The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 15, 1916, Image 5

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Quality Pianos and Player Pianos
Now offered and sold direct from
Factory to Home.
ANY ONE intending to purchase a
Piano or Player Piano within the next
year should not fail to take advantage of
our special proposition to first buyers in
your community, for it means a round
saving of at least $100 to you.
Schmcllcr & Mueller Instruments are Mechanically Correct
and oontaia tweet mellow rich tone quality that lingers In the memory
in vivid contrast to instrument! ordinarily told on the Special Salee Plan.
Onr 57 year of continued aoaccaa ia tha piano baainaaa (hraa yoa tha advantafta
M onr cvoerienra and oar 25 yer gaarantM, backad br Oar astir Capital and Reaooraa
ol ovar Ji.0UO.0UO.0O, afforda roa abaolata proteetKm.
Wa deliver oar tnotrameaM fraa to roar fcoma and arraaia taraaa to aail roa
aavoataaoa, 3 to 5 yaara a pay.
Beautiful new desif as In GRANDS, UPRIGHTS and PLAYERS.
- Largoat Rttallen of Piano In tht World.
P ! 33 1311-13 Farnam St - OMAHA. NEBR.
Mail Thia Cowpoa) To-d.f for Catalofa and InJoraaatSoa ot onr Fran Trial Oiler in your Hoaaa.
NAME. .................... -
ADDRESS............. -
'I . ; 1,'-. ...: -I :!
More than a million Fords are now in everyday use,
everywhere. Here are some reasons for this re
markable record quality service reliability low
price economy of operation and maintenance and
the character and responsibility of the Company
the Ford is certainly the only Universal Car. Run
about $390; Touring Car $440; Coupelet $590; Town
Car $640; Sedan; $740, f. o. b. Detroit. On sale at
Keeler-Coursey Company
I War tirlevoin Ailment lUther than
Make Condition Known
Tin subjects of complaints peculi
ar to women Is a delicnte one. yet It
a a plain duty lo let these sufferers
know that most of the derangements
from which they suffer Hre due pri
marily to nervous debility.
Many a suffering woman, influenc
ed by shrinking modesty, has borne
this grievous condition without com
plaint rather than make a personal
appeal. When women say. "I am all
run down, bo nervous and weak,'
that means they are victims of the
modern malady.
Such women, and they are a leg
Ion In every community, suffer from
headaches, backaches, loss of appe
tite and sleeplessness. Their spirits
are always depressed and their lives
are not the normally happy ones of
their more fortunate sisters. Often,
too, there are spells of nausea, weak
ness, or even fainting, that make
them feel Insecure and to wonder
win hfl embarrassed, or
even In danger, because of their con
dition. ,
For such sufferlnt women Tanlac,
the tonic, tissue builder, appetlxer
and Invigorant, ia Ideal. Tanlac
builds up the system, promotes diges
tion and proper assimilation of food,
vitalises the blood and brings back
healthy color to the cheeka and real
sparkle to the eyes.
Tanlac may now be obtained In Al
iun. . ha Mrrv Thiele . store.
a.i,ouw V V a - - - -
where ita merits are fully explained.
An exclusive Tanlac agent la
wanted In every Nebraska town.
Tor particulars address Agency
nnnrtment. Cooner Medicine
Co., Dayton, Ohio.
- VlNlted with Mrs. Hunter
Miss E. E. Smith, a teacher in the
Salt Lake City schools, arrived the
first of the week for a visit with Mrs.
James Hunter. Miss Smith ia an
adopted sister of Mrs. Hunter. She
was educated at Chadron and will
unit tha nnmmer studying In Wis
consin. She left Tuesday noon with
utrm Hunter for Crawford, near
where they will visit her old home.
They return today with Mr. tiunter
via auto.
i n
HarkhiK Cough Weaken the Hystein
iinii't Buffer with a nacKing cougu
hat hun weakened your system get
a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery.
In use over 40 years, and benefiting
all who use It, the soothing pine bal
sam with tar heal the lrruaiea air
noiDucM noothea the raw spots,
innaonn the mucous and prevents
ruoklner the hodv with COUKhtng. W
King's New Discovery Induces natur
al sleep and aids nature to cure you
Adv 2
Naturally Indignant.
Butcher" 'Ow is my daughter get
tin' on with 'er music, professor?"
Professor "Well. I'm only teaching
her the scales at present." Butcher
(Indignantly) "Teachln' er the
scales! 1 don't want er to know
nothink about the stales. She ain't
goin' to serve in the shop. I mean
'er to be a lady. Teach 'er the plan
ner, or I'll take 'er away from yer."
JUoudon Tlt-lfits.
Ijiritc NiinilM'f of OiuninalloiiH to lx
Hold In A Illume for l'uiiioiin
During Month of July
F. W. Hicks, local secretary of the
civil service commission, announces the following examinations for
positions will be held In Alliance on
the dates givon:
July 6. Assistant In dry land ag
riculture, male, salary S1200 to 82.-
000. Aid, qualified in radio work,
male, salary 600. Music teacher,
female, salary $720. Junior phar
macologist, male, salary $1200 to
$1600. Assistant librarian, male,
salary $1200 to $14 40.
July 5-6. Copyist structural steel
work draftsman, male, salary $2.80
to $3.28 per day. Librarian, male,
salary $1700. Assistant alloy chem
ist, male, salary $1620. Heating
and ventilating engineer and drafts
man, male, salary $1200.
July 11. Radio draftsman, male.
salary $3.04 to $6. Investigator in
co-operative purchasing, male, salary
11800 to $2500. Agriculturist and
field agent, male, salary $2000 to
July 18. Natural gas engineer,
male, salary $1800 to $2500.
August 16-17. Assistant, men:
teacher, men and women, salaries
$1200 to $2000. V
Full particulars regarding the ex
aminations can be secured from Mr.
Hicks at the Alliance postofflce.
Forethought , "
People are learning that a little
forethought often saves them a big
expense. Here Is an Instance: E.
W. Archer, Caldwell, Ohio, .writes:
I do not believo that our family has
been without Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy since
we eomm need keeping house years
ago. When we go on an extended
visit we take it with us." Obtaina
ble everywhere.
IjochI Hoy Will Fraternize with the
Crawford U. C. T.'s when They
Come Down In July
At the regular monthly meeting of
Post M. T. P. A., held at the offices
of the Commercial Club Saturday af
ternoon, it wae voted to meet with
the members of the Crawford U. C. T.
when they visit Alliance in July. A
smoker will be held on a date to be
decided upon later.
The chairman of the railroad com
mlttee was instructed to call the at
tention of the Burlington officials to
the large amount of work caused by
the new Casper train arriving at the
time number 42 arrives at midnight,
It being stated that the travelers
were having trouble getting the bag
gage handled on account of the one
baggageman being unable to handle
the large amount of baggage trans
ferring and checking at this hour.
The post voted to give Individual
assistance to the local Chautauqua as
sociation In making a success of the
Chautauqua for I his year.
The next regular meeting of the
post will be held July 8 in the club
rooms at 2:30 n. in.
"I cannot understand why my sec
ond husband is so fastidious." con
fessed a Washington lady to her bos
om friend. "He scarcely eats anything.
My first husband, who died, useu to eat
everything I cooked for him." "Did
you tell your present husnana man
"Yes." "That's the reason."
'rr proposton a
mw ill )
After you have put your MONEY in the bank and plied up a
nice, tidy sum, keep it there until you see a, good, safe investment at
home foe it. And before you Invest COME IN and talk It oyer With
Steer clear of "wild-cat" schemes that promise big returns. It
the scheme was a legitimate one, smooth strangers wouldn't be ped
dling it around. They wouldn't have to.
, We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposit.
,- (..J t:-i
Please Tell Us I'ihen Your Telephone
Service is Not Satisfactory
We endeavor to furnish a perfect telephone service and to
have all dealings with our patrons pleasant and agreeable.
If you believe we have made a mistake have done anything
that isn't right that isn't fair we want to know it. We want
to stop it at once.
If you think we have done anything that we shouldn't do,
please give us an opportunity to remedy it. Don't tell your
neighbor. He cannot correct it. We can.
Errors sometimes creep into our service through defects in
the mechanical or electrical apparatus and are wrongfully be
lieved to be the result of human inaccuracies.
When the delicate central office equipment, the line or tha
telephone instrument "go wrong," it isn't fair to condemn the
operators. The operators the "human machines" do their
work wonderfully well.
When there seems to be some fault in our service, please tell
ns at once and we will investigate and correct it.
By cooperation and mutual helpfulness we can be of the best
service to each other.
Ilemnv Fact lUemlKhea
Plmnles. Blackheads. Acne. Tetter.
Ring Worm and that dreaded Eczema
can be permanently removed from
your face and body by Dr. Hobson
Eczema Ointment. It Is no longer
necessary to go around with an un
sightly complexion and Buffer the
pain and annoyance that goes with
unsightly ailments. Dr. Itooson s
Eczema Ointment Is a time tried,
guaranteed remedy, good for infants,
adults and aged who suffer with akin
ailments. Buy a box today, start us
ing at once. Money back If not sat
isfied. 50c at your druggist.
Adv 2
Painted Floors
Save Scrubbing
Painted flooi-tt are Han it a ry and eaBy to keep clean. Bare
floors absorb dirt and grime and require hours of back-breaking
work with the scrub brush to keep them in condition.
You can fix up your floors yourself with
Lincoln Floor Paints
Thev fihanire old shabby floors into new floors that are easy
to keep spotlessly clean. Ask for color samples and a copy of
the Home Painting Jobs booklet, which tells you about painting,
varnishing, waxing and finishing floors and all surfaces about the
Old Timer VInIIh Alliance
Ben Neal of Brownville, Nebraska,
who freighted through western Ne
braska in 1880. nine years before the
birth of Alliance, is visiting in the
city. He can tell of some harrowing
experiences with Indians near where
the town of Alliance Is now located.
IMtk hkI FeI CJtMKl
No one can either feel good nor
look good while suffering from con
stipation. Get rid of that tired, drag
py. lifeless feeling by a treatment of
Dr. King's New Life Pilla. Buy a
box today, take one or two pills to
night. In the morning that stuffed.
dull feeling is gone and you feel bet
ter at once. 25c at your druggist.
AdT 2
Many Like Him.
Cratiano speaks an infinite deal ot
nothing, more than any man in Ven
ice; but his reaaons are as two grain
ot wheat hid in to bushels of chaff;
you seek all day ere you find them;
and when you have them, they an
hot worth tha search. Shakespeare
Resemblance Marked.
Brown "The boss says that wlrt.i
be was a boy on the farm they had
mule that was Just like one of tli
family." Jones "Yes, and 1 knov
which one." Judge.
To the Public
"I have been using Chamberlain's
Tablets for Indigestion for the past
six months, and It affords me pleas
ure to aay I have never used a rem
edy that did me so much good."
Mra. C. E. Riley. Illlon. N. Y. Cham
berlaln's Tablets are obtainable ev
ery where.
Political Advertising
What Will Brewers Do?
The following list shows what ha become of a few brew
The Uaymann Brewery of Wheeling, West Virginia, is now
the P. O. Raymann Company, engaged in meat packing.
The Uneeda Brewery of West Virginia is now a milk pro
duce company.
The Ben wood Brewery (West Virginia) is now a chemical
and soap plant.
The Fairmont Brewery (West Virginia) is now an ice and
milk products plant.
The Huntington Brewery is now a Meat Packing plant.
The Cedar Rapids Brewery is now a yeast factory.
The Iowa City Brewery is now a creamery and produce
The Star Brewing Company of Washington, Pennsylvania,
is now the Capital Paint, Oil and Varnish Company.
The North Yakima Brewing Company of Washington is
now a fruit by-products company.
The Salem, Oregon, Brewery is now making logan berry
Many more might be given but this is enough to illustrate
the advantages of Prohibition.
Box Butte Co. Dry Federation