Alliance Chautauqua, July to 26th, Buy Your Season Tickets Now 2st 1916 QWM NOTED GRAND OPERA STARS TO PRESENT "IL TROVATORE" BEAUTIFUL 8CENERY RICH COSTUMES. ' - w ... xy v At- v 1 i . V f ; 1 4 j, . . v V. ; I " ' V '4 t SB i 5 . 0 f ' j ' : t BESS GEARHART MORRISON. J Famous Reader and Impersonator Will Delight Audiences the Fifth Day of the Chautauqua. THE SIDLES RARELY IS THERE FOUND SO MUCH MUSICAL TALENT IN ONE FAMILY FAMOUS HUNGARIAN VIOLINIST HEADS CCWUPANY. Hoot Mon! The Kilties World Famous Band BANDSMEN, PIPERS AND SINGERS BACK FROM THEIR WORLD TOUR SIX THOUSAND CON CERTS IN TWENTY COUNTRIES FETED AND PRAISED BY ENTHUSIASTIC AUDIENCES. V.;,, f "v ' ' ; J'ifrr'Ax - .ifl tH 1 s v t HI -) "s afe Jiff mrn -ureiLi. .A,, , p-; tia .( ,J7fj 3REATEST WOMAN LECTURER IN AMERICA IS COMING. Belle Kearney Returns From European War Zone to Lecture Over Stand ard Chautauqua Circuit. "' x III 11 THE "HOBO" PREACHER. Dr. John A. Gray Assumes the Role of a Tramp Will Tell the Story of His Experience. - i-ii -in "in.iLnj1.nji.ri'i n The Metropolitan Musical Men A NOVELTY COMPANY PLAYING MUSICAL GLASSES. CHIMES, ITALIAN HARP, VIOLONCELLO, OCARINOS AND TEN OTHER INSTRUMENTS. DR. L. B. WICKERSHAM, THE "RETURN DATE" MAN, COMING Tl k: : .- iLaMi-fcM-n it lMrT-' f--Te ------ JaWdM4inbualfl DR. A. M. REITZEL Polished Lecturer Talks to People About Every Day Life. mjmmtlJmmmmJ0r2l v . i 111a 8u-cfat a m Cltuutauqua lecture, for more llian twenty-flve yearn has U rn uuiiiierrupteil, aud we Inline hl record U unparalleled. He baa tlt-ltr-ered over 2.K) paid le tures au.l ape rial aUUreH-H lit lila Inane state. What la tbe nieaniui: of audi a ret ordt Sim ! ply that the eope like to hear him I aud call for him acaln and axaln. : This Ik true of hia work from Winni peg to New Orleans aud fpm New ! York ! San Francisco. He has tilled ! the Urgent numUv of returu eiigage j mefrta In a limltel time aud territory of any niau who la now or ever baa r? r c i "PLAYERS AND SINGERS CHARMING COMPANY PRESENT AN ARTISTIC AND POPULAR PROGRAM. o it? j : :';'r;k V s - i 1 f 'i - " ? A" IV T W fA. " : A - i-'i' 'VrTV . - M The Original Hawaiian Company 7" " .V . PLAY NATIVE INSTRUMENTS AND SING NATIVE SONGS MOST EN TERTA1NINGLY COMMITTEES CLAMORED FOR THEIR RETURN. MUSIC FROM ISLANDS ACROSS THE PACIFIC TO ADD GREATLY TO BIG PROGRAM ENGAGED. tk j m . a mi -V THREE HUNDRED LECTURES TO CROWDED HOUSES Three hundred lecturta to crowded houses in the record of t'liuton N. How ard in his home town of Rochester, N. V., In the past ten yeurs. ills lecture have been recognized for more thnn twenty jeara aa Chautaucjua tlassica. He has apenred at all tbe llg lade pendent assemldlea east, west, uortb aud south and everywhere acknowl edged "great as an orator, great aa an eutertainer, great us au instructor and sincere as tbe prophets of old." His aubjecta are "Adam ,.ud Eve and the Baby." "Why God Made a Wom an," "Well Balanced Folks." Hia Sun day addresa In tbe afternoon is "Why Men Should Marry;" at night la "Why Women Should Wed." "Howard day" will be the firat day of tbe Chautauqua. CLINTON N. HOWARD.