LTiHIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIMIMinlliniMMMMIIMUlllimgCT Nebraska State Volunteer Fire men's Association FJE Oil? REUSABLE The CiiJe - l,t tor an. I hi-rl Itiu r I lit . high Imr s'.ttr. '. k.T .2 WSfflL or I. Absolutely Puro MADE FRQR1 CREAM OF TARTAR C T7. Canfield, F. V. D., waa In the city part of the week on business. BARN FOR RENT J. W. Thomas, 408 Sweetwater Are. 22-tf-7332 Al Snedeker came up from Bridge port Sunday, returning that night. FOR RENT Three-room cottago, close In, well located. Phone 161. 37-H-7834. E. L. Lovenburg, the Angora banker, was In Alliance on business Tuesday. WANTED Work by day. Phone 618 after 6 P. M. Mrs. J. H. Carroll. 27-tf-7832. Attorney Joe L. Westover returned Monday morning from a business trip to Omaha and Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Krens of Merna are In the city this week visit ing with Mr. and Mrs. Haargarten. Mrs. James Fee and son Teddy who were In Sabetha, Kans., visiting her sister, returned home Sunday morning. FOR SALE 7-room house and 6 lots In Duncan's addition. Price 8900 cash. A. E. Judson, Hall ho tel, Denver. Mrs. Betts, sister of Horace Bogue of Alliance, stopped over for several days on her way home from Crockett, Texas, to Seattle, Washington. Mrs. D. J. Nelson and daughter left Sunday for Chicago, where they will meet Mr. Nelson. They will visit a sister of Mrs. Nelson at Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Beckwlth de parted Tuesday noon for a month's visit and trip in California. May they enjoy their vacation and receive much benefit from their sojourn. President, J. P. Hoffman, Ord. First Vice President, Harry Hauser, Fremont. Second Vice President, John W. Guthrie, Alliance. Secretary, E. A. Miller, Kearney. Treasurer, H. A. Webbert, Kearney. Board of Control: Jacob Goehrlng, Seward, chairman; William E. Mote, Chadron; F. B. Tobin, Sidney; O. A. Rboades, Scottsbluff; i Bert J. Galley, Columbus. A department devoted to the Interests of the Volunteer Firemen of the state of Nebraska. Edited by Lloyd C. Thomas, state publicity chairman. mimiiminiinttimmmHttitmimnmntintmnHn HMIlt Lexington Department Elects Officers At the regular meeting of the Lexington Volunteer Fire Depart ment, held Monday evening, May 8, the following officers were elect ed for the ensuing year: V. II. Tillcry, chief; Robert Rodebaugh, assistant chief; Charles Mallctt, secretary; Isaac Msley, treasurer and attorney; C. C. Corder. publicity chairman. The Lexington running team is training in preparation to par ticipate in the Iowa and Nebraska volunteer firemen's tournament to be held in Omaha. Reported by C. G. Corder. FOR RENT Six-room house for rent, across street east of Central School building. Inquire of E. O. Lalng. 87-tf-733 Arthur Wilson, traveling represen tative for the Duplex Printing Press Company, of Battle Creek, Michigan, was a caller at The Herald office the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith were called suddenly to Sterling, 111., by a telegram announcing the serious 111 nebs of his motht. They left Sat urday night, and expect to arrive In Sterling Monday morning. mi RtevAnn of Hvannla accom panied Editor Bassett'of the Hyannls Tribune to Alliance Aionaay, ana me former visited during her stay with her friend Miss Mable Ormsby, also taking In the sights at the carnival. . The schedule of hours for play ground supervision are as follows: morning, 8:30 to 11:30; afternoon. 2 to 6; evening, 7 to 8:30. This schedule applies on all days except Sundays and on Saturday afternoon and evenings. F. F. Stephens who has been vis iting his family at Elgin, Nebr., for a short time returned Friday, bring ing with him his wife and two daugh ters. The trip was made by auto, and they took two days In which to enjoy the sights and outing. Miss Mattle Clare Glfford left Tuesday oon to take nup her work for the summer at Scottsbluff. Miss Glfford has been very successful as a physical culture teacher and Instruct or In dramatic art. has made a host of friends during her year In Alli ance, who all juiu ia wishing her ev ery good thing In h-r nrv !.::- !-: ". and for her future. Mitchell Department Elects Officers On May 9 the Mitchell volunteer fire department held their reg ular monthly meeting and also the annual election of officers. The following were elected: W. D. Linden, chief; O. W. Campbell, assistant chief; 0. R. Love lace, treasurer ; A. V. Bryan, secretary. Alliance Firemen Decorate Graves On Tuesday, May 30, Decoration Day, the Alliance fire depart ment went in a body to the cemetery and decorated the graves of the six deceased members, with nags and bouquets of flowers. With un covered and bowed heads the boys surrounded the graves while the name of the deceased member was called and the flag and bouquet placed on the grave. You can afford to pay $5 or $6 for your next pair it's like making an in vestment in footwear. The initu.l outlay may be more than you have been paying, but the returns will chow a larger percent age i:i bngth of service, added com fort and individual Etyb. Five or nix dollars invested in The Florsheim Shoe will bring you so much satisfaction that you will never wear "cheap" shoes again. W. R.JHARPER Department Store What About the Tournament? At the annual convention in Crawford in the month of January we were told about the big tournament with $4,000 in prizes, to be held jointly with Iowa at Omaha in July. We have heard nothing further regarding it within the last sixty days and have had inquiries Irom a number of the departments over the state. If the proposition has boon dropped wo would be glad to know it in order to inform those who are interested. If it has not boon dropped we would bo pleased to know the evaet dates and what the program will bo. f. iy Proceedings for Convention Are Out Within the last week the firemen over the state who are members ot the state association and the different departments have all re- Marrlm ccived copies of the proceedings of the Crawford annual state con vention. We would suggest to the boys over the state that thev take L, Events n he Social Realm Jj The of Mi mi O'ltrit'n and Mr. Wlllard C. Myers first of the promised June the time to go thoroughly over those proceedings, for thev will find weddings took place yesterday morn mucn or interest to tnem there. Those who did not get to attend can find a full and complete stenographic report of the proceedings of the convention in the book. Secretary Miller of Kearney has had an im mense amount of work to do in compiling this book. MTMUMcnnn ncPT Sjl with Alliance boys Sunday on the Al , llanoe diamond. Our boys met de Sunday, June II Opening Day for the Swimming Pool The Alliance Volunteer Fire Department extends an invi tation to everybody who is interested in clean sports to visit the big swimming pool on the opening day, for the season, Sun through the boilers. - The new heating plant has been installed and the water will be the right temperature for health and comfort. There will bo plenty of bathing suits and towels. The new heating plant will allow us to change the water frequently .insuring at all times clean, fresh water. In addi tion to this, there will be a constant inflow of fresh water day, June 11th. The plunge is open to all, both young and old. The charges are reasonable and the service will be good. Don't forget the location, back of the city hall, in the plunge building. Alliance Fire iDep't The I. A. Co., have Installed a new player plao for their picture show. Mr. I. R. Walker and A. M. Miller going aflnr supplies for Mr. Miller's car. Mr. Joe Winton wont to Alliance Saturday and drove buck a new m I I r oru. Mrs. Belle 15 row n was an Alliance visitor Saturday and Sunday of last week. Quite a number of the base ball feat by a score of 10 to 2. Alox. Olds- the catcher, had the misfortune of petting his arm broken in the sixth inning. Darnell the Alliance pitcher . was running In from third and struck Olds on the arm with his knee. Uo- pan caueht the remainder of the game. They will play the return i Biime here a week from Sunday and here's hoping the boys put up a bet ter game. Mrs. N. II. McKenzle departed for her home at Boulder. Colo.. Tuesday after a two weeks visit with friend? and relatives here. Mr. Harold Elder came up from Al- fahe8uaame0ed ,0 ""i ere he7sHed re?a' ine game. . . Mr. Ora Phillips is doing good work grading the streets in town this week. Mrs. H. C. Addy and family left Thursday for their new home at Pol- son, Montana. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Franzen de parted Sunday for their new home at Mitchell. Nebr. Mr. Fred Hucke purchased a new- Ford auto Saturday selling his old car to A. P. Iiaynes. A. M. Miller returned Sunday from St. Louis where he has been attend- ng the Millers association. M. Hutton and wife departed Thursday for Iowa, expecting to be gone the greater part of the summer. Mr. Itob-ri Curry was on the sick 'it lat m ' bin h" Is able to !)' back to work In the printing office again. Miss Elsie Green went to Alliance Suuday on 44 (or a visit with rela tives there aud to attend the show this week. Among those who attended the Missionary meeting at Chadron last week are Mesdamea Palmer, Grimes and Johnson. Mrs. Addie Donavan returned to her home in Alliance Thursday after a few days visit with friends and relatives here. Mr. Charles Wallace, of Alliance, came up Saturday night for a short visit with his mother Mrs. Wm. Fos ket of this place. Mrs. P. J. Michael departed on 44 Sunday for Brule. Nebr. where she is going for a week's visit with Mrs. Robert Anderson. The Ladies Progreslve Club met out at Mrs. Wm. Iodence's Friday. Nearly every member of the club was present and all reported a tine time, Mrs. H. C. Addy soldthe restaur ant to Mrs. Ball who was formerly employed at the Arlington hotel nad who took possession the first of the month Miss Esther Kinsley was an east bound passenger Sunday for Allian ce where she has gone for a few days visit with her sister Mrs. George Bell of that place Miss Agnes Delslng came In on 43 Monday from Omaha where she has been attending the BoylesCollege for kj I me pant year. one came lor a snon II I vacation with her parents. U Itall Game ine locai oau ooys crossea oais ing at 8 o'clock, when Miss Luclle O'Brien, daughter of Mrs. C. O'Brien, and Mr. Willard C. Myers were unit ed in wedlock at-St. Agnes Academy chapel. Father Donnelly ofllclating with the Impressive ring ceremony. A company of immediate relatives md friends witnessed the event, and Miss Kate Knlest and Mr. Connie D'Brien were the attendants of the couple. The bride was handsomely attired in a gown of white Georgette dlk crepe over lace, and the bride's .naiil in a gown of rose colored taf feta, both carrying bouquets of lilies f the valley and white rose buds. After the nuptial vows had been tak en, the party repaired to the home of Mrs. W. J. Hamilton, where a ("our-course wedding breakfast was lerved. the arrangements nnd color u-ueme being In pink and white, roses and carnations bulng used in the decorations. The gift of the bride to the bridesmaid was a gold t ing with ruby setting, and the groom ind tha hHl m mi with a hand- lives for a few days. m amoking set. The happy cou- Post master Watson, of Maple, waflpie left on 4 4 for Comstock. Nebr.. the betterment of child life cannet help but have Its reward and effect on the coming generation. The "Parent's Teacher's Associa tion" so well and favorably known la the eastern part of our country, M taking a new name out here where the fire of enthusiasm and specific welfare is pronounced .and we find Mother's Clubs being formed, wltb the Intention of working alongside the teachers of the public schools, co operating and giving enlisted efforts In every way poslhle, a spirit of help fulness which the teachers of the schools are in much need of, and will be heartily appreciated by them. H transacting business in town Monda) and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Weddle .of Cur Iy were shopping in town Tuesday. Mr. Frank Caba and daughter. Daisy, were In Alliance shopping be tween trains Tuesday. Mrs. Russell Miller and Miss Fred.i Daubon were Alliance passengers or 4 4 Wednesday. Miss Reta Shull returned to her home at Mlnatare Wednesday after a week's visit with friends here. Mr. C. H. Burleigh returned from Saratoga, N. Y.. where be has been for the past month attending the Minister Convention. Mr. Burleigh visited many points ot great Interest while he was gone. Oscar O'Bannon was transacting business In town Wednesday. Many from here are in Alliance at tending the Wortham Shows. Every one teems to enjoy themselves to such an extent they can't leave. Miss Esther Kinsley returned from Alliance Tuesday after a few days visit with her sister there. Mrs. B. N. Shepherd and Mrs. W. E. McClung returned Tuesday after noon from an extended trip In the eastern part of the state. They re port a splendid time and they had exceedingly good luck with their car. Mr. Elmer Noe was a business vis itor to the county seat Tuesday. C, J. Wlldy, Norbert Fronaph. Ed. and C. W. Lock wood autoed to Alli ance Tuesday on business, returning the 6a ice day. for a visit at the grooms parents md will later go to Mason City. where they will reside in the future The out-of-town guests were Mr. md Mrs. J. M. Kenny of Chadron he latter being a sister of the bride The gifts of cut glass, silver and fur- ilturo were many and appropriate The Herald Joins with the many rriends in wishing the happiest Joy 'or the younn couple. They are both popular young people an l ar well fitted to appreciate a Uood honn The groom has filled In a capiilib manner a position with the Diork: Lumber Company of this place an has won many close arqualntau en both in a social and business way and he has been transferred to City to manage a yard for the Kame company. He Is energetic and wii make good Home lliliucs Wotneii'st Club Are Doing in the Hhtte of Nebraska. It is interesting to note the diver sitv of activities in which the wo men's clubs tbruout this state, and others, are engaged, and after all the working club is the one that pro gresses toward the goal of higher ad vancement In every degree. We be lieve that the intention of every or ganlzation of women of this nature is to advance intellectually, and a the same time help to promote a tell ing Influence for higher living to the community In which they live, an proud Indeed are the members of the club who extend their interests to the surrounding country. Among the many suggestive topics which the women of these wide- a . i a. a 1 nl.lAn vvlll... awase ciuds may Become inuueumi w t.,,oo, ihland help toward lasting benefits, are for Lincoln, where he goe. to cele- ho,8 h,ch ma to ome lay beyond brate the golden wedding of his sis ter, Mrs. R. R. Thompson. He was accompanied on the trip by Miss Madeline Zedlker. Music and Kntertalner Au appreciative audience attended the students recital at the Reddlsa hall last Friday evening, and every number proved a rea Itroat in Itself, the students showing marked ad vancement from the year's work. T e program is herewith given: Where Ignorance Is Bliss Madeline Zedlker Cha-olnade . The Rose and tho Kaln Lane Wilson Carmen Mrs. Bundy The Braketnan at Church Mrs. Rell GaddiSf- Spooner On to Ti lumps Teresa Morrow Other Birds are Taught to n.v ... Helen Hrowa Prlndle My Shins O'Dreaoir Mabel Sward Old Ace; Little Alabama Coon . . . M -ib-el Pt Von Weber Vein Dorlna Belffc- Scbnmnni) Evening Ror Christ'an Rustic Polonaise Pli)11is " npson ;:I1ow.m .... '' - "of the Wild r.idniiin . I f ! i the Mesa, May Graham unt Abby' K-co t TreHu Vandervoort Link Ihivlh Host at liarii Ihnice Quite a number of people went oat to the home of Link Davis on Satur day evening last to enjoy the bans dance, and we understand found some trouble in returning home until the "wee hours", aa mischief dof had cut wires and generally disabled the cars which took the merry mak ers out. Barring the Inconvenience and damage done, the party bad atl enjoyable time. Elk Club to lie HoU The Elk Club are to be hospitable entertainers at another of their so cial evenings tomorrow night, and ar rangements now completed promts a delightful time for the members of this organization and their Invited friends. Dancing will be the order of the evening hours. Goes With Irwin Show Dwlght Zedlker, of Alliance, cham pion relar rider of the world, has signed up with Irwin Brothers, pro- a better community, maintain a con their sphere, but nevertheless are not We have read recently of the Tecum seh Woman's League passing and presenting resolutions calling upon the city's officials to protect the city from carnival companies, then an other Community Club near Spencer has for its object the building up of The Woman's Guild met at tb parish house yesterday afternoon aad Mrs. F. E. Holsten was hostess to thm company. There will be no meeting ot this society next week. prletors of the shows which were In genial community spirit and studying Alliance two years ago. to travel with agrlcultur and home economics. One them during the summer. Dwight club ia Interesting itself In the laws will leave Cheyenne with the shows affee'.ng women and children and t mi. ...a mi mAi r dlRciioine "Child Welfare." a sublect fhe summer in the east:' In itself broad and If worked out' to .been tongue-tied." The Ladies Auxiliary of the First Presbyterian church will meet Wttk Mrs. Edgar Benolt, 709 Laramie Ave., Wed., June 14, at 3 o'clock. , Mrs. Hep's 8aylngs. "Miss Hezeklah Stebbins Is gitUa klnda peaked," worried Mrs. Jonathan Hep as she did her Ironing, "becus, havln' ben to th' dentist's she cast eat on neither side uv her mouth an' she's kinds up 'gainst It havln' alwus