V- r r V s le ... y i it'' S 11 "WEEK ffi)(0)IM(B Dr. GeorK( J. Hand mnHa frlm in Hay Spring Sunday, accompanied by made King Mlaa Lucy Bond of Elva was In Al llance Sunday. Ed Ollrog was In Alliance several tlir0! They days this week. tne tr,P In ,h doctor's new King a . auto. Mm. Charles Evans arrived In A1-! nance saiuraay. Mrs. Guy Allen came from Bridgeport. Ralph Antrim of Crawford was In In Friday Alliance Thursday. Bernard Phelan was in Bridgeport, Tuesday, on business. Thos. Spencer was In Bridgeport . mursaay on business. a a a Jack Mann of Bridgeport was an Alliance visitor Monday. H. B. Austin of Chadron was in Al llance Sunday- on business. . " -" Ed Marks returned Monday noon from a brief visit at Lakeside, Clarence Davis of Lakeside was an ' Alliance visitor Friday of last week Rev. Halslup preached at the Marsland Methodist church Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Austin of Mars- land were In Alliance between trains, Skinner's Macaroni Products, mad In Nebraska. Ask your grocer. Ad? a Mrs. R. C. Stronar and famllr left Monday noon for a'rtlp to Bridge port. W. L. Marcy of Lakeside was In , Alliance on business the last of the week. Lloyd Antrim spent several days last week with his parents, in Craw ford. D. J. Nelson went to Ravenna Sat urday noon to take charge of the cir cus train. Carl Spacht arrived from Hemlng ford Saturday to spend Sunday with his family. - Prof. G. M. Burns was in Hemlng ford the first of the week, looking After business. D. L. Shull and wife of Mlnatare were in the city Friday on their hon eymoon trip. Dean Shaw of the Episcopal church went to Hyannla Monday, returning Wednesday. John McCoy, M. D. Offices and Hospital Reddish Block Telephone 81 Yankee Robinson circus and men agerie will be In Hemingford the 21st of this month. Miss Esther Wilson, who had been visiting Miss Alta Young, left Friday noon for Montana. Miss Irma Lotspeich was in Mars land Sunday visiting her cousin. Miss Alice Enyeart. C. Powell of near Alliance was vis iting his father, Wm. Powell, of Bridgeport last Sunday. --- --- Frank Hunsaker and wife visited over Sunday with his uncle, Tom Hunsaker, of Marsland. Real Estate, Loans and Insur ance. F. E. REDDISH, Reddish Block. 15 tf -6727 Harry Beans, wife and two sons spent a very enjoyable vacation with Mrs. J. Arner of Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gentle returnprf Sunday noon from a trip to Idaho Falls and other western points, where they visited with relatives for sever al weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Estes left Tuesday noon for Felling, Okla., whore they will visit Mr. Estes' sister and look for a location. Mrs. Estes was for merly Elsie Clough. Frank Crulckshank, of The Denver rost, representing the Sells-Floto circus, as general press representa tive, was a caller at The Herald office one day last week. J. C. McCorkle returned Friday noon from Hysham, Mont., where he went early last week for the funeral of his son-in-law, Frank Dunning, formerly of Alliance. Mrs. Bettle Sharp, police matron, reports that the Camp Fire Girls or ganization is proceeding very favor ably and that the girls of the town are taking much interest - Mr. and Mrs. 8. G. Wright of Whit man left for their' home Monday. They have a daughter in St. Joseph's hospital, who is convalescing after an operation a short time ago. ' a John Wlker returned Monday morning from his recent trip to Douglas, Wyo. His father, Al Wik er, and sister Mrs. Richard Waters, remained at Douglas for a vacation. Ben J. Sallows, editor of the Alli ance Times, and Mayor P. E. Romig of Alliance are spending part of the week at New York City. They Inci dentally visited Coney Island a time or two. Rev. H. H. Miller of Tobias. Nebr., stopped over Friday on his way to Bayard. On Saturday he went from there to Belmont, where he assumes the duties of pastor of the Baptist church. Mr. and Mrs. James Fee returned Sunday noon from a vacation trip of a month spent at Denver, Colorado Springs and other mountain points. They were accompanied by their son, Teddy. i' Joseph Lean, the lumber represent ative, who covers a large number of western states, spent Saturday and Sunday in Alliance. While here he was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomas. Chas. Watteyne mid family left Monday noon for a trip of two weeks which will combine business and pleasure and will include St. Joseph, Falls City, Tecumseh and other points. Mrs. Claude -Brown and daughter Irene came down from Hemingford Tuesday noon to spend some time with Mrs. Brown's mother, Mrs. H. Uushnell, who is here for medical treatment Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Thompson of Antloch were in Alliance Friday of last week with their family. John Snoddy of the Insurance firm ef Snoddy & Mollrlng left Monday for a business trip to Hemingford. J. M. Miller, proprietor of the Alli ance Cafe and Hotel, has installed a large electric sign on the building corner. m J. H. Robinson, of Kansas City, representing Crytl White soap, spent part of last week in the city en . business. ; ' i Mr. .' and. Mrs J. H. Show and 4avghter left Monday noon for Hot Soring; South Dakota, for a short . .oeulag trip.-' KErsv iforrls. Kates ,of -, Lincoln. rthF Mr Lee Basye. returned "tftr swim Friday, after a visit here fr. sv tew- weeks. . . Kr-. adr "Mrs. Al Sleffert and Mr. Mrs. Wright made a trip Dy amo Ui Mils Sunday, where they vis- t4 wttft. friends. ' ICr and Mrs. Albert Hill and baby ftaMt Mrs. B. 8. Owens were in Bridge port last week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry. Jlmmle" Pierce, The Herald's of fice boy, returned 8unday noon from Omaha, where he accompanied bis parents on a short trip. Miss Genie Gilmore, of Grand Is- .later of Mrs. F. M. Seidell r Aiiinr. left Monday noon for Chadron after a visit here. at..iii Firrell of Chicago, the Mbl coffee man of Nebraska", whf , rntm the Chase ft Sanborn line. spent part of lt week in the city, If you are paying blgb Interest m!m in th Building A Loan call : iK- x.braka Urn Company mm get ; Ut noMf at reduced Interest rat Fred MolirlnK of the insurance firm of Snoddy & Mollring was called to Pawlet Monday to settle damage claims resulting from the heavy hail and wind storm near that point on Monday, July 10. Mrs. (xi- E. Coffee and daughter of Ashland, Ore., are guests of Mrs. D. W. Butler. Mrs. Coffee and Mrs. Butler were old school mates. Mrs. Coffee and daughter are enroute to -faouthern California. ' Mr. and Mrs.. Earl Balbier and fam ily of Alvona, Iowa, who have been touring the west In their car, stopped over at the F. W. Hlcks home to visit this week. They expect to return via the Black Hills country. Ed Owens, popular drayman, cele brated his fifty-first birthday on Sat urday. Ed doesn't show his age at all and it took much arguing to con vince his friends that he had really passed the half-century mark. . , r Mr. and Mrs. Philip Thomas of Ahsby visited with relatives and friends In Alliance over Sunday. Philip is the editor and publisher of jhe Aenby Argus, one of the lite newspapers or ine aananau conmry. H. B. Ramsey, a manager of the Prudential' Life lnswranee Co.. con veyed Mr. and Mrs. James A. Pierce and family to Omaha by auto, leaving Wednesday afternoon or last wee. Mr. Ramsey remained In Omaha. The Pierce family returned Sunday noon by train. Miss Anna Hibben of Fremont, a school efficiency expert, after a short stop at Alliance, went to Hemingford on business Monday. Her co-work er. JMes Wilda Ramey, of Omaha, was called home Sunday by a tele gram announcing the death of her father, at that place. - Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Campbell and son Robert returned Monday morn ing from a two weeks trip in south ern Texas, visiting relatives. They also visited Kansas City,. and ; Elvo, Kansas. . where they rtalted Mrs. Campbell's brother, going from there to Omaha, for a visit with Mr. Camp bell's brother, then to Taylor where they visited Mr. Campbell's parents Mrs. Wm. Orr of Angora came to Alliance Tuesday aoon for a short stay with TrlenVIs. - w e e Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Witham re turned from Aurora Sunday. a a Miss Wills Spier of St. Joseph. Mo., is me guest or Mrs. v. I. Jeep. Three days only the biff one rent MJe at HoUten'm the Ileiall etor. Blrdene Woods has accepted a po sition with the Haddorf Music Com pany. Miss Blanche Kibble and Mr F. H. Hulen went to Rushvllle Saturday on business. a a a Brown Church of Hemingford came to Alliance Wednesday noon to con suit a physician. a a a The big one cent sale at llolston's. Uie IIoxaII Store, on Thursday, Fri day and Saturday. a a a Ethel Lunberry of the Horace Bogue si ore returned Friday from a trip to McCook, Denver and Atkinson, Kansas. a mrs. a. u. urice and family re turned Saturdav noon frnm a. ln days' visit with relatives at York and uarvara. ' a a a Arlene Morrison, of Crawford. came down Wednesday night to be present at the Keeler-Schafer wed ding. , a Mrs. Forest Hill and little son left Wednesday for Sheridan, Wyo.. where they will make their future home. a a m Mrs. DaVia and Flnv Ttnrhnnan n nrannn. atonnea nn at Aiiianpa tin. tween trains Wednesday on their re turn irom uenver. Two for the price of one. and one cent extra. Saxe money by attending the one cent Mile this week at Hoi- sten's, the Rexall Store. - Mr. Crane, father of Mrs. James Keeler, arlrved Monday morning to attend the wedding of his grand daughter, Nelle Keeler. Mrs. Tlbbets, of Hastings, mother of Mrs. Robert Reddish, arrived Tuesday morning to spend some time visiting her daughter and family. Bess Reld and Raymond Collins returned Wednesday night to Lin coln, after a week's visit with friends and with the former's father, George Reld. Everybody's going to be at Hol sten's to take advantage of the big one cent sale this week. Two arti cles for the price of one, plus . one cent. Mr. Mahaffy has purchased a lot between Tenth and Eleventh on Lar amie avenue and will begin construc tion of a beautiful new modern home Monday. " a Mrs. William Mitchell. Mrs. Wil liam Carson Shaw, and Mrs. C. L. Drake returned Sunday night from the Black Hills where thoy have been camping for the past three weeks, a a a Word was received from Hysham, Mont., that Mrs. Frank Dunning and baby girl were both quite ill at a hos pital at Forsyth, Mont. Mrs. Dun nlnjs Is suffering from a nervous breakdown. a a Mrs. Percy" Cogswell f elf " -down stairs Sunday night and wrenched her back and, tore the ligaments of her right limb. She has her knee In a plaster paris cast and Is confined to her bed. a a BesB Reld and Raymond Collins of '. Lincoln went to Hot Springs Monday morning and returned Wednesday j morning stopping in Alliance for the j Keeler-Schafer wedding. a Don't forget to attend the one cent tale at Holsten's the Rexall Bton- , on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week. See the big ad, the bill, j or call at the store and gel your . Bhare of the bargains offered. a Sunday morning a camping party. which will include Mrs. Harry E. Gants, Mrs. Katie Peckenpaush. Misses Cleta and Helen Harrington. Teresa Morrow. Margaret Harris, Mabel and Doris Young, will leave for the Black Hills. They have tak en the Studman cabin at Savoy and expect to be-gone about a month.. nv. Wilson Mills of Omaha will be In Alliance Sunday:, la. company with Rev. C. H. Burwill .vho'hj tq". become the new colporter for west ern Nebraska. He wilt likely make AiiianM hoadouartera for some ume. Rev. Mills is sup rintendent of mis sions for western district of Ameri can Baptist Publication 8ociety. w The following cu.4didates were tak en Into the Eastern Star lodge Tues day evening: Mrs. James Walker, Mrs. Forest Hill. Misses Vera Spenc er and Marian Mote. Ice cream and cake was served by the officers of the lodge, the Ice cream having a pink star In the middle of the white cream. see Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Adams and daughter Daisy, of Havelock, ar rived Wednesday mftrnlng to visit their daughter and sister Mrs. George Davis." They were accompanied by little George Parker and Dorothy Davis, their grand children, who have been visiting them for the past two months. Mr. and Mrs. Adams will visit la Alliance a short time and then go to Denver, and Colorado Springs for a short visit. Society 5ol Miss Mae Newberry will Introduce Miss Welsh of Omaha, to a number of her friends tonight at a keiutlngton. On Wednesday afternoon, July 1J, Mr. Charles Sumner Wilson and Miss Eva Irene Latham of Alliance werev united In marriage by Rev. John B. Williams, at his residence in Chadron. Mlas Teresa Morrow entertained ror Misses Cleta and Helen Harrang ton at a theatre nartv SntnrHuv even ing. The other KUnsta were Miu Margaret Harris, Thelraa Fltzpatrick, nannan uotant, Mabel Young, Matil da and Julia Frankle, and Ruth Mor ris. ADout eignty or the younger set were guests of Miss Ruth Morris, Thursday evening, at a dancing party given tu compliment to Miss Margar et Welsh of Omaha and William O Keete. The out-of-town guests were Miss Margaret Welsh of Omaha, Misses Helen and Cleta Harrington of O'Nell, and Miss Fay Cross of Mitchell. A program of twenty dances was played by Mrs. John Wlk er and the Alliance Orchestra. Keddiah-Lee Wedding The marriage of Ray V. Reddish of Alliance and Miss Martha May Lee of Elmira, Oregon; was solemn ised June 8 at the home of the bride in Elmira. The couple took their immediate departure via auto for Al liance, their route being via Butte and Boise. At Blackfoot, Idaho, they visited the families of Sollen berger, Thompson and Gregg, former Alliance people. They then went on to Ogden, Utah, stopping at interest ing points . en route. Brief stops were made at Salt Lake City and Cheyenne. At Henry, Nebr., they were met by the families of Reddish, Mounts and Cantwell of Alliance and Reddish of Kansas, where two days were spent catching pike in the North Platte river. On arrival at their We Cart Fit You With Glasses for Every Purpose DRAKE & DRAKE OPTOMETRISTS 313 1-2 Box Butte Ave. Alliance, Nebr. ranch home an Informal wedding din ner was given, the guests being the families of W. N. Reddish of Mul van Kansas; Fred Reddish of Bridgeport J W. H. Swan, Wm. M. Hill. W. D. Zediker, Frank and Lynn Cantwell, Ray Stansberry, Ray Glad stone, Lloyd Johnson, Wm. Mounts, Silas Soulos and Wm. Blgnell. The couple will be at home to their friends after August 1. Keeler-Hchafer Wedding Wednesday morning at 8:80 o'clock at Holy Rosary Catholic church In Alliance was solemnised the marriage of Miss Nelle Keeler and Clarence 8chafer, both of All! ance. Father Manning performed the ceremony. Al Snedeker of Bridge port was best man, and Mae Schafer, sister of the groom, was bride's maid Menaeissonn's wedding March was played on the organ 'as the bridal party ascended the altar. Immediately after "the ceremony the members of the Immediate fam ilies and close friends were served a wedding breakfast at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Keeler. The couple left at noon on their honeymoon trip, going first to Scottsbluff where they will spend a few days with Mr. 8chafer'a people, going from there to eastern points. The bride is a Box Butte county girl and one of Alliance's accomplish ed young ladles. In 1915 she grad uated from the Alliance high school. The groom holds a responsible posi tion with the Keeler-Coursey Com pany In Alliance. He Is one of the leaillng members of the Alliance vol unteer fire department and with the bride was treated to a ride on the big fire truck following the wedding. They start on their married life with the good wishes of a host of friends. David Deach Ilecelved Discharge Word has been received from Da vid Beach, a former Alliance boy, who is now stationed at Mersedes. Texas, saying that he will receive ftis discharge in about ten days, when ke will come home for a visit with his parents and friends. He is a mem ber of the Indiana National Guard. About September 1 he will return to Valparaiso, Indiana, to take up his iitudles In the medical college at that place. He Is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Beach, well known residents of Alliance. Mrs. Patjmore Breaks Wrist Mrs. Martha Patmore fell and broke her right wrist this morning. She was getting out an electrle stove and In doing so received an electric shock which threw her to the floor. resulting in the injury to her wrist. imMimtmiiiiiimiiiiimiiMimniiiiiinitiiiHimiitmmm Consign Your Shipments to the Blain Horse & Mule Commission Ca Grand Island, Nebraska Our Motto: "Service and a Square Deal" Auction Everv Tuesday and Wednesday. Private Sales, Daily x For Information write or wire us Seasonable Sale of Summer Comforts This Week Only Right now in the Midsummer we aro going to sell you these seasonable articles at the fol lowing unseasonable priccn. Everything included in this lst is good reputable merchandise and backed by our regular guarantee, your money back if not satisfied. .TALCUM POWDERS Williams . .T."i2c Colgates 12c ' Rlckseckera 8c Santox Violet 15c The Very Best SPONGES $1.00 Sponges ,. . . 75c 75c Sponges 65c He 8ponges 45c S6c Sponges 85c . Ke Sponges 19c . f.; . - -' " ! " I JlO Dike's Foot Powder . le . lie Santox, Foot Relief . . . 19c TOILET CREAMS Sa ntiyTl! feuBe I e as I Sc Santox Peroxide 15c Dikes l'eroxogen 15c Santox Cold Cream I.V Rickseckers 50c Size .... Mc BATIIINQ CAPS 76c Bathing Caps sJOc . TOILET WATERS 50c Eau Do Flours Toilet Water ..K aoc 15c Colgates Toilet Water . lOv 60c Colgates Toilet Water .85c $1 Colgate Toilet Water .5c 75c Ping Pong Toilet Water 50c $1 Theodoria Toilet Water 75e $1.15 Attar Tropical Toilet ' Water iU Our Special ' f 1.00 Seven Rosea Toilet , Water T5t I0 Seven Rosea Toilet Wa ter 80e BATH BRUSHES $1.00 Bath Brush 75c 75c Bath Brushes 50c r.Oc Bath Brushes 25c Hand S'nil's .... . .". . 15c PERFUMES 5 0c White RoHe S.V 5 Or Ixx-ust Blossom ..... 25c S1.00 Jlckey : 7e ?1.50 Djer KIs . $1.00 60c Apple Blossom 80c 60c Corylopsls 89c (Vantlnet) t i t SOAPS Stearns Carnatlom ...... 9s lOo Steams Lily of the Val ley 5a lOo Stearns Glycerin ... 5c I5e Dukes Skin Soap .... 15 J5c Caehmer Bouq.uet .. SO Thes Price in for c&sh onlj : With every $1.00 worth purchased we will give a 50c Volland Cook Book Calendar free while the stock lasts. The kiddie get 8 balloon free with eaeh 25c worth purchased. Don't neglect to take advantage of this timely aale. T HI E L E Druggist and Stationer