The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 03, 1916, Image 8

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OldcsiPianoIIouscin TI6
Piano 200t450 Player Piano o(oouu .
Are instruments of artistic excellence and have stood
the test of forty-seven years.
They are constructed under our direct supervision
of the best material and contain all the latest im
provements. They are guaranteed unqualifiedly for 25 years under
all conditions.
Our convenient payment plan, $5.00 and upwards
per month, makes buying easy.
No better piano No more liberal firm to buy from.
Every instrument sold Direct from Factory to Home,
saving you middleman's profit of $100.00 or more.
Wrlta today for frea lllufrated catalog and pedal offer to fint buyert In
. your locality It meant dollar to you.
Dept. D 133 1311-13 Farnara St., Omaha, Neb.
Lloyd's Column
Hand made from bat material.
Outlast any factory mad gooda.
Call and se.
Harness repairing by experienc
ed harness maker.
At M. D. Nichols' sUnd, AHUnr
The Ford a simple car of proved quality. A ear
anyone can operate, anyone can care for and a car
that brings pleasure, service an (satisfaction to ev
erybody. The car of more than a million owners.
Reliable service for owners from Ford agents every
wheere. Touring Car $440; Runabout $V.)Q; Coup
elet 590; Town Car $640; Sedan $740, f. o. b. De
troit. On display and sale at
Keeler-Coursey Company
Please Tl 73 fomilu
BrinMomo 2rd 3 times Weeklu
H Take them a treat for warm weaihcr. The expense ia
H 1U)i! vs lr Ih i he irmi ia liked by all. Nothing better for 5
S ' s
the lumily than pure, wholesome Ice Cream. When you ' 3
take them E
Diamond A Ice Cream
they will like It became they know that It is made ln
H i
g j sanitary surroundings from pure lngredienta. Buy It at
Phone 545
I ., J -i
liM'atitiK Tlilnjrw
t left her at the break of day,
Within the open door,
The sunlight on her locks of gray,
Her shadow on the floor.
Terre Haute Tribune.
The gratis, of courtie, was on the lawn
And moat came after grace
Aye, everything that perfect dawn
Was In its proper place.
Buffalo Evening News.
Clearly, he left her say no more;
The sun was In the sky
He left her at the open door,
And does not tell us why.
Dixby In State Journal.
Perhaps the break of day Bhowcd him
That she was fat and he was slim
And memory punched him In the ribs
So back he went to wife and kids,
"Our banking system should be re
formed," remarked the old fogy.
"That's right," agreed the grouch.
"There should be some way to pre
vent checks from coming buck mark
ed 'No Funds'." Cincinnati Enquirer.
"You say the officer arrested you
while you were quietly minding your
own business?
"Yes, your honor. He caught me
suddenly by the coat-collar- and
threatenod to truncheon tno unless I
accompanied him quietly to the sta
"You were peaceably attending to
your own business, making no noise
or disturbance of any kind?
"None whatever, sir."
"It seems very strange. What Is
your business?"
"I'm a burglar.'V-Tit-Bits.
A wild-eyed, disheveled-looking
woman burst into the local police sta
tlon. "My husband has been threat
ening to drown himself for Bbrae
time," she cried, hysterically; "and
he's been missing now for two days
I want you to have the canal drag
ged." "Anything peculiar about him
by which he can be recognized, sup
posing we find the body?" Inquired
the Inspector. The woman hesitated,
and seemed at a loss for a minute or
two. Then a look of relief slowly
overspread her face. "Why, yes,"
she exclaimed at last; "he's deaf!"
food and mud baths.
In Germany and Austria peat batha
have become well-established Institu
tion within the last few years, and
recently such batha have been tried
In some of the sanitariums of the
Middle West with excellent results In
certain cases.
As a food for live stock, however,
peat seems to bare found its most
curious use, Inasmuch as the kind of
peat used Is thousands of years old,
and, though it la still vegetable in
character, it is only a step removed
from a low-grade coal.
As a stock food It is used in a mix
ture containing molasses. Results
have been reported by veterinarians
as satisfactory, the peat acting as a
tonic and corrective.
Th kind used in the black, well-
humtned, or rotted kind. It is pre
pared In virtually the same manner
as that Intended for use as a fertilizer.
About 57,000 tons of peat Was
"mined" In the United States last
year, with a value of approximately
1367,000. It. is not generally real
ized that the peat deposits of this
country are among the most extens
ive In the world.
Police and Detectives Are Using Lip
Heading In Plate of the
Thousands of deaf people are today
throwing away all hearing devices
and enjoying all conversation. This
method Is easily and quickly acquired
thru our system. Absolutely the only
thing of its kind in the country. Our
proposition is entirely original. We
guarantee results, it will amaze you.
Cost is trifling. See what New Inter
national Encyclopaedia says on Lip
Reading. Hundreds of people with
normal hearing are taking .up Lip
Reading for the many adldtional ben
nfits gained. You can understand
what the actors are saying In the
moving pictures. You can under
stand what people are saying Just a a
far away as you can see them. The
eye understands beyond the range of
hearing. Send no money, but men .
(ion this paper and state whether or
not you are deaf. All particulars
will be sent you absolutely free and
with no expense to you. AddreBS
School of Lip Language, Kansas City
t'oples Complete Article
The Dally Drovers Journal-Stock-man,
the leading newspaper of Its
incl in Nebraska, lublishod at South
Omaha, In its issue of July 24th,
printed the complete article publish
ed in The Alliance Herald on July 20,
telling of the farmers' picnic and ex
cursion in Box Butte county on July
18. The article occupied more than
a column In the Journal-Stockman,
and gave Box Butte county some well
deserved advertising.
During a social evening a woman
sang for the guests. One of the
guests turned to a meek-looking lit
tle man sitting at his side and said:
"How awful! Who can she be?"
"That." replied the man addressed,
"Is my( wife." "Oh, I b-b-beg your
pardon!" stuttered the other. "She's
really . a I know she'd sing beautl
fullyjf she made a better selection of
her music. Who do you suppose
wrote that song?" "1 am the author
of that song!" replied the meek-looking
little man.
A priest one Sunday was showing
off his class and proceeded to usk one
little boy in the presence of the arch
bishop: "What is matrimony?"
The little boy's eyes bulged out at
the suddenness with which the ques
tion was put. and then he said me
chanically: "Matrimony is a state of
punishment to which some souls are
condemned to suffer for a while be
fore they are considered good enough
lo go to heaven."
"Tut, tut," said the priest. "That
is the definition of purgatory,"
"Let him alone." said the arch
bishop. "He may be right what do
you and I know about it. anyway?
Everybody s.
"Ma husban's very poorly,-ma'am.
He's got dat exclamatory rheuma
tism." "You mean intlammatory,
Martha. Exclamatory Is from ex
claim, which means to cry out."
"Yes, ma'am, dat's what it is. He
hollers If anyone goes near him."
Boston Transcript.
A lt of People ApMtreutly Think It
Can lie Done
ItU Transfer Line
rii moTed promptly, a&4
'wju!ls?" Tr""fer Worlt oUc,t
i t.
Dny rhon 14
Residence phon 636 and Bint 171
"Isn't it funny how an Intelligent
man can be superstitious?" remarked
. "It is." replied Brown. "Why, I
regard Friday as my lucky day and
thirteen as my lucky number. There's
nothing superstitious about me."
Cincinnati Enquirer.
First urchin I'd ruther be- Mr.
Hughes than Mr. Wilson.
Second urchin Why?
First Wouldn't have so much
face ter wash. Boston Transcript.
Crawford I suppose Rockefeller,
as usual, was the largest contributor
to charity the past year.
Crabshaw It looks so, the way
gasoline Is going up. Life.
Novel 's for Pet
Some interesting uses are being
made of peat in the 1'nited States. It
is manufactured into a fertilizer and
employed as a fertilizer filler. It Is
also used for making paper, stock
"You can't squeeze blood out of a
turnip." This is absolutely true, but
a lot of people evidently don't believe
You can't expect nervous, run
down men and women to be cheery,
normal beings. They don't get one
half out of life that they deserve. But
a lot of people expect it of them.
In every community there are a
legion of these men and women. Not
really sick, perhaps, but affected with
r nervous, debilitated condition pr
that they imagine countless things
are wrong with them. They have
frequent headaches, are sluggish in
mind and In body and they haven't
enough real energy to make . them
self-reliant in even the little things
of life. They haven't enough rich,
red blood to nourish their bodies.
Their vital organs are congested.
They need something to speed up
their assimilation to a normal state,
something to bring back old vitality,
self-reliance and a cheery view of
They need something that contains
the right nerve food, tonic, lnvlgora
tor and appetizer which will awaken
their sleeping energies.
. Tanlac is desinned especially to
meet these conditions. For the re
lief of stomach, kidney and liver ail
menta and catarrhal affections of the
mucous membranes it is believed to
be without an equal. . It fortifies one
to better encounter fatlieue, exposure
and the daily grind of life.
Tanlac has won the ureatest sue
cess ever scored by a medicine. It
could not have done so without super
lative merit. As the proof of the
pudding is in the eating, so is the
proof of Tanlac in the taking.
Tanlac now may be obtained In Al
liance at the Thlele drug store, where
it is oeing personally introduced and
Keen Hogs Cool
During the hot luouihs of summer.
hogs suffer from lack of shade and
are often lost on account of the heat.
Where there is no natural shade, the
College of Agriculture says It should
be provided by sheds which may be
movable or permanent. These can
be had with but little expense by a
pole and straw roof supported by
posts. This will allow tne free circu
lation of air, and if the water supply
Is near will enable the bogs to pass
the heated period safely.
We will furnKh the money to
build homes In Alliance. We Insiiect
the Dronert v ourselves and furnlh
money quickly at a low rate of Inter.
est. Nebraska IjiiicI ComitMity, Alii
ante, Nebr.
The Bungalow
Bungalow homes arc becoming
more popular every season. But why
waste your time looking about at ran
dom? We have plans for scores of
different designs that may suit you bet
ter than any home you have ever seen.
Lumber and AH Material
We can furnish you material as
well as ideas. Our yard is well stocked
with flooring, siding, shingles, sheath
ing, dimension lumber, building paper,
lath, roofing and building materials of
all kinds.
Costs nothing to talk with us and
we can save you money if you buy.
A t 'US
'4 M r i r A
X ' iylNCOllS",
World! beat Live .Stock, Agriculture,
Horticulture and Domestic Exhibits.
Voys Camp Better Cables
Horse RaciruJ on 5,0.7,s6
Ruth LavvAvi atrix.
Qrand QperaQomyany
"I ene bad tcrribl
Grippe. I could sot at-
t.nd to my work, I took
ami of Dr. M1I AflU-
Pala Fllla aad th pain
was Quickly gone Tnen
I started uains Dr. MUca
Korvln. an J tha trmiM.
vanished completely and
I felt well and active
oo morn." -
Spring Valley. Minn.
Pain and 111 Health
rob you of all your
quickly relieve Piin, but
at the same time, when
over-work or nervousness
is the cause,
Dr. Miles
Restorative Nervine
should be used to relieve
the cause.