PHONE EMPLOYES PAID Itell Telephone Kmployo Will He Cflve Salaries While cm Duty Willi National tJuard Please The Familu Brin& Worxv? 2ard 3 times Yeeklvjt g I , ICE CREAM. I 1 Take them a treat for warm weather. The expense Is g light while the treat la liked by all. Nothing better for g the family than pore, wholesome Ice Cream. When you ,' g take them Diamond Ice Cream ' they will like it because they know that it la made In' Aonttar tirpAiinrflnM trnm nnrA InPTArilanfa TtllV It At BRENNAN'S THIELE'S or JOE SMITH'S ALLIANCE CREAM'RY COMPANY Phone 545 HARES Hand made from beat material. Outlaat any factory made goods. Call and see. Harness repairing by ezperlene ed harness maker. J. M. COVERT At M. D. Nichols sUnd, Alliance Liberal provision tor the milling twelve month a are made by the Bell Telephone System for Its employes who have been called out for service with the national guard. Full pay Is granted for 'ho first throe months and the fraction of the month In which the men are called to the col ors. For the remaining nine sala ries will continue In full force less the amount received from the gov ernment. Upon the return from duty, em ployees will be given employment as far as the needs of telephone service will permit. At the end of twelve months further consideration of these provisions will be made. The policy announced lu as fol lows: "Employees of the Hell Ssystem who, on the 18th of June, 1916, were members of the national guard or naval militia, and who havo been called Into service by orders Issued in accordance with the proclamation of the President of the United States of that date, or who may be called Into service by similar order, will be allowed full pay at the normal rate in effect on that date In each case, during absence in such service not to exceeu three full months and the fraction of the month In which call ed into service, and thereafter for a period not exceeding nine additional months, full pay at such rate less the amount in each case paid by the gov ernment. "Such employees will also be con sidered, for the purposes of the Em ployees' Benefit Plan, as being con tinuously employed in the System while absent on such duty and upon return from such duty or after hon orable discbarge, will be given such employment as the needs of the ser vice will permit and the employee is able and fitted to perform. "Owing to the importance of our service to the government and pub lic in time of war, we must take care not to cripple it. Therefore, the names of those who are willing to en list hereafter will be noted and if subsequently desired by the govern ment, we will aid in supplying skill ed men for the particular service for which men specially trained are re quired. Those who hereafter enlist with the company's approval will be treated In the same manner as em ployees who were members of the na tional guard or naval mllltla on June 18, 1916. "Further consldera'lon In duo time Build Beauty Into Every Room ' Specify Cornell-Wood Board for the walls and ceilings of the new home. Then the entire house will come up to your ideals of beauty, permanence and economy. Let Cornell designers show you just how it can be done. Cornell-Wood-Board allows any desired effect in paneling; the quality of every board is guaranteed; the cost is surprisingly low. Cornell-Wood-Board is an all-wood product, made from pure, tough wood fibre into boards of convenient sizes. Each fibre is sized with water proofing compound and the finished board is sur faced on both sides, which makes it practically moisture-proof and reduces the cost of decorating. It is a non-conductor of cold, heat and sound. Keeps the . house warm in winter, cool in summer. Takeo paint or kalsomine per fectly. The best builders and decorators recommend Cornell-Wood-Board. For Walls, Ceilings and Partitions Easily and quickly put up; nails right to the studding in new homes or over the walls in old homes. . Write direct to the Cornell Wood Products Co. for free plans, specifications and cost estimate or ASK YOUR DEALER. Send rough dimension sketches or blue prints of the rooms and distinc tive plans will be made just for your home. This service is absolutely free and places you under no obligation whoever. Guarantee: Cornell-VYood-buu i d is guaranteed not to warp, buckle, chip, crac k or fall. PRICE: 4 CENTS PER SQUARE FOOT in full box board cases. Manufactured by the Cornell Wood Products Co. (C O. Frisbie, President), Chicago, and wild by the dealer listed here. will be Riven to the matter of serv ice beyond the period herein provid ed for. In case the slate or nation makes provision for dependents of the men in service or the situation Is otherwise substantially changed, this arrangement may be modified as In the Judgment of the companies, the changed conditions may warrant." Alliance Herald How's This? We offer nOe Hundred Dollars Ho ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Hall's Catarrh Cure ha a been tak en by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty-five years, and has become! known as the most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure acts thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, expelling the Poison from tho lilood and healing the diseased portions. After you have taken Hall's Cat arrh Cure for a short time you will see a great Improvement In your gen eral health. Start taking Hall's Cat arrh Cute at once and get rid of catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo. Ohio. Sold by Druggists 7Rc. July 6 Alliance Herald Summer Poultry KugKcMhuiA A coat of whitewash properly pro pared and applied to poultry houses aids In reducing disease germs and mites. The excellent prices being paid for hens should warrant a Tory close culling of overfat hens and those In clined to be broody. Overfat hens, as a rule, are poor layers and often succumb to the summer heat. All cockerels that are not to be us ed as breeders should be marketed as soon as they weigh about two pounds. Broiler prices will be no higher this season than they are now. A two pound bird will sell for as much now as a four-pound bird two months later. Encourage mature chickens to range by feeding them sparingly. A good summer ration for hens sug gested by the Collego of Agriculture consists of I part wheat, 1 part oats, and 1 part corn, by weight. More eggs are obtained where the birds are fed a little grain than when forc ed to depend upon "pickings" nbout the farm. Alliance Herald Chamberlains' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea llomel y. Every family without exception should keep this preparation at hand during the hot weather of the sum mer months. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Is worth many times its cost when need ed before the summer Is over. It has no superior for the purposes for which It Is Intended. Buy It now. Obtainable everywhere. July 6 Alliance Herald Taking lltir Chance It Is a great risk to travel with out a bottle of Chamberlain s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Hemedy. as this preparation cannot bo obtained on the trains or stenuiHhips. Attacks of bowel complaint are often sudden and very severe, and everyone should go prepared for them. Obtainable everywhere. July fi Alliance Herald Fight the lied Mite Kvery poultry keeper must fight mites. They are carried 'by spar rows and In various other ways. Mites thrive In unclean houses In the nests, on the floor, and in cracks and crevices about the roosts. Mites are firt noticed in early sum mer hiding under and about the perches When allowed to multiply they spread to ail parts of the house. They attack tho bird at night and live by sapping Its blood. They may kill little chicks and ef fectively reduce egg production. The College of Agriculture says to be on your guard, and when you first notice the mites clean tho hous thor oughly and spray the neKta, drop-ping-boards, walls, and perches with kerosene. As a precaution, white wash the entire house. A Ha nee Herald CtMiHtiiiaUoit and Indigestion "1 have used Chamberlain's Tab lets and must say they are the bvst 1 have ever used tor constipation and indigestion. My wife also used them for Indigestion and they did her good, writes Eugene S. Knight, Uil mington, N. C. Chamberlain's Tab lets are mild and gentle in their ac lion. Give them u trial. You are certain to be pleased with the agree able laxative effect which they pro duce. Obtainable everywhere. July 6. - Alliance Herald Whitewash idUture. For general use about the farm buildings to assist in destroying In sects, the following recipe for white wash is offered by the College of Agriculture: Slake 5 quurts of lime w ith hot water to about the consist ency of cream. To this add 1 pint of zenoleum o rsomo other coal tar product, and apply with a brush or a pump. This solution when properly applied accomplishes three things (1) Zenoleum acts as a disinfectant by killing disease germs; (2) the kerosene aids in destroying mites; and (3) the lime whitens the house, A 'Ha nee Herald IliliousiieHM and Kt4tniacli Trouble "Two years ago I suffered from frequent attacks of stomach trouble and biliousness," writes Miss Emma Verbryke, Lima, Ohio. "I could eat very little food that agreed with me and I became so dizzy and sick at my stomach at times that I had to take hold of something to keep from fall lng. Seeing Chamberlain's Tablets advertised I decided to try them. Improved rapidly." Obtainable ev erywhere. July Alliance Herald eek. Mr. M. o. Dayou left Tuesday for Is home, after spending a week with his sister, Mis Emma Dayou, eart of Angora. U. T. Ely and Wm. Orr autoed to Dnltcne Sunday. The John Scott residence has een treated to a coat of paint this eek, I.. I,. Stowe Son dolus the ork. TANLAC ROMANCE NOW FULLY TOLD S. A. FOSTER LUMBER COMPANY Alliance, Nebraska ANCiOKA (Too late for last week.) O. W. Berry is treating his bouse to a fresh coat of paint this week Martin Hatch was in Alliance Sat urday on business. The majority of the Angora cltl sens are planning on a fishing trip for the fourth of uJly. Miss Marie Dayou has gone for visit with ber relatives in Nellgh Nebr. Miss Orr of Nellgh. Nebr.. is vis iting her brother, Wm. Orr, this JACK n LLER Auctioneer Live Stock and Farm Sales a Specialty. Write Me for Terms and Dates. Best of References. ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA (t Launching and What Inspired It I At lnt Ex plained "Every few years someone sug- estp something that will ten1 is bet- er i ur ronri'tlon, whether it may ertaln ti out business, our knowl edge, convenience or health, or our clal Mate," declarel L. T Cooper, recently. 'I has been my pleasure to offer Tanlac to the world," he continued. I presented Tanlac on Its merits, nowlng full well that It would prove satisfactory If properly tested. "Confident as I was of the recep tion Tanlac would receive, I confess I was hardly prepared for the wonder ful popularity into which It at once sprang. When it Is considered that Just nine months to the day after Tanlac was announced, one million bottles had been sold, it can be un derstood that when the story of Tan lac is called a romance of the busi ness world It Is Quite true. "Tanlac appeals particularly to the best people everywhere people who are able to judge carefully and to render a Just opinion of Its merits. Upon the thousands of indorsements of such men and women Aanlac's as tonishing success has been based. Oreat as is the demand for Tanlac now, I really feel that the country as whole, Is only Just awakening to it "Tanlac. which Is the Joint product of Heir oJseph Von Trimbach, the noted German chemist, and myself Is, believe, the most effective remedy nown for ailments of tho stomach, liver and kidneys and for catarrhal affections of the mucous membranes. 'It is compounded of roots, herbs, barks and flowers, many of which came from remote parts of the world, nd It is free from the mineral taint feared by many persons. - "I have no doubt that Tanlac will be as successful in your city as It has n every other In which It has been ntroduced." Tanlac can now be obtained In Alliance, Nebraska, at the Harry hlele durg stor-, where it Is fully xj la I ned ATTENTION, I)KUfi(JlSTS An exclusive Tanlac agent Is wanted In every Nebraska town. For particulars address Agency Department, Cooper Medicine Co., Dayton, Ohio. (?oJb Wvul c( CWAMAnVUl . luatiAAj arvd -itMrvUj. AOift - M ayviA (rUM, 9erw Ccuriaclo' Tinner METAL WORK Brazing We do all kinds of tinning, repair lng and metal work. Radiator and aluminum crank cases a spec ialty. W. EL IIAQAN , The Tinner With Rheln-Rousey Co. Phones: 98 Res., 495 CORRECT ENGLISH HOW TO USB IT Josephine Turck Daker, Editor A MONTH L Y M AoTziN M -Alliance llerald- iH-ath of Mrs. Thompson's Father S W Thnmnsnn. the Alliance traveling man, received a telegram rom Mrs. Thompson on trmay inai ler rather, it. it. Williams, ai iucuooi unction, Nebraska, near York, had led that morning. Mrs. rnompson nil tho rtiilrlren left for his bedside arly last week and Mr. Thompson rt ror the runerai Krmay nigni. . Alliance Herald Kiulev tj-irk and Miss Kev. of Cen- ral City, autoed to Alliance on Sat- rday with L. M. Hawkins, who has farm near llemingford. Miss Key n nic of Mr. Hawkins and had been visiting for a time with blm and his family. Mr. Lock and Mis Key returned to their home at entrai City on the noon train. Alliance Herald ViMi K4I1'.! A eood Winchester hot nun. nnlv been used u part of one season and is in good condi tion . Can be bought very rea sonable If sold within the next 3ft days. Inquire at this office. Alliance IJeral.T Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Reynolds of Al liance and Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Stoeit- ng. of McCook. went to Rlvertoti. Wyoming, on Saturday for an outing f a few days. They will visit there with Mr. and Mrs. m. u. iraeni, wm re relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Key iolds. A trln to Hillings will also be mad before returning. Alliance Herald LBS MEAT IF BACK AND KIDNEYS HURT Taks a glass of Bait to flush Kidneys if Bladder bothers yon Prink lots of water. For Progressive Men and Women, Business and Professional! CI no Women, Teachers, Students, Min isters, Doctors, lawyers, Stenog raphers, and for all who wish Us Speak and Write Correct English. Special Feature Kvery Month V0UU EVKUY-DAY VOCABULARY: HOW TO ENLARGE IT Sample Copy 10c. Subscription Trice, $2 a Year KVANSTON, ILLINOIS Josephine Turck Baker's Standard Magazine and Books are recommend ed by this paper. n::r:u:uunrt Your Friends can buy anything you can give them EXCEPT Your h have it made Ht the n ;t Shuler Studio J iiiiiiiniiiMHniniimnintrmiiiiiiiiiii;a cured, i?: in a f Slnrr isss !) Kuijm Oils. 1 Ha ,'l if rune of V';ii ! i l. It)lm- . Ircli-. mil allii-il troiil.lin. Tli 'rcn.jtii'.l vt iim. pain, enlnrm?- jKy anil otlier.V dixappwiM for llliintrnteo immjk "Without th Knife" and full particu lar free, neuled. .(Tall or add real S i nirin, 'A eiihrit'XH , 8v ini'l'Hiis iiuii kly U wilt. 3M VwicaM Vlcan M Eating inest regularly eventually pro ducts kidney trouble in some form or other, ? a well-known authority, be cause the uric acid in went excites the kUlncyn, they become overworked; get tliiL'tinh : clog up ami cause all aorta of .dibtivf, particularly backache and mi- Mry in t tie kidney rejrion; rheumatic iwin fCb. nevere headaHiea, acid utoinaeh, onn ftlipalion, torpid liver, ileepleeaneaa, Madder and urinary irritation. The moment your back hurU or kid uryt aren't acting right, or if bladder bothers you. get about four ounce of Jad Salt from any good pharmacy; take a Ublespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fin. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with litnia, and bus been used for general ions to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity; also to neutralUs the arids ia the urint so U no longer Irrl- es. thus ending bladder disorders, -id Salts eaaaot injur anyone; kes a daUrhtraJ gurvsfnt littda- tr drink wbleh millions of ansa and women taks new aad taea to keep the kidney aad urinafT ergaas ieaa, thus avoiding ssrtows aida aissaes. KNOWLEDGE THAT TAp Knowing that you are insured in the LINCOLN ACCIDENT IN-, SURANCE COMPANY makes your recovery from sick ness and accident more pleasant GUY LOCKWOOD Representative for western Ne braska. All claims settled per sonally and promptly LEG SORES m ULCEuS Smc U ! Emm Oltj, I km IH ftfuil Lmauxl lboaaad orr.inof ebn .t iKvralltKI) liurtllt I BXi MIHU ao4 VAKlCOttK 1'1XR. Mr feu pant-ana. nmblaa iih rtcteal ud aaudara meaSa laaaiaaouaa. I pita aau-uaa. aitfewil tiifaataHa, Writ fur lib S IwK-IlkU. iDiTHJ. WHITTIER. ii a tfrMMb imi i Mr, bm