.4 X rtkjprivlr,iPPflnen(lent prnntendent Young X X adJ Gnnof'tijAniAnt H'dI i arvrteiu weincnnnmpr r X i I x x tho funeral of Mrs X 9hor who wns killed X . "1 " " "til a.--!,!... fTiiAMlaw TO X pbf;U. left Sunday night x x flft,,8TWi R,chey was ca,led W, -lji;a(i.MiB. ,A. C. Goodwin left f V24mT ft&i- flattamouth. Mr. -1 wik. TUu!feeh off for several X X x X X Tffi STe.11 Coleman X x fntendent Dungan X lylalon was In the tying mn way 10 rasper, r W.tA. Bennett and Fire- x X X X laid up by the slx- X MrMRRlJ11: . . . X deauheaded to day on a helper X JUU. . &nJ.to relieve Fireman a, elck. tine, on tho Seneca voiL.Trn. t'ljOTw-'ISAny to Lakeside ?r7Xntlocfi relieve two train - wltdvKipfihao rone on the road trZ-t.'Atrrm 9,Vt rglv jOavenna. . r,ijrhi,if3gnjann has been laid fLByt'tQC.ieYeral days. mb 'i. i. ' . i. ri. i j i t . . . a K-oaaraaBler-lloensneii weni earn . .in jKTWny Ho Deadlocked t ? ? ? ? Railway man railway unions $SMM8C.U.B8,, discussing wages and fork, believed that this iv'Li a ikl n m US Ul IUCM vuu- would end In a aonference has been fpf the time since Jan- J 00. More than 800 i jiqlons of railway em- ' 1 1 r A AAA illUK oou.vvv wvin- x v. the managers tnai I jaia twice lur me ugh his day may be X X wo classes of work. questions submitted X managers remain X ed today. After this, e conference would X X c ,qj:dtodBa,d the next 8teI X Mf5 empowered toex- X WtfnOWA .Judgment in calling X l?f ttfat1 neciuea in iuf x IW, p; con ercnce oi me X 9 X X &GEIPTS X glance $85.43 A. ,eves . 1 1 6.15 3.00 laiD.vexcnange . . . I rnu'ii IT P Inrilefl x ui. M. E. Aid 3.00 .B0 4.45 1.35 X a,rp., exchange x aaies 'a X $104.08 X EXlMDITURES 40.00 3.25 1.50 , 1.35 X ;,i X i o llAivoef lights .. X 3al?nl tnce .52.48 t ? ? Y V ? Y Y Y Y $104.08 nee 52.48 IV M . 4 .ladles'".'.. 2 25 6.00 L Mm. 5.4 0 '-PtnfietM!1hrlBt,an rh 6.17 r ' $72.30 , Jlent r. . .r. . 40.00 ' Mebn Ti: Co. 1.50 r.ViJifiAM&w ,iRh,B .HSI i'-,i.jXtnce 29.45 $72.30 IlFflEUEBAlE-PIERCE HOME ! 1fcrJMwfIIlt',fc'. Who Wmm Xtt IY glgfillwK'' returned home Tue iVaynfn3BlcbW''o. where h atten1o-l e !JheiftAloipiloJ?rogretiBive convemlon . BttastytlHiWeMJe1 from the Blx,n 8trttrlM Nbbraska. Mr. Pierce r mfiiiily. In , lpiftPetviw with a Hernlrt r fT P'linie Vt '"i'!'inK off nt Mil mh o. ' r Wi,eri)SV(Vl' an iiiU'n Btinx a - j.poupKtf ttWbiffgo convent ions. H- X X X X Y ,ttafRtJtUW-i k question or Koom vt n i rwinif Sm;t precident on the no- npstvAi'-fc w bi ill up in tne air X an4.4flM'tt'i a jtreat deal on the ! ttfeVWlPv,ihin the next few days fey iJutjrapHujKhoB. the Hepublioan nominee. ; "Klrsiriypr.vevJS' of the opinion the niurijjf rt- 'he ProsresBives will ffuppoxfe Qtu-' Republican ticket this falCvMftVlfiiu UufcheB cornea out t ynftjy ?&F be princiiiles advocated X f Y Y Y by ttmili't'.u&F'ttiHivetj. lie stated that A tii'! )ybM-rtiiiH were prest nt at Chi- , f'ioijfpiaij(t '..numbers to solicit the 4 UjfPAjrHrf 1 Progressives for Pres- ' X tdtibVitjitttlt and that if the Demo-. rnv.iajtj0P4edH "Rooeeveltlan" plat- roifia.t EuJouis thia week they t tiic8Bil,s In getting a large ripyfifejupiKrt fro mthe ProgreB-: ivt'foVWSrOtsr the country. r ynrertB has taken an active- f a le th-o.Progresslve party of l r r r a gttUtarUttfa a.adj 4s regarded by those wa JiUfl ktfap a man of good pol ltUH?is4pit and one who Is tr88 fyf ItafProgresslve principles 4lV4bid )Sf wkT". Itooeevelt. aiK . If it's New the Famous Has it First and for Less THERE NEVER WAS A TIME IN THE HISTORY OF THE CLOTHING BUSINESS WHEN THE BUYING POWER OF A STORE MEANT MORE TO YOU THAN IT DOES RIGHT NOW. WHEN SMALL CONCERNS ARE FORCED TO BOOST THEIR PRICES AND ARE UNABLE TO PROCURE GUARANTEED MERCHANDISE AT ANY PRICE WE ARE ABLE TO SELL GUARANTEED MERCHANDISE at former LOW PRICES THE BUYING POWER OF THIS BIG STORE WAS STRONG ENOUGH TO PROTECT OUR TRADE. EVERY LINE COMES UNDER THE FABRIC AND COLOR GUARANTEE SOMETHING THAT YOU WILL FIND DIFFICULT TO OBTAIN ELSEWHERE WE ANTICIPATED THE SHORT AGE AND OUR STOCKS ARE READY TO MEET ANY DEMAND. EVERY ASSORTMENT IS FULL AND COMPLETE COME IN AND GET YOUR SHARE. 60 Panama Hats 3 new shapes, $3.00 value; special for one week . . . Beautiful new style Hats; all colors . . All Wool Worsted Suits for young men; beautifully tailored; 2 50 THE OPENING Of the SUMMER SEASON is HERE Our early and large purchases have made it possible for us to sell at a 33 1-3 PER CENT DISCOUNT off present marked prices and in addition to this big saving we can offer you selections from one of the largest stocks in the west all new and all guaranteed. You don't have to accept substitutes because of the war-come to the FAMOUS. I Men's Men's Beautiful Buys Union Suits $1.25 lines in Genuine Poros Knit jc n nm m , . . a Man's fine 45c, 69c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25 Men's Shirts Union Suits up to Special Palm Beach Suit 69 SdOO S8 S8.50 I 20 Discount Union Suits Waists 35c values for on 19c Serges Excepted II IB0, JBSaBBHBEB BMBBHBraB - II llliaHBHSIfflEK 65c grade Work Shirts U $2.50 Silk Shirts Heayy R-b Hoge 35c Shirts I Fagt Coiors I Special this week t.mmmmmmmma mim-mnmf IW HUM I III KHIJ,llfCTTffrri fiTTm V XrtXT'CmWrWamar 111 UWMI I IlillH III J 'L1.U.1KH ! ri I Fffl The Big Store for $1.98 Felt . . . $2.50 e 4 O F" C O U R S E Men and Boys 100 Pairs Men's Oxfords All colors and styles; worth from $3.50 to your choice .... Blue Serge Suits Every one wool, and color guaranteed; $9.85, $12.50, $15.00, $18.00, $20.00, $25.00 fine silk lined $30.00. Hait, Schaffner & Marx; special at . . . $20.00 A stock big enough to supply your every need standard makes; $5.00; . . . S2.48 5! Y t. z 5: T Y t T T t T T t Y Y Y t Y f Y t V t Y f Y Y Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y v t V c V r A