The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 08, 1916, Image 5

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The Master Interpretations of the
World's Greatest Artists
VICTOR HKCOIIDS arr- the consmnate ai t of the jrrcatrst
Ringers, instrumentalists, bands, orchestras their own superb
renditions just as they interpret them.
All the distinct personality, all the individuality of expres
sion, all the beauties peculiar to the performance of each art
ist, are ever present to charm you in their Victor Records.
Victor Records ARE the actual artists the greatest art
ists of all the world. The greatest artists at their very best.
The greatest artists just as you want to hear them.
PAY AS YOU PLAY. You can have this wonderful ma
chine in your home and pay on easy monthly payments. Let
us show you the new models at $.r)0 to $250.
The Victor Store
Opposite Post Office
John Wiker, Manager
Men and Wamen Wanted-Government Positions
Forest assistant, Industrial teacher, Junior engineer, land law clerk,
teacher, telegraph operator. Examination March 15. stenograph
er and typewriter February 26. Quick preparation is necessary.
You Can Learn by Mall at Home, Study at Night.
Wouldn't you like a job for life with a steady Income of $75 to
$100 or more every month with a good chance for promotion? Then
why not get it? We guarantee to prepare you for any civil service
position, city, state or federal coach you free until you pet the pos
ition. Send for particulars.
CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL Kittredge Bid.. Denver
Hot Water Each Morning
Puts Roses in Your Cheeks
8 1 .
V fan iimii -k. tiririilhnniniiirfr 4 Sogxs,
W4 ". V
Jo look one' Ust and fo-t oneV boot'slimrntarj' tract. Inforo put tint; more
ii to enjnv an inside Lath each mornni
to flush from the syatein the previou
.lay's ate. sriur forwent at inna and poi
"nou toxins lxfore it i alsnrted into
the blood. Just as coal, wticn it Imrn.
leaves tielihui a certain amount of in
eomhustihle material in the form of
at-lie, ao the fond and drink taken each
fond into the tituniHi-h.
Girla and women with Rallnw bkins,
liver ejiots, pimplea or pallkl cmi4ex
ion. also tlio.-e wlio wake up wiUi a
rriated tonjrne, bad taste, nasty breatii,
otlu r vli are bothered with headaches,
biliouH spella, ax'id atotnach or constipa
tion aiioiiM beirin this phooithated hot
day leave in the alimentary organa a water drinkintr and are assured of very
certain umuunt of indigestible material, proiiuutu ed results in one or two weeks,
which if not eliminated, form toxin and A quarter pound of limestone phoa
Kisona which are then sucked into the phato costa very little at the drug store
bkod through the very dueta which are but ia sufficient to deroonatrate that Just
imriiut-u w mu'K in on iv iiuiii iBiiujeui vo as aoap ana not water Cleanses, purine
sustain the i.odv
If you want to see the jflow of healthy
bloom in J ur clieeks, to sea your akin
jt clearer and clearer, you are told to
drink evory uioriiiinr uon arising, a
f!a of hot water with a teaapoonful
of limeatone photipiiate in it, which ia a
harmleaa nioana of washing the wate
material an. I toxins from tlie stomach,
liver, kidney and bowels, thus cleans
in:, swe'tiiinj and purifying the entire
and freshens the ekin on the outride, bo
hot water and limestone phosphate act
on the inside orpans. We must always
Consider tiiat internal sanitation ia vast
ly more ini)rtant than outside cleanli
ness, la'eause the ttkin porea do not ab
sorb impurities into the blood, while the
bowel Mre do.
Women who desire to enhance the
beauty of thvir complexion should juat
try this for a week and notice resulta.
rrnnsMi'tntioii ltnthtrliMMlt tlinrRe
l. S, CliamlMT of ('-ommert'O I
Ih lel Asnint Them 1
Cleveland. Ohio, June 7 That i
the I'nited States Chamber of Coin-;
merce is boinR used by the railroads
as a means of delaying nction on the i
demand for an eight-hour day made
by the freight tiain employes. Is:
charged in u statement issued by the I
Transportation tlrothei hoods.
Immediately after an address by i
Howard Elliott, president of the fin-:
aticiaily wrecked New Haven system,
made before the United States chain-,
ber of commerce at Washington In
February, a "committee on the rail
road situation" was appointed by the
This committee after deliberating
for three months, now proposes that
the local chambersv of commerce
throughout the United States shall,
by vote on the resolutions prepared
by the committee, express their opin
ion as to the introduction in Congress
of a joint resolution directing the
Interstate Commerce Commission to
investigate and report "as soon as
possible," the minimum and maxi
mum average wage paid .with hours
of service, etc., to each class of rail
road employees In the United States
and the relation of railroad wages to
railroad revenue and various other
complicated and techincal subjects.
The significant part of this trans
parent scheme for delay Is, that both
the railroads and the employes are
urged to postpone any action on the
hours and wage question until the
Commission has made its report.
Anyone who is familiar with the
amount of unfinished work now be
fore the Commission and who knows
the necesssarlly slow procedure,
must admit that two or three years
is the lowest estimate of the time re
quired for such an investigation.
The whole proposition of the so
called referendum of the United
States Chamber of Commerce would
appear to be, to postpone any action
that would tend to Improve the long
working hours of railroad freight
train employes.
Why there should be any occasion
for taking a referendum vote on the
question is a mystery, as it Is a fore
gone conclusion that the local cham
bers of commerce will decide unani
mously in favor of the delay and at
the end of the time, they will of
course Just as joyfully vote for some
other delay for n succeeding period
of years.
It is significant to note t hat the
"coi mittee on the rail road situa
tion" arrived at its conclusion that
Congressional action whs needed
without hearing or asking for infor
mation from anyone representing the
employes. They formulated their re
port from hearing only one side of
the proposition.
These tactics remind us of thp
method of railroad attorneys in the
courts when an Injured workman is
bringing suit any maneuver to de
lay the case and wear out the pa
tience and capital of the workman,
is so much gained for the railroad.
The disastrous affects of hope de
ferred are all too well known by the
railway wage earner to cause him to
sympathize with this movement to
postpone the receipt by him of bis
Just dues.
It is to be hoped that the United
States Chamber of Commerce in its
investigation by its "committee on
tho rnilroad situation" took cogniz
ance of the increase in the salaries
p:iid iioneral officers as compared to
the Increase in wages of other rail
wy employes.
Taking sixty-two Western railroads
ns a fair example. th salaries paid
general officers in 1900 were $4,
:n7.44 and in 1913 $9,444,528.
which Is an increase of more than
100 pnr cent.
It should also be observed that the
venue of the railroads in 1890
was $1.65 per freight train per mile
and 1914 the earnings were $3.31
!or freight train per mile, an increase
of 100 per cent, which shows the
freight train crews are producing
double the revenue for the railroads,
the general officers are receiving
double the salaries and the train
crews are doing double the amount
(f work they had to do a decade ago.
vith no proportionate increase in
Will My Child Take r. King' New
This best answer Dr. King's
New Discovery itself. ' It's a pleas
ant sweet f-yrup. eay to take. It
eVitaina th - n.odiciiios which years
of experience have proven host foe.
i-miuhs and olds. -Those who hav
used Dr. King's Now Discovery long
est are its best tricnds.y Hesides ev
ery bottle is guaranteed. If you don'i
get satisfaction you get your money
back. Buy a bottle, use as directed.
Keep what is left for cough and cold j
Adv No 1
Clear Kkl l Comes from iWthin
It is foolish to think you can gain
a good clear complexion by the use
of face powder. Get at the root of
the trouble and thoroughly cleanse
the system with a treatment of Dr.
King's New Life Pills. Gentle and
mild in action, do not gripe, yet they
relieve the liver by their action on
the bowels. Good for young- .adults
and aged. Go after a clear complex
ion today. 25c at your druggist.
Adv No 1
Skinner's Macaroni Products, mad
In Nebraska. Ask your grocer. Adv
I towel Complaint in India
In a lecture at one of the Des
Moines, Iowa, churches a missionary
from India told of going Into the In
terior of India, where he was taken
sick .that be bad a bottle of Cham
berlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrho
ea Remedy with bim and believed
that it saved his life. This remedy
is used successfully in India both as
a preventive and cure for cholera.
You may know fro mthis that it ran
be depended upon for. tbe milder
forms of bowel complaint that occur
In this country. Obtainable everywhere.
Writing for Magazine
Mrs. Mollie I). Chesnut Hall, of
Heiiiingford, is a writer of short
stories. Recently she wrote an In
teresting short story entitled "Met
tle". This story has been accepted
by the Woman's National Weekly,
one of the most widely circulated
magazines in the United States, and
will soon be published by them. Mrs.
Ball deserves credit for steady, hard
work .which is now beginning to re
ceive recognition In the right man
ner, i
IkMM Kloan'k Liniment Help Itheii
niHtism? Ask the man who uses it, he
knows. "To think I suffered all
these years when one 25 cent bottle
of Sloan's Liniment cured me,"
writes one grateful user. If you
have Rheumatism or suffer from neu
ralgia, backache, soreness and stiff
ness, don't put off getting a bottle of
Sloan's. It will give you such wel
come relief. It warms and soothes
the sore, stiff painful places and you
feel so much better. Buy It at any
drug store, only 25 cents.
Adv No 1
istered Bulls
at Auction
Sale will be held at the Simon
Spry Barn in Alliance
Saturday June 10
Commencing at 1:00 o'clock.
A carload of registered two-year-old
bulls, two-thirds of car White
face, balance Shorthorn.
You will never get a better chance to buy a
fine young registered bull at your own figure;
everyone will positively be sold to the high
est bidder no by-bidding will, be permitted.
J. W. Legg an(1 L. a Howe
Humboldt, Nebr., Owners
Col. H. P. Coursey, Auct. Frank J. Was, Clerk
We will have our next inspection at
The Alliance Stock Yards
Friday, June 9, and Saturday, Jun: 10
The following prices will be paid for accepted horses:
Cavalry . . .
Light Gunners
Heavy Artillery
Mules14-l to 15-1, $100; 15-1 to 16-1, $140.
They will take mules five to ten years old.
Try to Have Your Horses Well Halter Broke
No Commission Charged
Plenty of Good Pasture Can Be Had at 10c per Head a Day
Write or wire at our expense for any information desired.
C. L. Lester & Company
Or Call Phone 104 Alliance, Nebraska