WESTERN NEBRASKA POTATOES BOX BUTTE COUNTY HELPS KEEP NEBRASKA'S BREAD BASKET FILLED BY GROWING FOUR TIMES AS MANY POTATOES, IN PRO PORTION TO SIZE, AS ANY OTHER COUNTY IN THE STATE (Written by V. M. Seidell, County Agent, U. S. D. A.) An article by F. M. Seidell, Hox Butte county agricultural agent, on the bet terment of our potato crop. Seidell says to better tho crop the growers should observe the following: Use pure standard varieties for seed. Select seed of variety type find free from disease. Treat seed potatoes to control and eradicate disease. Use proper cultural methods; practico rotation. Grade for market. Store in disinfected cellars with proper ventilation and temperature. FOR TREATING SEED POTATOES THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICUL TURAL BOTANY RECOMMENDS THE FOLLOWING: Ono pint of formalin in 30 gallons of water. Soak potatoes for full two hours, or Four ounces of corrosive sublimate in 30 gallons of water. Soak potatoes for full one and one-half hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. F. M. Seidell, county agricultural i of other variety are removed from agent, has Issued the following state-1 planter. In marketing pick out all ment on the "Improvement or uox.otner varieties. Butte rotatoes Potatoes are Box Butte county's leading cash crop. The value of her potatoes In 1915 1b estimated at 1295,020. In other words, the val ue of the potato crop was approxi mately as much as the value of the spring and winter wheat, rye, barley and oat crops combined. Hence the Importance of the potato crop and Us Improvement. There is a need to Improve our po tatoes so that the growers can pro duce them more economically and to K2). Seed Selection. Select seed to maintain variety, type, quality, yield, and to control disease. Know the desired shape of the variety you are growing. Potatoes will produce true to type of seed providing other conditions are favorable. Do not plant a potato off In quality such as one with small outgrowths and deep eyes (remember variety type) or a misshaped potato. The constant use of small potatoes will tend to reduce the yield. A potato may be small because of lack of moisture or an were conducted In 1915 under auth ority of the Box Butte Farmers' As sociation and the Department of Ag ricultural Botany by the county agent on the farms of four co-operators from which the following results were secured. Whole two-ounce seed used in all cases untreated In order to measure effect of disease upon yield. The average yield of marketable potatoes from the seed was: Dry rotted seed, 105.09 bu. per acre; Scabby seed, 132.73 bu. per acre; Clean seed, 205.12 bu. per acre. Dry rotted seed reduced the yield 100.03 bushels of marketable pota toes per acre and scabby seed reduc- solution Is made and used according to the above directions. FORMIC ALDEHYDE Pour one pint of formalin (formalin Is a 40 per cent solution of formic aldehyde) in to 30 gallons of water In a barrel or 1 tank. Place potatoes In a gunny sack and keep for 2 hours in the above solution. Spread the treated pota toes out on a canvas or clean floor to dry. When dry, the potatoes should be cut and placed In sacks which have been disinfected. PRECAUTIONS. (1) Be certain that your formalin Is full strength and the solution made according to the above directions. (2) Treat the potatoes for the full 2 hours. (3) This solution Is not poisonous, and treated potatoes may be eaten or fed to stock. In no case sacrifice strength of sol ution by making stronger or weaker or by treating longer or shorter time. Potatoes must be in solution about 6 hours before being damaged mater ially. In treating with corrosive sub limate, potatoes should be relatively free from dirt. Keep solution stirred up. Do not be alarmed because of evaporation. Either treatment Is effective against disease scab, and all dry rot or bacterial wilt reached by seed treatment. Corrosive sublimate Is recommended for treating potatoes affected with Stem Rot or Rhizocton la, which appears as black specks on the exterior of the potato. This disease cuts down production and may reduce stand of potatoes. In 1916 demonstrations were con ducted by the county agent on the farms of the above four "co-operators to show the value of seed treatment Very scabby two-ounce seed was used in all cases. Part treated with cor rosive sublimate and part treated with formalin planted beside un treated scabby seed of the same kind and origin. Average: Untreated, 132.73; Formalin, 158.60; Corrosive sublimate, 166.80. Increased yield by formalin, 26.87 bushels, at 35c, equals $9.05 per acre. Increased yield by corrosive sublimate, 34.07 bushels ,at 35c, equals J11.9Z per acre. Stem Rot was prevalent In all po tatoes used for seed which probably V. 1 l4 V Mf I '.S.Nrv;-i' r-t .';:.'.. : , ' v - '"1 - v- V. Li X-jO-"" . f . ! Potato Infected with Rhizoctonia -.(.' .-. if . - . ' ' v ".. '' '.' I-' -0 - -'t ... .!-.- -. X -. -- i ." ". t . -. -- -y r. v',;' X s & w. v.- 4. f). - ii-JT ''1 ItMf'N-,-' - '-v. . 4 . A-T ti .. J Potato Infected with Dry Rot The Pearl Potato standardize for market ho the pota toes will be in demand. This will enable the growers of this section to compt'le with other sections. It will bring to the grower greater returns and to the consumer KrettU-r satis faction. The Box Uutte Khiiihws' Assocla- lnherltable character. The latter Is true too many times to risk planting small potatoes except in rare cases. A Binall,8oed piece will produce a email vine consequently a lower yield under normal conditions. Plant noth ing less than a one-ounce seed piece and an ounce and one-half to two tlon has adopted the following pro-, ounce seed pieces are most deslra joct for the Improvement of Box ble. Nothing Is gained by clipping Butte potatoes. This project does off seed end of potato. By hill sel not consider need treatment, etc., ection Ohio Station increased the alone, but all steps are absolutely yield of their potatoes about 75 bush necessary in order to make the de- els per acre. sired improvement. About the most important thing in (1). Pure Standard Varieties. economical production Is the discard ed the yield 72.39 bushels of market able potatoes per acre. (3) Seed Treatment. It Is abso lutely necessary to treat seed to erad icate potato diseases. Two internal potato diseases have been mentioned controMiible largely by seed selection. Scab and Stem Rot or Rhizoctonia are the common external diseases of the potato. The Department of Agricultural Botany recommends the following treatment for potato diseases: "Fungicldea" "CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE. Dis solve 4 ounces of corrosive sublim- nccounts for some difference in favor of corrosive sublimate. It will cost approximately 4 cents per bushel to treat potatoes, allowing for chemicals at present prices and for labor providing no time is wasted while potatoes are being treated. Any plan (providing the directions are followed) that will facilitate In treat ing is worthy of consideration. ( 4 ) Proper Cultural Method Hot at ion is essential in controlling potato diseases, maintaining yield and fertility. Potatoes should not be one year n tnesin to fivoT that a well-prepared deep seed bed) gives on the average the best results. They are thus able to produce pota- j toes true to type and a good yield of same. Growers know the type of cultiva tion generally best adapted to grow ing potatoes in their sections. They realize that if deep cultivation Is practiced It should b done early. A more level type of cultivation Is more applicable here than in sections of more rainfall. In digging, If more dirt Is run ov er the elevator and the digger run deeper less potatoes are cut and dam aged. A rut or damaged potato Is usually first affected with storage disease. A cut potato Is thrown away at the big potato markets whether diseased or not. Running digger deep of course takes more horse power and the only question Is whether best to use more horse pow er and have less damaged potatoes or not. Best potato growers of the section handle their potatoes care fully and state that they are well paid for same. The experience of the majority of potato growers In this section is that potatoes when planted on land fol lowing corn or a cultivated crop have best assurance of a good yield of well shaped smooth potatoes because they have a good seed bed on land free from trash and normally have more moisture conserved. To the average livestock farmer of this section and considering adapta bility to natural condition a crop sys tem that will be fair to all crops and to your potatoes on the basis of 100 acres of farm land exclusive of bay crops Is: Corn 20 acres Potatoes 20 acres Small Grain 20 acres Corn 20 acres Small Grain 20 acres Repeating this order your potatoes follow corn and are planted on the same land only one year In five. (5) Grading for Market After all, besides supplying home use the aim of the potato grower Is to finally sell the potatoes. In order to make the greatest returns with the potato the same as with live Btock, there must be a market demand and the article to sell must conform to the market demand. There is a demand for a potato of reasonable size, good In quality and relatively free from disease. The grading for size has been a thing badly neglected in this section. The growers are not al utsruuriu USETODACCO CHEW IT! And Best Chewing Tobacca Made is "Old Ken lucky" Plug FRUITY-SWEET asdMELLOY To pet all the wholesome, sa4 isfyinff taste out of tobacco it must touch your tongue. That means you must chetv it. An4 the most natural form in whidk chewing tobacco can be made is the plug form. There's a luscious, fruity flavor in Old Kentucky plug tobacco that sharpens up your appetite. It's a flavor that not only pleas you through and through, but also comforts your whole system. Old Kentucky is made of the choicest Bttrley leaf, in the world's greatest plug factory, and under the most sanitary conditions. The pure, fresh taste of a chew of Old Kentucky will show yxm how much real satisfaction theco is in chewing. Get a loc plug from your dcafe today. WOULD DIVIDE STATE Iteaidents of Countle Having Irriga tion Would Ijeave Nebraska and Join, with Wyoming Recently agitation has been start ed In western Nebraska in the coua tie..s of Scotts Bluff, Banner, Kim ball, Morrill and Cheyenne, where there is much irrigation, to have these counties detached from Nebr aska and made a part of Wyoming. ways to blame for this condition, for ' The people of these counties have many unscrupulous buyers have Iei1 inl ia nave no1 oeen Kitj practiced buying ungraded potatoes, 'air and proper attention by the Ne Every ungraded car of potatoes Bhip- braska legislature In the making of ped out cannot help but cast reflec-tawa governing irrigation and feel tion on the potatoes of this section, 'that they would get better treatment According to the Department of." Wyoming, which has given nines. Markets, the thing the potato grower , attention to Irrigation legislation, must nRk himself nhnut th cradln Because of the fact that only a of his potatoes Is. can he afford to pay ! comparatively small portion of Nebr- hlmBelf for tradine his notatoea at saa irngaieu roumrj, ine - home or is It cheaper for him to haul off the culls with the good potatoes, pay freight on these culls to the big distributing points, then hire some one to grade and throw away the scabby, cut and odd shaped potatoes and pay the dealers rightly a large Insurance for handling this grade of potatoes? All this Is paid indirectly by the grower, by the lower price he ( receives for tne potatoes. (6) Storage. The potato grower who is an average distance from mar ket on the average year makes very little by storing his potatoes. Bad roads, danger in long hauls, small difference in price, shrinkage, freez ing, and storage disease losses are things to take into consideration. However, it is Important that Bome store potatoes so that the market is not flooded at digging time. It Is absolutely necessary that the pota toes stored for home seed be stored correctly In order to give strong seed braska legislators have in the past given their time to matters whiek concerned the eastern portion of the state and neglected the Important things of interest to 'he irrigation portion. If the Nebraska legislature desires to prevent further serloas dissatisfaction and stop the move proposed in these counties, it shouM give more attention during the com- line session to Irrigation matters. The following dispatch from Chey enne tells of the movement: Cheyenne, Wyo. There Is a weU defined movement among citixena of the southwest corner of Nebraska, adjacent to the state of Wyoming, te take steps leading toward the cut ting off of a portion of the .state and annexing it to Wyoming. The territory embraced in the move is made up of five counties, Scotts Bluff, Banner, Kimball, Mor rill and Cheyenne. They He within or tributary to the North Platte val- The potatoes stored for the southern ey. and are more or less beneficlar- seed trade must be stored correctly lea of the federal governments big (not allowed to heat) so as to main- North Platte irrigation project. They tain their vitality claim that the state of Nebraska is Potatoes should be stored In dis- "er unable or unwilling to provide lnfoted rellara. The Ideal storage "ausiaciory irriKanon ana laws, anu This will allow the temperature is from 33 degrees to 4 5 degrees. It Is Impossible to main tain low temperature where large quantities of potatoes are stored without proper ventilation. Potatoes in storage should not be over four feet from a ventilator. That Is. ven tilators should be eight feet npart. v y - Ijtrly Ohio l'ul.nt Kureka or lrih t'obbU-r Potat Rh1 li'Uiiiiph Potato It Is important that only those stand- ing of all potatoes affected with dry I ate In 2 gallons of hot water. Add urd adaptable varieties known to be rot or bacterial wilt. These are in pure be used for seed. The expert- ternal diseases of the potato. A ence of the growers shows that only very scabby potato, however, well the early varieties are adaptable. , snapeci, ib not a good seea potato. this solution to enough water to make 30 gallons. Place potatoes in a gunny sack and keep for 1 H hours in the above sola There is a market demand for the t'pon examination of the stem end of tion. Spread the treated potatoes early varieties or mis section, -jue: potato u a Drown aiscoiorea area ap Early Ohio is the aiuiulard table var-j pears that reaches through the pota- iety in demand, tills or lieu Irl-ito about one-cignth lnrn under skin umtiha are in demand for southern seed trade. White Eurekas or Cob blers, demand varies, are eaily and good yielders. Three varieties are enough for any section. Po not allow seed to mix in stor age. In planting one variety after planting another be aure all potatoes it is safe to assume that this la the bacterial wilt or black-leg disease. A wet rot may develop and destroy the tuber as result of this infection. Both dry rot organisms and black leg produce characteristic wilting in the held. To show the advantage of using clean seed, demonstrations out on a canvas or clean floor to dry. When dry. the potatoes should be cut and placed In sacks which have been disinfected. PKECOUTIONS: (1) To dissolve the corrosive sublimate in hot water use a stone Jar or some old pan, as this solution will corrode metal. (2) THIS SOLUTION IS VERY POISON- greater part of the potato disease to have disappeared. Land free from trash is essential in the production of smooth potatoes Remember there are two kinds of scab: one disease, and the other a re suit of insect injuries, nlsect trou ble Is largely controllable by proper rotation. A field that bas been Idle or uncultivated for a short time is more apt to have gruba and other en emles to smooth potatoes. Manure if applied to land should be applied Just after digging potatoes. If ap plied in large quantities, disease scab OITS. AND TREATED POTATOES i may live In the soil longer than five MPST NEVER BE EATEN NOR FED years as a result are anxious to get into position to take advantage of those in Wyom ing. Water legislation is necessary to protect their rights, and repeated ef forts have been of no avail, i The territory In question is about 137 miles by 105 miles, and embrae- Natural construction of storage eel- " ' square iimea, u an are lar may facilitate in ventilation. Low about one-seventh that of Wyoming. temperature maintains vitality, pre-, . , ven's early Rproutlng lowers shrink-! rair warning to a ranauc. age and lessens losses from disease. I Will the fanatical person who pock- Allow as small amount of dirt as eted that bottle f $2 whisky retura possible to be stored with the pota- tO". The above outline gives a practic al plan for Improving Box Butte po tatoes and if followed as it is by some growers tne potato industry will mean more than ever to Box Butte county. it at once to the editor of the Northern News with apologies for attempting to perpetrate a Joke? Otherwise there will he criminal proceedings. From the Athabasca Northern News. WHY YOU ARE NERVOUS The nervous system U the alarm system of the human body. Ill perfect bealtb we hardly realize that we have a network of nerves, but when health is ebbing, when strength is declin ing, the same nervous system gives the alarm in headache, tireduess, dreamful sleep, irritability and unless corrected, leads straight to a breakdown. To correct nervousness, Scott's Bmul .ion is exactly what you should take; its rich nutriment gets into the blood and rich blood feeds the tiny nerve-cells while the whole system responds to Us refresh ing tonic force. It is free from alcohol. Seolt St Bowvc. BtoomAttd. N.J. 9 SAGE AND SULPHUR DARKENS GRAY HI It's Grandmother's Recipe Restore Color, Gloss and Attractiveness. r-'ava Prejudice Against Stoves. Native cools in Ecuador arc prcj Odlied agniiihi stoves, saying the o:. eelbive heat prod noes fever. Well Children Are Active If your child is dull, pale .fretful and wants to He around, the chances are it is suffering from worms. Klck apoo Worm Killer, a pleasant candy confection, liked by all children, Is what your child needs. You only give one-half to one lozenge at a time and you get Immediate results. Every mother should have a box on land. 25c at all druggists. Adv No 1 Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea ..nd Sulphur, properly com pounded, Lriugs back the natural color and luatr to the hair when faded, streaked or gray. Years ago the only wsv to gi't this mixture was to make it at home, which is miissy and troublesome.. Nowadays, by nuking at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage anil Sulphur Compound." you will get a Urge Ixittle of this famous old recipe, improved by the addition of other ingredients, for about 50 cents. Don't stay gray! Try it! No oim ran Ktibly tell that you durVened your hair, as it doc it mi naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw thU through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair dis appears, and after another application or two, your hair become lautifully dark, glossy and attractive. Wyeth'a Save ami Sulphur Compound i a delightful toilet, reuuitite for thoaa who desire dark hair ami a youthful ap pearance. It is not iiitend'-d for the cure, mitigation or urwcntiuu of disease.