Don't Say, ("I Want a Box V of Matches" Ask for Safe Home Matches and you will get the very best matches that money will buy. Non.poiaonoua don't spark don't sputter don't break real safety atrike-any where match. Inapected and labeled by the Un. derwritera' Laboratories. Sc. A II rrntvrt. A sit far thitn hf nam. The Diamond Match ' Company LlliCOUl HAPPEFilNGS State Capitol la a Busy Place Theee Day with Politicians Keeping the rot Boiling (By ilerald Correapondenta) Lincoln, Nebr., May 31 The state board of irrigation baa been notified that the contract for the steel bridge across the Platta rlrer, south of Kearney has been let to a Kansas City firm at a cost of something over $44,000. Kearney and Buffalo coun ties pay half and the state the other half. Lieut. Bagnell. Nebraska National Guard ariator, who has been taking a course of. instruction at the gov ernment'a aviation school at 'New port Newa. Va., has been' choaen-mechanic for-8ter-McC!0Ttlon :at' the Sheepshead Bay aviation meet to be held during the summer. Officers of the N. N. G. feel qaite elated over this tribute to their brother officer's skill as an aviator. A delegation of prominent state workers filed Into Secretary of State Pool's office last Monday and formal ly presented him with a mammoth petition containing nearly 70.000 names, asking the secretary of state to place on the ballot the prohibitory amendment to, be voted on at the fall election. A movie man was present and took a moving picture of the for mal acceptance of the petition. The scene was a one-act drama, with Sec retary of State Pool as leading man, Including understudies, supernumer aries, henchmen, ladles in waiting, soldiers, and guards or the castle, standing in various poses. The mov ie picture will be used in the cam paign for prohibition this fall, and exhibited in various parts of the state. A move, to pn tithe Pure Food and Oil - Department, on a non-partisan basis . has bee,n Initiated by. Deputy Commissioner C.'E. Harman and oth ers who are vitally interested In the efficiency of this department of the state government. The plan is to Mown an ' autt'iKi merit to oe placed on the ticket at the fall election that the people may. have an opportunity to vote on th question, relltlons are being circulated over the state embodying the proponed change, 40, -J 000 names being required to place the amendment on the ballot. It Is proposed to make the p resent term of commissioner six, Instead of two, years, and to make him the head of the department rather than the gov ernor, who Is at present the commis sioner while his appointee Is deputy. This is prartlcally the plnn that ob tains on the board of commissioners of state institutions, the railway com mission and the supreme court, with the exception that the latter two de partments jre elective. In addition to this, it la also proponed that the fond and oil commission, If the amendment should be submitted and carried, be placed on a civil service basis. The plan has been under con sideration for some years, but has never been attempted heretofore. There are a good many dry repub licans in the state who are at present questioning the wisdom of the nom ination for governor of Judge Sutton of Omaha. The fact that Omaha and Douglas county are so wet' that a dry ticket down there would have about as much effect as a drouth in the middle of the ocean, and that Judge Sutton who was running on a perfectly dry ticket, romped away with the big end of both the wet and dry vote, has caused some specula tion. An investigation by some of these curious ones as to the reason of this may, they claim, have a bear Ing on the following statistical In formation: Douglas county, includ ing Omaha and its villages and towns, has a bonded Indebtedness of 123,141.703.24. Of this amount the city of Omaha alone carries 118,054. 860 of bonds, already registered, , while at the late primaries another $1,700,000 was voted but have not yet been registered. This total of approximately $25,000,000 bonded Indebtedness, drawing 4 per cent, which is a fair average, would mean $1,000,000 interest to be paid by the Douglas county tax payer in addition to his regular assessment. There are good reasons for believing, ac cording to those who have looked up the matter, that right now the busi ness interests of Omaha and Douglas county are more concerned in con trolling the state government than they are in the wet and dry question. Thus speculateth our brethren of the Eleph. B. Moose tribe, who are hav ing much to-anawer for in these days of their political tribulation. WHOLESOME, AIID SATISFYING -"OLD KENTUCKY" I a a fill .ri r-i i-i m r-i r n v t l l! Delicious Fruity Flavor That Lasts as Long as The Chew 'Lasts Watch Your Child for Worms Worms sap child's strength, rob child of food and make child fretful. Irritated, nervous. Watch stool and t Jlrst islgn or suspicion of .worms give one-half to one losenge Kicka- poo Worm Killer,' a 'candywornvre-- mover. Gives immediate results, is laxative. Paralyzes and removes worms. Improves digestion and gen eral health of child. Continue giving Klckapoo Worm Killer until all signs of worms are gone. 25c at your druggist. Adv 1 We will furnUli the money to build homes In Alliance. We Inspect the iroMrty ourwlves aud furnish money quickly at a low rate of Inter eat. Nebraska IjiiwI Company, Alli ance, Nebr. HAVE YOU BEEN SICK? Then you realize the utter weakness that robs ambition, destroys appetite, and makes work a burden. To reatorethat strength andaUmina that Is so essential, nothing has ever equaled or compared with Scott's Emulsion, be cause ita strength auatalning nourish ment invigorates the blood -to distribute acgy throughout thehodtwhileits tonic I value aharpcaa. theappetite and, reatow ncaiiu in a Miurai, permanent way. If you are run down, tired, nervous, overworked or lack strength, get Scott ' Bmulaioa to-day. It la free from alcohol. BcuM Sl Bewmc. BkwaUeM. N. J. MADE OF CHOICEST HURLEY When you put a chew of good plug tobacco into your mouth you arc using tobacco in its most per fect form. You pet more enjoyment and healthful satisfaction out of chew ing and Old Kentucky is your 'eal chew. This famous old brand has been c favorite for years, because of unique fruity flavor and long ing quality. Sweet and mellow. Old Ken--y overflows with the delicious rural juices of the choicest Hur y leaf. It puts an edge on your .ppetitc, and helps to keep your whole system in first-class work ing order. Old Kentucky is the tastiest of all chews. Try a ioc plug and see for yourself how much gen uine tobacco satisfaction it gives you. Your dealer has Old Ken tucky. DREAMLAND Joe Blgnel and Mr. and Mrs. Wat son were visitors at the W. E. Rice home Sunday afternoon. T. V. Myers, who has sold his homestead, is moving to town this week. Grant Keenen was at the Berkle home one day last week hunting a stray colt. Mr. Mallery has been Inspecting stock at the Snow ranch this week There was not a very large attend' ance at the McLaughlin dance on ac count of bad weather. Pete McLaughlin was a caller at the Myers home Saturday evening. George Workman is once more an Alliance visitor. Grant Keenen was iu Alliance Mon day on business.' 'Pete 'McLaughlin has Bold his ranch and expects to go to herding sheep. Mr. Kid came home on a visit Mon day night. Lon Skala was In town Monday. Everyone is rejoicing over ilw amount of rainfall last week. See Seymore before you Insure. 8tate agent for Omaha Health and Accident. Only blanket Insurance written in the state. At Fleming's Cigar Store. lS-tf-6851 Colds Quickly Relieved Many people cough and cough from thn herlnnlnff of Fa.ll rleht thru 'to Spring. Others get cold after cold. Take Dr. King's New Discovery and you will get almost immediate ' relief. It checks your cold, stops the racking, rasping, tissue-tearing cougb and heals the inflammation, soothes the raw tubes. Easy to take, Anti septic and Healing. Get a 50o bottle, of Dr. King's New Discovery today. V.'l t Jaoerratirtr a" grwi l medietas and ;i keep a bottle of it continually on nana." writes w. u. jesseman, ran- conla, N. II. Money back It not sat I isfled. 1 Adv1 Bulletin No. t Why We Are Opposing A Government Armor Plant Some people say that the very fact that the Bethlehem Steel Company ts atrxretively fighting the proposal to build a Goveratiiaat armor plnt is-rorw luive proof that the Company is seeking la asanrfforitawdf -the "vasto profits" derived from private manufacture. Tk fact is that mrmor making is the least profitable feature of steel manufacture. The reason we oppose a Government plant is very simple. It is this: Even though there is but little profit in the making of armor, we have invested over $7,000,000 in our armor plant; That plant Is useless for any other purpose; if a Government plant is built the useful ness of our plant is destroyed. Musical Column Kdited by Ralph R. tnlncke, Violinist with the Alliance School of Music Kagt line Con 1 1 lined We had arrived in our last week's article on ragtime to the point where we found that ragtime contained none of the essentials of music ex cept rythm; for real mu lc contains design in structure of form and pur pose, administering to the needs of the soul, bringing about a surcease of strife in daily anxieties; an ele vating influence . of mind toward higher and nobler thoughts. Real melody Is contained in this high form of music, but because it may not be so readily apparent as in the lower forms of musical composition does not warrant the assumption that there is no melody there. The high est form of thought is found in sen tences that necessitate many read ings and careful analyzation in order to get at the depths of the meaning contained therein. So likewise the highest form of melody In music is that which demands deepest concen tration and study to discover the real meaning of the melodic sentence. And much meaning there surely is, forin it is contained all the Borrows. Joys, griefs, regrets, loves and all other emotions and passions known to the soul of man. And this Is the true value of music in that as it por trays the emotions of man It likewise developes and trains the soul in a true appreciation and cultivation of the best emotional traits given to man. ' Put what does ragtime develop? Only the heels.' And in our present form of heel-work, ragtime dances, for the good of the world we could very well get along without It. Now, I do not mean to say that I am a dis believer of dancing. Far from It, I believe In It but only In the aesthet 1 cdance. The dance as performed by such people as Anna Pavlowa Is a high and noble art, for It depicts life In all forms, portrays the eraotldna of man as vividly as does music or painting, develops the spiritual as well as the physical. And this form of dancing is becoming universal and possible for all people, for one can not take up a magaiine or Sunday supplement without reading of the different schools of this form of dancing. This may seem to be mere nonsense to be advocating such a kind of universal dancing; well, per haps, but all I have to' say is that K is the lowest of influences in the rag time dances that appeals to the low ness left in animal man that creates In him a desire for that sort of danc ing. And this is because ragtime is only rythm and of the kind of rythm that makes the strongest appeal to the physical in man, and is carried to extremes in the dives of the under world and with but slight modifi cation In some higher circles. So far as melody is concerned there is just enough variety of notes to give a bare semblance of melody, but they are all alike and close observation will show startling cases where they are almost repetitions of one anoth er. I believe that enough has been said to show the proper place and use of ragtime, and also of its col losal uselessness in the world. Any one who deBlred to take the trouble could easily find many other good reasons why ragtime haa no rightful claim for existence; but that must be left to all thoughtful persons who have the good of their eternal soul at the aim of all activity in their lives. In bur Story of Music we had ar rived at the place where music had made its first entrance into, the world and man's- consciousness, but only in the form of the first elementary prin ciple of music that of rythm. Next week I am going to start an entirely new topic, which will be Music as a Language, in wh'ch will be taken up the birth of melody, the cause and result of melody. MYSTERY MAKES TANLAG SECURE Imitation Ik Set at Defiance by the KamtMiH Master Medicine. It would be good busineaa for us to make armor for the Govern ment at any price over and above the actual shop cost, RATHER THAN SACRIFICE OUR ENTIRE INVESTMENT. We do not seek to save big profits; our purpose is very frankly to save our armor piani iisen duui soieiy lor the use or the Government from going to the scrap heap. To do that, wre are prepared to agree for any period to any terms of manufacture which the Federal Trade Commission ahall say aWlutelv protects the Government of the United States. CJUVb at. SCHWAB, Ck EUUKNS Q. URAI K. Bethlehem Steel Company Tanlac! There ia a magic in this household word a jnagic made by Fuccess unprecedented and a fame based very solidly on its accomplish ments in more than one million homes. .Tut1, Ingredients for Tunlac arc gathered in the remotest parts of the world' From the far North woods to Argentina. . below the equator; in Russian Asia, the Alps, Pyrennes. on the sunny shores of Italy, from Bra zil .Sumatra .Peru, the West Indies, and the slopes of our own tember topped Rocky Mountains, come the roots, herbB, barks and even flowers that, under the direction of 11 err Jo seph Von Trlmbach, the noted Ger man chemist, are compounded Into Tanlac. There can be no successful Imita tion of Tanlac. It is compounded as skillfully and as mysteriously as na ture distills the famed mineral wa ters of Europe. Tanlac, now universally known as the Master Medicine, is proving in-1 valuable against ailments of the stomach, liver and kidneys, and ca tarrhal affections of the mucous membranes, which, when neglected, bo often affect the vital organs them selves. As a General tonic for half alck, run-down men and women, it builds up the tissues, creates a keen appetite, promotes digestion, vitalis es the blood and brings back color to the cheeks and sparkle to the eyes. Tanlac may now be obtained in Alliance at the Harry Thlele drug store, where it is being explained daily. BARN FOR RENT At 40 Sweetwater avenue. Phone 175. ibWMbbbb3 lv:9Jn Annual Celebration mine to 10 Inclusive, With The C. A. Wortham Shows Offering a score of alf new attractions and novelties never before presented to the out door amusement seek ing public Positively nothing to offend on the big Glad Way. Something doing all the time. Not a dull moment on the Interesting Moral-Joy Way. Bachman Trained Wild Animal Circus Autodrome with its Dare Devil Riders, and Mile. Mari the mile a minute" girl driver. PreparednessRealistic War Show. Toyland, a Real Laug h-Provoking Novelty. Panama Canal. Instructive and Interesting. Over and under the Sea. Aeroplane, Submarine and Bat tleships in Actual Warfare. "Days of 49" Snake Oid. Oriental, with a Bevy of Par g xast uancers. The Whip. A $16,000 Novelty Device. Krail's Stupendous Wonderland. Athletic with Cyclone Mitchell and. other Wrestlers. And Other Diversified New Attractions. Concert every Afternoon and Night. Prof. Jameson's Selected Solo Artists' Band. nnmiiniiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnfiiiimimtttnumi nt'imtiiiiiiiiii Milium'