The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 27, 1916, Image 5

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Glen Gentle rame up from Bonner
Dr. Hand went to Hay Springs last
Fred Herman of Bridgeport was
here last week.
WANTED Old clean rags, 6c ior
pound. Call 340.
Chase Feaplns went to Hyannls,
Sunday, returning Tuesday noon.
Fred Childs of Bridgeport was In
Alliance last week visiting friends.
Skinner's Macaroni Products, mad
n Nebraska. Ask your grocer. Ad
Dean Shaw of the Episcopal church
spent the first of the week at Mullen.
Rev. H. J. Young made a flying
trip to Bridgeport Monday morning.
WANTED Old clean rags, 6c per
pound, fall 340.
S. H. Fink, formerly In business
in GAlliance, left Monday noon for
GIRL WANTED Inquire nt Alli
ance' Steam laundry.
Mrs. R. C. Strong and family re
turned Friday from a visit with rel
atives near Bridgeport.
Real Estate, Loans and Insur
ance. F. E. REDDISH, Reddish
Block, 15 tf -6727
Mr. Aggie Flelchman of Merna
rrvel Friuay for a visit with Mr.
andliMre. F. W. Haargarten.
Mrs." J. G. Beck returned to the
ranch near Bingham Tuesday noon,
after a short stay in Alliance.
Mrs, M. J. Murphy of Lakeside re
turned to her home Friday after a
visit in Alliance with friends.
John McCoy, M. D.
Offices and Hospital
Reddish Block Telephone 81
Miss Jennie Hinton, who was vis
iting her cousin Miss Erma Pflug at
Hyannls, returned last Wednesday.
The Haddorff Husic House reports
the salo of a fine grand piano to Miss
Alta Young, Alliance music teacher.
Mrs. I. R. vV.-llf r came down from , .
, l o . ., . ,! nn tn V ' u i t ' -r
WANTED Old clean rags, 6c prr
pound, ("all 340.
Mrs. Cora Lewis was a passenger
to Hot Springs Sunday.
Mary Regan left Sunday to visit
with her sister Mrs. Holden, at Sher
idan, Wyo.
CilItL WANTED Inquire at Alli
ance St emu IiaiiihIi-)'.
Mrs. Thomas Martin has been
quite 111 for some time but is now
Max Wilrox, of the Bridgeport
News-Blade, was a Saturday and Pun
day visitor in Alliance.
Miss Lt'one Phillips, of Doniphan,
came in Tuesday noon for a visit at
the W. E. Spencer home.
A meeting for men will be held at
the City Mission, at 211 Box Butte
avenue, Sunday afternoon.
Cecil McConeughey of Aurora.
Nebr., came Sunday for a visit with
his sister, Mrs. Carl Witham.
Mrs. Robert Campbell returned the
last of the week from the east where
she has been visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D. Darling and
son Duane made a short trip' Into the
hills by auto Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Mildred Zurn' returned from
Hemingford Tuesday noon. She had
been visiting at the Green home
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Standard were
passengers to Dead wood. Lead and
Hot Springs the latter part of the
Dick Waters left Monday noon for
Toronto, Canada, whore he will spend
some time visiting bis brother at thai
place. M' '
Judge L. A. Berry and wife re
turned to Alliance Monday after a
short visit with their son Lyle at
Casper, Wyo.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kern of Lincoln
came up Saturday and expect to make
headquarters here. Mr. Kern is a
Burlington special agent.
Everett Stalspart, representing the
Erie Railroad Lake Line, with head
quarters in Omaha, was a guest at
the Alliance Hotel the last or ttie
with friends and nlltnd the chaut.iu-
Miss Virginia Warrick of Scotts
bluff came over Saturday to spend a
t n.Mi r1 a rt wnn 10 vtttlrttr hfir 1 1 t t 1 1
Wulford Johnson of 1 ort and, Ore- . f r,eu(,8 ,n AlliBnce Virginia is the
gon. stopped over for a visit w tn puegt q LaKleha Lunn this week.
Friday n his way to Lin-;
Miss Lucy rinkhant of Lakeside,
who had been visiting with friends
in Alliance, returned to her home
j Mrs. Karl Sterns and son Herbert
left Sunday noon for Mitchell to viMt
for a month with relatives of Mrs.
Sterns Mr. and Mrs. Crowns. Thfy
;weie nUd by Miss Lui-ill'
Mrs. Geo.' Dietlein and children left . Mr "ite Watson of Mit-
Monday noon
Schafer and
for a visit with the'
Dineen families at;
and wife have ruovea
Mr. Boyer has accept
ed a position with the Ford Service
Station garage.
Jack Boyer
to Itushville.
Clyde Hay and Ed Montgomery of
Alliance ImhI week and
while they were here thoy purchased ; the
a Reo touring car.
John G. Lewis, the well known in
surance man, left Tuesday noon for
a business trip covering northern
Sheridan county.
F. W. Melick of Hemingford was
an Alliance visitor Monday, stopping
over on his way home from a busi
ness trip to Omaha.
Wm. BignHl returned
nnnn from a trip to South
chell. returned Sunday from Iowa
: points, where they went a week ago
! to attend the funeral of a relative.
They left Sunday noon for their
'ranch north of .Mitchell.
; Mrs. J. U. Taylor and sons, of
i Whitman, were in Alliance Friday on
; their way home from Hot Springs.
: where they spent some time enjoying
Mr. Taylor is a well
known stockman In the hills,
Miss Grace Wright, who has been
in St. Joseph hospital for an opera
tion, has so far recovered that she
was able to be taken to her home, at
Whitman Tuesday by her parents.
, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Wright.
Miss Nellie O'Donnell. formerly a
stenographer in the law office t of
Boyd & Met 7, . rived Sunday i r.n
Standard Grocery Co., Acquitted
Their Method of Selling Groceries Vindicated
Senator Earl D. Mallery of the Mallery Grocery Co., had the proprietor
of The Standard Grocery arrested in May last and charged him with adver
tising falsely, saying that Schilling's Best Japan Tea was not what we sold,
but claimed we sold. an "Inferior Tea" as Schilling's Best, but the Wise Judge
ruled that the Standard's preponderance of evidence was sufficient to show
that the Standard Grocery Co., was justly right and acquitted the defendant.
We maintained at the time this charge was brought that it was on account
of "Our selling groceries for less than others, also we believe that you be
lieve it was brought to try and force US to leave Alliance' but we assure you nOVY,
as we did when we opened our business, we are here to stay and serve you
with the best at the lowest possible prices.
Try us for your fall and winter supplies. We
will save you money. Let us figure on your mail
orders before you send away. We will save you
Tuesday! from Omaha, wlinr she Is emp;oed
Omaha, In a responsible pos'tlon by a pio-.i-
h marketed cattle from the.inent law firm. She will Bpeml Kr
Bignell Brothers' ranch.
9 m v
B T. Prout of Denver has Joined
the Haddorff Music House selling
force and will travel out of Alliance
selling Haddorff pianos.
E W. Exley. of Omaha, general
manager of the Haddorff branch
stores, spent Wednesday with L. L.
Covington, the local manager.
If you are payliiK high liitercwt
rate In the Building Loan tmU o
the Nebraska I-ani LY.mpany and rt
the money at reduced Interest rate..
Mrs. D. W. Kenner and Mrs. Lloyd
Thomas attended the circus at Hem
ingford last Friday, visiting there
with friends and returning Saturday
Mrs C. M. Lux of Crawford, moth
er of Mrs. J. M. Miller of the Alli
ance Hotel, .returned to her home
Tuesday after a few days' visit with
her daughter.
Miss Margaret Bell, of the First
National Bank force, left Friday noon
for a stay of two weeks on the lakes
In Cherry county. They will visit
with friers.
Wm. Delslng of Hemingford, one
of Box Butte county's prosperous
farmers, was In Alliance Sunday,
coming down via auto. He returned
Monday noon on train No. 43.
Mr. and Mrs. Hunter, the evalgel-
ists who have been holding evening
street meetings In the city recently,
left Sunday noon for eastern points.
Mis. Hunter speaks seven languages,
and attracted much attention by her
. street preaching while In the city.
vacation with "icr parents in -lli-a
The ladles of the Presbyterian
church will serve ice cream and cake
on the lawn of Mrs. C. MacCray, 623
Laramie, Friday evening. Ice cream,
10 cents; Ice cream and cake, 16
cents. Serving to begin at 6 o ciock.
Patronize the women.
E. L. Lovenburg, formerly cashier
of the Angora State Bank, spent the
first of the week In Alliance attend-;
ing the Chautauqua with Mrs. Lov
enburg. He recently sold his bank-,
lng Interests at Angora to H. A. ;
Johnson, who comes from Marquette,
Nebr., but will remain at Angora un
til about August 16.
Mr. nd Mrs. W. L. Kousey and
baby daughter left Tuesday noo for
Hills City, Sou;h Dakota, to spoT a
few days camping and fishing. Mr.
Rousey had a complete fishing equip
ment, and promised to bring ir. the
limit each day. Mr ana Mrs. u u.
Rt.bblns and family and the W
Barnes family left Wednesday for
the same place to enjoy an outing of
a few days.
An Alliance traveling man, noted
for the hardness of his bead, felt
glad of the fact on Monday when rid
ing the local Into Alliance from the
west. The T. M. was thrown against
the stove In the way car when the
slack In the long train of cars was
taken up. He Btruck the stove with
his head, cracking the top of the
stove. He did not report the acci
dent, fearing that he would be com
pelled to pay for the oroKen siove
Look These Prices Over and Come to Us for Your Needs:-
No. 1 High Patent Flour, per sack $1.50; per 100 lbs.
24 lbs. Yellow Corn Meal, per sack
12 lbs. Graham Flour, per sack
15 Bars Diamond 0 Soap, 50c; 100 Bars ........ ..$3
7 Bars of Laundry Queen White Soap, 25c; 100 bars for. $3
13 Bars Bob White Soap, 50c ; 100 bars $3
13 Bars Flake White Soap, 50c; 100 bars .$3
13 Bars Crystal White Soap, 50c; 100 bars ...$3
13 Bars Pearl White Soap, 50c; 100 bars . $3
3 Bars High Grade Perfumed Soap, 35c value .
Extra Fancy Peaberry Coffee, per lb
WALTER BAKER'S COCOA, V2 lb. can ...... :
SCHILLING'S JAPAN TEA (the finest natural leaf), per
lb., 40c; 2 lbs
No. 3 Peaches, 25c value, in syrup, 20c per can ; 2 for
No. 3 Muscat Grapes, in syrup, 20c; 2 for : .
No. 3 Egg Plums, 25c value, 20c ; in syrup, 2 for
Gallon Peaches .
2 lbs. Peanut Butter
2 lbs. Fig Bars -
2 lbs. Assorted 25c Cookies and Cakes, 2 lbs. for .....
Jelly Powders, 3 for -
Bulk Cocoanut ,per lb. .
Bulk Cocoa, per lb
15c value in Cut Yellow Wax or Green String Beans
20c value (per can) Sweet Potatoes, 2 cans for
Calumet Baking Powder, 16-ounce can, 25c value, for ...
2y2 lbs- fr. 49c- 5 lDS- for 8j- This Price on Calu"
met Baking Powder is here to stay.
35c Jars Jam -
15c value Mogul Queen Olives, Stuffed Olives, Pickled On
ions and Sweet Pickles, per bottle
15c package Quaker Oats - -
Mogul Rolled Oats, extra large size package
Macaroni, Spaghetti, Noodles 3 packages for
Argo Corn Gloss Starch, per package
10c Roll Toilet Paper, 2 rolls for -
No. 1 Flat Red Salmon, 20c value, 2 cans for
Large 10-ounce can Oysters, 25c value, for 20c; 3 for .... . .
4-ounce Can Oysters, 10c; 3 for '
3 large tins Rex Kraut -
Smilax Kraut, per can, 5c; 6 for -
No. 3 Can Black Cherries, 2 for
100 Pounds Stock Salt
30 Clothes Pins for
Swift's Improved Fly Swatters, each
Corn and Peas, 15c value, per can 10c; 6 cans for ..
Per case, 24 cans
. .76
. .05
.. .08
. .55
.. .10
No. 2 Hand Picked Tomatoes, 15c quality, per can
Per case, 24 cans,
Ripe Olives, 25c quality, per can 18 j; 2 for
No. 2 Blackberries in syrup, 25c value, 2 for 85
No. 2 Bartlett Pears in syrup, 25c value, 2 for ....
Gallon Ketchup, $1.25 value, for
Libby's Apple Butter, 25c value, for 18 5; 2 for
Libby s Jellies, 15c value, for
... .35
Libby's Pork and Beans, 15c value, 2 for .25
25c Bottle Peroxide, per bottle :
No. 2 Sliced Hawaiian Pineapple, 20c ; 2 for
Mason Jars, pints, per dozen
Mason Jars, quarts, per dozen
Bulk Soda Crackers, 2 lbs. for
20c Ghs Chipped Beef, for
Swedish Hard Tack, per package 25c; 2 for
Salmon, per can 10c; 6 for
Piiik Salmon, 2 for .
.... .55
L.. 25
tTP'ound tall Alaska Red Salmon, 25c value, for .20
Vo Potmd can flat Red Sockeye Salmon, 2 for .35
Swansdown Pancake Flour, per package
lOC'package Envelopes, for
Lipton's Tea, yellow labt.1, l2 pound for J..
10c value assorted Toilet Soap, per bar, 5c; per dozen ....
Jar Rubbers, 24 for
Pretzels, 2 pounds for
Lighthorse Cleanser, per can
V2 pound can Instant Postum, for
'Puffed Wheat, Puffed Rice, Slredded Whe!:., 2 l'rr, "-
Mogul Toothpicks, two packages for
Vo pound cake Premium No. 1 Chocolate
No. 3 Hominy, 15c quality, for 1
Mustard Sardines, two cans for .15
Oil Sardines, per can 05
Don't forget that we are going to move to the Reddish block, 204 Box
Butte Avenue, aSout August 12th, where we will be prepared with new goods
to show vou.
Don't forget that we will have a first-class meat department in the new lo
cation where we will carry nothing but first-class goods in this line for less
HAYING ORDERS. If you don't let us figure with you on your haying orders
and buy here we will both lose money.
Phone 4-1
"The Store that Knows It's Subject"