I"1 'a Before You Build 1 . ... J ' Whether you contemplate build ing a house, bungalow, barn, garage anything at all come in and look over our assortment 1 of up-to-date plans. And let us give you real practical help ideas and suggestions that will save you money, time, trouble and worry. And When You're Ready to build or even to repair or remodel remember that our flooring, siding, roofing, shingles, lath, sheath ing, dimension lumber, building paper and all kinds of building material are the cheapest and best Come In and See Us First FOREST LUMBER COHPANY V6M' - . MR BP A Good Place to Stop Western Hotel has beerT remodeled and is the most up-to-date rooming house in Alliance 46 clean, airy, modern outside rooms. Every one desirable. Modern bath rooms on each, floor. Plenty of hot water. New mattresses, springs and beds. Tbey sleep fine. Ice water and otber conveniences. , Location desirable. One-half block north of depot Prices are reasonable. Rooms rented by day or week. OIt us a trial. We guarantee satisfaction. The Western Hotel A. B. WIIEELKR, Proprietor 110 Box Butte Avenue Alliances Nebraakk Lloyd's Column umamttmmmmmmmmmmmtmi The Flitft (By Arthur Macy) Here comes The Flag. ' Hall It! Who dares to drag Or trail It? Give It hurrahs Three for the bars, Three for the stars. Uncover your head to It! The soldiers who tread to It Shout at the sight of It, The Justice and right of it, The unsullied white of it, And tyranny's dread of it! Here comes The Flag! Cheer it! Valley and crag Shall hear it. Fathers shall bless it. Children caress it. All shall maintain it, No one shall stain it. Cheers for the sailors that fought on the wave for It, Cheers for the soldiers that always were brave for it. Tears for the men who went down to the grave for it Here comes THE Flag! Who Am I? I am the foundation of. all bus! ness. I am the fount of all prosperity. I am the parent of genius. I am the salt that gives life its r.avor. 1 ar.i the foundation of every for- tune in America, from Rockefeller's down. I must be loved before I can be Btow my greatest blessings and achieve my greatest ends. Loved, make life sweet and purposeful and (fruitful. f I can do more to advance a youth than his own parents, be I hey ever so rich. i FooU hate me, wise n en love me I I am represented In every loaf of J bread that comes from the oven, in .... I . I . V. . I ctoi nam mti viuuro iu uuuiiii ent, in every ship that streams the ocean, in every newspaper that comes from the press. I am the mother of democracy.' All progress springs from me. Who am I? I am WORK. Exchange. him; He must find In himself the grit and vim . That brings success; be ran get the skill. If he brings to the task a steadfast will. No man Is beaten till he gives In; Hard luck can t stand for a cheerful grin; The man who fails needs a better ex cuse Than the quitter's whining, "Whafa the user For the man who quits lets his chances slip, Just because he's too lasy to keep his grip. The man who sticks goes ahead with a shout, While the man who quits joins the "down and out." The Lyceum World. A Beautiful Newer When Villa was In possession of Juaret some one persuaded him that the city needed a sewer system and street paving. An American con tractor secured the Job. When the work was well advanced Villa an nounced that he wished to look It ov er, so the contractor took him around in an automobile. Pancho stared at everything" and began to swell up like a balloon. "Ah," said he, "Dial would never have done all this nev er! What a beautiful sewer sys tem." And all the time he was looking at the pavement. He didn't know the' difference. - Engineering & Contracting. Hiecial Civil Service Exams A special examination will be held In Alliance September 12 and 26, to fill approximately two hundred n"W ly created positions in the War De partment, for malo stenographers and typewriters. The salaries will be from $900 to $1000 per annum. Particulars regarding the examina tions can be secured from F. W. Hicks, local secretary, at the Alli ance postofflce. Editors may come and editors may go, the rains may fail and the per tatles grow, but as long as someone 1 found to put up the dough, the political organ will continue to blow. Hot Water Each Morning Puts Roses in Your Cheeks 'J V r if 1 " Te look: bm'i Uit'tiiJ ri r.'. k.t is to enjov aa inside bath each morning lush from the system the previous 2ay's waste, sour U nne stations and pat. nanus toxina Mom it ( k..kl vJ-i-i". 1 Wh,n f br". ooatl oagu. bad taste, nasty breath. ilTS-iTu T1? Tww5 : hi lothr 'ho are bothered wittt htadsxh., AtisMJOiftttllbllft ' rfcalaVtiaB (m tka .W 1: n. . a a asataMtible-material la the form of ao the food aad driak Uka each ey Wve in the alimentary organs a rtaia amount of iadleestible material, Uch l f eliminated, form toxias aad whiaa are Uaa sckd into the ry? ,rT dws whib are ia tended to auck 4y r-"HfMfrnrt to 0ittn ike body. U TO wel to see the (low f kealthv m T,". to m ?m skla r elsarer aad ekrtr, ywat oU 6 rfrtek evwy BMmiBs; epoa axiaiac a flMe of t wetet wlkra taaapoimfttJ A Uw wssae li wtkh is a Amulias-SMaJte of wabW Ike weaes lhientary tratt; before puttia saore food into the stomach. Girls and women with sallow skiaa, liver spate, puaplee pUd complex- mm, awv aaoae woo- wax. up wita nuious sp! arid stflHteea or ooaatipa "w sbvsmi ocgia wis paospaaiee sot wmot or ug ana are aaturaa of very pronounecd rssalU la one or two. week. A quarter pound of Umptont pboa. pkaU otf wry Uttlt ai tke drug store Ut ia suUdwt o dKKQntra t& iuU aa aoaa aadkot wataaetwaea, perliea aad fmheae the akin on the outside, to hot watar. end tfmeeton pkosphate act (ectuidrr Uae bFraa sanitation ie va-t- iiy more unportaat taan entaide ckaatt- Mil tk 1m 9wm An. u , V Why Fords lo Up Ktream . Peter Peterson, the Puget Sound contractor, writes us that he was coming down the Skagit river a few days ago when he counted one hun dred and fifty automobiles going up the river on the opposite bank. He asked a farmer what it meant. "Is there a fair or something?" "No replied the farmer, adjusting his steel-rimmed specs, "them's Fords going up the river to spawn." En gineering & Contracting. He Had to Spit on Ilia Hand John Olsen, the marine contractor, at one time had in his employ a day laborer who was ambitious to be come a diver, One day the oppor tunity came and the man put on the diving suit and went down. He hard ly tad been down two minutes before hn signaled to bj drawn up again. The helper baue! him up quickly and he indicated that h? wanted the helmet unscrewed. When this was done he began to take off his loaded shoes and rubber combination suit. "I'm done with dlvin'," he explained. "No more of this business for me. To the devil with a Job where ye can't spit on yer hands.'- Engineering t Contracting. Didn't Kpeak Their I Angling "Twas shortly after the Civil war and a young northern engineer was superintending some negro laborers erecting a bridge. "Reverse the beam' he directed. The men paused then proceeded aa before. "Reverse that ebam!" he yelled some. confusion but no better result of hla order Utterly out of patience he yelled once more .with much em phasis. An amused bystander rail ed, "Jut' turn her end fer end. boys.' and with relieved grins the men swung the beam Into place! M. V. M. J.; The Man Who Quit The man who quits has a brain and hand Aa good as the next;, but he lacks the aand That would make him stick with a courage stout To whatever he tacklea and fight it out. lie starta-wltk a rusk and a solemn I . VOW r That he'll soon be showing the tV ! . ere how; Ten something new etrikeikla rotr - tng eye, . And his task Is left for the bye and GLASS OF SALTS IF i ! Just the Thing for IHarrhoeo "About two years ago I had a sev ere attack of diarrhoea which lasted over a week," writes W. C Jones, uuford, N. D. "I became so weak that I could not stand upright. A druggist recommended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme dy. The first dose relieved me and within two days I was aa well as tv er." Many druggists recommend this remedy because they know that It Is reliable. Obtainable everywhere. Adv aug Liver Trouble ."t am hnthered with liver trouble about twice a year," writes Joe Ding man. Webster City, Iowa. "I have pains In my side and back and an aw ful soreness In my stomacn. i uearu of Chamberlain's Tablets and tried them. Dy the time l nau usea nan a bottle of them I was feeling Ine and had no signs of pain." Obtains ble everywhere. Adv aug GIRL WANTK4) Inquire at Alli ance Hteam laundry. S8-tf-751f KOTICK TO riVOrEKTY OWKKfW The property owners' In Lake pre cinct will take notice that the weed along the highways must be mowed immediately or I shall proceed to cut the same and it will be taxed against the land, L. M. KENNEDY, Road Overseer. 38-2t-7568 Sat less meat if you feel Backachy or have Bladder trouble Baits fine for Kidneys. Meat forms urie acid which excites and overwork the kidneys in their efforts to filter it from the syntem. Regular eat ers of meat must flush the kidneys occa sionally. You mutt relieve them like you relieve your bowels; removing all the acids, waste and poison, else you feel a dull misery in the kidney region, sharp pains in the back or sick headache, diz tineu, your stomach sours, tongue is coated and when the weather ia bad you have rheumatio twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment; the channels often get irritated, obliging you to get ii n two or three times during the night. o neutralize these irritating acids . ..j flush off the body's urinous waste get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy; take a table spoonful in a glass of water before break fast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine and bladder disorders dis appear. This famous salts is made from the said of grapes and lemon juice, oom bined with lithia, aad has been used for generations to clean and stimulate slug gUh kidneys snd stop bladder irritation. Jad Salts is inexpensive; harmless and makes a leUphtful effervescent litbia water drink which millions of men and women take now and then, thus avoiding serious kidney and bladder diseases. - We will furnish the money to build homes in Alliance. We Inspect the property ourselves and furnish money quickly at a low rate of inter est. Nebraska Laud Company, Alli ance, Neor. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER Quality Pianos and Player Pianos Now offered and sold direct from Factory to Home. ANY ONE intending to purchase Piano or Player Piano within the next year should not fail to take advantage of our special proposition to first buyers in your community, for it means a round saving of at least $100 to you. Scfcnolfer & taudler Instruments ere Ksehssittlly Cerrcst snd contain a sweet mellow rich tone a quality that lingers in the memory In vivid contrast to instruments ordinarily sold on the Special Sales Plan. Oar 57 rnn ot eontinaed nwem ia th piano batinms (fees roa ttis jdnntta ol oar eitpcriene mad oar 2S year guanine, backed b OW aotirs Capital sod HaaoaroM at ovar Si.UUO.OUO.QU, affords 70a) absolute protection. ' Wa deliver oar inetramenta free 10 your home sod moes tarns to sJt yoa aoaveoienae, 3 to 5 years to pay. Beautiful new designs In GRANDS, UPRIGHTS and PLAYERS. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO. Largett Rrtailen of Piano In th World. F 133 1311-13 Farnam St., - OMAHA, NEBR. Mall This Coupon To-day lor Catafoda aod lafornatSoa ol our Free Trial Offer in your H NAMR. ADDRESS. euSLJim m t shim 1 f 133 J DYE & OWENS Transfer Line HOUSEHOLD GOODS moved promptly, and Transfer Work solicited. Dray Fhont MT Residence phone 630 and Bint 174 HARNESS Hand made from best material. Outlast any factory made cooda. Call and see. Harness repairing by experts ne ed harness maker. J. M. COVERT At M. D. Nichols' stand, Alliance Uhat Dividend Should a Telephone Company Pay? We believe that we should pay euch a return on the money Invested in our property as will enable us to obtain additional money necessary for making extensions and improvements re quired by the public. - - If we do not earn enough to get this new money the public will suffer from the curtailment of extensions and improvements that should be made. We make additions to the plant out of new money invested and not but of profits from the service sold. There are many problems peculiar to the telephone business necessitating extra expenditures which we cannot control. There are. occasional expenses caused by sleet storms, floods and torna does which amount to thousands of dollar. Then there may be increased taxes or possible exactions from governing bodies re garding methods of construction, operating requirements, etc., which add to our expenses. These costs always bear upon the problem of dividends; This company is and will be satisfied with' a fair average return, on the money actually invested in the busness. We have absolutely no M watered stock:' A dollar has been invested in' physical property for every dollar'a werih of securities issued; All we ask or: have1 a' right to expect ir such a Teturn on' the" xaonty invested iijr on prerty at ' cptOd bi', obtained on iW money, if it were invested in other business enterprises involvinr 'Ufy"rtsk'' ;v . - i . In special eases in the' extension of business, where extra oTdinaryfrisk are tafcen hich entitU us to some extraprofit in consideration of such risks we shall only ask for that return t on the; investment' which any. equitable" commission' or' court would award tat oowi aoree ' sesientu aaa txaia from the woman wne imim rmua. Ill's te-nexk: ruui what eecosaes ef evu . - - m ' "" Zji a. o s . -dSr - - eaVr .4 - - - - . . ... ens-sjo-fjBe-sj ssa-vaaaaasjjsjjBMijj.,-,-