Paper Your Rooms Now MAKE IT A PART OF YOUR CLEAN-UP AND PAINT-UP CAMPAIGN ON YOUR OWN PREMISES YOUR HOME AwwwA F. J. BRENNAN 5. 3j 3 There is nothing that con tributes so much to the home at this season as clean, sweet, inviting rooms. Our stock of Wall Paper and Other Wall Coverings is satisfactory in range of designs and prices. Tell Us Your Needs (V t . DYE & OWENS Transfer Line HOUSEHOLD OOOD3 Drj Fhont 84 rfHf?iW moved promptlr. and 'fTiau. l.iJ' . .... rr w Transfer wor solicit- Residence phone 630 and Bint 874 iiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!:iiiiiiit:iiiiiiiiiii!iiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iitini!iiiniiii!iiiiiiuij You want to know what your motor car will do. The million-car Ford performance answers your question. Supplying the motor car needs of all class es, the Ford is operated and maintained in city or country .for about two cents a mile with universal Ford service behind it. Touring Car $440; Runa bout $390; Coupolet $590; Town Car $640; Sedan $740, f. o. b. Detroit. On display and sale at FORD GARAGE Keeler-Coursey Company GAS, OIL, STORAGE m""'''''"'''ua8ttmt twmtt rT YOn I Perpetual service counts in buying ice. We sell ice twelve months in the vear. Our ice men are ex- ' perts in their line. Our service pays you as well as ourselves. When you order ice from us you get PURE ARTIFICIAL ICE, We make it our business to give prompt deliv eries ami full weights to our customers. Let us serve you. We also sell high test gasoline and kerosene. Use Vaughan's 72 Test' Gasoline and 48 Test )ir The next time you want either of the above phone number five. Vaughan & Son Feed, Fuel, Ice, Gas, Kerosene and Oils Lloyd's Column "We cannot all be geniuses, or con quer wealth and fame, We cannot all do wondrous tilings, to make ourselves a name We cannot all feel confident of meet ing every test. Dut, when we have our work to do, we all can do our best. "Our best may not be wonderful, Judged by a standard high, Dut we can all do something well, if we will only try, And if we try our level best, perform ing every task With all our might, why, that Is all that -anyone can ask. "We cannot all be famous If we were 'twould cheapen fame. We cannot all be rich enough to give ourselves a name. We cannot all expect to be distin guished from the rest. But Borne reward is certain for the man who docs his beet." Till-: HISK AND FALL OF llKHilNS This is a dirge, bo bo ready for tears. Dreary the talo I would pour into your ears, Gloomy the moral not gloomier though, Than the fate of poor Biggins, who couldn't Bay No. Iiljrtiins wus popular, Biggiivs was good. High in llio love of hid neighbors ho stood; Praised by the city and honored by all, Now the poor fellow has gone to the wall. Zealous he was for the good of the town; Look at the offices Biggins held down! President twice of the Welfare brig ade. President, too, of the churchman's crusad' Chairman of twenty or thirty com mittees, Delegate often to far-away cities. Member of every commission in sight, Worshipful King of the Sons of De light Leader of Sabbath schools, leagues and societies, Planner of programs of countless va rieties. Mainstay of clubs, and a backer of movements, Charities, mission work, housing im provements Spokesman at meetings for this and for that. Heading subscriptions and passing the hat. Booster, campaigner, awarder to win ners. Toastmaster. sponsor, promoter of dinners Patron of benefits, outings, recitals, "Newark's First Citizen," one of his titles, Ready and willing and always on call Such was poor Biggins, who's gone to the wall. All are astonished but Biggins him self. Long he has known he would land on the shelf; He saw it coming a long while ago; Bravely he tried but he couldn't Bay No. Please be our manager, Biggins, old man. You are the only one, really who can; You are a genius at putting things through Thank you. old fellow, and bully for you!" "Dear Air. Biggins: We're facing the specter Of certain defeat, and we need a di rector, One who can help us get started again. Thank you, dear Bir, for the kindo3t of men." Many a moment, alone and unheard, Biggins would utter a terrible word! Many a time he would promise to Quit; "Now, by the gads! I will learn to Bay Nit!" Always new honors next day were In store, Always next day ne was weak as be fore. Slave to the habit of social endeavor, Easy and yielding and civic as ever. That is the tale of his rise and his tall. That is the reason he went to the wall. Gone Is his job, and his health's on the go. Weep for poor Biggins, he couldn't say No. Also a tear for his friends and his neighbors, They have broken his back with their labors. Now they are saying, in a manner Judicious, (iood fellow, Bigg'ns but over ambltlous!" L. II. Robblns In Newark News. Dam Item The following item, "While In Keo kuk, John Knott walked down by the Mississippi river to look at the won derful new dam" looks innocent, but when boiled down to "Knott by a dam-site" surely sav ors of profanity. Eff Bee Tee (Inger 'Twas only a day or two ago, I read in the paper how Soandso, Had packed up his grip And gone on a trip- To the faraway Isle of Jamlaca. I fancy there was a rumor, too, That Soandso had this in view: He expected to linger And partake of the ginger In that faraway Isle of Jamaica. I'll watch him some when he comes back, For ginger's what he seemed to lack. If I find while he lingered, He got pretty well gingered I'll send Teddy R. to Jamaica. Eff Bee Tee. "I think ther's a brave man the chauffeur that drove Harry Thaw's car In his escape from Mattewan." I don't see anything brave about that, chauffeur." "Well, he drove a car 90 miles an tio'ii a Mli :i )m re net. ' "What did they cull jou In the army "They called me 'Useless.' " "Useless?. "Yes After General Grant." "l. I see." "Once, after a battle, the captain called me and said: 'Useless, you're union soldier, and you've done a union day's work. Put on ray union suit und go home." Men and Women Wanted-Government Positions Forest assistant. Industrial teacher, Junior engineer, land law clerk, teacher, telegraph operator. Examination March IS. Stenograph er and typewriter February 26. Quick preparation Is necessarj. You Can Learn by Mall at Home, Study at Night. Wouldn't you like a Job for life with a steady income of $76 to f 100 or more every month with a good chance for promotion? Then why not get It? We guarantee to prepare you for any civil service position, city, state or federal coach you free until you get the pos ition. Send for particulars. CIVIL S Ell VICE SCHOOL Klttredge Bldg., Denver If you ant to live in the kind of a town Like the kind of a town you like, You needn't slip your clothes In a grip And start on a long, long hike. You'll only find wha you left behind, For there's nothing that s really new. It's a knock at yourself when you knock your town. It isn't the town it's you. Real towns are not made by men afraid Lest somebody else pets ahead. When everyone works and nobody shirks. You can raise a town from the dead. And if while you make your personal stake, Your neighbors can make one, too, Your town will be what you want to see. It isn't the town it's you. Selected. Alliance Herald A Harking fntigli Weakens the System. Don't suffer with a hacking cough that has weakened your system get a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery in use over 40 years, and benefiting all who use it, the soothing pine bal sam with tar heal the irritated air passages soothes the raw spots, loosens the mucous and prevents the body with coughing. Dr. King's New Discovery induces natural s'eep and aids nature to cure you. July 6 Alliance Herald I loth an Army and Navy Tom Banning, the genial insurance man who announced last week that he was going to raise a new army (Salvation Army) has Joined forces with Al Brown, who will raise a na vy with which the two will proceed to whip Mexico. At 2:30 o'clock next week they will meet at Bronco Lake. Banning's infantry brigade will be there to witness the raising of .he battleship which sunk there la t it 11 as well s o witness ! tr' of a new ubm.iritie wh'C vas 09 -i invented by M" Pi own am.' w;' 'h Is guariKi'eci! te .tu as well on l."v land at mi lor Uc tter. The tw" i -.en, Ge Itaiiii ng hi. I A l- m'ri P.rown. w J! ' e ieoile of f.e j, od old U. S A. a b.mle r nl' w the-pro l i "hem mi:' M v i c Alliance Herald littok (aMil I Wl (2hm1 No one can either feel good nor look good while suffering from con stipation. Get rid of that tired, druggy, lifeless feeling by a treat ment of Dr. King's New Life Pills. Buy a box today, take one or two pills tonight. In the morning that stuffed, dull feeling is gone and you feel better at once. 2 5c at your druggist. July 6 Alliance Herald HorttCH We Not Pots-.ii' ! Railroad officials In Alliance are of the opinion that the horses which were taken Blck several days ago at F.dgemont which it was rumored had been poisoned, were kept off water too long before being placed on board the train for shipment. When they yen. finally given water it appears that they gorged themselves, which resulted In their deaths. Autopsies were, held on several of the dead horses, showing a condition of their stomach and intestines that indicated the above facts. Alliance Herald We will furnlNh the money to build home In Alliance. We lnseet the property ourweKes and furnish money quickly at m low rate of Inter est. Nebraska I .and Company, Alli ance, Nebr. Alliance Herald V. F. Ku-ee-ra the Bohemian Spine Adjuster and Spine Masseur, at the Alliance Hotel Tuesday and Wednes day, and Friday and Saturday of each week. Children a specialty. 2S-4t-7342 Modem Barns There's style to barn building as well as to home building. The modem, up-to-date barn provides many conveni ences and improvements that make your work easier and your crops and live stock safer. Poultry Houses Sheds No matter what kind of a build ing you need or whether it's for farm or town we can be of service to you. We have building plans for all kinds of buildings and all the necessary material to make them. Our prices are our advice Is free. the lowest and t.. 4-l FOREST LUMBER COflPANY 3 irS 4 mm THE NEW OMAHA CASPER SERVICE The new Burlington service is already a strong factor in tka development of the North Platte Valley and Central Wyoming. It is a through passenger service between Casper, Douglas, Omaha and the East. Also a service between the Sheridan locality and Casper, Doug las and Cheyenne. Also a service between the North Platte Valley, Cheyenne, Casper nnd Denver. Also between Casper, Douglas, Cheyenne and Denver. The new service closely connects Central and Eastern Wyoming with the whole Burlington System. NEW BILLINGS-CODY TRAIN in con Commencing July 2nd, night trains between Hillings and Cody jnnection with trains 41 and 42 for Yellowstone Park. fryiltipjii ISM Ask about these new trains and their many good connections. J. KRIDELBAUGH, Ticket Agent, Alliance, Neb. L. W. WAKELEY) General Passenger Agent, 1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska Over-work, worry and the constant strain of a business life are often a cause of much trouble. Dr. Utiles' Nervine is highly recommended for all Nervous disor ders. It is particularly invaluable to business women. Regulate your bowels by using DR. MILES' LIVER PILLS W FIRST OTTLK. Oft BOX. PAIL TO BENEFIT YOU. YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. NERVOUS ATTACKS. "I suffered with nervous at tack and headaches. Then my liver got out of order and It seemed as though my whole system was upset. I com menced using Dr. Miles' Nerv Ins and also took Dr. Miles' Liver Fills ana now I feel per lectly well la verr war M7 bowels also ar Is good aka MM. AUGUSTA. KBIBKR. 11M Portland Ave. Koch eater, K. T.