the ALLIANCE HERALD LMIYD O. THOMAS, UuatnoM Manager JOIIlt W. THOMAS, Editor C. E. MAYlf AIID, City Editor K. CATHERINE MOOKE, Editress Social Department Published every Thursday by THE HKRLD PUBLISHING COMPANY Incorporated Lloyd 0. Thorn. President J. Carl Thomas, Vice Pre. John W. Thomas, tWretary Entered at the post office at Alliance, Nebraska, for transmission through (be malls as second-class suatter. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $1.60 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE If your copy of The Herald does not reach you regularly or satisfac torily, you should phone 340 or drop a card to the office. The best of serr tee It what we are anr'ous to lire, so don't hesitate to notify us without delay when you miss your paper. STEAM HEATING PLANT FOR ALLIANCE At the municipal election held in April, the. proposition of install ing a steam heating plant for Alliance carried by a good majority. The city council now have the right and instructiona to go ahead and install a plant for heating the business district with steam from the electric light and power plant. A committee has been appointed to investigate the most feasible proposition and it is expected that the matter will bo pushed through as rapidly as possible, so that the plant fan be installed during the summer and bo ready for use during tlx coming winter. Alliance is fast taking her place aa one of the lead ing Nebraska cities in municipal improvements and the steam heating plant will be one of them. Alliance citizens should give the city of ficials every encouragement possible in pushing the construction of the steam plant. CHILDREN KILLING DANDELIONS When The Herald announced the dandelion-killing contest last week it was in the nature of an experiment and we wish to state that we are well pleased with results. More than thirty Alliance boys and girls are working early and late this week, digging dandelions for the first week's contest, which will close at six o'clock Friday evening. The Alliance merchants and business firms are co-operating and the support they are giving to the movement to beautify the town is en couraging. The Woman '8 Club has taken an interest in the matter and will assist the judge, A. J. Macey, in his work, as will Mr. Guth rie, secretary of the Commercial Club. The children are taking more interest than are the property owners of the city who really are the ones to receive the direct benefit from their work. Friday evening a prize of a pair of school shoes to be given by the Mollring store, will be awarded to the girl who wirm first, and a fine pocket knife will be given to the winning boy by the Rhein-Rousey Company. The prizes for the contest next week will be a savings account, started with a two-dollar deposit, to the boy and the girl winning first. Property owners are urged to phone this office and give the location of the lawns which they desire improved. ti'lllllliilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItllllllllllllllillllllllllll, Nebraska State Volunteer Fire men's Association President, J. P. Hoffman, Orel. First Vice President, Harry Hauser, Fremont. Second Vice President, John W. Outhrle, Alliance. Secretary. E. A. Miller, Kearney. Treasurer, II. A. Webbert, Kearney. Doard of Control: Jacob Qoehring. Seward, chairman: William E. Mote, Chadron; F. B. Tobln. Sidney; O. A. Rboades, Scottsbluff ; Bert J. Galley, Columbus. A department devoted to the Interests of the Volunteer Firemen of the state of Nebraska. Edited by Lloyd C. Thomas, btate publicity chairman. ihllMllllllllinuiiniiiiiHiiiiiitrmtrmmttmium ""Illlllll,"! Illinium !hIk; I'mrUiiMit I Min t OmYers At the regular May meeting the Dodge volunteer tire department elect ed the following officers for the ensuing year: J. II. Miller, president: J. J. Kuilcka. vice president; U. J. Borgineyer, secretary; W. E. Vlach. treasur er. The boys are also about to Install a new fire alarm to consist of com pressed air and the mocking-bird type of whistle, which will be a big im !rovenient over the present bell system used by them. The llauiiet at North Platte It was the privilege of the writer to attend a rousing banquet at North Platte on Monday night of this week. State Fire Commissioner Rldgell of Lincoln was present from out of town and all of the North Platte Are boys, as well as business men. attended. We had intended to give an extended write-up of the banquet in this issue but on account of lack of space must defer it until nest week. 12 (Continued from page 1) makes an effort to win a prize, no matter if they are successful in getting a priae or not, will take part in a big ice cream supper, to be given to them by The Herald. All of the boys and girls are invited to be present at 6 o'clock Friday ........ . wuru iiiti-KB win ue weignea. urown people are also in vited to be present. Now. boys and girls, get busy. Get your sacks and be ready to start out next Saturday morning. Come to The Herald oflice Friday evening or Saturday morning, give us your name, and we will give you a list of the places to work. TO TIIK OWNERS OF PROPERTY IN ALLIANt K: uAn J y,reJnte,rr.ted.ln rlddiuK your lawns and property of the dande lion peat The Herald invitea you to give ua your co-operation during the above contests. The boys and girls will be required to be careful to not in- Jm 6J "m"" r. propf',tiy ,n geltln t,H dandelion.. If you want your lawns rid of the pest we invite you to phone The Herald office, 340, at once, giving us the address of the property. B'vmg TIIK ALLIANCE HERALD Phone 840 PRINTERS' INK HAS been respon sible for thousands of business successes throughout the country. : Everybody in town may know you but 'they don't know what - you have to sell. ' AirertiiiifWill Help Y YOU READ the Other Fellow's Ad 3 r You are reading this one. That should convince you that advertising in these columns is a profitable proposition; that it will bung business to your store. The fact that the other fellow advertise is probably the reason he is getting more business than is falling to you. Would It not be well to give the otxT fellow a chance To Read Your Ad in These Columns? NOTICE TO CREDITORS In County Court, within and for Box Butte County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Sarah A. Smith, deceased. To the Creditors of Said Estate: You are hereby notified that I will sit at the County Court Room In Al liance In said county, on the 21st day of December, 1916, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allow ance. The time limited for the pre sentation of claims against said es tate Is six months, from the 18th day of June A. 1). 1916, and the time lim ited for payment of debts is one year from said 18th day of June. 1916. Witness my band and the seal of said County Court, this 13th day of May, 1916. L. A. BERRY, (SEAL) County Judge. 24-729-7103-4t Always at Your Service for Printing Needs! Is therm something you need in the follow ing listt Birth Aaaoaacaaiaata lVaa'dlaf' StaMoar Eavalopa laclaaaraa gala Mil Haa4 Bllla frlca Llata Arfmlaaloa TlcbaU Baalaaaa Card a Wlaaow Carta Tlana Carda Lattar Haas's Not Haaaa Bill Haada Eayaloaas Calllatf Carta Laallala Stataaaata Mllb Tlchata Mal Tlchata Salpplaa Tatfa Aaaoaaoaaiaata Brlafa Nalaa Coaaaaa Paaiphlata Catalotfuaa BlaMaaa Circa lara larltatloaa Foatara Foldara Chacka Blaafca Nolle Labala Laaal Blaaha Mroa Carda Macarda Dodrfar Past Cards Prorfraaaa acalpta Prompt, careful and effi cient attention given to every detail Don't Send Your Order Out of Town Until Yon See What We Can Do IN THE COl'NTY COl RT Of llox llutte County, Nebraska In the Matter of the adoption of Vad8Worth Myers, a minor child. All persons will take notice that on the 13th day of May, 1916, Nor bert E. Krenek and Agnes Krenek, husband and wife, filed a petition in said court praying for a decree for the adoption of said Wadsworth Meyers, and that said petition will be heard by said court in the County Court Room In Alliance. In said county on the 19th day of June. 1916. at 10 o'clock A. M. at which time and place objections to the prayer and said petition will be con sidered. Dated this 15th day of May. 1916. L. A. BERRY. (Seal) County Judge. 24-4-723-6757 24 FULL QUARTS fancy Straw berries. $2.90. To you day after picked. WE PAY EXPRESS. WICK 11 AM BERRY FARM. SALEM, NEBRASKA. SALTS IF KIDNEYS BLADDER BOTHER Harmless to flush Kidneys and neutral Ire irritating acids-Splendid for system. Kidney and Bladder weakness mult from uric acid, says a noted authority. The kidneys filter this acid from the blood and pass it on to the bladder, where it often remains to irritate and inflame, causing a burning, scalding sensation, or setting up an irritation at the neck of the bladder, obliging you to seek relief two or three timet during the night. The sufferer is in constant dread, the water passes sometimes with a scalding sensation and is very profuse; again, tlicre is difficulty in avoiding it. HUdder weakness, most folks call it, because they can't control urination. While it is extremely annoying and some times wry painful, this is really one of the most simple ailments to overcome. Get about four ounces of Jad Salts from your pharmacist and take a table spoonful in glass of water before breakfast, continue this for two or three days. This will neutralize the acids la the urine so it no longer is a source of irritation to th bladder and urinary or gana which than act normally again. Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless, and is made from the acid of era pes j lemon juice, combined with lithta, and is used by thousands of folks who are subject to urinary disorders caused by uric acid irritation. Jad Salt is spies did for kidneys and causes no bad effects whatever. Here you hav a, pleasant, effervescent litliia-water drink, which quickly relieve l ladder trouble. The Fashion Shop Leads Others Follow We oflYr genuine bargains, in new, stylish goods, purchased by us for the people in this territory. Our goods are not the left-overs from bankrupt stocks and are not purchased for Roinebody in New York or San Francisco, but are picked out especially for the customers for the Fashion Shop of Alliance. The prices made during our alf Price Sale arc special prices. We have no left-overs from previous seasons to sell at reduced prices, and wc will not carry over a single Suit, Coat or Dress until another season. Therefore we offer these new, seasonable and up-to-the-minute goods at the prices advertised. a All goods are plainly marked at one-half price, as advertised. Call and see or write us. iz w We wish to remind you again that you should not purchase fall goods at this time from trav eling salesmen's samples, as styles change so frequently that the goods you order now may be out of style when they arrive. r ucMiNP.FnRn ncP'T IILIIIII1UI UIIU UL.I li M. E. Addy was an Alliance visitor Wednesday. a a a D. W. Butler made a business trip to Alliance Tuesday. a a a Judge Hutton made a business trip to Alliance Wednesday. a a a Miss Opal Russell was attending to business in town Wednesday, a a a C. Keener is back in the Forept lumber yards after a six weeks vaca tion. a a a Oscar O'Bannon of Alliance Is here at the present looking after bus iness. a a a Will Clark and wife and Mrs. C. A. Youngs were Alliance visitors Wednesday. a a a Mrs. Henry Brus of the Canto.i neighborhood was shopping in town Wednesday. a a a Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Norton spent a few hours in town Wednesday w'th D. W. Butler. a a a Mr. and Mra. Russell Miller, Fire da Da n bom and Ben Humphreys au toed to Alliance Wednesday after noon. a a a Professor Fisher of Chadron caaae down Monday and visited the school. Mr. Fisher will be the next year's professor. a a a Mrs. George Bell returned to her home in Alliance Tuesday after a week's visit with her mother and sis ter of this place. a a a Mrs. C. A. Young and daughter Lila departed for their home at Ber ing, Nebr., after a month's visit with friends and relatives at this place, a a a Miss Esther Geiger and Mr. Rus sell Miller were united in marriage at the Methodist parsonage Wednes day, May 17, by Rev. N. G. Palmer. A large reception was held in their honor at the opera house that evening. OKhKIt FOR HEARING Iu the County Court of llox liutte County, Nebraska In the matter of the estate of August F. Forsstrom, deceased. To all persons interested In the es tate of August F. Forsstrom, de ceased : KARL M. FORSSTROM. having filed his petition, under oath, in this court, praying that administration of the estate of said August F. Fors strom. be dispensed with, and for a decree determining who are the heirs of said August F. Forsstrom; it is ordered that a hearing be bad on aaid petition at the county courtroom ia said county on the 20th day of June, 1916, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. If., and that notice of the time and place fixed for said hearing be given to alt persons interested in said estate be publication of thla order for thirtr days in The Alliance Herald, a news paper printed and published in said county. Dated this 17th day of May. A. . 1916. L. A. BERRY. (SEAL) County Judae. 24-730-7102-4t ''., We Want Yoa to keep in mind the fact that in addition to printing this news paper we do job work of any kind. When in need of anything in this line be sure To See Us ii 3 A N Advertisement is Security "Put Up" in Advance LL successful merchants consider their advertisements a public pledge. A t'urh advertisement carries with it a promise that must be kept It is SECURITY "Put-up" in advance. Advertisers know that to break faith with the public would be fatal worse than throwT ing their money away. That is one good reason why advertised stores are more popular than those that do not advertise. People know that there 1b service, quality and reliability behind them. They look upon advertised stores as the stand ard trading places of the community. This is especially true if these stores have been ad vertised in the newspapers. The standard of advertising is more ex acting today than ever before. Advertisers are more careful of their promises and more interesting in their text and illustrations. They are more careful with the preparation of their copy and they arrange for its fre quent appearance because they know it is repetition that makes an impression. A clock without bands would create no In terest and draw no crowds because while it might be running no one would know it. Just so with a store that has no advertising to tell the public what is going on Inside. The suc cessful merchants of Alliance "Point the Way" with their advertising which is contin uously appearing in The Alliance Herald " Where Continuous Advertising Will Pay"