JUNE, 1916 So. Omaha Live Stock Exchange Stock Shipper of Nebraska and NelRhlorliiK States (Jood Work I bring Done In the Interests of the l.lve Information lu Other Articles Other artklei In this imue of The Nebraska Stockman and The Alli ance Herald contain information re garding live stock exchanges in gen eral that applies to South Omaha as w ll as to the exchanges at other markets, so that much that would otherwise be Included in this article tiiiiy be found elsewhere in this pa per. Much of the work done in the in terests of their customers, the ship pers, by the live stock commission men, thru their exchange, at any market, is duplicated by the live stock exchanges at other markets; and yet each exchunge has its own problem to work out, some of them peculiar to individual circumstances or conditions. m-MrviiiK of Spet lal Mention There are some things that have been done by the South Omaha Live Stock Exchange that are deserving of special mention. When the associations represent ing the shippers of the country made a light against the proposed advance in live stock freight rates in western territory, the South Omaha Live Stock Kxchange took a prominent part In the work. The South Omaha Exchange took up the matter of charges for clean ing and disinfecting cars and to date have secured for shippers to Omaha market approximately $3,000 which had been erroneously collected from them. They have been represented In numerous conferences on the live stock contract matter. They have appeared before the State Hallway Commission on num erous occasions seeking beneficial changes in rules and regulations con cerning Nebraska traffic. They have what we believe is a decidedly Improved method of hand ling the valuation proposition in Ne braska, a shipper being able to de clare when he ships ft load of live stock In the state the averace esti mated value of his carload of stock. This will be a considerable savin to the shipper over the Interstate meth od of having to declare the highest valuation in the load. Their quarantine committee haf been industrious in working with the State Live Stock Sanitary Bonrd to the end that thp most advantageous sanitary laws may be enacted. It is the intention of the Kxchnnce to at all times, and in all ways, work In the Interest of the shipper to the end that as he prospers we will he benefitted. It la no flattery to say that the South Omaha Live Stock F.xchanpe has for its secretary and trnlISc man ager one of the most competent men to be found anywhere fof the work to be done. In order to secure hi? services It Is necessary for the Kx change to pay one of the Inchest, if not the highest, salary paid to any one holding such n position; but the members are willing and glad to stand the necessary expense in order to secure his valuable services for the stockmen who ship to that market. them all, but an occasional mention serves the purpose of calling atten tion to the facts abt ve stated. J. T. Nyahl of Wlnside. Nebr.. top ped the cattlo market at South Oma ha, the 12th of this month, with two loads of branded, dehorned Hereford steers that averaged 1.410 pounds and brot $10.75. "I boueht there Fteers here early in November, at which time they av eraeed 906 pounds and cost around $7.2S." aid Mr. Nyahl. "I ran them In the stock fields up to the. Brst of F bruary. when I put them in the lot and started feedlne snapped corn nnd alfalfa. In a few weeks I chang ed to shelled corn, and the cattle cer tainly mndf a very satisfactory gain, over BOO pounds in weight and $3.50 in price. HANOI TATTLE HF.ST FF.KDKKS (jmmmI (trade Stuff Top Market after Few Mouth' Feed There are plenty of illustrations to prove The Nebraska Stockman's claim that the best feeder cattle to be found anywhere as good as the best, to say the least are raised in the ranch country of western Nebras ka. It is no uncommon thing for branded cattle from this part of the state after being put in the feed lots farther east a few months, to bring the highest price paid for fat cattle at the live stock markets. These in stances are too numerous to relate 1 ;' .J-:-" ' " "y ; f v. V v .-. i ' j f .f ? - Vf '-hx. ' ; v : : . I A. V. Notice to Stockmen! We make plioto Kn gravpfl Plates that print. If you have a photo graph that yon want to reproduce semi it to us and we will make your plates or will quote you prices. BEE ENGRAVING DEPT. 110 Bee Bldg, Omaha, Nebr. Stock and Supply Tanks DAVKXI'OUT (eueral .Manager of tiie South Oma ha Daily Drovers Journal-Stockman, whose address before the convention of the National Live Stock Kxclimio at tliicinnati has attrocted wide attention and l published in full in this paper. See imge lO. 'k- r I' ' .v.. Will outlast several steel tanks or several tank9 made from other ma terial, and cost less money. Thes" tanks will keep the water cooler in summer and warmer in winter. Send for price list today. ATLAS TANK MFi. COMPANY, Fred lloisen. Malinger, 1102 X. O. W. Illdg., Omaha, Nebr. BILL FRAZ1ER, Pres. Steer Salesman BILLIB LYNAM, Stc-Treas. Represented at Chicago By Cow Salesman ALEXANDER, WARD & CONOVER Expert Salesmen in Each Department FrazieivJohnson Co Live Stock Commission We are one of the oldest firms doinj business at South Omaha and have had years of experience in handling Sandhill and Western Cattle. We render the same careful and efficient service to the small shipper that we give to the large. Market reports furnished on request. Expert Yard and Brand Men Union Stock Yards Office on First Floor New Exchange Bldg. South Omaha . 1 tM,mt uCr-owiirut iu 110 uwue o tasi wee. nu uiu.xouuwiB ,. t to say re tra r1 in or the matter: " v - - ' i 3 . I I I t :i