The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 18, 1916, Image 9

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    Piano 200S'130
Our direct Factory-to-Home selling plan saves you
the agent's and the dealer's profits, not less than
$100 and upwards.
Our 25-year guarantee, backed by our entire re
sources of over $1,000,000 protects you after you
have bought.
Our terms are as low as $5.00 per month, or quar
terly, semi-annually or annually if you desire.
When you pay more for a piano than we ask, you
pay for something we give you free.
Write for our free illustrated catalog and special of
fer to first buyers in your locality. It means
Dollars to you.
1311-13 Farnam Street
Dept. A 133 Omaha, Neb.
"I auffarad untold agony
with neuralgia. I thought Z
would go mad with aaln. A.
frtand of mine advlaad ana
to taka Dr. kfllaa Antl-Paln
Ptlla. I did ao and tha pala
atopped almoat at eace.
Than I aommaBoad naln
Dr. alllae Nervine and ha
fora long I was ao that X did
at bara thaaa pulna any
Mora." K. J. WIN'TWt,
1(1 K. Datta Ara..
Colorado Fprlnga, Colo.
S AND nife For here at last is the master
Y machine that makes it easy for any stenog
rapher to turn out more letters with less
effort in the ordinary working day. The new
Royal Master-Model "10" speeds up the day's
work and sets the pace that pays I
Built for "Big Business" and its
Great Army of Expert Operators
These new features of the Royal add to the
sensitive fingers of the typist, the one vital thing
that the old-style typewriter subtracts speed!
The speed with brains behind it the all-day
speed of the expert typist in the day's work.
Errorless speed is the kind of speed that counts.
Commonsense has punctured the illusion of the
other kind.
Get the Facts!
Sand for tha -Royal fJQO
man ana bsk iot
Or writ e ditact
for oar naw bro
chare,- "Aillir
5a reaaa, and book
of facta on FancA
Typing . aant fraa to
typewrite m.
- 318 South, 19th St Omaha, Nebr,
Branchei and Agencies the World Over
H. J. YOUNQ, Local Agent
csntausHCO s
Oldest Piano House in thcWcst
Player Pianos 37S000 !
Close attention to
work is the cause
of much Pain and
many Headaches.
Obtain relief by
taking one or two
Then tone up the Nervous
System by using
Dr. Miles
Restorative Nervine
to 60 minutes an hour
by taking the "grind"
out of typewriting I
$i2S ;
aa CWa'
-..1 ij
11 ft 1
J. II J1
Lloyd's Column
Definition of a (it'iit Ionian
Fred liolson .manager of the Atlas
Tank Manufacturing Company, Oma
ha branch ,ls Bending out a card with
the photo of a particularly attractive
lady, with the following definition on
the card:
"A gentleman is one who knows
he 1b alright and then foregts It."
"There are no editors In hell," ob
serves a Missouri editor. Of course
not. That place is already filled and
overflowing with delinquent sub
scribers. One Objection
"Of course, 1 don't wish to put any
obstacle In the way of you getting
married," a mistresB said to her serv
ant, "but I wish it were possible for
you to postpone it until I get another
"Well, mum," Mary Ann replied.
"I 'ardly think I know 'im well
enough to arsk 'lm to put It off."
Mamma (bringing her little lec
ture to an abrupt close as she was
railed from the room) "And all
this trouble was caused by those bad
thoughts In your heart."
Jamie sat for a few minutes the
picture of distress, for he was really
very sensitive about being thought
Aunt Milly came in, and, being al
ways solicitous about his health, ex
"Why, Jamie, how bad you look!"
This was too much, and Jamie
burst into tears and sobbed out brok
enly: "1 I knew there w-w-was a b
bad spot In m-my heart, b-b-but I
didn't know It s-a-showed clear
A Skowhegan young man wants to
know what is the best thing to be
done when a person sits down on a
custard pie at a picnic. We would
advise him to sit still until the rest
have gone home, says a Quaker City
Wlmt He Wanted
"The automobile that hit me tlve
minutes ago was No. 41144 Ohio,"
he sputtered. "It knocked me un
conscious, but I got the number be
fore I went down for the count. Tut
it on a piece of paper 41144."
"All right. What do you want?"
"What do I want? Why, I can
prove that he was exceeding the
peed limit, and I want I want "
"Calm down, friend. You want a
warrant for his arrest?"
"Warrant nothing! What good
would a warrant. do me? He was
going so fast, I tell you, that a war
rant wouldn't get him now. What I
want is extradition papers!"
It was a New York school teacher
who received this message from a
mother who was advised to punish
her wayward son: "You lick him,
teacher I ain't mad at him."
It was a Cleveland teacher who
wrote to the mother of a mischiev
ous boy asking her assistance in mak
ing the boy behave. This was the
answer she received:
"If vru ain't Hhlp to control vniir
school without assistance you better
git another jod. r. s. l ain t nis
mother I'm his step-mother."
"Miss Edith," asked the young
man, "may I ask you, please, not to
call me Mr. Durand?"
"But," said Miss Edith, with great
coyness, "our acquaintance is so
short, you know. Why should I not
call you that?"
"Well," said the young man.
"chiefly because my name is Du
pont." She Tried Ttiein
Mrs. Allen's new servant came to
her the morning after her arrival
and said, "I'm goin' to leave yes,
mum, today. I'll not stay any long
er." "Going to leave!" cried Mrs. Al
len, In amazement. "Why In the
world are you going to leave so
"Well, mum." said the girl, "when
I came yesterday mornln' you gave
me the keys to yer trunks nd draw
ers and Jewel cases to kape fer yea."
"Why, yea, ao I did." said the mis
tress; "that showed that I trusted
you. What Is the matter?"
"Well, yer see, mum," aaid the
servant, "they don't one of m fit."
Order by Phone
"If a man does anything well the
world will beat a path to his door."
"How about the fellow who raises
A wel lknown business man recites
this experience. He says:
"I told my office boy one day that
I would have to bare the morning to
i-w !
myself, and he must keep visitors
out of my private room. 'I don't
care what you tell them,' said I.
'Make up any story you like. Get
fresh with them if they are too per
sistent.' An hour or two later, aa I
afterward learned, a lady called and
Insisted on seeing me. The boy as
sured her it couldn't be done. 'But
I must see him,' she said. 'I'm bis
wife.' 'Aw!' was Jimmy's reply,
'that's what they all say!' Of course
my wife went away good and mad.
Well, no; the kid didn't lose hia job.
I couldn't blame him. He was only
obeying orders."
"You ought to have seen Mr. Mar
shall when he called upon Dolly the
other night," remarked Johnny to
his sister's young man, who was tak
ing tea with the family. "I tell you
he looked fine a-sittlng there along
side of her with his arm "
"Johnny!" gasped his sister, her
face the color of a boiled lobster.
"Well, so he did." persisted John
ny. "He had his arm "
"John!" screamed his mother
"Why," whined the boy, "I was "
"John," said his father sternly,
"leave the room!"
And Johnny left, crying as he
"I was only going to say that he
had his army clothes on!"
Police and Infectives Are Using Lip
Heading in Place of the
Thousands of deaf people are today
throwing away all hearing devices
and enjoying all conversation. This
method is easily and quickly acquired
thru our system. Absolutely the only
thing of itB kind in the country. Our
proposition is entirely original. We
guarantee resultB, it will amaze you.
Cost Is trifling. See what New Inter
national Encyclopaedia says on Lij
Heading. Hundreds of people witt
normal hearing are taking up Lip
Heading for the many adidtional ben
nfits gained. You can understand
what the actors are saying in the
moving pictures. You can under
stand what people are saying just art
far away as you can see them. The
eye understands beyond the range of
hearing. Send no money, but men
tion this paper and state whether or
not you are deaf. All particulars
will be sent you absolutely free and
with no expense to you. AddresB,
School of Lip Language, Kansas City,
PKtti: N'OltMAL
Professor Jean, who will take work
toward his Master's Degree In the
University of Nebraska next fall, has
been granted a scholarship in botany.
The girls of the Y. W. C. A. en
tertained all the girls of the school
at a kensington Friday afternoon.
The girls regret that this is the last
of these pleasant events for this year.
VV. K. Fowler of Lincoln was in
Peru Friday in the interest of sever
al of our best educational magazines.
Students who will teach next year
were glad of this opportunity to ex
amine these periodicals.
Members of the Philomathean Lit
erary Society enjoyed a camp fire
meeting Saturday evening. The
Philoniatheans have been presenting
bo me exceptionally good programs
this year .but they also know bow to
have a jolly good time together.
Their next meeting is to be given ov
er to a Shakespearean program.
A beautiful hand-colored etching
entitled "Abend Nach dem Gewltler"
has been presented to the German
department by the Fortnightly Art
Club. This club has for several
years been devoting the proceeds of
its art exhibits to the purchase of
works of art for the campus build
ings, and many very choice pictures,
pieces of pottery, etc., may now bs
foud in may of the classrooms.
The annual foray of the Botanical
Senmiar of the State University was
eld In Peru last Saturday. On Fri
day evening Dr. Pool delivered an
illustrated lecture before the Science
Club and others on "The Plant Life
of Nebraska." On Saturday the
party, which comprised four Inspect
ors from the University together with
several students who are specializing
in botany, made a field study of the
flora of Peru and vicinity. They were
accompanied by several Normal stud
ents and other members of the Sci
ence Club who were glad indeed of
this opportunity to study plant life
under the direction of Nebraska's
greatest authority, Dr. Pool, who is
at the head of the department of bot
any at our university.
The Commencement festivities will
begin on Saturday evening. May 27,
at which time the Everett and Philo
mathean Literary Societies will give
a joint program. May 28 is bacca
laureate Sunday. Rev. Hylton has
been chosen to give the sermon. The
following day is Class day. and the
annual May festival will be held on
Tuesday. This promises to be one
of the best musical events ever given
In the state, comprising a band con
cert, the great oratorio Elijah, a
children's cantata ,a concert by three
of the world's artists ,and a grand ev
enlng concert by the glee clubs, the
chorus and the soloists. Chief Jus
tice Andrew Morrlsey will give the
commencement address on Wednes
day, May 31. at 10 a. m.
"Chamberlain' Tablets Have Done
Wonders for Me"
"I have been a sufferer from stom
ach trouble for a number uf years,
and although I have uaed a great
nnmlwr of remediea recommended
for thla comnlalnt. - Chamberlain's
Tablet la the first medicine that ha
given me positive and lasting reller.'
wHti tin. Anna Kadln. Soencer
port, N. Y. "Chamberlain's Tablets
have done wondera for me and I val
ue them very highly." Obtainable
Adv May
More than half "the cars you sec are ' ' Fords. ' ' Over
a million Ford cars are in use today, rendering ef
ficient economical service under all kinds of condi
tions. 500,000 will be built and sold this year. Low
price places it within your reach. Touring Car
$440; Runabout $390; Coupclet $590; Town Car
$640; Sedan $740 f. o. b. Detroit. On display and
sale at
Keeler-Coursey Company
Stock and Supply Tanks!
Will outlast several ateel tanks ot
several tanks made from other ma
terial, and cost less money. Thes
tanks will keep the water cooler In
summer and warmer in winter. Send
for price list today.
Fred Boisen, Manager,
1102 W. O. V. nidg., Omaha, Neb.
Pill ilet for Liver
Because they contain the best liver
medicines, no matter how bitter or
nauseating for the sweet sugar coat- i
lng hides the taste. Dr. King's New
Life Pills contain ingredients that
put the liver working, move the bow
els freely. No gripe, no nausea, aids
digestion. Just try a bottle of Dr.
King's New Life Pills and notice how
much better you feel. 25c at your
Adv 2
You'd Stand on a Corner
Or Rush to a Window Any Day
to Hear a Band go by
The V1CTROLA makes the world's greatest bands parade
before you as you sit in your easy ehair Sousa's Band, Pryor's
Band, Vessella's Band, Conway's Band, IT. S. Marine Band,
and other famous musical organizations.
We want you to see our complete line of Victors and Vie
tiolas. Come in and let us play for you
The Music You Know and Like Best
That's the bst way for you to personally judge its capa
bilities of satisfying your musical longings.
$15.00 to $250.00
On Easy Time Payments
Many new Victor records just received
The Pythagorians of Ancient
I ureece aie simple iooa, pracucea
temperance and purity. As a badge
they used the five pointed star which
they regarded as a symbol of health.
A red five pointed star appears oi
each package of Chamberlain's Tab
lets, and still fulfils its ancient mis
sion as a symbol of health. If yo
are troubled with indigestion, bili
ousness or constipation, get a pack
age of these tablets from your drug
gist. You will be surprised at the
quick relief which they afford. Ob
tainable everywhere.
Adv May
Legal Blanks for
Sale at This Office
Shoe Shining Parlor
We make a specialty of clean
ing, dyeing and shining all
kinds of shoes for ladles and
gentlemen. New buck shoes
and all colored shoes cleaned
for ladies.
Palace Shoe Shining
Third & Box Ilutte