United States Land Office, Alliance, Nebr. T. J. O'KKKKE, Register. J. C. MORROW, Receiver. The Alliance Herald la an offl- elal newspaper for the publics- Uon of land office notices. Legal ratea are charged for these no- tlcei, aa follows: Final proof notice, payable in advance $7.00 Isolated tract notice, pay- able In advance .... $9.00 Land office application blanks for final proofs are kept at The Herald office and will be made out without extra charge. We are pleased to furnish Informa- tion for Herald readers on land office matters, with the exeep- tlon of legal advice. There are a number of able attorneys ad- vertiolng in The Herald's col- umns who should be consulted on legal buslnens pertaining to the land office. For information call at The Herald office or write, Inforutatlou Department, The Alliance Herald, AlliAiice, Nebraska NOTICK Dog licenses are now due and pay able to the city clerk or Steve Jack son, official dog catchrr. All tax oust be paid on or before the fif teenth day of June or the ordinance (overnlng the no-payment will be trlctly enforced. Dogs must wear Ufa. 25-tf-6971 LEGAL NOTICK In the matter of the estate of Aug ust KroeBlng, deceased, In the Coun ty Court of Box Butte County, Nebr aska. Tbe Slate of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said estate will take notice that the time limited for pre sentation and filing of claims against said estate Is February 18th, 1917, and for payment of debts la August 18th, 1917; I will sit at the County Court room in said county, on Nov ember 1, 1916, at t p. m., and on February 18th, 1917, at 2 p. m. to receive, examine, bear, allow, or ad just all claims and objections duly tiled. . Dated this 7th day of July, 1916. L. A. BERRY, (SEAL) County Judge. Burton ft Reddish, Attys. 33-5t-751-7S20 lboaTTJotick In the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Fatrlck Collins, deceased. To all persons Interested in said -estate: Notice 1b hereby given that at the -county court room In the city of Al liance, said county, on the 4th day of August, 1916, at the hour of 10 a, m., the following matter will be beard and considered: The petition of Mary H. Collins for letters of administra tion upon the estate of Patrick Col lins, deceased. Dated this 7th day of July, 1916. L. A. BERRY, (SEAL) County Judge. Burton & Reddish, Attys. 83-41-752-7321 Serial No. 016578. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska, July 11, 1916. Notice la hereby given that Fred erick 1. Brown, of Alliance, Nebras ka, who. on January 23, 1913. made Homestead Entry. No. 016578. for WftSWtt. Section 29, and E8E Section SOraixMiVaNB'i and SE4 Section 31. Township 24 North, .Range 4 6 Went. 6th Principal Merid ian, has filed notice of Intention to make Final Three-year proof, to es tablish claim to the land above de scribed, before the Register and Re ceiver, U. S. Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska, on the 15th day of Aug ust, 1916. Claimant names as witnesses: P. J. Sturgeon, Leonard Boyer and D. L. Sturgeon, of Alliance, Nebras ka, and F. C. Reeves, of Antioch, Ne braska. T. J. O'KEEFE, 33-7t-750-7319 Register. State of Nebraska, Box Butte County, sh. At a County Court, held at the County Court Room, in said County, on the 17th day of July, A. D. 1916 Present. L. A. Berry, County JikIkc In the Matter of the Estate of B. F. Oilman, deceased. On reading and tiling the petition of Ella S. Oilman praying that Ad ministration of said Estate may be granted to her as Administratrix. ORDERED, That August 11, A. D 1916. at 10 o'clock a. m.. Is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons Interested In said matter may appear at a County Court to be held In and for said County, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted; and that no tice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof, be given to all persons Interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order In the Alliance Herald, a weekly news- ' paper printed In said county, for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing. (SEAL) L. A. BERRY County Judge. 33-4t-764-7323 NOTICE To Pearl A. Lunu and Viola H Young: You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 13th day of June A. D. 1916, the following resolutions were duly adopted by the City Coun cil of Alliance, Nebraska, towit: RESOLUTIONS Be it resolved by the Mayor and Council of Alliance, Nebraska, that a sidewalk be, within thirty days from the publication of these resolutions constructed and laid to the establish ed grades, On the west aide of Platte Ave. and adjoining the following described premises, towit: Lot 1, Block 16, Box Butte Addition to Alliance, Nebraska, On the north side of west 8th street, and adjoining the following described premises, louTH Lot 15, Block 15, Box Butte Addition to Al liance, Nebraska. Bald sidewalks shall be construct ed by the owners of said property without delay and In accordance with the specifications contained In Ord inances Nob. Ill and 126 of the City of Alliance, Nebraska. CARTER CALDER. 32-41-749-7318 City Clerk. NOTHrKoTV?TKTi7 PKlT . .TITION FOIl LETTERS OF AD MINISTRATION. In the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Frank Safer, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that at the county courtroom In the City of Al liance, said county, on the 31day of July, 1916, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., the following matter will be heard and considered: the petition of Harry O. Wildy for letters of admin istration upon the estate of Frank Safer, deceased. Dated this sixth day of July. 1916. (Seal) L. A. BERRY, County Judge. LEE BASYE. Attorney. 31-4U741-7317 PUBLIC SALE Wo are offering for sale 80 head of cattle, being 16 two-year-old steers; 8 yearlings mixed; 43 cows, some with calves by side; and one Durham and white faced bull. All good stock and being sold on account of too many cattle on our limited range close to town. Also 25 head of horses, consisting of mares with colts. Tho colts, are one, two and three years old. Four very fine teams from three to eleven years old all fine workers. For full particulars address, K. L. PIERCE, Clerk, Hemlngford, Nebraska. Ben Price, H. H. Pierce and F. A. Black Combination Sale. 31-4t-7406. Notice to Non-Resident Defendant You will take notice that L. H. Highland on the 14th day of July, 1916, commenced an action before T. D. Roberts, a Justice of the peace In and for Box Butte County, Nebraska. against Mrs. Anna Zehrung, the ob ject and prayer of which are to ob tain a Judgment In attachment against defendant In the amount of $31.04 and Interest upon one certain promissory note executed by defend ant to plaintiff, and costs of this ac tlon. You are required to answer the bill of particulars filed in said action before the 16th day of August. 1916. or judgment will be rendered against you by default. L. II. HIGHLAND. Ry H. M. Bullock. Atty. 33-4t-763-7322 Serial No. 015471. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska, July 20, 1916 Notice Is hereby given that Owen A. Odell, of Alliance, Nebraska, who, on November 30. 1912. made Home stead Entry, No. 015471. for SE4- SEV4, Section 17. NE4. Section 20, and WHNE and NW, Section 21. Township 24 North. Range 4 9 West. 6th Principal Meridian, has tiled no tice of Intention to make Final Three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver. I'. S. Lund Office, a Alliance. Nebraska, on the 7th day of September, ISHti. Claimant names as witnesses: William S. Coker. Otto E. Haaa- uian, George II. Haganian and James F. Underwood, all of Alliance. Nebr aska. T. J. O'KEEFE. Register. 34-6t-755-7324 WANTED Old clean rag, Be pr mmim1. t all :mo. OLD FOLKS FIND A CHEERY FRIEND A iloon to 'I1ion Who Have Started Down the Hill of Life So many of us have been seeking some really efficient remedy to glye to our old folks who are treading in the long shadows of life. That rem edy must contain the proper tonic qualities to revitalize, sluggish organs and the blood. That something has been found. It is Ta nlac. It Is cowardly to let debility sap away the life and comforts when it can be stayed. A condition of debil ity never wears itself out. Instead, it gradually grows more pronounced unless proper measures to check it are taken. It gathers force and nourishes itself upon the tissues of the body. To build up those tissues is to fight debility. Characteristic conditions of debil ity both In old and young are ner vousness, headaches, backaches, de pression of spirits, loss of appetite, sleeplessness and a general good-for-nthing feeling that comes from tack of energy. Tanlac is designed to combat these conditions in many ways. It is a splendid tonic and tissue builder with just tho rl-j'i: amount of praiei li. It quiets r.ervea and brings back restful sleep, which is Nature's first aid to the debilitated. It corrects Btomacn troubles and- there, in nine casM out of ten, you have the seat of a nervous, debilitating ailment. With the body recharged with vig or, that detested, despondent feeling passes away so quickly you are as tonished and mighty regretful that you didn't start oiit to fight it long before. Tanlac may now be obtained in Al liance at the Harry Thlele drug store where its great popularity la being better shown every day. If you waut to build a home see J. C. McCorkle and get the money. Don't Say, I "I Want a Box Vof Matches" J Ask for Safe Home Matches and you will get the very best matches that money will buy. Non. poisonous don't spark don't sputter don't break a real safety strike-anywhere match. Inspected and labeled by the Un derwriters' Laboratories. lie. A II pmcvri. Ask for Ihctn by name. The Diamond Match Company NO SAWDUST WITH RIIIG IVokm Agent of Hells-Kioto Shows Says Tradition of Small Hoys Is Mistake That sound of a dull and sickening thud meant neither a murder nor an uutomobile tire blowout. Much more disastrous. In fact, for It was the bursting sound of an exploding tradi tion a tradition which has existed shire Ilec was in his swaddling clothes and Noah played Ararat with the world's first collection of trained but untamed animals. Ever since kid hood days you've heard of the "sawdust ring." Cir cuses meant sawdust. The circuB life was the life of sawdust. And yet There ascends to the witness stand the poor but honest preRs agent of the SellB-FIoto Buffalo Bill Wild West circus, champion shows of the world, which Is to play a one day's engage ment in the city August 6. And the aforementioned press agent, telling things while the teacher's back Is turned, thus tears to pieces the old tradition of the sawdust: "To tell the truth," he says, "there Isn't any such thing in the circus world as sawdust. Persons speak of the sawdust ring. There Isn't any. More than that, sawdust Isn't known bout the circus. The space In the Inclosures of the rings are filled with wood shavings and chips. And when there is rain, sawdust Is not used to place on the nind, but straw. There I Isn't a sneck of sawdust to be found around the whole circus. It is true that in the very, very old days of the circus, before the present modes of automatic planing, with its attendant wood chips and Bhavings, came into use, that sawdust was employed to a certain extent. But that was so long ago that It ia ancient history." Thus another tradition goes Into the discard. Titus but there comes another interruption from the press agentr "Beg pardon, but If I can Just butt In for a word or two more? That little information about the sawdust warn'l exactly In my line. What I really came here to say was that the Sells-Floto Circus will be here for one day with a great line of attrac tions, ranging from Jess Willard, champion heavyweight pugilist of the world, all the way thru the list of champions to Rosa Rosalind, the champion horse-to:horse somersault equestrienne. And more than that. there's to be an ensemble of a hun dred good-looking girls. A parade? Why, certainly, at 10:30 circus morn ing, with a million dollars' worth of gold and glitter In it!" INSURE yonr crop In the Old Re liable Ptwtcnlt Inoumrwe Company. 28-4t-7340. P. F.. REDDISH. Agent. GRAY HI BECOMES DARK AIID BEAUTIFUL Try Grandmother's Old Favorite Recipe of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly compounded, bring back the natural color and luatre to the hair when faded, atreaked or gray. Yearn ago the only way to gi t thi mixture was to make it at home, which in miifcyy and troublesome. Nowmtfiji we ainipiy auk at. any drug Mure for "Wycth'a Sage anil Sulphur Compound." Sou will get large bottle of tli ia old time recipe improved by the mMit'ou i'f other inridiinr, for aliout .'( cents l.vcry hotly u thia prepara tion now, Uiaue no one can oih'y tell that you darkened your hair. a it d it so nutuiulh and evenly. You d nneu a aponge or it brush with it and draw this through j,"ur hair, taLitig oil- ninll atrand at luue: ly morning the -'ray hah- diftppear. and after another appli cation or two. your hair becomes U auti fully dark, thick auj gliity and you look years younger. Wycth'a Sage and Sulphur Compound ia a delightful toilet eouiaite. It ii not intend.! for ttte cure, niitigatiou or prevtution of disease. SPRING FOR TIME Publicity Department of I tail road TranAKr(atlon Brotherhoods Hays Wafting Time Cleveland, Ohio, July 26 The fol lowing statement was issued today by the Transportation Brotherhoods. The proposition of the railroads to refer the demands of the railway brotherhoods for an eight-hour day to the Interstate Commerce Commis sion Is nothing but a proposition to gain time for the railroads and to waste time for the men. The Interstate Commerce Commis sion Is not now equipped to under take this task. In order to under take It the Interstate Commerce Com mission Act would have to be radical ly amended by Congress. Such an amendment would require at least a month for passage, and upon its puss age several months would be requir ed before the Commission could ac tually begin the work, thus Imposed upon It. Whatever may be the desirability of empowering the Interstate Com merce Commission to handle wage dispdtes, this Is not the time to do it. The Commission is overburdened with duties. A bill has been pend ing before Congress, urgently advo cated by the railroads themselves, railing for an Increase In the mem bership of the Commission in order to enable It to handle cases already on Its docket. A resolution is now pending in the House, after having been passed by the Senate, calling for an Investiga tion by a Joint committee of Congress into the need for railroad legislation, particularly into the need for legisla tion affecting the Interstate Com merce Commission. This resolution was Introduced at the request of the railroads and for the express purpose of heading off any railroad legisla tion till a comprehensive survey of the entire situation should have been made. Representatives of the rail roads have urged this resolution for these reasons. Yet now the railroads, forgetting these arguments, and frightened at the prospect of being forced to yield to the brotherhoods, are demanding hasty and Ill-considered legislation, the first effect of which would be to give them an advantage in their dis pute with their employes. The Commission only has author ity over rates, etc., on Interstate traf fic and has no control over matters that are wholly within a state. Ifauthorlt y is conferred on the In terstate Commerce Commission by Congress, to fix or exercise any con trol over wages, it would only apply to employes whose runs are from one state to another. Inasmuch as the bulk of trainmen work wholly within a state, it would result in the worst muddle possible. A few employes having their wages fixed by the U. S. and the rest of them standing Just where they are now. The claim made by the railroads that as the Interstate Commerce com mission has authority over freight rates, it should also have authority over rates of pay, is a clever and seemingly plausible argument, put forward to secure public sympathy. The Interstate Commerce Commis sion has always taken cognizance of wages or labor costs in passing upon freight rates. One of the leading ar guments of the railroads in making application for authority to advance their freight rates has been that out lays for employes have Increased and as a consequence 'that they should be permitted to charge more for their services. Elaborate statistical exhibits have in all general rate cases been present ed by the railroads to the Commis sion, which set forth in great detail how many more dollars are paid out In wages and salaries now. as com pared with former years. As a-consequence, the Interstate Commerce Commission has always passed on the question of the relation, of wages to freight and passenger rates,, and to total operating costs. WANTED Old )leait. rag. fc lr IMtiind. Call 3IO. THOSE SUDDEN TWINUKS. Bring Suffering to Many An Alliance Reader Pain la nature's signal of distress. A warning not to be ignored. Those sharp twinges in the back Those sudden, stab-like pains when stooping Are frequent signs of, kidney trou ble. To remove kidney pains, you mast assist the kidneys. Use a tested and proven kidney remedy. None more highly endorsed than Ooan's Kidney Pills. Endorsed abroad, endorsed at home. Read Alliance testimony. Mrs. J. M. Line,. 314 Missouri Ave., Alliance, Bays: "We have uaed Doan's Kidney Pills in tha family for some time and think they are Just fine. My kidneys were out of order and acted too often, especially at night. I had a steady, tiring ache in my back. When 1 bent over or got up from a chair, a sharp, cutting pain caught me. I had dizxy spells and felt all worn-out. Doan's Kidney Pills com pletely eurwd me. Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that cured Mrs. Line. Foster-Milburn Co., Prop., Buffalo. N. Y. New ltretHlera Directory Issued The directory of the Nebraska Im proved Live Stock Breeders' Associ ation hab Just been issued and may be obtained free by applying to Sec retary 11. J. Gramlich, College of Ag riculture, Lincoln. The directory contains a list of the breeders of var ious kinds of live stock, the names of breed registry associations, and the rules for registering animals. We will furnlnh the money to build homes lu Alliance. We Inspect the property ourselves and furnish mooey quickly at a low rate of Inter eat. Nebraska land C-nnipany Ant a nee, Nebr. li.Iiaiiaiiiii a aaaaaaa t A Word to the Borrower fXT " ,ou ar Dor (II rower of this VJ, I paper, don't you "th ik it ia an In justice to he man who ts paying for It? He may be looking for It at this very moment. Make It a reg ular visitor to 'our home. The subscription price I T . . . . . ,,, an invrsimeni inai wui repay you well. I C X C M I M G Geo. H. Miller General Contractor and Builder Ettimatit Farniiht Frta Heat Hack 413 n. A. OOPSET Physician and Strrgeoa Phono, S6t Res. Phone, tit Calls answered promptly day and tight from office. Offices: Alliance National Bank building, over the 'ost Office. 0. B. SLAGLE, M. D. Physician and Burgee B phone, 16 Res. phone, 13 tlXIANCE NEBRASKA irle Coppernoll r. J. Petersen It. Phone It tea. Phone 41 Drt. Ooppernoll A Petersen Osteopaths tOOM I, OPERA HOUSE BLOCK BURTON & REDDISH Attomeys-at-Iaw Land Attorneys OFFICE: First National Bank Bldg. PHONE 180 ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA H. M. BULLOCK Attorney- t-Law iLUANCE NEBRA8KA L. W. BOWMAN ayatclan and Bnrgeon irriCB. First National Bank Bldg "BONiea: Oflhee, SC3; Residenee, 1 DR. D. E. TYLER Dentist PHONE tit (rVBB FIRST NATIONAL RA2TK JLUANCE NEBRASKA PUBLIC STENOGRAPHED AT THE HERALD OFFICE tKABONABLK RATES PROMPT SERVICE J. D. EMERICE Bonded Abstracter bare the only set of abstract books In Boi Butte county. OFFICE: Em. T. Opera House Block j. F. YAHDERS TAILOR and HATTER FIB8T NATIONAL BANK BLDd. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA -LET ME CRT FOR YOU" HARRY P. COURSET LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL' SALES SPECIALIST AND AUCTIONEER Farm Sales a Specialty TERMS REASONABLE PHONE: C64 XL1ANCE NEBRASKA GEO. O. GADSBY Licenced Embalmer PHONE: Day, 498; Night. S10 ALLIANCE : NEBRASKA PRINTING Of AU Kinds not the cheap kind but the good kind done here. lLLU5TRATOR5-' "TC 7 (designer; "fdl N iViHha it r' mm ww mmn w j a--' H TJ 1 1 I WW Dr. W. J. Mahaffy DfciYlldT das Administered Lady Assistant Over Post Office ALLIANCE NEBRASKA PHONE: 233. CLARE A. DOW Electrician House Wiring Motor ami Anto-tarter Ketalring ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA IAMBS M. KENNEDY, DENTIST First National Dank Building, Alli ance, Nebr. Phones: Office, 23: Res idence, Black 10. Nitrous Oxide ad ministered. ilttittmmmmmtHHHTt?tt.mttrmtl Shoe Shining Parlor We make a specialty of clean ing, dyeing and shining all kinds of shoes for ladles and gentlemen. New buck shoes and all colored shoes cleaned for ladles. Palace Shoe Shining Parlor Third ft Box Butte .mnriiiiiimnmiminnmiimiiimmB J. Jeffrey, D.C. Ph.C. A. O. Jeffrey, D.C. CHIROPRACTORS Office Hours, 10 a. m. to 8 p. Rooms 3 and 4 303V6 Box Butte Ave., AUTO LIVERY - - PHONE 573 - - C. E. Morgan RED PEP'S PHILOSOPHY "A fly bafl Is apt to be a safe hit when two plaj ers chase after It." WE ARK HEADQUARTERS For Auto Supplies end Oil (asoliue FREE AIR ON THE CURB Alliance Auto Supply Co. Puoae 85 Geo. J. Hand.H.D. Asthma and May Fever E, Ear, None and TUruat PHONE 251 Calls answered from office day or night. THOMAS LYNCH Alt' 7 -at-Law 151-1621 City National Bank Building OMAHA Special Attention to Live Stock Claims Wm. Ritchie, Jr. C. S. Perry RITCHIE & PERRY Attonieys-at-Law BRIDGEPORT, NEBRASKA Office in Lincoln, 1411 O St., tret Wednesday of Each Month PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER All kinds of Photos. Interior and exterior views QUALITY PORTRAITS Alliance) Art Studio M. S. Grebe, Prop. 114 Eut 4th. Phone BUok 111 at