Ir IE DC DjjG FRUIT AND VEGETABLES A carload of fresh fruits and vegetables will arrive Saturday morning. We have opened an exclusive fruit and vegetable store at 116 Box Butte avenue and will de vote our attention to the two lines only. We buy in carload lots. We are one of a chain of five stores who have a buyer on the Denver market, giving all his time to getting the freshest and best at the lowest prices. You can save money and get the best by buying at this store. Watch for handbills announcing prices. We will sell fruits and vegetables at lower prices than Alli ance has ever known. It will pay the housewives of Alli ance to visit our store Saturday. Call and get acquaint ed. Free Delivery -:- Phone 557 G. O. Hurshel! 1 i ir irnr- ii irJl 12 ff HEMINGFORD DEPtT Dan WatBon of the Marple neigh-1 borhood was transacting business in , town Monday. Mrs. Margaret Green ami Elsie re-1 turned from Alliance Sunday, where t they were visiting Mrs. Green's ei-' ter and attending the carnival for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Itay Drown autoed to Alliance Saturday. Mrs. Phil Michael and baby daugh ter returned Sunday from Brule. Nehr.. where they had been vlsltln lor the past week with Mrs. Robert Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. James Roe left last week for Lnkeside. Mr. Roe will be agent there. Word was received here Saturday evening to the effect that Frank Obis formerly of this place but now a res ident of Long rine, Nebr., bad been Instantly killed while fulfilling his duties as conductor on the North western railroad. No particulars were learned. Ills mother and fath er, Mr. and Mra. Clark Olds, of this place, left Saturday night for Long Pine. Mrs. Leora Rustln of Chadron Is visiting friends and relatives here at the present time. Mrs. Clyde Graham and daughter Vera are visiting Mrs. Graham's mother at Seneca at the present time. 11. R. Olds departed Sunday for Long Pine, Nebr., to attend the fun eral of his brother. Miss Iena Merchant Is visiting friends and relatives here at the present time. Mrs. Mabel McClung was an Alli ance visitor between trains last Thursday. Miss Ella Drown was In Alliance Saturday attending the carnival and v'alting with friends and relatives. Russell Miller came up from Alli ance Saturday and Is spending a few days with his wife here. Several auto loads of Heiulngford young folks went to Pine Ridge Sun day picnlclng. Carl Dicknell of Alliance is visit ing friends at this place at the pres ent time. Nearly three inches of rain fell here Monday afternoon and evening. Some hail fell, too, but no damage was done The brtfT game Sunday between the local boys and Marsland was not very well attended owing to the cold weather. The game was rather a one-sided affair. The score was 18 to 0 in favor of the local boys. It seems that Marsland's players cduld not all come and they had to substi tute. But they promise a better game when they play the return. Miss Edith Browser of Scottsbluff, formerly of this place, Is visiting friends here at the present time. Willie Enyeart came home last week. He is here on a furlough of a month. Marie Hopkins of Dunlap came in and spent Sunday with her sister Miss Sadie who Is employed at the C. V. Lockwood store. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fosket return ed Wednesday from Long Pine where they attended the funeral of their aonsln-law Frank Olds. Mr. and MrB. K. L. Tierce and Donald returned Tuesday from Chi cago where they have been for the past two weeks. B. II. Shepherd was a business visitor at Alliance Tuesday after noon. Miss Sadie Hopkins was an Alli ance visitor Tuesday and Wednes ; ii.iv. I Mrs. Joe Kuhn and children of Jl ! reh. Wyo., came down Wednesday fur a visit with relatives and friends. Mrs. Kuhn came here from Long , Pinn whpre she attended the funeral of her brother Frank Olds, which was held there Monday afternoon. Fred Mellck and Marshall Garvey For Record Sales Ship to Record Live Stock CommissionCo. Union Stock Yards, South Omaha L s - . - i ' ' --. . JOE McCLENEGHAN Who Made the Record Sales Reference-Any Bank autoed to Alliance Tuesday .return ing the sain -lay. Mr. Clark and 11. R. Olds and Miss Elinor Olds returned from Long Pine Wednesday where they have been for the last three or four days. Jim Weisner and son were In Al liance Tuesday going down on 4 4, and returning on 43. E. Adair returned Sunday night from Alliance where he has been for the past week selling a bunch of horses for F. W. Mellck of this place. Work has started on the new wat er tank for the C. D. & Q. railroad. They are going to move the depot to the south side of the track and im prove it in several ways. Glen Walker departed for Cody, Nebr., Wednesday to accept a posi tion as express messenger there. Ralph Jackson came over from Rushvllle Wednesday to look after business affairs here. Word was received from Excelsior Springs, Mo., that Miss Ida Unrig who was taken there two months ago for treatment for Inflammatory rheu matism is not Improving very fast. The citizens of Hemingford held a school meeting Tuesday afternoon to elect a school treasurer, K. L. Pierce being elected. JEFFREY AT CONVENTION Alliance Chiropractor Attendee! Ktate Convention Held at Lincoln Tills Week Dr. J. Jeffrey of Alliance, who at tended the Nebraska Chiropractic Association annual convention at Lincoln the first of the week, return ed Wednesday morning. The doctor was one of the six chiropractors rec ommended by the association to the governor for appointment on the state chiropractic board. He may be the one selected. Dr. B. J. Palmer, of Dovenport, Iowa, the world's foremost chiro practor, examined eighty cases, two of them from Alliance. The Lincoln Daily Star gave the following ac count of the convention: By a close ballot of twenty-six to thirty-two, the old staff of officers re-elected themselves again. The bo- called "Crabtree" slate was headed by Dr. J. R. Campbell, of Norfolk. The faction opposing the present ad ministration succeeded in placing W. E. Purviance. of Omaha, on the ex ecutive committee, to take the place of Dr. Ashworth of Lincoln. No Lincoln chiropractors are rep resented on the slate as re-elected, most of the officers being from Oma ha. The following are the officers: Dr. L. E. Edwards, of Omaha, president. Dr. II. W. Kellog. of Harvard, vwe president. Dr. J. C. Lawrence, of Omaha. sec retnry. Dr. A. J. Nielsen, of Beatrice treasurer. These officers, with J. P. Laub. of Chapman, end W. E. Purviance, of Omaha, constitute the executive com mittee. The annual convention by mutual agreement Is held in Lincoln every year. The association recommended the following six chiropractors to the governor, one of which, if the gover nor chooses, he appoints on the state chiropractic board: Dr. B. B. Schaffer, Auburn: Dr. Joseph Jeffry, Alliance; Dr. H. J. Foster, Hastings; Dr. .1. S. Tmbree, Fremont; Dr. J. S, Schroeder, West Point; Dr. J. C Lawrence, Omaha. "Medicine and surgery have prov' ed themselves a failure," declared Dr. B. J. Palmer, of Davenport, la. "Physicians have been experiment Ing for 5,000 years to alleviate hu man ills. Millions of bodies bave been cut up, hundreds of millions of prescriptions have been filled and millions of dollars have been spent on the human family." Society 0ol. Cloiigli-l'.Vtlca On Wednesday morning, June 7, at 11 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Wakeman, Miss Elsie Clough and Mr. Homer Berry Estes were united in marriage by Judge L. A. Berry. Miss Clough ts the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clough, a prosper ous ranchman. Mr. Estes has been resident of Alliance for the past three years and is employed in the city. The young couple went to housekeeping at 604 Sweetwater avenue. Olcott-Nelson Mr. Frank Olcott and Miss Carrie Nelson, both of North Platte, were united In marriage Saturday evening at 7 o clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stryson, sister of the bride, Rev. A. A. Layton performing the cere mony. Mr. Olcott is a fireman for the Un ion Pacific railroad out of North Platte, and Miss Nelson has made her home at that place for several years. The young couple left Sun day for their new home at North Platte, who also have the hearty con gratulations of their friends of this city. tondaiue. New officers elected were: President, Mrs. S. C. LaMon; vice president, Mrs. H. J. Young; secre tary, Mrs. C. B. Glenn; treasurer, Mrs. C. II. Hurst. The Presbyterian Auxiliary met this afternoon with Mrs. Benoid at her home on Laramie avenue. Charles Spacbt's , Methodist Soa day School class is being entertained at a social time this evening in tbe basement of the church. Light re freshments will be served. Miss E. Catherine Moore, of the editorial staff of tbe Alliance Herald, was united in marriage to Mr. Philip M. Thomas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Bassett, at Hyannis, Sun day afternoon. The young couple will make their home at Ashby where Mr. Thomas has taken charge of the Ashby Argus, one of the newsy little papers of the section. The bride bas been employed at the Herald office for the past year. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thomas, of this city. Just recently he accept ed the editorship of the Ashby paper and he has shown marked talent along newspaper lines. Alliance Times. Mlller-Fauble Miss Ethel G. Miller, daughter of Supt. Miller of the Potash Products Company plant at Hoffland, and Donald W. Fauble, of Grand Island, were married at the Methodist par sonage Wednesday afternoon. Rev. J. B. Cams officiating. ,The parents of the bride recently came from Grand Island, Mr. Miller taking the position of superintendent of the potash plant. Mr. Fauble is a promi nent Grand Island young man. and an expert mechanic. The young coup le will make their home at Grand Is land, leaving for that city Wednes day nipht. following the wedding. The mother, grandmother and . a brother and sister of the bride were present at the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Rhetn gave a delightful three-course dinner to a few intimate friends Wednesday ev ening in honor of their tenth wed ding anniversary. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rousey, Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey and Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Pearson. Tbe aid society of the Methodist church met at the home of Mrs. W. A. Bennett Wednesday afternoon and were entertained by Mesdames Ben nett, Younkin, John Snyder and Miss Mabel Young. The Woman's Missionary society of the Christian church, auxiliary C. W. M.. met at the church Wednesday at 3 o'clock. They were entertained by Mrs. Cora Hughes, Jennie Reid and Wills. There was a large at- HICKS AT CONVENTION AlliaiK-e Delegate Kept llusy avt IMg lUllroad Men's Brotherhood Meeting at Ieiiver F. W. Hicks of Alliance, delegate to the international convention of tbe Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire men and Englnemen at Denver, is enjoying the meeting immensely and is kept busy by the work there. Mr. Hicks, in a letter to The Herald. states that the outlook Is for the ses sion to last until July 1. The delegates were informed oa Tuesday that the interstate com merce commission had ordered all railroads of the country to equip their engines with uniform head lights of sufficient candlepower to distinguish an object on the tracks as large as a' man for a distance of 1,600 yard. There were exultant shouts on the part of the delegates. The message meant that the engineers' and Are men's brotherhoods had won a battle with the railroads which has been going on for years, a battle which means much to the men and the pub lic, but which will cost the railroads large sums of money because of the necessity of changing their head lights to conform to the standard la be ordered by the commission. John F. McNamee, editor of the firemen and englnemen's magazine and publicity agent for the conven tion, gave out the following state ment: "The convention adopted the re port of the special committee which recommended that the attitude of the brotherhood in the matter ef prohibition remain unchanged: The Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Englnemen is unequiv ocably and uncompromisingly a tem perance organization. In fact, the percentage of men In Its ranks who even occasionally take a drink of In toxicating beverages is very limited, and none of Its members drink to ex cess, and its officers are all total abstainers. Made Trip to Lincoln Wm. Rust returned Monday from a trip to Broken Bow and Lincoln. On Tuesday of last week he attended the funeral at Broken Bow of his wife's brother, Harrison C. Rose, and then went on to Lincoln on account of the serious illness of his grand daughter, Miss Trumbull. Ileturu from Convention T. S. Fielding. Herbert Butler and Thomas Campbell have returned from the state B. P. O. E. conven tion, held at Omaha Monday, Tues day and Wednesday of this week. The men witnessed the big patriotic parade in Omaha Wednesday and re port that It was magnificent, over 30,000 people being in line with six teen bands furnishing the music. Tbe Klks amde the hit of the week in Omaha. Mrs. L. A. Berry returned Wednes day from a visit with friends in the country. Operated on Sister Edmoiul On June 3 Dr. H. A. Copsey per formed a very successful operation on Sr. M. Edmond. the commercial teacher of the academy, at St. Joh eph'B hospital of this city. Sister Ed mond is doing nicely and expects to be home again during the next few days. t i . Piirtlia.'.es Partner a Interest ', F. V. Stephens, of the firm of j Stephens & Fink, proprietors of the ; cafe snd bakery, has purchased the Interest of Mr. Fink in the business and will operate henceforth under his own name. The bakery and lunch crunter enjoy a fine business, and Mr. Stephens is an expert who gives service that satisfies. Firemen Preparing for 1'onrtli The Alliance volunteer fife depart ment, at its regular meeting held Wednesday evening, voted to take an active part in the Fourth of July cel- I ebration. 1 ne Doys wm give aome drills, races and ftro runs that will keep them watching. The following captains were appointed: George El lis, captain of relay and night alarm team nuber one; Lloyd Thomas, cap tain of team number two; Vern Reg ester, captain of team number three; Leonard Pllklngton. captain of one hundred yard dash team; Wm Maunlker and Clarence Schaffer. cap tains of different sides for the water fU:ht. , . Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Htmes are the proud parents of a nice baby boy, born June 10. Mr. and Mrs. John II. Shaw left this noon for Denver on a short bus iness and pleasure trip. On Wednesday Mrs. John Burke was taken to the hospital for medical treatment. Mrs. Burke has been ill with an attack of appendicitis for the past two weeks. Mrs. T. Shrewsberry of Ellsworth came up Wednesday and will return Friday noon. The county commissioners are in session this week, sitting as a board Y V x X X V X X x x V X V X X x f I X t t t ? ? ? ? ? ? Y Y t Dandelions and Diamond A Ice Cream Nothing is liked better by children than pure, whole some ice cream. Thirty-five boys and girls, all under the age of sixteen years, in three weeks gathered 4,639 pounds of dandelions in The Herald's contests. On Saturday evening, June 10th, these boys and girls were entertained at The Herald office with a supper at which they were served with all the Diamond A a Ice Cream that they could eat. They knew the ice cream was good be cause every sanitary regulation and caution known is ob served in our ice cream making department. Dealers in ice cream and drinks and confections in which it is used are learning that it is the kid to sell and are handling more and more of it every day. In Alliance it can be found at the following fountains : Brennen's, Thiele's and Joe Smith's You will find every plate of this ice cream to be deli cious and delicately flavored. When you order ask for this cream and you will be satisfied. AllianceCreameryCo. 1 y y v y f y y y y y t y t V T t y ? ? r t y y y t y ? ? y y y y y y y y y y y Phone 545 of equalization. y Fireman Gavin was laid off sick Monday.