JUNE. 1I1S ABOUT THE WINNER, How Mr. Kiddoo Ciune to Win the World-Herald Prlic (luy C. Klddoo, who won the Oma ha World-Herald's prize for a slogan for Omaha, an account of which la printed elsewhere in this paper, ia a young lawyer associated with Mahoney ft Kennedy, and residing at 4126 Somh Twenty-fourth street. He '- Sold Ten Car of Cattle Ed. M. Brass of Grand Island, one of Nebraska's most prominent ranch men and a member of the executive committee of the Nebraska Stork Growers Association, and his brother, Ben. Brass, farm and feed cattle on an extensive Scale in Custer county. They hare marketed ten cars of cat tle this season, their last shipment from their Custer county feed lots being made last week and consisting of five loads of yearling steers that sold on the South Omaha market 19.90, averaging 950 pounds. These cattle were bot last fall and run on corn stalks up to about the middle of February, when they were put Into the feed yard and fattened on corn and alfalfa. Brass Brothers have 300 acres of alfalfa, besides growing to a considerable extent the corn which they feed. GUY C. KIDDOO is a graduate of the University of Ne braska, where he was prominent In undergraduate affairs, Including de bating honors. He is a member of Thl Kappa Fsl fraternity. "I can't say lust where I got the idea." said Mr. Klddo. "My father kept digging at me for two weeks to try my hand at It, but I think It was the very last day of the contest that I sent In the suggestion. It seemed to me to be worth while because of double significance. 'Grow With Growing Omaha, appeals to one's pride In the city and also has an ap plication to each individual in the city." 8ure to Spoil It. Even when a man confesses that he is a "pefect ass" somebody is sure to spoil it all by saying that "none of us is perfect" ANOTHER ritOOF OP PUDDING Western Ncbrak ru)-red Cattle Establish Now Ilerord at K. C. You know the proof of the pud ding. Well, the proof of the claim that this part of the west furnishes tho best, or aa good as the best, feed er cattle on earth Is found in the feeding and marketing of them. The following Item, taken from the Kan sas City Dally Drovers Telegram of June 12, helps to pile up the evi dence that la constantly accumulat ing: In the sale today of pulp-fed steers at $11 per cwt. on the Kansas City market, two new price records were established. The price was the high est price ever paid here in the month of June for fed cattle of any. kind, and also the highest ever paid for cattle from the beet sugar territory. The Great Western Sugar company operating beet sugar plants at sev eral points In both Colorado and Ne braska, owned these steers, which av eraged 1.312 lbs. They came from the company's feed lot at SrottsblufT, Nebr. The previous record price paid for pulp-fed steers was on Tuesday, of last week, when a sale was made on a string shipped from Swlnk, Colo. They brought $10. 8R. The record price on this market for fod cattle during the month of June prior to this year was $9.50. This price whs paid in June, 191 fi, and In .fun', 1912. The highest price paid for fed steers on the Kansas City market In June, 1906, 10 years ago, was $6.90. J'OME OX. I.ET'H ;o Where? To tho stockmen's con vention, at Alliance. Tuesday and Wednesday, June 20 and 21. REGISTERED HEREFORD BULLS Ready for Immediate Service Two good, dark red, well marked, low down, beefy bulls, two years old past, best of breeding and priced for quick sale at $150 each. Two choice June yearling bulls at $125 each now. Also richly bred registered cows and heifers at from $150 to $300 per head. It is to your advantage to come and see these at onee. FRED E. THOMPSON One and one-half miles east of Thedf ord, Thomas county, Nebr. G. B. & Q. Railroad z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z I z z z z z z z z z z I z z z z z z z z Te z z z I z z z z z z z z z 1 z z z z z z z z T. W. Farris R. F. Marcy Farris-Marcy Company Live Stock Commission 110-112 Exchange Building Stock Yards Station Omaha, - Nebraska Telephones: Office, South 34 Night Calls, South 1498 We Are Working for Your Interests and Appreciate Your Business v ? ? v ? ? V ? V t V t t V r t v Y V t Y V r t ? ? Y t t t Y V t f V t V ? ? t r y t t Y t V t ? Y Y - 1 . - -.. tnaBtmns- 1 rtlnmnnn BMWfril - .. ..ii .iniiuit Snnnav even-1 - - . , , i ..v..,.Aiun ami Hpminfciora jm irnm nil muuBiiiaii i p iiiccviuo - lo. If we take the total Income or t net the worK or me wo,u"rn- i I as iar 1 t-.V f.-"- Piinlo wl vprv rnnable manner. Presbyterians and HemlnKtora narPntB there for a