The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 15, 1916, Image 13

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u r tor-' : HI
As a one-man power plowing outnt the Rumely General Utility Tractor meets all requlre
ments for efficient work, simplicity and ease of operation. Tractor and plows are combined in
one machine, and the control of the entire outfit is centered in front of the operator's seat.
All gearing is enclosed in air tight cases snd run in oil. No working parts are exposed to
dirt. Hyatt roller bearings are used throughout. No vibration. A real tractor at the right
The plows are automatically raised and lowered the simple pressure of the foot on the
trip raises or lowers the plows at the will of the operator.
The plows are hitched to one side so that all three wheels are on unplowed ground at
the same time the load is so balanced that there is no draft on the tractor.
F. A. CLARK, Agent
Advance-Rumely and Garr-Scott line of power farming machinery.
Are you a subscriber or a borrower
tJ t'i s 8 !J
HillUK Hill
i; n
Hopes every man and woman here will adopt
this splendid health habit.
Says a glass of hot water with a teaspoonful of
limestone phosphate in it washes poisons
from system, and makes one feel
clean, sweet and fresh.
"Why is man and woman, half
the time, feeling nervous, despon
dent, worried; some days head
achy, dull and unstrung; some
days "really incapacitated by ill
ness. If we all would practice the
drinking of phosphated hot. water
before breakfast, what a gratify
ing change would take place. In
stead of thousands of half-sick,
anaemic-looking souls with pasty,
muddy complexions w v should see
crowds of happy, healthy, rosy
cheeked people everywhere. The
reason is that the human system
doe not rid itself each day of all
th waste it accumulates under
our present mode of living. For
every ounce of food and drink
taken into the system nearly an
ounce of waste material must bo
carried out, else it ferments and
forms ptomaine-like poisons in
the bowels which are absorbed
into the 11 ood.
Just as necessary as it is to
clean the ashes from the furnace
each day, before the fire will burn
bright and hot, so we must each
morning clear the inside organs
of the previous day's accumula
tion of indigestible waste and
body toxins. Men and women,
whether sick or well, are advised
to drink each morning, before
breakfast, a glass of real hot
water with a teaspoonful of lime
stone phosphate in it, as a harm
less means of washing out of
the stomach, liver, Iridiums and
bowels the indigestible material,
waste, sour bile and toxins; thus
cleansing, sweetening and puri
fying the entire alimentary canal
before putting more food into the
Millions of people who had
their turn at constipation, bilious
attacks, acid stomach, sick head
aches, rheumatism, lumbago,
nervous days and sleepless nights
have become real cranks about
the morning-inside bath. A
quarter pound of limestone phos
phate will not cost much at the
drug store, but is sufficient to
demonstrate to anyone its cleans
ing sweetening and freshening
effect upon the system.
Traimportatlon lliire-aii Rays FtvIkM
Train lfcnployc Always In
Danger of An Menu
Cleveland, Ohio. June 14 A atate
ment issued today by the. Hallroad
Transportation Brotherhoods shows
that freight train employes have one
of the most huxardous of all occupa
tions. Hallroad officials lay much stress
on the statement that "18 per rent of
all railroad employes now receive 28
per cent of the total wages paid."
This claim means nothing whatev
er, because It falls to take Into con
sideration the years of preparation
for the Job and the fact that the line
between life and death Is so thin thai
when a train employe leaves on his
run, he Is never sure when he will
The last annual report of the In
terstate Commerce Commission
shows that a train man la killed on
an average of every 4 hours and 40
minutes, and a man crippled every 3
minutes and 30 seconds. And this
does not tell all the story; because If
a man does not die from his injuries
within 24 hours, he la not reported
l to the Commission as killed and un
less the injury disables him for three
days he la not counted as injured.
Out of every 100 men who start
work as firemen, only 17 ever become
engineers, out of every 100 men who
do become engineers, only 6 become
passenger engineers.
The average length of service la
eleven and a half years.
Train service employes are picked
men In every sense of the word.
Few realise the rigid physical ex
amination they are required to pass
and which is more severe than the
United States government requires
for enlistment In the army or nurj.
Physical examinations are repeat
ed every two or three years.
Eyesight, hearing:, color percep
tion, heart action, and blood pressure
are all scrutinized closely.
Although the U. S. government
prohibits by law the continuous em-!
ployment of a train employe more
than 16 hours, It Is worthy of note
that in 1915 there were 78,940 vio
lations reported by the rallroada
Under the rates of pay now re
ceived by the men, they must work
from 12 to 20 hours In order to earn
enough to be on a par with the wage
earners in other trades.
What a man receives per hour Is
the only proper basis for discussing
wages. The following table shows
the prevailing wages received per
hour by freight crews as compared to
other trades. -
Locomotive engineers ....... 48 He
Bricklayers, plasterers, etc 75c 1
Locomotive fireman 31c
Carpenters, painters, etc 70c
Freight conductors 40c
Laborers In tunnels, wells, etc. 57 He
Freight brakemen 26.7c
Excavating laborers 40c
Are these high wages when you
consider the responsibility and skill
required of freight train men?
Excessive hours and the terrific
strain shatters the health and short
ens the lives of these men.
The employes are not asking for
more pay, only that their working
hours be made less.
They desire relief from the present
arduous working conditions so that
their time at home will be lengthen
ed and their chance of relaxation Im
proved.' Kliould Sloan' Liniment Along?
Of course it should! For after a
strenuous day" when your muscles
have been exercised to the tin It an
application of Sloan's Liniment will
take the soreness and stiffness away
and get you in fine shape for the mor
row. You should also use It for a
sudden attack of toothache, stiff
neck, backache, stings, bites and the
many accidents that are incidental to
a vacation. "We should as soon leave
our baggage as go on a vacation or
camp out without Sloan's Liniment."
Writes one vacationist: "WV use It
for everything from era tups to tooth
ache." Tut a bottle in your bag, bo
prepared and have no regrets.
Adv 2
Live Stock and Farm S.ilts
a Specialty.
Write Me for Terms
and Dates.
Best of References.
o t i
laalittj arvd -itMrvu,.
Bra sing
We do all klnda of tinning, repair
Ins and metal . work. Radiators
and aluminum crank cases a spec
ialty. W. B. I LAGAN
The Tinner
With Rheln-Rousey Co.
Phones: 98 Res., 695
Fimncr Hli'iting, Colo., Mmr'ftiieruj
i:tliiive Fruit and Vcge
table htore
O. O. llurshell, formerly of 8ter
ling, Colo., hns opened up an f?flus
Ive fruit and vegetable store Ifi'the
Atlas Hotel building, at 118 Box
Butte avenue. The new store will
be one of a chain of five which watn
laln a buyer in Denver. -'
The Atlas building Is being Mod
eled for the new store, which will
not do a commission buslness't'but
will lie devoted to retailing frulta
and vegetables, with free dcllvVlf.
Josephine Turck Baker, ICdltor
For l'rogrt-ftfiive Men and Women,
Business and Professional; Club
Women, Teachers, Student, Min
isters, Doctors, Lawyer, Stenog
raphers, and for all who wish to
Speak and Write Correct EngllMi.
bpoclul Feature Every Month
Sample Copy 10c. Subscription Price,
$2 a Year
Josephine Turck Baker's Standard
Magazine and Books are recommend
ed by this paper.
fc7t,ttiftttttt?nttf ttiniitiiinnitiTitTffiiiini
can buy anything
youjean give them
Photograph g
It "V S $ I
nave ii inuuc
at the
Shuler Studio
Alliance tltlens Cannot Dmil.t It
Doan's Kidney Pills were uet
They brought benefit. ""
The story was told to Alliance, res
idents. Time has strengthened thi" evi
dence. Has proven the result lasting.
The testimony Is from this? focal-
The proof Is convincing.
Mrs. Herman Schroeder, Wasnlng
ton Ave., Sidney, Nebr., says:. "I was
in a bad way as the result of 'Mdney
trouble. I suffered from painfc la
the small of my back, dizzy' pells
and I was unable to stoop. M)a a
physician's advice, I put a plantar on
my back, but this did not relieve mm.
I also tried many kidney remedies,
but to no avail until I began 'using
Doan's Kidney Pills. One box" stop
ped the pain In my back and I con
tinued using this medicine until the
trouble disappeared." ' '
LATER DATE Mrs. Schroeder s4d :
"I willingly confirm my fornfm
dorsement of Doan's Kldne Pills,
The cure they made has beefr per
manent." '
Price 60c, at all dealers, n't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mrs. Schroeder has twice iubllcly
recommended. Foster-Mllbujji: Co.,
Pronn . ttiiffatn M V
A J-lf
Sconrs from Indigestion V
The common cause of scours ' fn
calves Is Indigestion, or Inflammation
In the stomach.' This may be brought
about by a large variety of onuses,
but In any case the aim of the treat
ment should be to remove the source
of the Inflammation. As In most
other ailments, hair of the battle In
curing ecours is to begin treatment
as soon as any trouble is noticed. The
College of Agriculture says that the
calves should be watched closely and
treatment administered upon the
first Indications of scours. 'Treat
ment should always begin by cutting
down the ration, thus giving the calf
a chance to rid itself of thb Irritating
material. The milk should bo cat
down at least one-half and In rove re
cases withheld entirely. In most
cases after one or two feeding per- .
iods have apssed. the coif will appear
normal and full feeding can be grad
ually resumed.
In more obstinate cases It may bo
necessary to administer a physio of
2 or 3 ounces of castor oil given In a
little milk. After a calf has suffered
with scours, feeding should always
be light for a fe wdays until the calf
regains its strength.
Real Estate, Loans and Insur
ance. F. E. REDDISH, Reddish
Block. 15-UT-6727
Take tablespoonfal of Salts if Back
harts or Bladder bothers Drink
lots of water.
We sre a nation of meat eaters and
our blood la filled with uric acid, says a
well-known authority, who war as us to
be constantly on guard against kidney
The kidneys do their utmost to free
the blood of this irritating acid, but
become weak from the overwork; they
gf t ftluggish i the eliminative tissues clog
iind tiitm the waate is retained In tbe
Mvi to peioon the entire system.
W hen your kidneys ache and feel like
'um of lead, and you have stinging
rains in the back or tbe urine is cloudy,
will of sediment, or the bladder is irri
table, obliging you to seek relief during
the night; when you have sever head
aches, nervous and dizzy tpella, sleepless
ness, acid stomach or rheuuutiem .in bad
weather, get from your ph.irmaciat about
four lunres of Jad Salts; take a
tabletuootiful in a glass of water before
breakfast each morning and in a few
days your kidneys will act fine. This
famous salts ia made from the acid of
grapes and lemon Juice, combined with
lithia, and has been used for generations
to flush and stimulate drggvd kidneys,
to neutralize the acids in urine so it it
no longer a source of irritation, thus
ending urinarv and bladder disorders.
Jad Salt is inexpensive and cannot
injure r makes a delightful effervescent
lithia-water drink, and nobody can make
a mistake by taking a little occasionally
to keep the kidneys clean and active.
Suggest Ioiin for Handling Cream
Cool the cream each timo after
separating. Where ice Is not to be
had, place the can in a vat of cold
water, preferab'y running water.
Never pour warm croara In with
cool cream, as this practlco will raise
the temperature of the whole nd en
courage bacterial growth, fouslng
the crm to In coiiid houc sntj'devel
oj b:d ttitvtxtt pnd odor. " '
Wl"n marketing:, it Is a good prac
tice to rover the ran first wHh a wet
bhmlet and then with a dry blanket.
Thin will help to keep the cream
ronl "
OmdtTiK cream la becoming more
;,and mr Important. Frequently the
' prison v;iry f'om 3 to 4 cents SfTpound
h'tn " p-ipcrly and Improperly
Ini'diel iream. College of Agricul
Since 1S85 In Kannas City, 1 have
bnii t SHiully treated thnuwaniM
of iBHt-a of Vai li-iH'fle. Hvilio-
Cfle, mil allied trouble. The
Kiioiieu veins, pain. ttllui'Ke- al
. . , . - . . . irr.
mt-iii, wchmicii nnu inner
s in. torn uuli kly dlnaiiear
S'i'e fi.r tlliiKl rn teil luu.k
'Without the Knife" and full l.aitlcu
jj idin ure, en lea. call iir addreaa
K uiu Cm i. Mo. - fWITJSP!1
Varicaa (Mean ui Lf San
la i tleu-
Knowing that you are insured
in the
makes your recovery from sick
ness and accident more pleasant
Kepri'seiilative for western Ne
braska. All claims settled per
sonally and promptly
ff Mine 14 U ft bums) City. Ihmwf wwr
i lull i niai ,biusiiB(U of rtswtor r u rusuf
Soil (nm rstlUMtr luvurabl I tU sHJltrJi
t.4 VAKiiottft-: tlx: km, liy totii
ip!!!1, tsuauMnsxt wills ocigiiual
ii4 iutMlru iM'lhodt lnursivu
( u sMiotv-n, fjaltbuut ktDtr m psUtt
Wrti for illa'd hook-t hkSL sisd.
t 1
H I'llT. Mat
Kliislff 'al fox HouviU up Tranp
Who ltmke info Malley Home
am! Stole fin it
Sheriff Cai Cox arrested a tramp
by the name of Charley Iluel. who
claims Clevel tnd, Ohio, as bin home,
at 9 o'clock last Thursday evening
while lu bed at the home of George
Burch, where he. had asked shelter
for the night.
Buel confessed to entering and
robbing the home of Perry Malley,
west of Alliance. Thursday after
noon, while the family were absent In
Alliance. Buel helped himself to a
revolver, a hr.t and a razor while at
the Malley home.
If you are inning high Interest
rates In the Uulltliug lnan call o
the Nebraaka land Company and Ret
tbe money at reduced Interest rate.
Catarrh Cannot lie Cured
they cannot reach the seat of tbe dis
ease. Catarrh Is a local disease.
greatly Influenced by constitutional
conditions, and In order to cure It
yon must take an Internal remedy.
Mall's Catarrh Cure Is taken inter
nally and acts thru tbe blood on the
raucous surfaces of tbe system. Hall's
Catarrh Cure was prescribed by one
of the best physicians In this coun
try for years. It is composed of
some of the best tonics known, com
bined with some of the beat blood
purifiers. The perfect combination
of the ingredients In Hall's Catarrh
Cure is what produces such wonder
ful results in catarrhal conditions.
Send for testimonials, free. F. J.
CHENEY CO.. Props., Toledo, O.
All Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills for constipa
tion. Adv-June - j