The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 06, 1916, Image 8

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LLOYD U. TIIOMAH. Uunlntwa Manager
Published every Thursday by
Uord b. Thomu, President crl Thoma, Vice Pre..
John W. Thorn, Secretary
Entered at the post office at Alliance. Nebraska, for transmission through
the malls aa second-clsas matter.
If your copy of The Herald does not reach you regularly or satisfac
torily, rou ahould phone 340 or drop a card to the office. The beat of serv
ice la what we are anrioua to give, ao don't hesitate to notify ua without
telay when you mlaa your paper.
Whatever may be the truth as to the ingratitude of republics, the
Ingratitude of Republicans, measured by their platform, is an unde
niable fact . , , . ... . i
Surely there was never a time m the history of the country when
the old soldiers who imperilled their lives in the national defense
should have had their claims so clearly remembered as now. At a
time when every energy is being bent toward the stimulation of pa
triotism and preparedness, it is a striking fact that the Republican
party should go on record in favor of allowing pensions for past ser
vices to lapse, bo far as the. official platform voices anything to the
A government which does not make proper provision for the de
clining years of those who have risked death that the republic might
live would hardly be in a position to ask similar sacrifices for the fu
ture. And yet in this crucial hour, when national defense is the ral
lying cry of every patriotic American, the Republican convention
at Chicago, after days of effort to nullify the splendid Americanism
of President Wilson, utterly neglected even to mention the old sol
diers who had upheld the Americanism of the past.
There was no such neglect on the part of the Democratic conven
tion. The youth and manhood of today will find an incentive to na
tional service in the Democratic party's substantial gratitude for the
sacrifices of the past. Terse and clear was the declaration of the
Democratic platform :
f'.We renew the declarations of recent Democratic platforms re
lating to generous pensions for soldiers and their widows, and call
attention to our record of performances in this particular."
Almost at the very hour when this plank in the Democratic plat
form was being approved, a Democratic House was enacting the most
liberal pension measure for the benefit of the widows and orphans of
the old soldier ever adopted in that body. It is now before the Senate,
with every prospect of becoming a law. Under its provisions the wid
ows of soldiers and sailors of the Civil War. the War with Mexico and
the various Indian wars will receive a pension of $20 a month and
thousands who have been widowed after a later marriage will be re
.stored to the pension rolls.
The platform pledge of the Democratic party, so far as possible,
is therefore redeemed almost before the convention adjourns. This is
in striking contrast with the conduct of the Republican party. Here
tofore it has been content to forget the old soldier after election. Now
it ignores him altogether. This is, indeed, a strange view of prepared
ness, at a time when the safety of the republic depends in large meas
ure on citizen soldiers. Tho true patriots will not fail to see that the
party of Democracy is the party of real Americanism.
1 The Republican platform contains fourteen planks. The first
one promises protection to American rights. If the Republican party
regained control of Congress, Representative James R. Mann, of Illi
nois, woud be Speaker of the House, this being the logical result of
his present position as minority leader. Senator Gallinger, of New
Hampshire, logicaly would be leader of the Senate. When President
Wilson was engaged in negotiations to protect the rights of Amer
icans in the submarine controversy, the Core and McLemore resolu
tions were introduced in the Senate and House, respectively. These
resolutions proposed that the rights of Americans be abandoned. The
supporters of President Wilson in both branches of Congress moved
that these resolutions be tabled. Roth (lallinger and Mann voted
'against tabling them and against President Wilson.
Another of the fourteen planks pledges the "aid" of the Repub
Mican party in "restoring order and maintaining peace in Mexico."
It does not say by what means this shall be done. "Adequate and
absolute protection to Americans in Mexico is promised. When
: President Wilson, following the raid upon Columbus, N. M., and the
killing of a number of Americans, sent tho American troops into
Mexico, there was praise from nearly' all the Republican members of
Congress, although this necessary step for the protection of American
citizens was bitterly denounced by Republican Leader Mann.
There is a vague plank in the Republican platform for "a suffi
cient and effective Regular Army,'.' and for "ample reserves, already
drilled and disciplined, who can be called at once to the colors when
the hour of danger comes." The present Administration has al
ready provided an effective regular army, and the maimer in which
the National Guard, under the new army reorganization bill, has
been mobilized, places splendid performance by the side of the vague
The Republicans have a plank about "a navy so strong and so
well proportioned that no enemy can gain command of the sea
and effect a landing in force on either our Western or our Eastern
coast." That is the kind of a Navy that the present -Administration
is providing.
The situation presents a choice between actual performance and
mere platitudinous promise. What the Republican platform promises
the Democratic 'party has already accomplished. What the Demo
cratic party, in its platform, promises is what the Republican party
There is not a word in the Republican platform about the effi
cient work that the present Administration is doing through the
Naval Consulting Board, appointed by Secretary Daniels, for the mo
bilization of American inventive genius and of American industries
and' resources for national defense. There is not a word about this
strengthening of American industries so that they may be prepared
to join in the plan of defense and yet be more efficient in time of
peace. Does the Republican party intend to abolish the Naval Con
sulting Board f
There is not a word in the Republican platform about the Federal
Trade Commission, which is aiding the business men of the nation in
establishing better cost-accounting systems and in the improvement
of their methods if business security. Does the Republican party
mean to abolish the Federal Trade Commission Y
Nor is there any word about the Federal Reserve system, w hich
the bankers of the country have so heartily approved and which has
removed the danger of financial panics.
It is true that the Republican platform approves of a tariff com
. mission in the very form in which it is now being put through Con
gress by the present Administration, but this was forced upon the
Republican party by reason of the fact that the United States Cham
ber of Commerce, representing the business men of the nation, had
already given its approval to the Rainey Tariff Commission bill,
which is backed by President Wilson.
The Republican platform is a frank disclosure of the fact that
the Republican party has no issue for the present campaign. Even in
its criticism it is evasive, failing to state what changes would be made
if the Republican party were restored to power.
The farmer, government employees, the working people and the
war veteran who risked their lives for the nation all have been for
gotten in the Republican platform, but the Democratic party deals
definitely and squarely with the problems affecting their interest.
Organized labor has giveu it unqualified approval, through President
Cloniper, to the work that has been done in the interest of labor by
the present Administration, just as the United States Chamber of
Commerce has given its approval to the Administration's Tariff Com
mission bill, the banking world has given its approval to the Federal
Heservc system, and the business world its approval to the Federal
Trade Commission.
Bishop (Jeorgo A. Bcccher, chaplain of the Fifth regiment. N. N.
(J., has issued the following suggestions to the soldiers under his care:
Keep you bodies pure by clean thoughts and clean conversation.
Do not use profane language.
Sec that you have a free and regular movement of the bowels
every twenty-four hours.
Do not eat or drink sweet, trashy stuff and ices.
Take special care of the teeth daily.
Accustom yourself to the regular food in camD and train the
muscles of your body each day for special endurance.
lake special pains to keep the feet clean and fresh after everv
Do not encourage gambling or immoral conduct amonc the men.
but stand for clean sport and especially sec that the vounerer bovs
of your company and the whole regiment arc not enticed or tempted
oy outers to ao wrong.
Disease may be a worse enemy than any human foe vou can
not afford to dissipate your physical energies.
If you want to be a leader, then prove your right and your ability
by first being the master of your own passions and showing that you
are capable of perfect self control.
Let us all work for a united corporate spirit in the entire regi
ment by discontinuing the criticism of any of our official superiors,
and by doing all in our power to create harmony and good will in ev
ery company.
. In case of a call to the firiug line and battle do not forget that
your country expects "every man to do his duty "that every man,
individually, represents the whole country and that the God of our
nation is watching over you and the prayers of your loved ones arc
constantly ascending for your welfare and protection.
Jicep always m mind the power of personal example never for
getting that you are an American citizen. Do not be boastful or un
merciful in the hour of victory nor lose courage in defeat. Always
be ready to minister to the helpless and weak and to protect inno
cent women and children. No man is worthy of the uniform he
wears who would ravish an innocent girl or contaminate himself with
a lewd woman.
If you have any respect for your wife and children, vour mother.
your sisters and your sweetheart then show it by having respect
iu ' v 1 j uiuci luau o mic, unjinei ur Busier mm sweeinean.
So "Here's for duty cheerfully and with unflinching courage
wherever we go and whatever happens." WVll stand for virtue,
truth and justice. Don't forget it, boys. Your chaplain,
NUUSINOWANTED by an experi
enced, practical nurse. Confinement
cases a specialty. Mrs. Brown, phone
Red 724.
WANTED Work by day. Phone 518
. after 6 P. M. Mrs. J. H. Carroll.
LOST A music roll on Alliance
streets, Saturday, June 3rd. Finder
return to Herald office
FOUND Gentleman's rain coat In
Alliance, Nebraska, on June 26th.
Owner may have the same by Identi
fying It. calling at the Herald office
and raying for this advertisement
30- tf-7379.
Phor.e 86 or seo C. C. Rodgera at
Rodgers' Grocery store.
31- tf-7395
MONEY TO LOAN on real MUta
Apply to U. M. Bullock, Room 4.
Reddish Block. Alliance.
county land n1 ranches In the sand
hills. No delay In making the loan,
we Inspect our lands and furnish the
money at once. J. C. McCorkle. Jtfe
Corkle Building. Alliance, Nebr.
Railroad Bon can acur a very um
ful book at The Hrald office. It la
dally tlm book for trainmen and
tlnemen. The price Is reasonable.
FOR RENT Six-room house for
rent, across street east of Central
School building. Inquire of E. O.
Laing. 27-tf-7336
FOR RENT For two months. 0v
room furnished house. Phone 776.
FOR SALE 7 -room house and 6
lota In Duncan's addition. Price
900 cash. A. E. Judson, Hall ho
tel. Denver.
Money to loan on real estate.
We have equipped our dray wag
ons and auto truck with the latest
appliances for moving furnltur
without marring or scratching o
damage. Up-to-date wagon part
will be used by us on all moving Jobs
All kinds of houses In Lincoln, Ne
braska, to exchange for farms, Inn
proved and unimproved, In Box Butt
county. Thomas D. Morgan, 1034 O
St., Lincoln, Nebr.
Escaped Serious Injury
Clifford Lester, the little son of
Claude Lester, narrowly escaped seri
ous Injury on Tuesday when engaged
In shooting off fireworks. Clifford
had lighted the fuse on a Roman
candle, which failed to fire. While
leaning over the candle it started
shooting and Clifford thought for a
short time that he had been bit by a
machine gun. He was taken to a
doctor who reported that the damage
would not prove serious.
D. W. Butler spent the fourth with
his family at Alliance.
Miss Geraldine Schull is stopping
with friends In town at present.
C. U. Canfleld rptnrnnrf frnm tha
eastern part of the state Monday.
miss smun or aAirsiand la visiting
at the uBrlolgh home this week.
The new B. & M. water tank was
unloaded here Wednesday of this
Walter oJnes resigned his position
at the restaurant and Is aeklstlng his
father on the dray.
Mrs. aCrter and daughter, Grace,
were between train visitors In Alli
ance Wednesday.
Walter Walker fell on some broken
glass while playing Monday, cutting
his arm quite badly.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sampy of Sioux
county, were trading with our mer
chants last Saturday.
Grove Fosket went out to the Can
ton neighborhood Monday to remain
for the celebration at Canton.
Jack Burnes came up from All
iance Wednesday to be In attPndance
at th horse sale hero Thursday.
Harry Waddell returned Wednos
riny from a few days' visit with rela
tives and friends In thp eastern part
of the state.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Graham. Mr.
and Mrs. Phil Michael, Jr.. and Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Miller took 43 for
Ardmore Tuesday afternoon, return
ing the same evening on 42.
Harold Uhlmar (Punk)) barber at
the Butler tonsorial parlors, departed
Tuesday for Chicago, where he will
join his mother in a visit with rela
tives and friends. He expects to be
gone some time.
Hemlngford carried home the hon
ors in both ball games at Canton the
rourth. the M. E. Sunday school
team winning one and the high
school team the other. Who
Hemlngford can't play ball?
A phone message reached
Saturday evening stating that
Hlckey, who resides with his mother
about 35 miles west of her had been
found unconscious and remained In
that condition for several hours. No
further particulars were received ex
cept that the young man had regain
ed consciousness.
aCrl Spacht met with quite an ex
citing accident while returning from
Alliance Tuesday evening after the
celebration. He was accompanied by
Miss Hopkins and they were driving
a new car. They met an auto and
started to turn out of the road and
did not notice the ditch being so dep
as their attention was directed to the
car they were meeting, whent heir
car upst and Just as they were get
ting out of their car, another auto
which was following crashed Into
their car, nearly totally demolishing
It. Fortunately no one was hurt.
Recovered from Krokon Wrist
Alex Olds, of Hemlngford, who had
his wrist broken during a ball game
at Alliance several weeks ago, and
who was attended by Dr. Hand, came
down and bad the bandage taken off
the first of the week. The wrist has
healed without permanent disfigurement.
Cattle Salesmen
Mart Malone Oscar H. Allen
John R. McKoown Leo II. Guerlo
Henry T. Gant
Sheep Salesman
Wm. E. Auchmuty Hog
We do strictly a commission business. We sell each man's ship
ment strictly on Its merits and make returns promptly.
Every member of the firm u salesman. In consigning your
stock to us you ship to men who have had years of experience hand
ling stock on the South Omaha market
We hold the record for selling the highest priced load of grass
steers ever Bold to the South O.t aha market. They weighted 1,312
lbs. each and sold for 19.10 on August 3rd, 1915.
Try us with your next shipment and you will go home boosting
for us.
Our Motto: Ability Promptness Satisfaction
South Omaha, Nebraska Telephone South 43
Stock, and Supply Tanks
Dul'. lin No. 5
The Bethlehem Steel Company's
Offer to Serve the United States
A I a time when I lie expenses of the Government are so enormous
Isn't il worth while finding out the actual facts before plunging ahead into an
expendit ure of $ 1 1 ,000,000 of the people's money for a Government armor plant?
To dear up the whole situation, and to put it on basis as fair and business-tike as
we know how to express it, we now make this offer to the Government:
The Bethlehem Steel Company will manufacture armor plate for the
Government of the United States at actual cost of operation plus such
charges for overhead expenses, interest and depreciation as the Federal
Trade Commission may fix. We will agree to this for such period as
the (iutrrnment may designate.
The House of Representatives toted down a proposal to empower the Federal Trade
Commission to determine a fair priee for armor, and allow private manufacturer!
opMi tiinily to nieel that pine before the Government built its plant.
Isn't our proposition fair and ought it not to be accepted?
The measure is now before the United States Senate.
BUGKNKti. (iRACK. Praidat
Bethlehem Steel Company
Will outlast several ateel tanks or
several tanks made from other ma
terlal. and cost less money. These
tanks will keep the water cooler In
summer and warmer in winter. Send
for price list today.
Fred lloiaeu. Manager,
tioa W. O. W. Uldf., Omaha, Vebr.
Your Interests will be well Looked After When
You Consign Your Cattle, Hogs or Sheep to
Omaha Live Stock Com. Comp'y.
Particular attention given to the business of Nebraska cattlemen. We make
a specialty of handling stockers and feeders, both cattle and sheep.
We Invite A Trial Shipment
Exchange Building, Union Stock Yards
South Omaha