r Wxst TOM 0 mm much Absolutely Pure Hade from Cream of Tartar MJALUU-nO PHOSPHATE Mr. Miller of Berea visited la the lty Satarday. Olen Gentle and family were op from the ranch Monday. MIm Doris Toons returned Mon day noon from a trip east. If you want to build a home see J. C. McCorkle and get the money. Mr. Wm. Sauers went to Hyannls Saturday to stay on the homestead. Mrs. John McDonald went to Ra venna Saturday, returning Sunday. Fred Mollring and D. O. Bates made a trip east Monday on business. Two good rooms for light house keeping. Phone 31. H. J. YOUNG. Mrs. Charles Evans of Ilemingford was an Alliance visitor the first of the week. Rev. H. J. Young went to Chadron Monday on business, returning Tues day noon. , Tom Banning, the insurance man, went east Saturday on a trip over his territory. 'ft Mrs. Samuel Tillett and Mrs. J. Krldelbaugh returned Saturday from a short trip to Denver. Bruce Mallery, the stock inspector made a trip to Northport Monday, returning Tuesday noon. Henry Brennaman went to Mor rill Monday for a couple of days to visit hiB son, who is sick. Mrs. Robert Morgan and children returned Monday from a visit with relatives at Moorcroft ,Wyo. Mrs. Wilmot Joder and daughter came up from North Platte Monday to visit the B. I. Joder family. Mrs. Bruce McDowell and daugh ter left Tuesday noon for Ileming ford for a visit with relatives. Miss Helen Jones of Ardmore re turned home Monday after visiting in Alliance with friends for a week. INSURE your crops in the Old Unliable- Phoenix Insurance Company. 28-4t-7340. F. K. It EDDISH, Agent. Miss Mavtne Ilaeertr nf rtrMro. port visited over Sunday with her sister Mrs. Jack RIordan. INSURE vour rrorwt In tli OM It. Ilftble Phoenix Insurance Company. Z8-41-7310. F. 13. REDDISH, Agent. Miss Blanche Kibble loft Weitnoo- day night for Denver, going on busi ness for the Nebraska Totash Com pany. Mrs. R. M. Hampton and daughter Dorothy returned Monday from Col orado Springs, Denver and other Col orado points where they have been visiting for the past ten days. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Whitehead a u to ed over from Mitchell Sunday to visit the F. W. Harris family. Mr. White head returned Sunday night and Mrs. Whitehead remained for a long er ViBlt V. F. Ku-ce-ra the Bohemian Spine Adjuster and Spine Masseur, at the Alliance Hotel Tuesday and Wednes day, and Friday and Saturday of each week. Children a specialty. 28-4t-7342 Mrs. W. A. Miller and daughter of Crawford, formerly of Alliance, ar rived Monday noon to attend the P. E .0. convention and to visit friends. Mrs. Elliott Is the P. E. O. delegate from Crawford. We will furnish the money to build homes in Alliance. We Inspect the property ourselves and furnish money quickly at a low rate of inter est. Nebraska Land Company, Alli ance, Nebr. Miss Fern Axtell. of Great Falls, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Basye, stopping over while on her way to Lincoln. She arrived Tuesday. She Is a former school mate of Mrs. Basye. Mrs. Bruce Wilcox and son Max invlsited with friends in Alliance last Saturday and Sunday and took In the carnival. Max is city editor of the Bridgeport News-Blade, of which his father is the proprietor. . Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Smith returned Sunday morning from their trip to Illinois, caused by the serious ill ness of Mr. Smith's mother, who was operated on. She is now improving, following the operation. Kobert Copsey came up Saturday from Lincoln wherp he lias been at tending the State University, to spend a few days with his brothers Doctor H. A. Copsey and Verne Cop- sev of the First State Hank. Mrs. Oscar O'Bannnn, accompan ied by her son Charles, left Monday for Atkinson, Nebr., where she will attend the wedding of her sister. She will also visit other Nebraska points before returning in a couple of weeks. Misses Margurel Harris. Hannah Cotant and Louise Thatcher, who have been vlnitlng for a week over on the river, returned Tuesday noon ac companied by Misses Mildred and Dorothy Whitehead of Mitchell, cou sins of Margaret Harris. Mrs. C. E. Amsberry. wife of The Herald's forman of the mechanical department, departed Monday for Hyannls with Mrs. Bertha SelvTldge. who has been visiting them here for a short time. Mrs. AmBberry will re main at Hyannls for a visit. Ward Rubendall arrived last week for a stay In Alliance on business un til Friday, when he expects to go on THE old Egyptians were famous bread bakers of their time, but their baking ability was confined almost exclusive ly to bread. It is different with us for we specialize in all the good things a modern bakery produces. Our Pies are particularly appetizing and in such variety as will suit any taste. Even if we do say it our selves, the best of home cooks can't beat them. They are an ideal dessert to place on any table. S Quality and cleanliness are (he twin mottoci q tha bakery at all time. F. F. Stephens Successors to Nohe Bakery and Cafe to Omaha for a visit with relatives. Ward and his mother are now mak ing their home at Long Beach, Calif., where they went from Alliance last year. Ward Is now engaged In the banking business In Los Angeles. Dan Watson went to Crawford Tuesday on a business trip. Miss Susie Hopkins of Ilemingford was an Alliance visitor Tuesday. Mrs. Earl Reld is quite 111 at her residence with an attack of appendi citis. J. P. Barger went to Belmont on business Wednesday, returning this noon. There will be another men's meet ing at the City Mission next Sunday afternoon. Thomas Mark, Jr., weighing eight and one-half pounds, was horn to Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Tully. Mrs. Nellie Wilson Is out on the street again, the quarantine being lifted Tuesday of this week. T. J. O'Keefe, register of the Al liance land office, returned Tuesday from a trip to North Platte. . Mrs. Bruce Wilcox and son Max came over frdm Bridgeport the last of the week to visit friends. The fore part of last week an eight and one-halt pound baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Vern Andress. Frank Abegg returned the latter part of last week from a two weeks visit with his parents, in Blakesburg, la, Miss Alice Wright, little grand daughter of J. H. Carlson, came to spend a month with her grandpar ents. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Johnson and son are visiting with the former's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Johnson. Ray Westover returned to his home near Lakeside Monday after a stay of a few days in Alliance on business. Miss Eva Sledow of the Fashion Shop left Saturday night for her home in Sidney, returning Wednes day morning. John W. Thomas, editor of The Herald, is back at his desk this week, after an absence of several weeks in eastern points. Miss Josephine Hoag and Eliza beth Wilson, the former's niece, left Thursday noon for a visit with rela tives at St. Joe. F. G. Stevens of Denver was In th Hty the last of the week with W. W. Buchanan of Hyannls, the well known stockman. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wltham are the proud parents of a baby boy, Cecil Edwin, weight 6 pounds. Mother and baby doing fine. Miss Myrtle Kaufman and cousin Charles Kaufman of St. Louis are visiting the former's brother Dave Kaufman of this city. Mrs. Victor Wilson and children, who have been visiting at the Brire home, left Friday night for thHr home at Stromsburg. Miss Helen Hwett returned from the State Un'versity Saturday morn ing where she has been attending school for the past year. Jack Hawes, traveling representa tive for Harpham Brothers, Lincoln harness manufacturers, left Monday for headquarters on business. Born to Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Wright of Custer, So. Dak., a baby boy weighing ten pounds. Mrs. Wright was formerly Myrtle Carlson.- Bob Bruce, of Rushvllle, sheriff of Sheridan county, was in town the first of the week on business and for a visit with Dr. Geo. J. Hand. Misses Edna and Bess Bullock re turned Sunday night from a two weeks visit with her sister at Reven- na, also visiting Lincoln and Omaha. George Davis returned Sunday i from Omaha, where he attended the I Masonic grand lodge. He also visit ' ed Hastings and Lincoln on the trip I Roy MofTatt of Lincoln who has htpn visitinfi' with his fllutor frn I Harry Cleveland left last Thursday ! to visit another sistfr in South Da-1 1 kota. i ! . . ! Mrs. George Davis went to Deli-' kosh Monday to constitute a chapter ' I of the Eastern Star lodge, as deputy grand matron. She returned Wed nesday morning. "Dusty" Rhodes of Broadwater I stopped over in Alliance Wednesday j on Ms way borne from Gordon, where he pitched a baseball game Sunday for the Ardmore team. Mrs. P. E. Romig and children. Mayor Romig's family, left Saturday for Long Pine, Nebr., where they ex pect to spend the summer camping in the park at that place. Edward and Helen, children of F. W. Blair of The Herald force, left last week for Torrington, Wyo., where they will visit with their aunt, Mrs. George Anderson. Mrs. George Duncan and daughter,; Miss Goldle Lelth. left Wednesday, for Greensboro, Penn., where tbey will visit with friends and relatives during the summer months. I . Louis Griffin is now driving a spick I and span Dodge car. The other trav eling men claim that Louis is not yet an expert as they found it necessary to stop him Wednesday noon on a main street and Inform him that he was driving with all lights on, and as the city ordinances do not require the having of lights "lit" In the day time they felt that he should save the "Juice" being used in that way. Louie says that it was a mistake and that he turned the wrong button. Skinner's Macaroni Products, mads in Nebraska. Ask your grocer. Adv John and Ferdinand Nlkont of ilemingford were Alliance callers to day. FOR SALE A few choice seed po tatoes. Thone 54 8. A. R. Wilson. 6-lB-7352-tf Mrs. Rose Reardon returned Sat urday from O'Nell where she was visiting her son Harry, who has a drug store at that place. Miss Bertha Jelinek. daughter of John Jelinek, county assessor, re turned to her home near Ilemingford Monday after a few days spent in Alliance assisting her father. FOR RENT Six-room house for rent, across street east of Central School building. Inquire of E. O. Laing. 27-tf-7S36 Miss Robertson, of Atkinson, Ne braska, stonned over WpiI npariiiv frit a visit with Miss Opal Russell, coun ty superintendent, on her way from Boise, Idaho, where she teaches. BARN FOR RENT J. W. Thomas, 408 Sweetwater Ave. 22-tf-T32 Edward Woodhonse, of Slarks, Ne braska. Who has a Ann hnlf-nnotlnn tf land ten miles north f Alliance, was in tne city tne last of the week look ing aner nis property interests. WANTED Work by day. Phone 618 after 6 P. M. Mrs. J. H. Carroll. 27-tf-7332. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Thatcher ant children, of Berkley, Calif., arrived Sunday for a visit with the F. W. Harris family. Mr. Thatcher return- s a ea weanesaay ana Mrs. Thatcher and children will" remain for two weeks. FOR SALE 7 -room house and 6 lots in Duncan's addition. Price 1900 cash. A. E. Judson, Hall ho tel, Deflver. Mrs. A. G. Isaacson departed Wed nesday night for about two weeks visit In Omaha and other eastern points. She will attend three wed dings of relatives, and will also pur chase some goods for the Fashion Shop before returning. See Seymore before you Insure. State agent for Omaha Health and Accident. Only blanket insurance written In the state. At Fleming's Cigar Store. 18-tf-6851 Ralph Watson returned" Monday noon from Washington, where he and Mrs. Watson went some time ago, after selling out their grocery busi ness In this city. Mrs. Watson Is now at Wlnlock, Wash., and is en joying the trip greatly. Mr. Watson will probably return there after at tending to business matters in Alliance. Everything in Its Place A big, roomy dresser or chiffonier, in which you can keep ample supplies of clothing and toilet accessories for immediate needs, wO ; contribute much to your comfort and cotv venience and save oodles of time and temper Our Bedroom Pieces are the latest in design, color and finish, and they are made so carefully they will serve a lifetime. Come and see them and get prices Our Word h a Guaranty of Honest Value MILLER BROS. HOUSE FURNISHINGS Mrs. W. A. Hampton of Denver came In Wednesday to the P. E. O. convention, and is visiting with Mrs. Rose Reardon. Dwlght Zedlker, champion relay rider, left Wednesday night for Chey enne to Join the famous Irwin Broth ers wild west shows, with which he will travel during the summer. Mrs. G. G. Hampton, of Gothen burg, formerly of Alliance, arrived Tuesday and Is visiting with friends as well as attending the P. E. O. con vention. Mr. Hampton is expected the latter part of the week to Join Mrs. Hampton. While here they are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell. Miss Josephine Hampton ret una Thursday noon from California where she has been attending Of Cumnock School of Expression far the past year. Mlas Hampton WIS visit her parents during her sumnwr vacation, returning this fall to t west. Mrs. Roy Reed, who was quite ser iously burned In a gasoline stove ex plosion last Thursday, is getting along nicely. Mr. Reed's mother, of Denver, Is hre with her. Miss Reed, of Denver, a sister of Mr. Reed, took the four youngest children to Den ver with her Tuesday of this week to keep them nntll the mother recovers sufficiently to care for them. PaltnBeacI: Suit This is the largest and most complete early showing of these cool and comfortable sum mer suits in the city. More styles and a very complete range of sises. Every Palm Beach Suit we show is made of genuine Palm Beach Cloth. We mention this because there are a number of inferior imitations on the staket. We have them in the natural Paint Beach color, in Tans Grays and in Stripes, Plain tail ored modelsbelted and flared in. the- most approved fashio--some with large collars and cuffs of contrasting materials. Sport stripes are used in combination with plain materials and often for entire suits. Pull ranges of sixes. Exceptional suits priced at $6.98 $7.98 $9.50 Ladies' Silk Underwear The comfortable kind of underwear. A full line of ladies' underwear in silk. Now sell ing at One-Third Off Regular Price Visit Us During Stockmen's Week Visiting ladies during Stockmen's Convention are invited to visit us and make this store their headquarters while in the city. Our special ladies' rest room, arranged for your con venience, is at your disposal. Remember that we can furnish you with complete ready-to-wear outfits. You can pur chase as cheaply as you could at any of the big city stores. Call and let us show you.