PAQB tO JULY, 1911 The Fortune Hunter The second of a series of Articles on the conservation of health and Its relation to human happiness and prosperity (Continued from June Stockman) If the results of such practices as that described have never been suf ficiently impressed on your minds to command respect when you sit down to dine next time, let me suggest that Instead of a cocktail for an appetizer, you go out and stick your head in the garbage can a few minutes. Your meal will, I am sure, be much more enjoyable after this experience, and i venture me assertion that your stomach for awhile at least, will re ceive something near the respect It deserves. Whenever you And your self forgetful. Just repeat the ner formance I have outlined, and add to the invigorating sensations that will not fall to follow, the aroma of a few whiskey sours and stale beer second hand. But the garbage can method of eating ! not the only cause of gar bage ran odors about the human body. Have your nostrils ever sensed the putrid breath coming from an unclean mouth, or have your eyes ev er Deneld a mouth full of decayed teetn or apparently good teeth cov ered with a thick coating of rotten food, usually called tartar for re spectability's sake. How inimical to comfort such a condition is. But very often we come in contact with people whose berath Is nauseating al though there is every appearance viHiDiy, 01 cieanuness. wnen we meet such a condition as this, we are forced to ask Inwardly, If not audi bly, what Is the cause. While it is not always true, yet In a majority of cases, It is due to Improper dentistry It may be somewhat startling to the most of you to know that ninety per cent of the bridge work done by Twentieth Century dentists, so-called, is unfit to be recognized as sanitary, and is in fact injurious to the public health. For the benefit of those who have never worn any half-tooth bridge work, I will make the state ment that It Is absolutely impossible to thoroughly cleanse the irregular pockets and crlpts of the ordinary bridge work. Those who have worn the ordinary half-tooth bridges al ready know too well the difficulty ex perienced In keeping the mouth clean. The mouth Is the entrance of all food, and If the teeth are covered with filth, the food passing Into the body Is bound to carry with it to the stomach some of the refuse that ought to have been dumped Into the garbage can. Do you imagine for a single minute that this is productive of pood health, especially when we cor.slder that immediately the food roaches the stomach it is absorbed by the blood and carried to all parts of the body for the restoration of worn out tissues. Are you attempting to build up your body with decayed substances or good, wholesome, cleanly food not contaminated by Im purities lodged in your own mouth? In these days enough impurities will be consumed no matter how great our struggle to avoid it; so I ask why we should submit to, much less tolerate willingly and perhaps thoughtlessly, such a menace to Individual and pub lic health. Another thing: the brain Is nour ished by the circulation of the blood, which must bring to the peat of the intellect strength or depravity ac cording as it is supplied when it reaches the stomach. Is it any won der then that we find so many weak lings intellectually, physically and morally, when we look about us and see some of the exhibition that are put on three times a day at the ta ble? CHAPTER II Walter D. Moody, general manager of the Chicago Association of Com merce, calls attention in forceful words to the necessity for right liv ing In every respect In the following irorde: "This is an era of the greatest commercial activity the world has ever known. The develop ment of business 1b one of the marvels of the new century. A few years ago, science as a fac tor in commerce, was little known and less appreciated. The amazing advantages to business of intellectual attainments were utterly without recognition. To day, however, business has be come a contest In which the quickest perception wins, thus transforming the counting room into a battle ground upon which . brain matches brain for suprem acy and success." uo you want to go out Into the struggles of every day life where ev ery racuity must be keen and alert under a handicap that will sooner or later bring failure? Or, If perchance you should, succeed In outdistancing your contemporaries notwithstanding me inongs mat Dind you round and spell your limitations, would not your achievements be Infinitely greater were you to remove the one great oarrier 10 complete successan lm perfect and unclean mouth? From a purely selfish motive, the measure of success depending on this one con dition alone should be more than compensation for the effort required for its accc itmsument. And this is not all: in a thousand unknown ways and places there will flow to you ad vantages and opportunities never be fore dreamed of, all because your mental and physical vigor will de mand and comprehend expansion. The Scriptures admonish us that "By their fruits ye shall know them". In the present age, however, we can not always afford to wait for the re sults of a man's labor to Judge his ca pacity to serve, so we must seek some other formula by which to measure ability. We have, therefore, chang ed the admonition of the Scriptures to sun present day requirements, and It now reada, "By their mouths ye shall know them". The demand for efficiency is so Insistent that we are compelled to Judge men by what we see. By way of comparison: when we build a house, barn, garage, or what-not, we watch every piece of material that enters into the struc ture. and whenever we come across one that bears evidence of decay, or tartar if you choose, it is at once dis carded. Is it not sensible that the same scrutiny should be and Is being exercised In Judging men and women no matter in what capacity we find them? Should we not, therefore, be extremely careful to Bee that all the evidences of decay are removed be fore we mingle too freely among onr fellow men, for the reason that the trained mind is quick to perceive all of our visible faults. Lasting suc cess does not stride In the footsteps avoidable decay any more than the tower of Eiffel stands on a papier mache foundation. The first law of nature is self pres ervation, and self preservation in its true sense means right living. Clean liness Is the first basic principle of right living. Material wealth or riches is the thing sought after most by all of us, but the only real wealth. and the one that brings happiness at all times and under all conditions, is good health. Elbert Hubbard once Bald: "Heav en Is largely a matter of digestion," and there is much food for thought in this trite statement. I have no doubt that John D. Rockefeller would willingly relinquish half his wealth if thereby he could restore his digest ive apparatus, but money will not boy this or any other function of the hu man body. If we abuse and destroy our stomachs through failure to prop erly masticate our food and prepare It as nature Intended before passing it on to the digestive functions, life becomes a veritable hell ea earth. If you don't believe it, set before Mr, Rockefeller some real appetising dish which he may not eat because of the condition of his stomach and then register the sensations that pass through his mind. Although I un derstand Mr. Rockefeller to be a very peaceful citizen, I should not advise you to repeat the performance too often, for some of the living, physic ul evidences of the hell which he en dures might find expression in an un pleasant form. I do not believe the day far distant when railroads, factories, and all large employers of labor, whether mental or manual, the quantity and quality of whose product depends up on the efficiency of the individual la borer as well as in a collective capac ity, will require that all employes carefully observe the rules of oral hygiene. As a further and laglcal step in the march of progress, such employers will maintain efficient den tlstry departments whose duty will be to establish and enforce strict hy giene of the mouth in addition to the other branches of hygiene now pro vided for by law in many states. In the economical struggle for efficiency of the human body, the proper care of the teeth will be thoroughly ap preciated, for the science of living begins at the mouth. As conclusive evidence of the trend of public thought for the one hundred per cent efficiency of the ha man being, I may say that municipal Hies, states, nations, are all striving to perfect sanitary living conditions; and Indeed this is a wonderful work Notwithstanding all the progress in this direction, however, there has been little or no real advance toward the sanitation of dentistry, the all important beginning of right living. A scientific study of these conditions is fundamentally essential, for no matter how insistent and noisome the hum of Industry may become, the human equation can never be entire ly eliminated. Hygienics are as nec esaaiy, therefore, to the development of efficient man, as eugenics are to the production of perfect posterity, One cannot succeed without the other any in ore than strong healthful prog eny can spring from the cess-pool of disease. The dentistry of today and the future must be one hundred per cent hygienic: the efficiency of den tistry is dependent upon the preserva tion of natural conditions so long as possible, and where impossible, upon the substitution of something tbst will efficiently perform the functions of the teeth; it also depends upon the accuracy of articulation of artificial teeth and the absolute freedom from filth and consequent disease. The next generation must produce a class of highly trained and efficient men to direct and manage the great businesses that have been evolved by the great hordes of humanity. Such complex questions grip the throats of the business world today that there must come to their solution men of unlimited analytical powers, whose minds can reach out and grip-hold nature. They must be capable of making great strides where we have gone step by step, and go about giant like, solving in mental recreation the vexing problema which we have been unable to accomplish. To sum up the whole pituatipn in two words, the question of today and the future is Human Efficiency. Hu man Efficiency must rife to meet the demands of commerce and Industry. It has been said that the great im pulse to all human effort I huneor and love; hunger for ilif nvoussities of life and distinction by way of achievement, and love f.- those de pendent upon the fruits of the labor er's toll, and of the strupgle for pu premacy. We all know that in-n and women desire to he ,vlr.tt5 out as monarchB of the buslu- and so cial world; that they strutr.;.- for ad miration, praise and est Miii-; slid Vi.. they crave to be the p;-ti 1 1- ; of humanity, to loi l 'f 'hi a 'if. must go among the ero' nd yby i ally and mentally handle, out i ov ercome and veritably cruh' - people. Does not this mil i.'-, bly for one hundred per tent liui .un( efficiency, end can auy person h u if he barber the destroyers ef health , physical fitness, which is the under lying principle of success. Can any one intelligently deny the relation of in his own mouth? All this points to the necessity for efficient dentistry to physical fitness, when all of the vital energy of life must pass through the mouth in the form of food and receive the first step in the process of transformation to intellectual and physical power through the medium of the teeth? We live in pregnant and decisive times every day tolls the forward march of humanity, and this is a con clusive reason why we should pattern after nature's precepts. Men who live close to nature succeed in life they absorb nature they are nature human masters. For this reason there is in all things a lesson which each of us Bhould learn, and while that which I have discerned may not compare with the beauty your eyes have be held, yet no one can gainsay that I have been benefitted. The angle from which we perceive the deeply hidden secrets of wisdom may afford only the faintest glimmer of the pre cept? of life, but in the constantly changing vortex of physical exist ence, if our minds remain steadfast and sincere, some day a gentle radi ance will fall upon and enfold us as a beniBon. To illustrate: I sat one day be neath a magnificent tree counting its leaves till confusion of numbers over came' me and I lay back upon the ground cushioned with grass full grown. The fragrance of the air and Stock, and Supply Tanks Will outlast several steel tanks or several tanks made from other ma terial, and cost less money. These tanks will keep the water cooler in summer and warmer in winter. Send for price list today. ATLAS TANK MFG. COMPANY, Fred Bolsen. Manager. HOa W.-O..W. Old, Omaha, Ntkr L Hotel -Victoria ?tb & McCee Sts. Kansas City, Mo. EUROPEAN In the Heart of the shopping district Telephone and running water In all rooms. Popular priced cafe ia connection. RATES One Person Booipi with Bith priyilrg .bo-.i kocro with Prfvn Bih f, Two Person Rooms with Batl. privilrfe tl iO-.oo Xuoms with Private Baih tj.oo-Sj.jc " L, V & MOORE, Proprietor