Paper Your Rooms Now MAKE IT A PART OF YOUR. CLEAN-UP AND PAINT-UP CAMPAIGN ON YOUR OWN PREMISES There is nothing that con tributes so much to the home at this season as clean, sweet, inviting rooms. Our stock of Wall Paper and Other Wall Coverings is satisfactory in range of designs and prices. Tell Us Your Needs v. 'S YOUR Home 5. F. J. BRENNAN CRAfJDMA NEVER LET HER HI GET GRAY j She Kept Her Locks Dark Glossy, with Sage Tea I and Sulphur. a ml HARNESS Hand made from beat material. Outlast any factory mads goods. Call and aee. Harness repairing by experienc ed harness maker. J. M. COVERT At M. D. Nichols aUnd, Alliance DYE & OWENS Transfer Line Dray Phone 54 i HOUSEHOLD OOOD3 jf mored promptly, and transfer Work solicit- ed. Residence phone 636 and Bine 674 When you darken your Irflir wtflSasj" Ton and Sulphur, tin one can tell, be i'nui it' done xo nnturnll y, so evenly. Preparing this mixture thcmcli, at 1ioiim i miiy stiil iroiililrdotnP. For 50 cents you run buy t any drug store the ready-to-n preparation. Improved by iix adili tion o( other ingredient, called "WyethV Sapc ami Sulphur Compound." You Sunt dampen a ftpong or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning all pray hair disappears, and, after an other application or two, your hair be comes' beautifully darkened, glossy and luxuriant. Gray, faded hair, thouprh no disgrace, is a sign of old ape, and as we all de sire a youthful and attractive appear ance, got busy at once with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound and look years Younger. This rcady-to-use preparation Is a delightful toilet requisite and not a medicine. It is not intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. J. L. Rennett, who lias been em ployed at the Alliance Steam Laun dry for some time, with Mrs. Den nett left Saturday noon for Broken Bow where they will make their home. Mr. Bennett has secured a similar position at Broken Bow. Rheumatic l'uiii Stopped The drawing of muscles, the sore ness, stiffness and agonizing pain of Rheumatism quickly yield to Sloan's Liniment. It stimulates circulation to the painful part. Just apply as directed to the sore spots. In a short time the pain gives way to a tingling sensation of comfort and warmth. Here's proof "I have had wonderful relief since I used your Liniment on ray knee. To think one application gave me relief. Sorry I haven't space to tell you the history. Thanking you for what your remedy has done for me." James S. Ferguson, Philada, Pa. Sloan's Liniment kills pain. 25c at druggists. Adv 3 MllUM Inly I! Wfiioi Q) H f as Hi fi) oil i I 1 f ii i mm. i t j . ''' a i ft; -t "S Hopes every man and woman here will adopt this splendid health habit. Says a glass of hot water with a teaspoonfu! c limestone phosphate in it washes poisonb from system, and makes one feel clean, sweet and fresh. "Why is man and woman. i..If the t into, ft t lint; im rvoiw. despon dent, worried: smut1 liys liead achy, diiill ami nnsti "iinir; soino days really iueapacitated iy ill ness. If we nil would pr;'rt'- the drinkhi'j '.' V. ; L.u-.i water hefVre hreakl'ast, wliat a 'jrrality- ,.,., ....... V,V.-pi ; -,, j,);,,.,., jn. stead ! t inus-uids of Inlf-siVk, -,-,,; ;. vjth nasty, li:.. : . . . :...-. wwus we shmil'i see crowds ol" lfaiipy. litalt!;y. n-v-chc rkod pen' . every w lu re. 'I he reason is that the human s; stem des not i id it-i lf eaeh day of all the :Mc it aeemuulatos under or.!- p' esent m-'de of li iiu Fm every ounce of fond and drink taken into the system nearly an ounce of waste material niu-t he carried out, else it ferments and forms ptomaine-like poisc-n in the bowels which are absorbed into the blood. Just as necessary as it is to clean the ashes from the furnace each day, before the tire will burn bright and hot, so we must each n oriiim dr r the inside organs of the previi u day's acMiimila t'o u ot lidi xo -til-jo walf and bndy toins. bn and wnmen, wliether si-k : 'veil, are advisod to drink eaeh moruiu, hei'nro breakfast, a gias.-? of rtal !;ot water with a teasponnful nf lime stone phosphate in it. as a harm less moans if washing out of the sb-maeh. liver, kidnevs and bowels the i: 1 iost illc material, waste, sour 1 ile ami toxins: Thus cleansing, sweetenimjr and 'mri fying the out ire alimentary canal be Tort' putting more food into the stomneh. Milli' us oi! people who had their lu'-n at eonslip.-ition, bilious attac'.s, acid stomach, sick head ac.In rlieiio'atism, lumbago, nervous days and sleepless nights have U'come real cranks about the morning-inside bath. A quarter pound of limestone phos phate will not cost much at the drug store, but is sufficient to demonstrate to anyone its cleans ing sweetening and freshening effect upon the system. You'd hotter come and get me be fore I hurt someone." was what Chief of Police Jeffers heard Thursday nlelit when lie answered the tele phone call nt the police station. A little Investigation revealed that the party talking was Gladys West, col ored, who was having a little celebra tion at her "joint." She was brought into police court a few minutes later under protest and after much trouble, and was locked up till Friday night when she was brought before Police Magistrate T. I). Roberts to answer to charges of being drunk and disorderly Ten nays before complaint was made charging her with "touching" a white man at her place to the ex tent of $5, and the money was re turned and the case dropped. This time she was fined fifty bucks and costs, and is laying It out In the fem inine quarters of the city bastile. ' To Rid Child of Worms Don't Bcold the fretful, nervous child. Often It's due to worms. Get Id of these by giving one-half to one lozenge Klckapoo Worm Killer, a lax ative worm candy. Give only plain. nourishing food, lots of out-door ex ercise and put to bed early. Watch stools and continue giving Klckapoo Worm Lozenges, they will positively remove the worms. 25c at druggists. Adv 3 HONES POLICE THEY'D . BETTER LOCK HER UP ;iinl West, Colored, l.ajlnjf Out Hue of KW nii(l"Cot in City Jail Mrs. W. J. Waddell and children. of near Curly, Sioux county, were the guests of her brother, Charles Wallace, Friday and Saturday. Mr. Waddell wont to Omaha Friday to purchase an nuton-obile. Keep Your Skin Clear and Healthy There is only one way to have a clear, healthy complexion and that is to keep the bowels active and regu lar. Dr. King's New Life Pills will make your complexion healthy and clear, move the bowels gently, stimu late the liver, cleanse the system and purify the blood. A splendid spring medicine. 25c at your druggist. Adv 3 Krb Miller, of Buffalo county, was the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Con ley Miller, from Friday till Monday. If )ou want to build a home see J. C. McCorkle and get the money. Rheumatism If you are troubled with chronic or muscular rheumatism give Cham berlain's Liniment a trial. The re lief from pain which It affords is' alone worth many times its cost. Ob tainable everywhere. Adv May Serial No. 0US52. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, 1. S Lund Ottico at Alliance, Nebraska, May 16. 1916. Notice is hereby given that Jesse S. BricH, of Lakeside, Nebraska, who, on August 10th, 1911. made Home stead Kntry. No. 013852. for WVy NK',4. K'sSLIli. NW'iSKU. NVa SWVi and S V 4 N W ',4 . S.-c 20. and SV '4 section 21, Township 25 north, range 44 West, 6th Principal Merid ian, has filed notice of intention to aiuke Final Three-year proof, to es tablish claim to the land above de scribed, before Register and Ueceiv- r. P. S. Land Ollice. at Alliance, Ne braska , on the 1st day of July. l'Jlii. Claimant names ns witnesses: Carrol C. Joy, of Alliance, N'ebr. ; U. A. West over, of Lakeside, Nebr. ; H. A. Cook, of Lakeside, Nebr.; A. C. Brlcc, of Alliance. Nebr. T. .1. O'KKKFK. Register. ".-6t-"32-7u01 Serial No. 015970. Notice tor Publication Department of the Interior. lT. S. Laud Ollice at Alliance, Nebraska, May 16. 1916. ' Notice is hereby given that Charles K. Rigglesworth. of Alliance, Nebr aska, wiio, on May 22, 1913. ma le Homestead Kntry. No. 015970. for WjNK4, NW'4 and NSW'4, Section and N a Section 4, town ship 22 north, range 48 west, 6th Principal Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Pinal Uirer- year proof, to esiaonsn claim to ine land above described, before Regis ter and Receiver, I'. S. Land ollice, at Alliance, Nebraska, on the 8th day of July. 1316. Claimant nanus as Chris Anderson, F.d Smiley. Frank I a nee, Nebraska. T. .1. O KKKF1 25-7t-731-7101 7 Ik a?'-"'-. Have Your Own Garage The many advantages of having a garage of your own more than offset the small cost of building it. Come in at your earliest convenience and let us show you plans that will meet your needs estimates that won't strain your purse. Service That Saves Our experience with materials our knowledge of the short cuts in building our error-proof plans our Jow prices these will surely reduce your cost to the lowest possible figures whether you build a garage, house, barn or other building. Let us explain this service fully 1 1 m FOREST LUMBER COHP'Y Expert Tailoring Suits Made to Order Cleaning -:- Pressing s I. BELFER Next Door to Newberry's an !OTUIillllllilllllllll!l t:iKUwm: 1916 A National Park Summer This is poing .to be a frala season for Kooky Mountain Parks, Glacier, Yellowstone anl Estes Patfis all on tlic Hurlington 's through-service lines. These Parks, with their wealth of scenery, their magnificent "out-of-doOrs" have gotten their grip on Eastern people. Then we have nearby, the lilaek Hills with their forests and Hot Springs, the Rig Horn Mountains with their picturesque old ranches given over to modern tourists, also the ranch resorts beyond Cody in the Absarokas. THERMO POLIS HOT SPRINGS In the Owl Creek Mountains, on the Casper-Hillings Main Line, and HOT SPRINGS, BLACK HILLS are unrivalled in their wonderful waters and rheumatic cures. Send for booklet of the locality and the tour you have In mind Shall it be Yellowstone, with its ninety-mile auto scenic tour via the Cody Gateway? Shall it be Glacier Park, the climax of the scenic grandeur of the Rockies? The Burlington is Essentially the Circuit Tour Route for all Rocky Mountain Park Travel. Let the Map Show You. .1. KUIDCI.HAl (ill. Ticket Agent, Alliance, Neb. L. W. WAK1XKY, (ifiicrnl Pasenj:er Auent loot I'ariiaui Street, Omaha, Neb. MM PI witnesses: North. Charley .unwell, all of Alli- Register. There is more Catarrh in this sec tion of the country than all other diseases put together, and for years it was supposed to be incurable. Doc tor a prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with lo cal treatment, pronounced It incura ble. Catarrh is a local disease, great ly Influenced by constitutional condi tions and therefore requires consti tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheuej Co., Toledo, Ohio, is a constitu tional remedy, is taken internally and acts thru the Blood on the Muc ous Surfaces of the System. One Hundred dollnrs. reward is offered for any case that Hall's Catarrh Cure fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. F. J. CHENEY CO.. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills for constipa tion. Adv May I! Skinner's Macaroni Products, mad in Nebraska. Ask your grocer. Ad MO newspaper can succeed with 4 out advertising, therefore we solicit the pationa?e c ( our readers (or those who by their advertising help to make this paper possible ! f 1 I II 1' 1 ! 111! 1 K: LIVED IN MISERY. "I suffered greatly from nervousness and head aches. Th least excite ment &av me dreadful pain. I began using Pr. Miles' Nervine and a few days later started to take Pr. Miles' Heart Treat ment. I soon got so much better that I was encour aged and continued taking the two remedies until I was so well that work was no bother to me at all." MRS. LOt'IS KLO. . Idaho Falls, Idaho. Striving to satisfy the r e m n r ri c f everyone is apt to affect the nerves, and continual standing may weaken the Heart. Dr. Miles' Nervine is invaluable for Nervous troubles, and for the Heart Dr. Miles' Heart Treatment is highly recommended. IF FIRST BOTTLE FAILS TO BENE riT you. Youn money will be REFUNDED.