near the fence.
The cattle were insured.
Office supplies at The Herald of
flee. Phone .Tin.
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Fredericks. Saturday, a fine baby
Ella Foley of Spade, Nebr., came
tip and had her tonsils removed Sat
urday. GIRL WANTED Inquire at Alli
ance Strain Laundry.
C. M. Valentine of Omaha made a
short business trip to Alliance, re
turning Tuesday.
Scratch pads of all kinds. The
Herald carries them in stock. Phone
Mrs. F. A. Anderson of Morrill
submitted to an operation at the hos
pital last Friday.
E. H. Burgess of Hyannis was op
erated on at St. Joseph hospital Fri
day for appendicitis.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Iee Moore.
September 3, a baby boy. Mother
and baby doing fine.
A baby irirl was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Pueless, Wednesday. Moth
er and baby are doing fine.
Mrs. C. B. Turner of Minatare is
spending the week with Mrs. Jerry
Rowan, arriving Friday of last week.
Mrs. J. Taylor of Whitman was op
erated on at the hospital Wednesday
morning and is reported as doing
The little six-year-old boy of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Watson had his arm
broken and came to town to have it
set. Saturday.
The ladies of the Rebecca circle
will have a delicatessen sale at the
A. D. Rodgers store Saturday, Sep
tember 9. Lots of good things to
eat. Be sure to call and see them.
Mrs. G. W. Johnson and children
and her father. J. F. Miller, of Oma
ha, returned to Alliance Saturday
ii it.-lit . after a week's visit at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Johnson
of Sheridan.
There will be a reception on Fri
day evening at the Baptist church to
tei teachers of the public schools,
th" pupils of the Sunday school and
their parents, and any coining into
the town to attend school.
Mrs. Albert Meek and children of
Gillette. Wyo.. arrived the latter part
of last week and will make their
home in Alliance during the school
year, coming from Gillette to place
th" children in the Alliance schools.
Miss Laura Mounts, who has been
lenity county clerk for a number ol
ye M s, expects to resign her position
soon and will leave for Chicago on
September 24, where she will attend
th" Chicago Art Institute, taking a
course in decorating.
T. H. Barnes, president of the Box
Butte County Dry Federation, left
th- first of the week for Lincoln to
at - nd the state fair. Mr. Barnes
hv i several fine farms in Box Butte
county and 1Mb much interested in
th - state fair exhibits.
A large crowd from Hemingford
at: ended the Labor Day program In
Al'iance. Many of them came down
fo- the purpose of witnessing the
I it . 1 1 ganu between the teams from
Alliance at d Hemingford. which was
won bv Alliance with a score of 8 to
Frank Wileon's Apperson roadster
was burned near Bronco lake Satur
day. Leo Nicola! was testing the
machine on a sandy road. The en
gine backfired causing a sudden eon
Hi1 era! ion. Portions of the machine
w'l be salvaged. Tbe machine was
in ured.
Herbert Seidell brother of F. M.
Sriitdl of Alliance, drove over from
Chadron in an auto Thursday, re
tf'ning b'ue Saturday morning. He
let this week for Ames. Iowa, to
tii'se up the tnird year studies in his
vi 'crinarian course in the Iowa ag
ri -ultural college.
The following marriage licenses
h ve been Isued by County Judge
B rry: Nels Jesp rson, ti2, of Blair.
ai d Mrs. Christine Iverson. .r6, of
D inlap; Cline El off, 30. of Alliance,
aid Morrie Cobalnva. 32. Alliance:
Henry Altergott. 22, Scottsbluff. and
A.nelia Wagner. 18, Scottsbluff:
William Morrow. 21, of Marslahd,
ai d Loula Seyipp. 18.
C. Mosler, well known Lakeside
r: nchtnan, caledl at The Herald of
fice the last of the week and placed
himself ahead on the subscription
list until 1919. Mr. Mosler said that
he liked Tbe Herald and wanted to
g t the news for some time to come,
therefore he would put himself
ahead for r.bout three years. We
appreciate the spirit shown by him.
The semi-annual style exhibit at
the Harper Department Store, this
evening, will be a fine attraction for
the ladles and gentlemen of Alliance.
The latest coats, suits and dresses
f r women and the fall and winter
styles for men will be featured by
forty living models. This style show
will l.M the ereutest. evniit of the kind
lever put on by the Harper store. The
! show will start at 7:30. Orchestra
music will be furnished and souve-
nirs will be given to the ladles.
If )ou want to build a home see J
C McCorkle ami get the money.
St. Agnes academy opened Tues
day for the fall with a large attend
ance. Bert Lak", of tiering, spent Labor
Day with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ams
berry Miss Ruth Ijiyton made a short
trip to Morrill, Nebr., returning Mon
day r.oon.
C. Kenneth Duke, of Mason City,
is visiting at the home of J. A. Dolan
and family this week.
J. R. Payne of the Haddorff Music
House, will have charge of the rOn.
Imny's new store in Chadron.
Mrs. Uev. A. A. Layton will leave
Friday to visit her people who lie
in Franklin, Ind., where she was
reared. Mrs. Layton's parents are
past eighty years of age and her vis
it will please them greatly.
Dr. L. W. Curtis is acting day mar
shal in place or Marshal A. B. Wheel
er, w ho left Tuesday night for Lin
coln, where he will be employed as a
special policeman during the state
fair. Mr. Wheeler will return the
last of the week.
W. E. Adair of Omaha has accept
ed a situation with The Herald as a
reporter. Mr. Adair has had many
years' experience In the weekly and
dally newspaper fields. Ten years
ago he was employud for some time
on the stnfr of the Alliance. Times.
George Hills, Joseph Bignell and
his nephew Joe Bignell will leave
Saturday morning for a trip to Colo
rado. They will travel in a car and
anticipate a grand sight-seeing trip.
They will visit Denver, Colorado
Springs and other points of Interest.
The Scotts Bluff County Agricul
tural Association, by its president,
Ed H. Reld, by the hoard of direct
ors, the stockholders and the com
munity at Mitchell, are making great
preparations for the twenty-sixth an
nual county fair, to be held at Mit
chell, September 13,- 14 and 15.
That popular Wellerware at Rhein
& Rousey's Is going fast and It soon
will be gone. They are sidling it at
a discount of 33 per cent.
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Jay and son of
itolf. Nebr., came to Alliance Wed
nesday between trains and consulted
a physician in regard to Mrs. Jay's
health. Mr. and Mrs. Jay started a
merchandise store at Rolf In January
and report doing a very fine busi
A severe
tuidle west
electrical storm In the
Tuesday night interrupt
ed communication by telegraph from
Chicago and other eastern points to
Denver and other cities in this sec
tion, for several hours. The storn
was particularly severe In the neigh
borhood of McCook, where consider
able damage was done.
Mrs. Cecil Keester, of North Yaki
ma, Wash., stopped off at Alliance
Sunday between trains en route to
Bingham, where she will visit her
parents, Air. and Mrs. J. G. Beck.
Mr. Keester has been in North Yaki
ma in Y. M. C. A. work for the past
three years and has accepted a sim
ilar position in Superior, Wis., where
Mrs. Keester will Join him after a
short visit at Bingham and in Iowa.
Mrs. Keester was more familiarly
known as Inez Beck.
T. .1. Lawrence was in town today
from his farm nine miles northeast.
He brought some samples of the earn
and potatoes he raised this season
and the fair exhibitors will have to go
some if they show products that are
any better. Mr. Lawrence had six ears
of coin that was picked at random
from a field of 20 acres. This corn
is well filled and the ears large and
uniform in size. He had Samples of
potatoes from a field of 2 4 acres. The
potato crop this year will he some
what short because of the dry weath
er but still there will be a probable
average yield of SO bushels to (he
acre and the quality this season Is
even better than the average high
quality of the noted Box Butte coun
ty product. There are very few small
potatoes this season all of the tubers
having developed in grand style.
Mall Malone, C pi I n ( attic Silt s
man. His Not Changed Hi
Name and Siill on the .lob
How aggravating type is anyhow
when the proof leader fails to do hi"
duty in reading the stuff that's print
ed in a newspaper. Our apologies
are due Snyder-Malone-Cofl'man Co..
prominent live stock commission
men of Omaha, on account of a typo
graphical error appearing In their
advei tisement which has been run
ning In this paper the last few weeks,
two mistakes in fact which we wish
to correct.
The initials ;f L. R. Guerin have
been printed as C. R , but the worst
mistake was that of changing the
name of Matt Malone to Mart Ma
lone. We do not know whether
there is a Mart Malone or not, but
we know that Matt Malone who has
been doing business on the South
Omaha market as a head cattle sales
man for the last seventeen yeurs is
still on the Job.
Matt Malone is known all over the
west as a successful cattle salesman
and has an unexcelled record and
reputation as such. We do not want
any of the readers of this paper to
get the idea, because of a typograph
ical error, that he is not on the Job
yet, hence thiB correction and explanation.
Weather Report
Sept. Max. Min.
1 92 48
2 88 47
3 93 56
4 92 53
5 88 48
6 85 52
Have you seen our special value in
Ladies' Suits at
Railroad Notes
J. T. Emmerson, of Omaha, the
new roadmaster on the Alliance div
ision, came from Omaha Tuesday.
It. E. Gavin, a btother of A. V.
Gavin, stopped off Monday between
trains on his return to Omaha from
a business trip to Scottsbluff.
James Callender. operator, has
one to Halsey to take the place of
II. E. Spradling, tin regular operatoi
who is taking a vacation.
R. E. Spradling. operator at Hal
sey, left last night for Denver where
he will spend his vacation. On his
return he will bring Mrs. Spradling
with him.
Dispatcher II. V. Cox is taking a
layoff. Mr. and Mrs. Cox and their
little daughter will visit with rela
tives at Broken Bow, Dead wood anil
Kansas City.
J. B. Kennedy, auent at Ellsworth,
has taken a layoff and will take his
son to Spalding where the lad will
attend school. Mr. Kennedy's place
at Ellsworth Is tilled by Operator S
E. Stewart.
Tuesday evening during the elec
trical storm, Yardmaster A. D.
Snow's house at Seneca was struck.
His wife and five children were in
the house at the time but none of
them were injured.
There has been quite a change on
the Alliance division in ron (masters.
C. N. Johnston of Broken Bow was
transferred to itncoin division
take charge of the place vacated ny
C. Emerson. Mr. Hoenshell takes
Mr. Johnston's place at Broken Bow
and Mr. Gllmore, the place of Mr.
Hoenshell at Alliance, while Mr. Em
erson takes charge of the place va
cated by Mr. Giliaoie. The change
took place September 1. This puts
Mr. Johnston's headquarters at Lin
coln, where he will move with his
family on acocunt of having two
children in school, a boy in the uni
versity and a girl in high school.
W. F. Thiehoff, assistant general
manager, of Omaha, and Mr. Youn.
general superintendent, of Alliance,
made an Inspection trip over the dist
rict, leaving Alliance TueBday morn
ing with the inspection engine. Mr.
Weldenhamer accompanied them as
far as Edgemont, returning on No.
42 Tuesday night, going on to Brok
en Bow and returning on No. 43 to
Alliance Wednesday noon.
F. A. Hively went to Casper Sat
urday on company business, return
ing Sunday night.
R. W. Haines, claim agent, of Bill
ings, Is In Alliance on business.
St. Matthew's Church
Services for Sunday. Sert. 10:
Holy Communion, 8 a. m.
Sunday school, 10 a. m.
Morning prayer and sermon,
Evening prayer and sermon, 7:30
Every day is Style Show Day at The Fashion Shop
Come in and see the largest selection of ready-to-wear
poods ever shown in Western Nebraska.
Not only is this true, but we are receiving new shipments
every day which are immediately added to our select stocks of
Suits Coats
ISOClCtV 5ol.
Mrs. F. A. Hively very nicely en
tertained a number of her friends
Wednesday afternoon at an after
noon luncheon, in honor of Mis.
Courhies of Fairfield, Iowa.
Frank Foster and Eleanor Hush,
both of Sterling, Colo., were mar
ried at the M. E. parsonage on Sep
temher ti, lit v. J. B. Cains i ttniit I -nit
Thursday eteninu at the home of
.1. W. Hicknell. Miss Dorothy enter
tained the M. Y. O. B. Club In honor
of Irene Schnellbocker of Omaha,
who lia.i been spending a few days
here. The guests were MisseH Delia
Ifolsleu, Edith Reddish. Helen Rice.
Thelmi Fitzpatrick, Martha Shaw
and Grace Carlson.
Mesdatnes Shaw, Holsten, Was,
Drake, and Misses Delhi Holsten and
Helen Rice entertained the ladies
ami flicnds ol the Episcopal church
Wednesday afternoon at a 1:30
birthday luncheon. The gip-.-ts .
seated at tables hearing the tu .-.).
of their birthlvy. each month of th
year having different d cm-mi 'M.
which were very cflcclive Mil beau
tiful. The guests also left an
velope with as many pennies ns they
were years old. which went as a ben
efit to the society.
A pleasa'it picnic party occurred
last evenini! w h -n twenty four yoee-;
pople niade.a trip to the gr,ve in rth
of town. The event was in honor ol
Professor S. I.
ll enent y
who is int
Alliance visiting friends, before go
ing to Chadron, where he is employ-,
i-d to teach in the state normal. The
party met at the home of Miss Laura
Mounts at ii:3n o'clock, being taken ,
to their destination in half a doen '
cars. Aftei a camp fire was started I
the picnic dinner was enjoyed, after
which murshmallows were toasted
and various games were indulged in.
On returning home the party agreed
that the best time for an automobile
trip was not the day after a hard
rain especially if the cars are heav
ily loaded. Those in the party were:
Misses Izola Worley, Mable Worley,
Ethel Graham, May Graham. Mar
garet Carmichael, Ruth Rice, Hattie
Renswold, Adah Hawkins, I.aura
Mounts, Alta Young, Avis Joder, and
Mrs. Carl Thomas, and Messrs. Shan
non, Smith, Thomas, McCorkle,
Black, Clements, Spacbt, Truman.
Drake. Myers, Stockdale. Kronvall,
Mrs. J. 0. Dole and Mrs. W. R.
Pate elaborately entertained at a
1:30 o'clock luncheon last Friday af
ternoon, at the home "of Mrs. J. G.
Dole. The house was beautifully
decoiated in yellow and white and
the same color scheme was carried
out with the luncheon. A yery en
joyable course of entertainment was
pursued. The guests were: Mes
dames Pate, Coleman, Alter, Arnold,
Crawford, M. M. Reynolds, Hod gen,
A. R. Reynolds, Gaddts, Kuhn, Les
ter, Lunn, Show, Tiller, C. M. Mc-
Donald. Root, Was, Shaw, Roy
Gregg, Lutrell, Mahaffy. Patmore,
Timmell, Walker, ilolliet. Armour,
Sallows, C. C. Smith, W. E. Spencer.
Davenport. F. Campbell, iDetleln. H.
J. Ellis. Frankle, II. A. Hamilton,
Hively. Morrow, Rumer, W. T. Spen
cer, Weidenhn titer. George Gnddis,
Maxwell. Layton. Mclntyte. . ,.
Young, Hasye. McClung. The host
esses were assisted in wrvin:: by
Mrs. Mi Clung of ll 'einvlo.a. and
the .Misses Elv:t Hamilton. Cynthia
Haven; ..i.rie Kibble, and Beat
rice Pate.
KeHirt of City Mission Treasurer
Report of treasurer of City Mis
sion for the month ending August 31,
On hand Aug. 1
M. E. ladies individually . .
United Pres. Aid
Round Table Circle
M. E. Aid
Pres. Auxiliary
Christian ladies individually
Offering at .Mission
7.9 5
6. fit
Oflering by business men
. . 31.65
. . . 1.00
. . . 6. IS
C. E. M:Fall .
I'i'imi Aid, Aug. 30
. . . .20
. . 80.00
. . 17.38
$100 38
iii; !! le. '
Ilehi J uly n ! August . . . .
'i i'Ii phone
II-iI.imv Aug. 31
'iil Seiviie i:oiuiealioiis
F. W. Hicks, local secrttary of the
Civil Service bn.iid. air ounces the
following examinations to be held at
Alliance on th.' dates mentioned:
October 3. Sawyer, to fill vacancy
in the Indian hervice at Tongue Riv
er, Montana. Salary $!40 to $1,000
per year. Age, not less than 20 nor
more I ban .in.
Ot tober 4. Scientific assistant,
men only, at a salary of $900 to $!.
400 per annum, bureau of fisheries,
none but unmarried men being ap
pointed on vessels. On this same
date an examination will be held for
medical Interne, for both men and
women, positions tenable for on
year, at a salary of $75 per month
and maintenance. Applicants must
be graduates of a reputable medical
October 4-5. Assistant engineer i
forest products (male). Salary $900
per year, at Madison, Wis., and va
cancies at that place and elsewhere.
October 4-5. Junior architectural
draftsman (male). Pays an entrance
salary of $810 to $1,000 per year.
October 11-12. Scientific assistant,
department of agriculture. Entrance
salary is $1,400 per year but accaa
lonally an applicant who shows un
usual qualifications is appointed at a
salary of $1,800 per year.
John McCoy, M. D.
Officei and Hospital
Reddish Block Telephone 81