St. Joseph Live Stock Market NOT AS OLD AS OTHERS BUT RECOGNIZED AS ONE OF THE BEST IN THE WEST IMMENSE VOLUME OF BUSINESS TRANSACTED EVERY YEAR CONVENIENT STOCK YARDS WITH UP-TO-DATE EQUIPFMENT EVERY ATTENTION POSSIBLE GIVEN TO THE INTERESTS OF SHIPPERS BY STOCK YARDS COMPANY AND EMPLOYES ACCOMMODATING AND ENTERPRISING LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MEN TO HANDLE BUSI NESS FOR THEIR PATRONS, THE STOCKMEN A Worth While Market Second Annual St. Joseph Stocker and Fewler Show to foe Held at TIiIh Market, Sept. 'ZH-ZU The live stock, market, with pack ing houses, stork yards and Exchange building located at South St. Joseph, a suburb of the elty on the south side. Is an institution of which every cit izen of St. Joseph and the surround ing country may be proud. It is a market worth while and a Kreat help to th" business of St. Jos eph. "The City Worth While." The men who conduct tne business of this market have put it in the front ranks of live stock markets and have made It a credit to the city from which it takes its name. 'While not one of the oldest live stock markets, this is one of the best markets of this country. In the live 8toc,k and packing Industry, St. Jos eph can point with pride to the ex ceptional total or $80,000,000.00 it enjoys yearly. The payroll of the Stock Yards' interests exceeds $3, 000,000.00 annually, more than 1250,000.00 per month. The enterprise of the officers of the St. Joseph Stock Yards Company and the live stock commission firms do ing business on that market was shown by taking the lead last year in putting on a stocker and feeder show, offering liberal prizes and oth er Inducements to cattlemen to ex hibit. It was a pronounced success, so much that other markets are be ginning to follow suit. The St. Joseph Stocker and Feeder Show this year will be a great suc cess. With details of arrangements perfected, this second show will prob ably be enjoyed by stockmen even more than was the first, last year. Premiums amounting to $2,000 will be offered for Hereford. Shorthorn. Angus and Galloway cattle. Besides that, there will, no doubt, be plenty of buyers present to take the cattle exhibited, paying topnotch prices for all, those that do not capture prizes as well as those that do. Some of the live stock commission firms at South St. Joseph, where the stock yards are located, are extend ing a cordial Invitation thru the ad vertising columns of The Nebraska Stockman, to the ranchmen of Nebr aska to ship to them and will give particular attention to any business so entrusted to thera. We wish to call Bpecial attention to the live stock commission firms advertising In this paper. It.WAKI) KXI'H'TS FACTOKY Pevcloping Sugar Industry .Means More Cattle and Sheep FVedlnjr, The enterprising little town of Bayard, in the Wfvt pnrt of Morril' county. Is all wvlced up ovjr the prospect of sec urine it encar factory. The development of I he beet sugar industry and the growing of sugar beets and alfalfa in the North Platte valley is of particular Interest to ranch- en because of the bearing on cattle and sheep feeding, not enough yet to make any material difference to Nebraska cattlemen, but It may h n the course of time, and possible not many years at that. The North Platte valley, including the adjacent Irrigable flats. Is com ing to be recognized as the best sugar beet district In the United Etates. and it will not take long to develop the Industry on an immense scale, once the proper interests get back of it, as they are doing now. The follow ing Item was sent to the daily press from Bayard, under date of July 20: Great Interest is being taken In this vicinity in the assurance that the Great Western Sugar Co. has practically decided up on the erection of a large sugar factory In Bayard, one of the most progressive cities of west ern Nebraska. The development of the sugar beet industry In this section is keeping pace with the develop ment of lands available, and this now amounts to about 50,000 acres. vVith the advent of the new factory, this figure is ex pected to be largely n agnifled, as th soil here is specially arliipted to sugar beet culture. Bayard is well prepared for the increase in population which the factory would mean. She is already installing a modern sys tem of water works, and is ne gotiating for electric lights, while sewerage and "drainage systems are being considered. One More ling to Host A public school teacher once put this question to her pupils: "Which would you rather have three bags with two apples in each bag. or two bags with three apples in each bag?" "Three bags with two apples In each bag." was the surprising answer given by one lad, while the rest of the class was struggling with the problem. "Why. Harry?" "Because there'd be one more bog to bu'st!" Exchange. OUR MOTTO: "Good Sales, Good Fills, Courteous Treatment To AH" R. E. SHEA T. N, MUTTON S. M. BRE1TWEISER THE II. N. POLLARD WCOMMISSION COMPANYl CATTLE SALESMEN: T. N. Hutton 8. M. (Stanley) Hreltwetser Paul Kilkenny South St. Joseph. Mo. OFFICE: 11. W. Oiallis HOG SALESMEN: II. K. (Kmmett) Shea IL A. Ilreitweiser We are the acknowledged leaders in salesmanship on these yards. A trial shipment means your continued patronage. Our nalesmen have had years of experience in their departments and it costs you no more to have the best. Write or wire us for mar ket information. Do yourself a favor by billing your next shipment to The Burlington Live Stock Commission Co. All Stock Sold by Members of Our Firm. We Exert Every Effort for the Best Interests of Our Customers