The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 07, 1916, Image 4

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I Ul TTI iris1 5 j
Distinctive Decorative Designs
Just for Your Home FREE!
It is a surprisingly simple and easy matter to beautify one or all
the rooms in your home with Cornell-Wood Board.
Cornell designers will show you 'exactly how you can beautify
and modernize your home and tell you just what the cost of
material will be. No matter if you want just an idea, a few sug
gestions for a single room, or a complete decorative scheme for
your entire home, we can give you just what you desire.
This service is absolutely free and places you under no obligation whatever.
Cornel Wood-Boar
For Walls, Ceilings and Partitions
An endless variety of panel effects is made possible by the use of Cornell-Wood-Board.
Cornell-Wood-Board nails right to the studding or over old
walls and stays there. Takes paint or kalsomine perfectly.
Manufactured by tho Cornell Wood Product Co. (C O. FrUbie, President). Chicago, and
Alliance, - - - -
Fire IK'imrlnienl t' imble to Save
Milling Works hut Prevent
Sptvad of Flame
Fire recently destroyed the plant
of the Hastings Milling company at
Hastings, causing a loss of 75,000.
The llames were llrst discovered
shortly after U) o'clock, in the mill
engine room. The entire Hastings
fire department responded to the
alarm, and eight streams of water
were played upon the blazing build
ings, but the plant was a complete
rum in an hour. The efforts of the
flre department were successful In
preventing the spread of the tlames
to a lumber yard to the north, and a
freight depot south of the mill.
Two elevators containing 25,000
bushels of wheat, and leased by the
E. Stockham lirain company, burned
to the ground. The elevators had
been licensed under the new ware
house bill passed by the last legisla
ture, aud all of the grain losses will
be paid in full.
The mill property, worth about
$32,000, was burned except for a
steel storage tank and the small of
fice building. 0. H Hedge, presi
dent of the milling company, was un
able to say this morning whether or
not the plant would be rebuilt.
The twenty-five employes of the
mill and elevators were able to get
out of the buildings safely.
Fire a year ago in the same plant
caused a loss of $30,000.
Well Children Are Active
If your child is dull, pale, fretful
and wants to lie around, chances are
It Is suffering from worms. Kkka
poo Worm Killer, a pleasant candy
confection, liked by all children. Is
what your child needB. You only
give one-half to one lozenge at u time
and you get Immediate results. Ev
ery mother should have a box on
hand. 25c at all druggists.
Adv 1
On September F, 1916. Mr. Nels
Jeepersen of lllair, Nebr., and Mrs.
Christina Iversen of Punlap. Nebr.,
were united in marriage at Alliance,
Uev. F. tlafert ottkiating. Peter K.
Christeusen and Mrs. Christina
Chrlstensen of Pox Butte county, al
so a number of relatives of the cou
ple, were witnesses of the ceremony.
Mr. Jespersen and wife will reside at
Ulair. Nebr. We extend our hearty
congratulations to thein for their
happiness of life.
Tbe Alliance Herald Is $1.50 per
vear. Issued 52 times. Runs from
12 to 24 pages per issue.
Cornell-Wood-Board is guaranteed not
jUaraniee. to warp, buckle, chip, crack or tall.
Omaha ami Lincoln wholesale con
cents contemplate establishment
of distributing stations
Omaha and Lincoln wholesale
houses are said to be figuring on the
establishment of a number of branch
houses in the west in order to give
their customers the advantage of bet
ter freight rales.
A new classification of rates is soon
to be established , by order of the In
terstate Commerce commission, and
it will b; necessary for the wholesale
concerns to maintain branch stations
! if they are to hold their trade.
i The commercial organizations of
j several western Nebraska towns are
I already getintg busy In an effort to
(secure the locations of one or more
or these branch houses and Alliance
being so favorably located, ought to
be able to induce the managers of the
big concerns to select this city as the
proper location for their branch
The rapid development of western
Nebraska and the growing import
ance of trade in this territory makes
a strong argument In behalf of Al
liance In this connection. The rail
road facilities are adequate, giving
to any wholesale house an excellent
outlet in any direction.
If these branch establishments are
to be located, and the Omaha and
Lincoln papers say they are. It is In
order for a concerted movement In
behalf of the interests of Alliance.
Will My Child Take Ir. King's New
This best answer is Ir. King's New
Discovery itself. It's a pleasant
sweet syrup, easy to take. It con
tains the medicines which years of
experience have proven best for
coughs and colds. Those who have
used Dr. King's New Discovery long
est are its best friends. Besides ev
ery bottle Is guaranteed. If you
don't get satisfaction you get your
money back. Buy a bottle, use as di
rected. Keep what is left for cough
and cold Insurance.
Adv 1
MetliiMltst Church Service
Services at the Methodist church
Sunday, September 10, will be tlw1
closing services for the conference
year. Regular services will be held
both morning and evening. The
annual conference meets on Septem
ber 13 at Hastings. Rev. Cams,
pastor of the Alliance church, will
attend. His many friends are hop
ing that he will be returned for an
other year to this charge.
WHERE? Read The Alliance Her
ald and find out for yourself.
in full box board cases
aold by the dealer listed here.
Labor Day was generally observed
throughout the United States. Great
parades were the features of the day's
, program In t he larger cities and pic
I uics and sport carnivals in the small
er places.
President Wilson officiated at the
ceremony at Ilodgenville, Ky., when
the old home of Abraham Lincoln was
given to the nation.
Many tight fai.s were injured at
Colorado Springs when the bleacher
fell at the Welsh-White tight.
Commissioner Norrls of the federal
land board says Montana farmers pay
the highest interest on lands.
Roumanian troops make It Interest
ing for the central powers on the east
ern war front.
Greece appears to be inclined to
yield to the inevitable and grant the
request of the allies for control of the
public utilities.
Richard C. Kerens, former ambas
sador to Austria, died Monday at his
home in St. Louis.
Candidate Hughes declines to at
tend a labor day meeting when he was
told that he would not be expected to
discuss the political situation.
Germany reports great damage to
British cities by bombs thrown from
The Nebraska State Fair is draw
ing great crowds and the array of ex
hibits Is said to be the "begt ever."
Hiram Wheeler, oldest editor In
Illinois, is dead at his home in Quin
cy. III.
President Gompors of the Ameri
can Federation of Labor, in a speech
at Iewiston. Me., lauded the stand
taken by President Wilson In the
cause of labor and denounced the at
titude of Charles E. Hughes because
of his decisions when on the bench.
The American senate votes to re
taliate against the British blacklist.
Pancbo Villa is said to be plotting
with revolutionary leaders in El
The Japanese make new demands
on China and by so doing imperil the
rights of the United States.
Railroad managers will unite In
an effort to have the Adamson bill
declared unconsi ttutlonal.
The Germans are building two
Zeppelins for nail service between
German) and the United Stales.
IAHIK lllKHl I'Vel (MHIll I
No one can either feel good nor
look good while suffering from con
stipation. Get rid of that tired, drag
gy. lifeless feeling by a treatment of
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Buy a
box today, take one or two pills to- .
night. In the morning that stuffed, '
dull feeling is gone and you feel bet-!
ter at once. 25c at your druggist.
Adr 2
Mr. Business Man, on your ucxt
trip take along some artistically
printed business cards. The expense
Is light and they are business get
ters. The Herald's Job printing de-!
partment will turn them out prompt- j
ly. Phone 340 and we will call. I
tlo Ciher Tobacco lies a Flavor
That Gives Them So Much
If i'U should vint the p;:cat to
vy(i- rowing , l:lr.tceo-in:tii!it,
ccnlt .. j on would tii;,
. r.i' n ifn who are tin be -l hV.;
of t;j! .vcn in il form s i.v:
phi- t ' i.eo.
Oid K i;ti:tky j;ics yen tin- fu!
bono fit .f ti"i!J natun.l juice o.
the if i and iho juice font.-Hii
!! the 1' iv-or. and all the whole
. tik'. is iii elements whicl
:-i;ik: i: m vii'iiablc as well .n cn
' ': K y . .il b
- '.: i . .a an;
! ... . nic'W
' 1 . i: - thrill, and th.
that it is made of choice
elected, ripe Burlcy leaf, in :
"m. sanitary factory.
-lti!j of OKI Kentucky i
i delicious. You'll sa
i ,j . ,- i ; ted its equal, and th
ii e'vw it the better vou'
i U' v '. Tut it from vour de.-dcr.
Canned Heavy Itusli of lApntt.H
The Alliance office of the Adams
Express Company was overcrowded
with business Friday, Saturday and
Sunday, due to the preparations be
ing made for the railroad strike,
which appeared certain at that time.
Passenger traffic through this city
was also immensely heavy. The
trains carried many extra passenger
coaches and each train had three
and four baggage cars. Passengers
getting on at Alliance had difficulty
in finding seats. Doubtless many
touri3ts who hastened the completion
of their vacations are sorry that they
were so hasty In getting to their
homes, in view of the hot weather
now being endured in the Hast.
Smoker for T. 1. A. and Firemen
A smoker is to be enjoyed at the
city hall Friday evening by members
of the Alliance volunteer fire depart
ment and members of Post M, T. I'.
A. This is In fulfillment of obliga
tions Incurred at the ball game be
tween the two teams Sunday.
Says I to myself, says I. The Her
ald's the paper to buy.
A- fc
I x awmnttto..
Especially designed for Farmers and Stockmen
Unlike any Course ever before offered ly any Business College
Given under Two Plans:
The Major Term leads to our Special Short Course Diploma
We also offer Courses in Stenography, Bookkeeping, Banking, Civil Service, Commercial
Teaching, Etc.
We occupy the only strictly Fire-proof Business College Building in this section of the
West; Equipment modern, Faculty unequaled.
Don't experiment. Better be safe than sorry It costs no more.
Nebraska School of Business
Cor. 0 and 14th Sis.,
Potash Town l on n lloont
Tlx- t'vn of Antiorh wbro the bii!
potash 9in are bcinu developi-d is a
few miles out from Alliance on the
Hurlintton. A few mouths iiio tlu r
nothing to show Unit there was
anything doing nt that place; now. h
town has been platted, a ft,H)o hotel
has heen built, many residences ni
under construction ; i d a new station
huildi i! Is to be Imiit at once by the
IlurliPi-'ton anil an auent installed at
that place. New railway sidings air
beinc put In and the bin plants of
the Nebraska Potash co;i .puny and th
American Potash company are being
rompl.ted and enlarged. These two
plants will represent an Investment
of nearly ll'nn.Onu. Itridgeport
Constipation (lie Father of Many UN
Of the numerous Ills ibat affeit
humanity a large share s uit with
co'isl ipat ion. Keep your bowels reg
ular and they may be avoided. When
a laxative is needed taVe Chan ber
lain's Tablets. They net only move
the bowels but impr. ve the appetite
and strengthen the digestion. Ob
tainable everywhere.
Adv Sept
From 12 to 2 1 pages of interesting
Alliance, Hox IHnl,1 county and west
ern Nebraska news In every issue of
The Alliance Herald for only $l.f.O
per year. Subscribe now.
Scottsbluff defeated Mitchell Mon
day, 10 to 1 Storz and Hollings
worlh formed the battery for Scotts
bluff. and Mitchell, Maloy and Weim
oth acted for the visitors.
Grandmother's Recipe
Restore Color, Gloss
and Attractiveness.
Almost even one knv that Sage Tea
.id Sulphur, prcycrly compounded,
brings back the natural color and lustre
to the hair when faded, streaked or
gray. Years ugo the only way to gett'ii
mixture wii to make it at home, which
is nuisy and troublesome. Xowad;8. by
iiskinjr at any ilnijr store for "Wyeth
.vage and Sulphur Compound "' you will
t'i't a 'a rue bottle of thi f'mous old
recipe, improved by fie addition of other
iir.'-.ili' it.-i. for nbntl c iils.
pei.'t ''1a u'',;,y! Try it! No on.'
:' pi -xi'ily tell ti nt vnii d.irl ."led you"
1 air. a it do"-; it ?'i nat'i'nllv and
i vi n! . Yu dampen a -puiefe or soft,
brii-h v . i 1 1 1 it an! .!iav t'i thvou''i
miiii air. taking one snail strand at a
time: 'y murn'i tne 'fvt hair ili
nppea ". and aftee ;iu,er appii'':itin
or to. vour 'ir l. i inn - beautifully
ilsrk. !i)s"y and :m .'.tivv.
S.H'c H In! S ( ouipnuild
.. II I1' M'jlll fill '!'''' T -.111 ' -ill' 'it t'lO-"
w ho d ire da i k l air an I a touthful ap
P 'a raini-. II i- iiol i;end'il l"i t ic cure,
mitigation or piecntiou of disease.
a i m S3!
V. -Vy V N.
Wi-i-fateI jV-wfe-.---
11 H
COMK. (tiMi:. comi;
to the Pairoalit at llo PresbyterlaB
church on Sunday evening, at 8
41-11-7591 1
lienili of Ke- Ikil"
Julian Ito.n. son of Arthur and
Pert ha Hoss. w as born February 20,
19 13. and died in Alliance, Septem
ber 1. 191 fi. age three years, six
months and eleven days. Funeral
d t th" Methodist
church and conducted by K v. J. H.
How to ;ivo i oil Advice
Th" best way to give good advice
Is to set a good exa:i:pl' When oth
ers see how quickly you get over
your cold by taking Chamherlaln'B
Cor nil Keinedy they are likely to
follow your example. This remedy
has been in use fr many years and
n.ios an excellent reputation. t!b
i.iinable every w here.
Adv Sept
MciiiIm I'w of Finance Committee
Wilbur W. Marsh, treasurer of the
lieniocriitic National Committee, has
notilied William Mitchell. John
O'Keefe. Lloyd C. Thomas. Edgar
Martin and Hubert Graham that they
have been appointed members of the
Finance Committee for Alliance and
certiiicates of appointment have been
issued to them. These men are
authorized to solicit and receive con
tributions for the work of the Dem
ocratic National committee.
IlKAIl THIS, srilK
You sure will miss a treat if you
do not come to the Pageant at the
Presbyterian church at 8 o'clock. Be
there and bring a friend.
IlrotlierluMHls Issue Denial
The following statement was pub
lished in The Herald last week In an
Interview with an Alliance railroad
official quoting Vice President By
rain: "A number of our train and engine
men have come in and told us that
they Just paid their dues, sent In let
ters of resignation to the organiza
tion and feel that this releases them
under these conditions from any ob
ligations to go out."
In accordance with the request of
olliclals of the brotherhoods. The
Herald Is herewith publishing their
denial of the above statement, with
reference to the Alliance division.
The men state that there was not a
single resignation from the brother
hoods on this division and that they
were well pleased with the attitude
of their members in the strike crisis.
Calling cards for the ladies are
printed promptly and neatly at The
Herald office. The prices are reas
onable. Phone 340 for samples and
prices or call at the oltice.
Friends of George Duncan, county
commissioner, report that he has
placed on order for a tall silk hat
and a gold-headed cane, to wear
when riding in that new, stylish auto
which he was seen driving about the
first of the week.
.. "i