meeting and will undoubtedly have' the barking of the Commercial Club in going after It. J Absolutely Pure No Alum- No Phosphate t WW (DM Miss Batton returned Tuesday from a trip east. W. R. Harper returned Monday from a trip south. James Feaglns went to Hyannls on Monday on business. President Sparks of the Chadron normal was an Alliance visitor Mon day. Tommy Smith went to Crawford Monday of this week on a short busi ness trip. Bruce Wilcox, editor of the Bridge port News-Blade, was In the city Wednesday on business. Mrs. W. J. Root returned Tuesday from Sargent, where she went Sat urday to attend a funeral. Judge H. II. Hewitt of the United States land office left Wednesday noon for Hyannis on business. Mrs. A. A. Reynolds left Saturday for Omaha, where she will visit rela tives and old friends for a week. Mrs. Maud Merritt.left on Monday for a trip to Mingle Junction, Ohio, to visit for some time with a brother. FOR SALE 7-room house and 6 lots in Duncan's addition. Price $900 cash. A. E. Judson, Hall ho tel, Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cogswell re turned Tuesday noon from a short fishing trip to Whitman. And Perc brought back the fish. Mrs. Myra Snyder of Broken Bow, -an aunt of Mrs. Al Wiker of this city, stopped over between trains on Monday for a short visit. Mrs. D. W. Kenner and Mrs. Lloyd Thomas left Tuesday noon for a visit of a few days with friends at Hera ingford and with relatives of Mrs. Kenner at Girard. Mrs. Susie Frazier of Chadron. formerly an Alliance teacher, who is now teaching in the Chadron state normal, visited the first of the wi-i k with her sister, Mrs. Al Wiker. T. J. Kerr, of Edgemont, who has two daughters attending St. Agnes academy, came down Wednesday noon to attend the graduation exer cises of the academy. His son. Clare, is cashier at the Burlington freight depot. Prof. O. M. Burns spent the first of the week on a business trip to Fort Laramie, Wyoming, in the North Platte valley. He reports that work on the new irrigation pro ject on the south side is progressing very favorably. Miss Mattie Clare Gilford returned Sunday noon from her trip to Bayard and reports a very enjoyable time. She visited friends at Scottsbluff while absent, and has concluded to a II spend the remainder of the summer at the latter place, and will give pri vate lessons. There seems to be a demand for a teacher in dramatic art at Scottsbluff, and we feel sure that Miss Gifford will be Just the suitable person for the position. She finishes her year's work In the Alli ance School of Music this week. Lee Arnold of Ellsworth was In Alliance Sunday. Leonard Sampy of Hemingford was In Alliance Friday. Mrs. J. N. Afiams of Canton was in town Monday for eye treatment. John Jelinek of Hemingford, coun ty assessor, is in the city on business. Two good rooms for light house keeping. Phone 31. H. J. YOUNO. Mr. Robinson of Oshkosh, a well known writer, was in the city Wed nesday. J. C. Berzlna of Whitman came up Tuesday in his Stanley steamer on business. Mrs. Fred Neeland of Hemingford was in Alliance Saturday for eye treatment. J. A. Witowack went to Scotts bluff Wednesday to see a brother who is ill. Michael Butler of Canton, who Is suffering from ear trouble, was in town Friday for treatment. Mrs. A. R. Reynolds returned from her trip to Omaha on this morning's train. She reports an enjoyable vis It. The little daughter of Frank Car ter at Seneca Is seriously 111 with complications following a case of the measles. Gerald, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Russani, was operated on Wednesday by Dr. Hand for eye trouble. I Clark Mettlin -and sister. Mrs. Brown, both of Marsland, left Wed- , nesday by auto for an extended trip to Montana. ! I Mrs. J. B. uKiest and children Au nes and Frank were called to Water- i loo, Iowa, Tuesday by the serious 111- nessof her mother. ! P. M. Thomas returned Wednesday morning from his extended trip which Included points In South Da kota, Wyoming and Montana. Archer Itohrer, son of Mrs. Zilpha Rohrer of Lusk, Wyo., who' was op erated on two weeks ago for mas toids, returned to his home at Lusk I today. Mrs. Rose Leigh of the Box Butte rooming house, who was Injured in accident with wood alcohol last week, is doing nicely and will recov er complete use of her eyes. THE Swedish women do not now use the same methods for making tyn- M oroa mat were used in that country some centuries ago. But even with their modern methods the Swedish tynbrod does not compare with Our Cookies They are a favorite with the grown-ups as well as with the children. They have that delicate flavor and crispness that appeal to the taste of all who like 6weets. You should try them. Quality and cleanliness are the twin mottoes of this baker? at all times. Stephens and Fink Successors to Nohe Bakery and Cafe Happy lo.ii of Year' Work. Miss Caroline Fink, who has been one of our successful teachers dur ing the past year, was married to Mr. Frank P. Moore of Casper, Wyo., Friday noon last, at the Presbyter ian parsonage, Uev. Lewis Mclntyre olliciating and using the impressive ring ceremony. The couple were married at noon and left immediate ly on the train for their new home at Casper. The bride not only gave her whole time and energy to the thor ough tasks which she accomplished In her school room, but she won her way to the hearts of a large circle of friends who now join in extending congratulations and best wishes. We know little of the groom as he re mained in town but a few days, but while here made friends, who make the assertion that he Is a likely com panion for his help-mate, and can count himself fortunate in having se cured such an accomplished young lady for a wife. Honor MlHses 0born and Howe. On last Thursday evening a danc ing party was given In the McCorkle hall, in honor of Miss Clara Osborn and MIsb Neva Howe, who have left for their future abodes, and the friends took this opportunity of a "last festivity" together. Music was furnished by an Edison and light re freshments added to the enjoyment of the hours. Beside the honored young ladies, those present were: Miss Dollie Hagaman. Misses Ethel and Emma James, Miss Hink, Miss Alta Phillips, Miss Margaret Car michael, and Messrs. Bach, Shaw, Sward, Kerr, Black, Beeson, McCor kle and LaMon. Miss Helen Schott Honored. On Saturday afternoon last a num ber of the friends of Miss Schott gathered at the home of Miss Hannah Cotant and spent some very pleasant hours. Miss Schott left Monday morning for Council Bluffs, and the A. P. S. girls took this occasion to meet as It may be some time before they are all together again. The MUses Marian Grebe, Edna Bowman. Edna Donovan. Janet Grassman, Marian Mote. Ruth Nation and Helen Schott comprised the party and the time will be long remembered. Pupils' Itecltal. On Friday evening, June 2, the pupils of voice, piano and dramatic art, of the Alliance School of Music, will give a recital at the Reddish Hall. The public Is cordially invit ed to be present. The Woman's Guild met yesterday afternoon at the parish house and en joyed a few pleasant hours. The hostesses for the occasion were Mrs. Uoy Beckwith and Mrs. F. E. Hol eten. , Church Societies The auxiliary of the First Presby terian church will meet with Mrs, J T. Anstlce, 614 Mississippi avenue.' Wednesday afternoon, June 7, at 3 o'clock. Proprietor of Grill Host. C. A. Lalng pleasantly entertained a number of his gentlemen friends at a turtle dinner and the menu indud ed many things delightful to the appetite. I In r it Dance Saturday Night. There will be a big barn dance at the A. L. Davis ranch Saturday even ing, .lune 3. and no doubt the tln.e will be a pleasant occasion. The M. E. Aid will meet with Mr?. J. C. McCorkle at her "home next Wednesday afternoon. Regular bu iness session. The Daughters of Isabella will meet for kensington and social time at the home of Mrs. Louis Buech.sen stein next Wednesday afternoon. This is the regular session of the so ciety and the hours will no doubt by passed enjoyably. I. O. O. 1 Memorial Day Sunday, June 11, has been deslc- nated as I. O. O. F. memorial day, and special lodge services will bo' held at Greenwood cemetery that af-i ternoon. All Odd Fellows and fam-j llieR are requested to meet at the hall at 1:30 o'clock. Odd Fellows! are requested to bring their autos ' I lie general public is Invited. Stansbury Wins Slioot Plle Ray Stansbury of the Newberry Hardware Company, who attended the state shoot in Grand Island last week, was a winner of a trophy from the DuPont Powder Company. The trophy was given for a "long run" shoot of tlfty-nlne pigeons straight. It Is a line Job and will be treasured by Mr. Stansbury. . , 1'nugltt tJoe to IImMIiik Claude J. Faught, who has lived In Alliance for 'luee years with his fam ily, traveling this territory for the L. C. Smith typewriter, has moved to Hastings, to which territory he has been promoted. Mr. Faught has sold many typewriters during the time he has made Alliance his headquarters. Your Friends can buy anything you can give them EXCEPT Your Photograph have it made at the Shul'er Studio ShoeShining Parlor We make a specialty of clean ing, dyeing and shining all kinds of shoes for ladles and gentlemen. New buck shoes and all colored shoes cleaned for ladies. Palace Shoe Shining Parlor Third & Box Ilutte Ami Our Lace Curtains will lend just that subtle touch of quiet re finement and coziness to your home which every good wife aims to make a part of the spirit in the , dwelling over which she presides. Something Suitable for Every Room in your house may be found in our large stock of beautiful designs. Come and let us show ' J you our supply. The prices satisfy customersr Out Word h a Guaranty of Honest Values- miller'bros .r HOUSE FURNISHINGS Return from Dig Trip C. C. Rodgers and party returned Friday noon from a trip of sixteen days by wagon which Included the country and towns between Alliance and Douglas, Wyoming. The men were prepared to camp out all the time and enjoyed themselves to the ' fullest extent, all returning sunburn ed and browned from their outdoor vacation. They made the trip. by wagon from Lusk to Alliance In , three and one-half days, a record for that mode of travel. They met many former Alliance people while on the trip and report that they had a fine time all (he way. Omaha Man VlslU Alliance W. R. Blxby, representing the Powell Automobile Supply Company of Omaha, spent Tuesday in Alliance on business for his company. Mr. -Blxby covers his territory driving a' Ford runabout, fully equipped with all appliances for making it aa con venient as an auto can be made. Th car Is painted yellow and should be named "The Yellow Streak" for it la a go-getter when It comes to cover ing country. Mr. Blxby drove thru the sandhills from Grand Island. The members of the societies of the different churches met at a union meeting at the Christian church yes terday afternoon, and the ladies of this church entertained their "sisters in service." A delightful program was carried out and we are giving it herewith: Opening Song "All Hall the Power of Jesus Name." Scripture Keadlng Mrs. Fred ('amp bell. . "V Mrs. ,l"inle Kee 1. Piano Solo Miss Wilma Mow. Reading Minn Helen Brown. Vical Duet Vera Dow and La Kh'. Lunn. Reading Mrs. Ray Staiinburg. Vocal Solo Mrs. J. S. Rhein. Reading Miss Mabel Bye. One-Act Comedy r "The Train to Manro." Mrs. Rychman, Mauley Rychman, Lyndell Lewis. Violin Solo Leon Alter. A delicious menu was Berved at the proper time. Reg istered Bulls St. MalllifWM Church Services for Sunday, June 4th: Holy Communion 8 A. M. Sunday School 10:00 A. M' Morning Prayer 11:00 A. M. Evening Prayer 7:30 P. M. Dean Win. Carson Shaw, Rector. Muklnic Motorcvcle Trip Albert Wooley of Lead, S. D.. ar rived In the city Wednesday on his way east by motorcycle, goinv to Rock Island, 111. Mr. Wooley is rid ing an Excelsior machine and stop ped over with the local agent, Char ley Schafer. Wooley left Lead just before Tuesday noon and arrive 1 in Alliance at 10 o'clock Wednesday. Attended Banker' Convention W. J. Root, cashier of the First State Bank of Alliance, returned Sat urday from Grand Island, where he attended the bankers' convention for the fifth group of Nebraska. He went down Thursday. Mr. Root is in favor of going after the conven tion for Alliance for 1918 at the next at Auction Sale will be held at the Simon Spry Barn in Alliance Saturday, June.. 10 Commencing at 1:00 o'clock. A carload of registered two-year-old 'bulls, two-thirds of car White face, balance Shorthorn. 'You will never get a better chance to buy a fine young registered bull at your own figure; everyone will positively be sold to the high est bidder no. by-bidding will be permitted. J. W. Legg -d L. H. Howe Humboldt, Nebr., Owners Col. H. P. Coursey, Auct. Frank J. Was, Clerk