BUY ANY SUIT IN THE HOUSE AY SA1UHMV n A AND AND Your Unrestricted Choice-Nothing Reserved. The Biggest Bargain Event of the Year his report to the sup. in one line: "Sir: Where the railroad was the river is." Society $ol. On Monday evening Helen Sctaort entertained In honor. of Hannah Co tant, a few of her classmates. Miss Cotant left Tuesday noon for Cleve land, Ohio, wher she trill attend school this year. The young folks were entertained at out-of-door games, and light refreshments were served. Railroad Notes Brevity In lUUImad Work Danny O'Brien got a Job on the rHtlon working for the C. B. & Q. railroad In eastern Nebraska, where i they have river which occasionally ; get out of their banks. The superin tendent told him to go along the line ; looking for washouts. "And don't bo so long winded In your reports as ye huve been in the past," said the sup. "Just report the condition of the roadbed as ye find it, and don't put In a lot of need less words that ain't to tho point. Write like a business letter, not like a love letter." Well, Danny got on the handcar and went along the track looking lor washouts. When he came to the river he stopped the car and wrote Marriage of Watsoii-FattMwoii (Contributed) At high noon Thursday of last week a pretty wedding occurred at the Presbyterian manse in Alliance when Mr. Erwin 8. Patterson and Miss Adalin R. Watson were united. The beautiful ring ceremony was used by Rev. Lewis Mclntyre. Mr. Patterson is the postmaster of Flo mot, Texas. MIsb WatBon was book keeper for the Moore & Blood groc ery for a number of months. Their many friends wish them lifelong happy sailing on the matrimonial sea. NOTICK OK KIIKIUKK'H SALK Notice Is hereby given that by vir tue of an order of sale issued by the Clerk of the District Court of Box Butte county, Nebraska, In an action wherein Belle Cladene Gaddls, Exec utrix of the Estate of Georgia D. Gaddls, Deceased, is Plaintiff and Prude Broyles, Robert B. Broyles, Grayce Broyles, James Durham, James W. Durham, J. O. Redln- YOUNG MEN! Do you want real, style features! COME TO OUR STORE ever. and see our Line of FALL' AND WINTER SUITINGS AND OVERCOATINGS This Autumn season the young men's styles are better than , r. We have on display the Fall and Winter line of DETMER'S GUARANTEED WOOLENS Finest Made-to-Mi-HMiie liotlus The young men's fabrics and models will greatly appeal to you and the fit and hang of the completed garment will meet with your satisfaction. You'll be mighty pleased with your made-to-measure suiting we will deliver you this Autumn, and the prices are far below your expectation. WONDERFUL VALUES AT $15.00, $18.00 $22.50 $25.00 and up. COME IN TODAY KEEP-U-NEAT Cleaners and Tailors Roy B. Burns, Proprietor Phone 133 205 Box Butte Ave. DetmerWod?"- tho best tail: mcnts. Ask the who knows" (ft3 3c3 baugh, Chenla A. Newberry, were Defendants I will at 10 o'clock A. M. uu the 8th duy of September, 1916, at the west front door of the Court House In the City of Alliance, Box Bntte County, Nebraska, offer for sale at Public Auction the follow Ing described lands and tenements,' to-wit: The South Half of the Northeast' Quarter (S NEK) and Southeast Quarter of Section Twenty-four (24) in Township Twenty-four (24) North of Range Forty-nine (49), West of the 6th Principal Meridian. Also tract of land described as fol-, lows. Commencing at the northwest cor-, ner of the northwest quarter of Sec tion thirty (30) In Township Twen-1 ty-four (24) north of Range Forty- j eight (48) west of the 6th Principal Meridian thence east along the north ' line of said quarter Bection to the rlcht of way of the Nebr. Wy. & Western R. R. right of way; thence southwest along the west line of said right of way to south line of said quarter section; thence west along the south line of said quarter sec tion to its southwest corner, thence i north along the west line of said quarter section to the point of begin-! ning. All In Box Butte County, Ne-j braska. Given under my hand this 9th day' of August, A. D. 1916. j C. M. COX. Sheriff. j S. (J. Oilman, Attorney for Plaintiff.! 3-&t-760-7329 Jo G LAING "MODERN CLOTHES FOR MEN" TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOUND A bunch of keys. Own er may have the same by calling at Drake Hotel and paying for this ad. 8-lt-747 BOY WANTED for office work. Age sixteen to eighteen years. Call at Herald office for particulars. 36-lt-7486 WANTED One or two rooms foV light housekeeping. Telephone 451. 36-lt-7492 LOST TO MITCHELL chell team Sunday by the score of 4 to 0. "Red" Whaley pitched shut out ball for six innings and received perfect support; iMtchell scored one in the last of the seventh and three in the last of the eighth. Felton, Merkey and Bond of the Bridgeport team played great ball for the locals, Felton starring with the bat, getting three hits off Wilson. Alliance out hit Mitchell, 9 to 4, but Wilson kept the hits scattered and the locals on ly saw third base three times. The field was a sea of mud and this made good base running impossible. The Mitchell people say that this game was one of the most interesting ever played on their grounds. Summary proximately 550 took of Screened Egg or Screened Pea lignite j:oal for the Alliance School District, for use during winter of 1916-1917, said coal to be delivered In bins, wagoa scale weights to govern. Specifica tions to accompany each bid. F. W. HARRIS, Secretary. 36-11-7493 RUE 0-0 9 2 x-4 4 2 Alliance llaweball Team Lost to Mit chell by Score of 14 to O Sunday Alliance 00000000 Mitchell 000000 13 Two-base hits," Tel tony Meikey, Whaley. Struck out by Wilson, 10; by Whaley 10. Base on balls, off Whaley 8. Batteries, Wilson and Mooney; Whaley and McNulty. (By "Jack" Oleason) - The Alliance baseball team met j defeat at the hands of the fast Mlt- NOTICK Bids will be received by the un dersigned up to August 21, for ap- The Tramp Wiw Scared 1 A tramp came near losing his Ufa Saturday evening In the railroad yards and gave himself as well as -the crew of the switch engine a bad scare. He was considerably und-r the influence of liquor and had seat ed himself on a rail to rest Along came the switch engine. The tramp heard the bell but did not move and the crew did not see him until they were "right" oa him. He was knock ed between the rails and the for trucks slipped over him without hurting him. The engine stopped with the big drivel's squeeilng his leg. He "hollered" but was pull-Hi out and on examination was fouud' to be none the worse for wear. Keep Your Feet Off Your Mind Come here for shoes let us fit you in The Florsheim SAoe You'll get comfort from the first to the last day's wear. We have styles that will please you and shoe fitters who know the anatomical lines of the feet. Perfect fitting, comfortable shoes cost no more than the ordinary kind. We'll keep your feet off your mind. W. fi. HARPER DEPT STORE