The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 15, 1916, Page 8, Image 16

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Tii Nebraska Stockman Section of
Alliance Herald
The matter contained In this sec
tion of The Alliance Herald was pre
pared for the Nebraska Stockman.
On account of the two papers being
Issued from the press of the Herald
Publishing Company, we are able iu
this way to give readers of The Her
aid an Interesting monthly stock
men's edition without extra charge
to i hem.
Tlie Nebraska Stockman Is devoted
to i lie live stork Interests of the
Mt ;:', with special reference to the
i bin Li country. In addition to mat
ter bearing directly on the live stock
Industry, it will have attractive fea
tures each month that will make it
interesting to every person who
wishes to I urn more about the great
stale of Nebraska. The subscription
price Is SO cents per year.
Alliance, Nebr.
- Not all the information that we de
wire to give readers of The Nebraska
Stockman regarding modern methods
of marketing live stock can be given
In one article or one Issue of the pa
per. It will be given piecemeal, di
vided up Into lessons, so to sp.-ak,
some of them long, perhaps, and
some of them short.
Mr. U. J. Ingwersen, president of
the Omaha Live Stock Exchange,
calls our attention to a matter upon
which stockmen should be Informed:
While membership in the Exchange
insures square dealing on the part of
the live stock commission man in
.dealing with his customers, so far as
the penalty of expulsion from mem
bership can insure honesty, the Ex
change does not undertake to guar
antee the financial responsibility of
Ha members. That is a matter for
(he shipper to see to for himself.
'The live stock commission man be
comes the selling agent for the ship
per who consigns to him. If he falls
to make returns of the proceeds of
,aale, the shipper has recourse to a
isult to recover, whether he succeeds
depending upon the financial respon
sibility of the commission man or
firm to whom the consignment was
To be sure, upon evidence being
furnished that a member of the Live
Stock Exchange had failed to make
returns of the proceeds of a custom
er's sale, he would be expelled from
the Exchange, but that expulsion
would not carry with it payment of
the amount due the customer by the
.expelled member.
The above is mentioned, not for
.the purpose of creating distrust or
needless fear, but simply as a part of
.our campaign of education along the
line of the work of the live stock ex
changes. We have confidence in the
integrity and financial responsibility
of the live stock commission firms
whose advertisements appear in this
paper, and can commend them unre
servedly to Nebraska ranchmen and
other shippers of live stock.
must, la order to enlarge and perpet
uate their business, embroil the na
tions In war or put them In a warlike
attitude towards each other, are a
detriment and such business ought to
be wiped off the face of the earth.
When we denounce big business of
that kind, we do not want it to be
thot for one moment that we are
fighting manufacturing or other en
terprises simply because they are con
ducted upon a large scale. There Is a
difference there ought to be a dis
tinction made in referring to them.
It is expected of newspapers that
they promote the temporal welfare of
their subscribers so far as they can.
Dy disseminating valuable informa
tion the press of this country per
forms a service of greater worth than
one can easily estimate.
Hut in their relation to human hap
piness, health Is of greater Import
ance than wealth. People are influ
enced, to a large extent unconsci
ously to themselves, by publicity.
The press could perform a great and
valuable service to humanity by pub
lishing i-nrormation regarding the
preservation of health. In doing this
discriminating Judgement should be
used in leaving out fads and making
all statements perfectly reliable.
From time to time wo havo pub
lished Items regarding the proper
care of the body, with a view to being
helpful in the mutter of promoting
health. We have decided to publish
a series of articles on this subject
which we believe will be appreciated
by the readers of the paper. Some of
the information contained in these
articles may not be new to many
readers, but even at that It will serve
as a reminder in such a way as to
prompt a compliance with the rules
of health already known. The first
of this series of articles will be found
In this Issue under the caption, "The
Fortune Hunter." This is an Inter
esting story, written by Dr. G. W.
Todd, of Omaha, and will be pub
lished In two chapters, the first ap
pearing in this issue of The Nebraska ;
Stockman, 'and the second In the'
July number. j
up to that time; but the story of the
market, as presented In words, pic
tures and display advertisements In
this Issue of The Nebraska Stockman
(the same being used as a section of
the stockmen's edition of The Her
ald for June) Is the best ever. We
believe it is the finest thing of the
kind ever published In any paper,
outside of the city of Omaha, regard
ing Nebraska's greatest commercial
enterprise and manufacturing Indus
try, the South Omaha live stock mar
ket and the packing establishments
connected therewith.
Our acknowledgements are due
Mr. W. H. Schellberg, traffic manag
er of the Union Stock Yards Com
pany of Omaha, for valuable assist
ance in securing data regarding the
growth of the market and the pres
ent splendid facilities of the stock
yards, and to Mr. A. F. Stryker, sec
retary of the South Omaha Live
Stock Exchange, for Information con
cerning Its practical operation as re
lated to the shippers of live stock to
that market.
The matter contained In these stor
ies will be appreciated by everybody
who is Interested in Nebraska and
persons everywhere who are Inter
ested in the live stock industry.
Many Nebraska people will probably
want to keep cop' -s of this issue as a
souvenir, and th.-y will do well to
send copies to their friends elsewhere
to give them a better Impression of
this great state than they have ever
had before. Some extra copies arc
being printed for this purpose and
Will be supplied while they last to
persons applying for them.
In years past The Alliance Herald
has published some good wrlteups of
the South Omaha live stock market,
the one contained in the Issue of
June 10, 1915, was probably the best
It sometimes happens that. In or
der for an editorial writer to be true
to his own convictions and the Inter
ests of his subscribers, it Is iieceHsary
to pursue a course for a while In op
position to the prejudices of some of
them. A case of this kind may pos
sibly be found in writing on the sub
ject of the live stock exchanges and
the business of live stock commission
firms, about which this paper has had
considerable to say already and ex
pects to say quite a good deal more,
for the purpose of disseminating use
ful Information; altho we are confi
dent that there is not one-half the
prejudice of this kind among the
stockmen of the ranch country of Ne
braska, In which this paper has its
principal circulation, that there is
among farmers farther eBst.
We believe in the live stock ex
changes and have confidence in the
men who, aa members of the ex
changes, are doing business at the
live stock markets. And right here
we want to anticipate and answer an
objection that may be made by per- -sons
who are disposed to quibble, if w
any such there are who read these
lines, and that is that endorsement of
the live stock exchanges and com
mendations of memmbers thereof are
given because of patronage received
from them In the way of advertising.
What's the use of beating around
the bush? We are glad to face and
answer frankly any such objection as
the above, when we are absolutely
s'ure that we are in the right; and
experience has taught us that when
the public, the people generally, have
sufficient Information regarding the
matter at issue they will endorse the
right and commend the man who in
the face of opposition has stood for
Of course, we stand by our adver
tisers. We would not be deserving
of their patronage and would be
practically dishonest ,lf we did not.
More than that, we do not ask adver
tising from persons that we do not
think will probably receive some ben
efit from It.
But listen! And kindly remember
this: We do not ask advertising from
persons or firms In whose busiuetm
integrity we do not have confidence,
and most of the large amount of ad
vertising carried in this paper Is re
ceived by asking for It. More thau
that, we would not accept an order
for advertising, if received unsolicit
ed, If we believed that the advertiser
were engaged In a fraudulent bust- '
ness or conducting , his business
Altho we have a liberal advertis
ing patronage, we do not publish all
of the advertisements that we could
secure. We could hnve business. If
we chose to accept It, from many a
place that is not represented in our
advertising columns; not only from yS
lines of business for which we do not
publish advertising at all, but also
from lines of business which we ad
vertise for persons In whom we have
confidence. Our readers and adver
tisers to some extent already know ft.
this to be true, and we desire that
they shall all know it.
The Alliance Herald and The Ne
braska Stockman the two leading
newspapers of western Nebraska.
There la a vast difference between
big business conducted as a legiti
mate Industry, and a big business
that Is operated for the purpose of
enriching a few to the detriment of
many. It is not difficult to find illus
trations of the two kinds of big busi
ness. While public service corpora
lions ought to be properly regulated
by state and federal laws, we do well
i remember that such institutions as
railroads, manufacturing establish
ments engaged in producing those
things needed for the comfort and
welfare of the people, etc., are not a
detriment to the country, but a great
benefit to its people.
On the other hand, great manufac
turing establishments such as those
ingaged. in tha mtauUotura of muni
tions, of wc m4 trvtvtit, who
n nuTUAL
Theo. Tillotson,
President and head cat
tle salesman
Every salesman a member of the firm and every
member of the firm a salesman
Personally interested in every detail of every
shipment. Your interests are ours.
Feeder Buyer
Dell Johnson,
Cattle Salesman
All mixed shipments sorted for ownership and everything sold on its own merits. We
know the brands.
Fully equipped in every department. Best yard help obtainable. We have the capacity
a ndequtpment to give you the best the market affords. Years of experience in handling grass
Mutual Live Stock Commission Co.
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to say regarding the matter:
i.B or me evervaulting DrWe of nri.
jr. :
m.'inv mi.