The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 03, 1916, Image 10

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(Continued from last week)
elusion of Hsynea peK-h thera was a
noisy dinionatratlon. Delegates wav
ed flans and banners and Mood on
thfir seats and shouted. The Indl
na delegation marched through
aisles and over the platform, singing
patriotic songs.
After a twelve-minute demon sirs
tlon for Hanly, order was restored
Arltona was next called and JCugene
W. Chafln placed in nomination Wm
Suiter, former governor of New
Tork. His speech was punctuated
with applause. He concluded with
the declaration that "Sunday school
politics have prevailed too long In the
prohibition party and we now need a
talesman as our leader." A aem
onst ration was begun and lasted four
Dr. Grafton D. Day nominated Dr
James Gilbert Mason of New Jersey.
Daniel A. Poling of oBston second
ed the nomination of Mr. Hanly.
John C. Coflin of Florida seconded
the nomination of Mr. Sulzer.
II. P. Ferris, national treasurer of
the party, who had been leading a
movement for the nomination of Dr.
Ira D. Landrith of Nashville, Tenn.,
went to the platform and amid ap
plaupn seconded the nomination of
Mr. Hanly.
The platform of the national pro
htbitlon party, adopted at today's
session of the party's convention, do-
nounces the liquor traffic as a crime
declares for nation-wide prohibition
and equal suffrage and opposes the
military programs of the republican
and democratic parties, and favors "a
constructive" platform, which, sum
rnariied, makes the following declar
at ions:
Expresses opposition to the
"wasteful military programs of the
democratic and republican parties."
Support would be given a compact
among nations to dismantle navies
and disband armies, but until mich a
compact Is established maintenance
of art effective army and navy and ad
equate coast defenses is recommend--ed.
Favors reciprocal trade treaties to
be negotiated with all nations and
ocm missions appointed to' gather
facts. ... ,
Favors national legislation to en
courage the establishment of an ade
quate fleet of American merchant
ahlps. Opposes war with Mexico; pledges
aid to the protection of American
lives and favors use of force when
Approves strict Interpretation of
the Monroe doctrine.
Opposes abandonment of the Phil
ippine Island at this time but favors
ultimate Independence.
Favors non-political promotions, to
be governed by civil service regula
tions, apllcable to all federal execu
tive officials.
Favors uniform marriage and di
vorce laws and complete suppression
of white slavery.
Declares for prohibition of child
labor, approves eight-hour day with
one hour rest each dav and extension
Of compensation and liability feder
al acts. ' '
Opposes "pork barrel" legislation"
and useless federal expenditures.
Favors a single presidential term
of six years.
Demands public ownership of util
ities to be operated in the Interest of
all people.
Favors public grain elevators,
owned and operated by the federal
government and abolition of specula
lion on markets.
Favors equitable retirement law
for maintenance of super-annuated
federal employes.
Aside from a plank declaring In
favor the initiative, referendum and
recall, agreed upon after a short dis
cussion, the platform was adopted as
originally drawn.
ous wrestlers of the world. Including
llackenschmldt, Aberg, Hussane, who
is now with the circus, the younger
Zbyszko and many others.
International lines never stopped
the tireless Curley. He Jumped Into
London and promoted the Iloller-Ga-ma
match and then crossed over Into
Vienna and put on the Roller-Zbyss-ko
and Zbysiko-Madralll contests,
these giving him high standing as a
man who would take a chance.
In fact that Is what Jack has been
doing all of his life. Think of how
tireless and Indefatigable he was In
staging the contest between Jess Wil
lard and Jack Johnson. When the
negro declined to go Into Juaret and
make a fight because of the fear he
had of ever being able to get out of
that disturbed country, Curley went
to Johnson and the battle was staged
In Havana, Cuba. Jack did this on
little more than a shoe-string. His
partners did not like to spend any
more on what they thought was a
lout cause and said so plulnly.
That never worried Curley, and he
went ahead and decided the fight. He
had about thirty cents In his pocket
when he got through but he made a
world's name and no wis reaping the
benefits of that.
Think, too, what he did at Las Ve
gas, N. M., with the Jack Johnson-
Jlm Flynn battle. In the face of gu
bernatorlal opposition he went right
ahead and decided the contest Just
the same.
Few topllnor8 In the boxing game
have not ut one time or another
fought under Curley's management
Ho has personally handled such men
as Benny Yangcr, Frankle Noel, liar
ry Forbes. Dave Barry, "Syracuse
Tommy" Ryan, the Sullivan twins,
Jimmy and George Gardner, Marvin
Hart, John Wille, Jim Flynn, the Pu
eblo war horse, whom he still has,
and with Tom Jones Is a partner In
the management of Jess Wlllard,
world s champion. .
That Curley knows no lines Is
shown by the fact that In addition to
his experiences in foreign lands he
promoted the Marvin Hart-Mike
Schreck fight at Tonapah, Nev., as
well as the New Mexico affair In
which Johnson and Flynn took part.
He's little short of a wonder. Is
this big fellow.
Promoter of Sporting Itonts Visited
Alliance Saturday an StIIm
Floto Advance Agent
At a County Court, held at the
County Court Boom, In said County.
on the first day of August, A, D. 1916.
t'reseni u a. uerry, uounty Judge.
In the matter of tie estate of H. E.
MacCray, Deceased.
On reading and filing the petition
of Christina MacCray praying that
Administration of said Estate may be
granted to R. M. Hampton as admin
istrator de bonis non..
ORDERED. That August 25th. A.
D. 1916, at 10 o'clock a. m. is assign
ed for hearing said petition, when all
persons Interested in said matter may
appear at a County Court to be held
In and for said County, at County
Court room In the city of Alliance, in
said county and show cause why the
prayer of petitioner should not be
granted; utid that notice of the pend
ency of said petition and the hearing
thereof, be given to all persons Inter- i
ested In said mntter by publishing a
copy of this order In the Alliance
Herald, a weekly newspaper printed
in said county, for three successive
weeks, prior to nald day of hearing.
(SEAL) . County Judge.
VANTi:i) Old clean raits. .V ht
nouuri. fall HiO.
Do colds settle on your chest or in your
bronchial tubes t Do coughs bang on, or
are you subject to throat troublts?
Such troubles should have immediate
treatment with the strengthening powers
of Scott's Emulsion to guard against
consumption which so easily follows.
Scott's Emulsion contains pars cod liver
oil which peculiarly strengthens the res-
eratory tract and improves the quality of
e blood ; the glycerin in it soothes and
heals the Under membranes of the throat.
Scott's is prescribed by the best special
tea. You can get it at any drug store.
Scott st Bowne. BkmnflcM. M. J.
KO.MK liriKTTINti '
Herald's llK Model A Intfirte Han
died Tbre NwpMrs This
UVek Without Trouble
The Hers Id's big Model A Inter
type, with J. C. Thomas at the helm
aa machinist-operator, handled the
typesetting for three newspapers this
week. In addition f Its regular run of
setting for Job work, advertisements,
The Times' model 8 Linotype suf
fered the first of the week from an
accident and The Herald's machine
was requisitioned for Tuesday's pa
per. In addition to this It handled
the typesetting for today' Herald
and today's Alliance News.
But, not satisfied with this record,
the machine set up a large amount of
matter for a forty-eight page book
which is going through the Job print
ing department of The Herald, In
cluding several intricate and detailed
tables of figures.
The Herald believes that Its com
bination is a hard one to beat a
fast and reliable machine, the Inter
type, and an operator who is speedy
and expert, and who sets his matter
so clean that It is not necessary to
read proofs on It for newspaper work.
Mrs. Wm. Orr visited at Henry last
Rev. Raugh held services here last
Mrs. R. Walker from Heralngford
spent Sunday wtth her sister Mrs. A.
D. Hull.
Mr. Case will soon occupy the
store building he bought of George
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crouch left
Sunday for Chicago for a month's
visit with their daughter Bertha.
George Robinson has sold his prop
erty in and around Angora. He and
his famfly are going overland for an
extended visit in the East
Visit the Alliance Plunge
Alliance people who dd not visit
the fire department swimming pool at
the city halj block are missing 'a
treat. 'The' water1 is changed fre
quently and la kept at the right tern
perature by the new heating plant
If you have never been there,' take
the time for a ylslt. ' Too"! so again.
Misses Grace and Maude Spacht
went to Hemlngford Saturday to visit
over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Slip a few Prince Albert
smokes into youE system!
a. j.
You've heard many an earful about the Prince Albert
patented process that curs our bite and parch and lets you
smoke your fill without a comeback! Stake your bank roll that
it proves out every hour of the day.
Prince Albert has always been sold
without coupons or premiums. We
prefer to give quality 1
There's sport smoking a pipe or rolling
your own, but you know that you've got
to have the right tobacco! We tell you
Prince Albert will ' bang the doors wide
open for you .to come in on a good time
firing up every little so often, without a
regret! Youll feel like your smoke v past
has been wasted and will be sorry you cannot
back up for a fresh start.
You swing on this say-so like it was a tip to a
thousand-dollar bill ! It's worth that in happi
ness and contentment to you, to every man
who knows what can be
gotten out of a chummy
jimmy pipe or a makin's
cigarette with
Prince Albert for
the national joy smoke
feel like your smoke v
Wattaa-Saka. H. C.
Tab) I th nrma
M of UM tta
WW v
Albert tldr
red fin, and na
fact, avarv Prlna
Albert (xckaca, has
a rral maaat-to-ye
on Ita revaraa Ida. You'S
read. "Proceaa Patent
July 30th. 1907." That means
thai tha United States Qo?ra
ment haa Branted a patent on tha
proeeee by which Prince Albert la
made. And by which tone's brrm anal -
. throat parch are cvf our Brere-
Prince Albert awaiting Tom
nd half-pound
In toppy red baa. So: tide?
a. 1W; -kandeonaa
red (tea
tin humid ore and la
that clever eryatal
fla a hvtnl dor, wrtaj
apofige . motet e
top, that keep to
tobacc In atuaa
An conditio
alwapJ ,
1 '
The Making of An "A No. 1" Commission Man
TION to the PERSONNEL of the Inter-State
Live Stock Commission Co., has been at the
South Omaha yards only a few years, but has
shown in this short time SUPERIOR
KNOWLEDGE of the business and has rap
idly made GOOD. He is an assistant to Mr.
Cox, the manager of the Company also as
sistant in the cattle. yards. MR. HANEV is
an A-l young man clean cut in every way
coining from one of the most prominent
families in the SANDHILLS. He was born
in Hyannis, Grant County, Nebraska, twenty-one
years ago. Homer gives you the BIG
smile and COURTEOUS' treatment at "all
Our artist couldn't have produced a pic
ture better representing the varied qualifica
tions of the newest attache of The Inter
State Liye Stock Commission Company. His
work, as assistant to Mr. Cox, the manager,
is largely operating the typewriter, but he
can just as readily and efficiently perform
any other part of the work that he is called
upon to do. He's yoraig in years yet, but he
knows a lot about cattle, knows how to han
die them, was brought up with them, knows
what they are worth. Already he is a strong
factor in the work' of the firm and is bound
to make his mark as alive stock commission
The Inter-State Live Stock Commission Company, South Omaha
A Series of Cartoons full of Human Interest Number 6. Watch for No. 7 Next Week. N
Tbe man who Is known far and
M as the "sporting: encyclopedia
was in the city Saturday. Ills name
is Jnck Curley and he rejoices In the
reputation of being one of tbe world's
greatest promoters of bis; events and
with a brain crammed full of a wider
knowledge of sport than any other
man in the business.
Jack conies here as an advance
courier for the Sells-Floto circus, the
most interesting portion of which as
fsr as the sporting page is concerned
being the presence with that famous
organization of Jess Wlllard. world's
champion boxer, supported by the
greatest aggregation of athletes that
money could assemble.
Curley says that the circus never
haa had a season like this and the
crowds have been of a capacity order
everywhere they have shown and that
the greatest enthusiasm has been
shown by all.
For some time now Curley's name
has been linked with most of the
great gladiators of the ring and mat.
Jack's first actual experience with
Gotch came at a time when Fred Beel
of Marsbfleld. Wis., then coming into
much repute as a "great little man",
sought a match for the title with
Ootrh. Curley promoted the affair
and it gave Gotch his first real claim
1o championship honors. That also
was the first real taste of promoting
ihat Jack got and he wanted more of
tt. But V. W. Wlttig of Minneapolis
broke into the sport game long
about that time, and outbid Curley
for the first match between Gotch and
George llackenschmldt, the Russian
lion. This match got Gotch tha
world's title.
But Jack went right along after
that and was chief promoter of the
Gotrh-Rouen, Gotch-Mahmout. Gotch
Sbyszko and Gotch-IIackenschmldt
matches, tbe latter being the second
enoounier. as a grana winaup ne
was co-partner with Harry Fratee In
promoting the famous trip that Jim
Jeffries and Gotch took with an all-
star company. At different times he
ll J r. m
THE big value car because
it's big in service big in
economy big in general satis
faction. More for your money
every dollar representing
actual service-value.
A high grade automobile
built as you want it built runs
as you want it to run for only
$595. A demonstration will
give you new ideas regarding
motor car values. We have a
car ready for you.
Touring Car 1595; Roadster S580; Cabriolet $865; Town Car $915; Sedan $985.
' Fully equipped, including electric starter and lights. All prices . o. b. Detroit. ,
has managed some of tha most fam