DR. HAIiD CALLED TO HAY SPRINGS Oil TUESDAY ATLAS PROPRIETOR IS FINED $50 AND COSTS .he S t a Ji eta r'cP s Appeal Case to District Court, Fur nishing lfcnd in the Sum of 9180 Francis L. Smith, proprietor of the Atlas hotel, who win arrested last week on complaint made by Marshal A. B. Wheeler and charging him with knowingly allowing his place of business to bt used for pros titution, van fined 150 and costs rri day afternoon by County Judge L. A. Berry. The defendant, who was represent ed by Boyd and Motz, Immediately notified the court ohJdismcV'cm.r't0 appeal the case t and furnished bo S130 signed by 3 A. Miller. Among the witnesses examined In the trial were Marshal Wheeler, Sheriff Cox, Mayor Romig and Police Magistrate Roberta. County Attor ney Dasye prosecuted. LIVE STOCK PRICES AT SOUTH OMAHA Cattle 10-15c Higher. Receipts light. Market Active HOB PRICES HIGHEST OF YEAR Lambs 10c Higher Than Last Week's Record. Ewea About Steady. Very Small 8upply. Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, Nebr., May 16, 111 1 6. The week open ed up with a light run of cattle, only 164 loads, or about 3,R0 head. Th demand for hot It local and shipping account seemed to be strong, and the market was very nctlve right from the itart, prices being 10015c higher than the close of last week. All classes ot buyers seemed to be looking for the heavy cattle, while the desirable light and handy-weight steers were also ready sellers. Good to choice beeves sold at I!Un9.r.O. $0.f.O being the high price of the year so far for beef cattle. Dulk of the fair to good 1,000 to 1,3001b. beeves brought around 9.00J? 9.25. Good to choice helfery Itock selling at $7.50(38.50. Compe tition seemed strong for corn-fed Steers, and anything desirable In the way of fat stock found a ready sale. Quotations on cuttle: Oood to cJioVce beeves, $!.:'.0gi9.60; fair to good beeves, $9.009.25; common to fair beeves, $8.00tfr 9.00; good to choice heifers, 7.608.75; good to choice Cows, 7.50(8.2r; fair to good cows. $6.75 7.50 ; canners and cutters, $4.50 66.50; veal calves. $9.0011.60; bulls, tags, etc., $6.00ff? 8.00. The 10c advance in hogs today brought the market up to the high Bark for the season, also since 1910, Shipping orders soeme1 larger than at the close of last week, and bringing 10c higher prices. Packing require ments were rather large, and on ac count of competition being so strong from the shippers, they paid prices 10c higher. Most of the sales brought 19.65(9.80. the lop reaching $9.90. The sheep receipts were very light for Monday, there being 11 cars, or i.jnu Head. These receipts were mostly California spring lambs, and at fed lambs were scarce, and all buyers having orders for them. caused ..the trade to open early Wooled lambs brought 10c more than last week's record, price being $12.20. Shorn lambs weighing around 80 lbs brought $10.25, the highest price paid this season, and a bunch of well flu isned stun brought iio.tio. Ewes were very scarce, and about steady. One bunch of wooled westerns bringing about $9.10, which was the price paid for a cut of the same stuff at the close of last week. Quotations on Sheep: Lambs, good to choice handy, $11.85 (Tj 12.10; lambM, fair to good handy, $11.50$t 11.85; lambs, fair to choics havy, $10.75 ffl 1.50; lambs, clipped, handy, $9..r0fff ln.25; lambs, clipped, heavy, $8.75?i 9.:i.r: yearlings, fair to choice lipht. $9 '.0(f 10.75; yearlings, fair to choice, heavy, $8.75 9.75; e hers, fair to choice, $8.2.riff 9.65; wes, good to choice. $S.7.' 't 9. 40-. fwes, fair to good, $K 004r 8.75; ewes, ;Iipped. Ir,07f8l0 Eczema Cured or Money Refunded This guarantee goes with every box of Dr. Ilobson's Eczema Ointment Makes no difference whether it's a baby, child or aged. No n atter ho long standing the cane the guarantee holds good. Cut out this strip, go to your druggist, get a box of Dr. Hob eon's Eczema Ointment, use it as dir ected and if you are not fully satis fied, the druggist or maker will re fund your money. Try It Just once, you will be happily surprised. Artv 2 TakeH Agency for Oldsmobile J. L. Nicolal has taken over the agency for the Oldsmobile and Fri day night he and his son. L. M. Nic olal, went over to Denver and drove back a couple of the cars, an eight cylinder machine and a four cylinder machine. They arrived in Alliance Monday and have sold the eight to Wm. King. HEMINGFORD DEPARTMENT C. U. Canfield was an Alliance call er Monday. John Jellnek was an Alliance vis itor Saturday. Mrs. Belle Brown was on the sick list last week. First Semi-Annual Special Sale For the next ten days we will have our stock on sale at very attractive prices, fhese prices are lower than the Wholesale Market today in many instances. Be- side this we are going MursiLY all NOW AND SAVE No. 1 hard wheat flour, s;ick, $1.55; per 12 lb. sack white or yellow meal, now . !4 lb. sack white or yellow meal, now . , 14 lb. sack Graham flour, now Buy Soaps NOW as this is the last makers SO WE ADVISE YOU TO BUY 50 bars of Crystal White laundry Boap, $1.85; per box (100 bars) . . .3.60 50 bars of Bob White laundry soap, $1.85; per box (100 bars) 93.60 50 bars of Flake White laundry soap, $1.90; per box (100 bars) . . . .3.70 50 bars of -Pearl White laundry soap, $1.90; per box (100 bars) . . . .3.70 50 bars of White Russian laundry soap, $1.75; per box (100 bars) . . .$3.40 Extra Fancy Burbon Santos Peaberry Iuatant ToBtum, per can, 25c and WE carry a general line of all Extracts, from 10c up. So save money No. No. Gooseberries, a good 20o value, now 18 Blackberries, a good 25c value, now 13 Black Raspberries, 30c value, now 18 Red Raspberries, 30c value, now 18 No. No. No. 2 J. M. Strawberries, 30c value, No. 3 J. M. Sliced Hawaiian Pineapple (while they last), 2 cans Gallon Blackberries (the best, while they last), per can Gallon Loganberries (the best, while they last), per can 63 Gallon Loganberries (California), while they last, per can 43 Gallon Peaches, while they last, per can 83 Gallon Apples, while they last, per can 80 Gallon Apricots, while they last, per can 83 No. 2 Nebraska Coi n, 6 cans These goods have advanced In price, so WHILE THIS SALE LASTS. 82 oz. I lot tie of Mogul Preserves and Mogul Sweet Mixed Pickles Mogul Sweet Spiced Pickles Mogul Pickled Onions Mogul Chow Chow Mogul Stuffed OllveB Mogul Queen Olives Beech-Nut Mustard Large Glass Rex MuBtard Mogul Quart Jars of Sweet Pickles Mogul Quart Jars of Sweet Mixed Tickles Mogul Sweet Relish 8 oz. Bottle Premium Ketchup llVi oz. Bottle Ketchup 16 oz. Bottle Beech-Nut Ketchup 16 oz. Bottle Blue Label Ketchup 16 oz. Snlder's Ketchup Gallon Ketchup, per gal Fancy 1)111 Pickles, per doz Extra Spiced Sweet Pickles, per do- Extra Sour Pickles, per doz Chow Chow (mustard pickles), per IttnA ()llva n valna ntr run Bulk Peanut Butter, per lb. 15c; 2 lbs Bulk Cocoanut. per lb 15c Package Quaker Rolled Oats, now 25c Package Quaker Rolled Oats, now Quaker Corn Flakes, now rgo Corn Starch rgo Gloss Starch r. lb. box Gloss Starch for 3 lb. Soda Crackers, for 2&C T.j. Package Crackers,-for Salted Crackers, per pkg We carry many more money-saving The Gene Franzen was an Alliance vis itor between trains Monday. Harry Munger and John Galvln were Alliance visitors Saturday. Mr. McLughln of Marsland was transacting business in town Monday. Irs. Ernest Roaenberger was an Alliance visitor between trains Sat urday. Browne Church, who was very sick last week .is able to be around I iain. Glen and Leo Walker were visit ors ai the county seat between trains Monday. T. Wells came up from Minatare Thursday for a visit with friends at this place. Miss Esther Geiger and Mr. Rus sell Miller were callers at the county seat Monday. C. Schroy departed for Kearney. Nebr., Friday after a week's visit with friends here. Mr. Wanek returned from Alliance Saturday after spending a few days there on business. A. M. Miller returned Monday from lllinoU where he has been for a wveK on nusiness. Mrs. E. E. Ford and daughter Gen- leva came down from Marsland Mon day returning Tuesday. Miss Hattte Kris who has been working in Alliance came up Satur day for a visit with her parents at this place. Fred Hagomaster who has been employed in the mill here the past winter left Saturday for Colorado where he will work. Otto Uhrlg returned from Excel sior Springs. Mo.. Saturday where he accompanied his sister Miss Ida, who has gone there for treatments. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred's of Van Tassell, Wyo., came over in their to make a special yuuiv imlilu MONEY. This 100 lbs :..- :5 63 83 SOAPS Will have to get these SOAPS at these PKICES. chance you NOW. Shaving Stick, 20c value, now COFFEE, COCOA (the best buy. try this) per lb.. .23 I 30 1 FRUITS now 20 . . ..'13 . . .60 40 PRESERVES, JAMS AND JELLIES Price on account of the Sugar Market, and we are going to give you the last WE WILL SELL Jams, a 33c value, for B3 Beech-Nut and October Jellies in Glass, PICKLES, RELISHES, ETC. 15c Values per Bottle. .10 Per Quart Jar .80 , OS 10 28 28 28 85 18 15 15 : pint 18 j . .1H 23175c Bread and 28' Pocket Combs .... 2 tor , .10 .45 .05 .05 .03 .25 25 20 20 articles for you, so come in Standard Grocery Company The Originators of Low Prices car Friday for a short visit with Mrs. Wilfred's slater, Mrs. Ray Brown of this place. The invitations for the reception in honor of the marriage of Miss Esther Geiger to Mr .Russell Miller are out. Both are very highly re spected young people of this place. Watch Your Child for Worms Worms sap child's strength, rob child of food and make child fretful. Irritated, nervous. Watch stool and at first sign or suspicion of worms give one-half to one lozenge Kicka poo Worm Killer, a candy worm re mover. Gives immediate results, is laxative. Paralyzes and removes worms, improves digestion and gen eral health of child. Continue giving Kickapoo Worm Killer until all signs I of worms are gone. 25c at your druggist, i Adv 1 ELECTRIC BOOKKEEPER Voluntary Sentence for Life Given New lt4Mkkeeer Ilitrroiighs at First State Hank The volume of business transacted by the First State Bank had grown to a point where more clerical as sistance was absolutely necessary. CaBhler W. J. Root called the direct ors together and explained the situa tion. "We need more help on our books," be stated. "Business de mands we speed up the handling of our accounts If for no other reason than to give the best service to de positors." When the cry "Help Wanted" was effort to give you a iim uuiv line ror mis period; dui is to appreciate your business. 12 lb. pack graham flour, 12 lb. sack rye flour .... now lb. sack lb. sack Hed Moon pancake flour, Wrights buckwheat flour, 50 bars Diamond C laundry soap, $1.70; per box (100 bars) $3.HO 3 bars of Armour's Buttermilk Toilet Soap, now 13 2 bars of Lilac Rose, Glycerine Toilet Soap, now 13 6 bars of Armour's Toilet and Bath Soap, now 123 1 bar of Williams Shaving Soap, 10c value, now 03 10 AND SPICES WALTER BAKER'S COCOA. lb Bulk Cocoa, per lb can by buying here. IN CAN No. 2 Iowa Corn No. 2 Eastern or Western Tomatoes No. 2 Early June or Sifted Teas No. 2 Empson's Cut Stringless Beans Campbell's Soups Snider s Soups Pink Salmon, 1 lb. can No. 3 Rex Sour Kraut, 15c value, now No. 3 Sweet Potatoes, 20c value, now. No. 3 New Hominy, 15c value, now, Golden Egg Macaroni Golden Egg Spaghetti Golden Egg Noodles Golden Egg Vermicelli i'i oz. bottle of Advona Preserves and a 20c value, for 15 Fancy Fig Bars, 2 lbs. for Fancy Mixed Cookies, 2 lbs. for Large Can Carnation Milk, now 10c Borden's Milk, now 2 for Jelly Powder, 3 for 5 lb. Calumet Baking Powder 15c Cooking Molasses, 2 cans Large Can Jumbo Oysters, 10 oi., 20c 4 oz. Oysters, now, 3 for Crisco, 24 oz., 28c; 2 for Crlsco, 49 os., 55c; 2 for Crisco, 99 oz 10 qt. Dairy Pails, steel clad 12 qt. Dairy Palls, steel clad No. 1 and No. 2 Lamp Chimneys, 3 Galvanized Wash Tuba, 95c and Galvanized Wash Boilers Cold Blast Lanterns Bread and Baking Pans, 2 for Steel Skillets, 2 for 60 Clothes Pins for Large Dish Pans Butcher Knives Pocket Books Peroxide, per bottle Tablets, 5c and 10c Envelopes, package Prince Albert, 1 lb. Humidor prince Albert, l lb. can . . . Prince Albert, 14 lb. can . . Horse Shoe Tobacco, 2 lbs. Star Tobacco. 2 lbs and let us show you the saving you sent out, one application received in response compelled attention because of its originality and evident mreit. It reads as follows: "To the Officers and Directors of the First State Bank, Gentlemen: I desire to present herewith my appli cation for employment as bookkeep er in your institution. I am of ma ture age and of steady habits. I do not drink, smoke, chew or use pro fane language and I am not given to running around nights. My associ ates are always of the highest char acter and I have the best education that money can buy. I am steady, unencumbered and want only per manent position. I was never known to make an error and if anything goes wrong with me you need not pay me a cent. Here is my proposi tion: Buy me outright for less mon ey than it takes to pay an ordinary bookkeeper's yearly salary and I'll get to work at once in your account ing department and remain there a lifetime without further remunera tion. Clerks may come and clerks may go but I'll keep on forever. Yours for beter servtice, A. BURROUGHS. The reading of that application re sulted in bringing Mr. A. Burroughs before the directorate. Buroughs came in arm In arm with several close friends. "Gentlemen," said the agent rep resenting Uurorughs, "allow me to make you acquainted with the most remarkable accountant in the busi ness world today. It's a machine whose life blood Is an electric cur rent, but whose brains warrant it to be assumed to have human Intelli gence and to be even more correct than the human brain." The director at sat forward with chance to SAVE 43 43 now 23 now 43 TODAY these same goods are advanced by the .23 .33 6 cans of each or assorted 3 can 23 per can 15 per can 10 Now 3 packages, 25c; 6 for .48 chance to get these goods at this low Jams, a 35c value, for 23 .23 .83 .10 .15 .23 .08 .25 .50 .25 .55 1.05 1.05 value, 3 for 40 50 for 23 , 91.15 91.75 80 25 25 .10 33 30 10 10 15 10 05 jto .70 .33 .03 .94 can make by trading here. The operation of the Burroughs keen Interest. Bank Bookkeeping Machine was then explained In detail. The attachment of a connection sent an electric cur reiU whirring through the "veins" of the machine and it became alive. It demonstrated its ability to post ledgers and make out depositors' statements with equal facility. It showed how it lists and subtracts checks, lists and adds deposits, and computes the new balance automat ically and in practically one opera tion. The machine is known as the Bur roughs Adding-Subtracting Ledger Posting and Statement Machine and it is certainly a wonderful bookkeep er. It prints dates .adds deposits, subtracts checks and does all the work ordinarily done by hand in much less time, with a great deal more accuracy and neatness. It is impossible for the machine to make u mistake if the operator gives t the correct figures.- In addition to posting the ledgers, making out depositors' statements, in short, keeping the bank's books, the machine can be set simply for use as an adding or subtracting ma chine. The bank management in vites the public to call and see the new Burroughs in operation. Whooping Cough One of the most successful prepar ations in use for this disease is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. S. W. McCUnton, Blandon Springs, Ala., writes, "Our baby had whooping cough as bad as most any baby could have It. I gave him Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and It soon got him well." Obtainable everywhere. Adv May Father Die after Lingering Illnem of Three Month, at ltoe Old Age of 76 Years Redmond Hand of Hay Springs departed this life early Tuesday morning after being afflicted for the past few months with la grippe, which Anally affected the heart, and In spite of the kind care of the friends and near ones, he succumbed to the disease. Dr. O. J. Hand left for Hay Springs Tuesday morning to be present at the old home and at tend the funeral services. The many friends join in extending sincere sympathy to the afflicted ones In this their time of bereavement, especially to the wife, who Is ofthe same age, and will feel keenly the loss of a kind husband and companion. EIGHTH GRADE COMMENCEMENT Exert Isos Will lie Held Thursday, the 231 li, in the Afternoon, at l'helan OjH-ra House lOO EIGHTH GRADi: STUDENTS TO HE TENDERED DIPLOMAS Fifty from Alliance, Nineteen froi Academy, Ten from Ilemingford and Twenty from County About one hundred eighth grade students of Box Butte county will re ceive certificates of graduation em titling them to .enter high school when the annual eighth grade com mencement exercises are held next Thursday afternoon at the Fhelaa opera house. This number includes . the students from the Alliance grade ' schools, the students of St. Agnes academy, students of the Hemingford grade school and students from vari ous school districts over the county. William Ritchie, a prominent young attorney of Bridgeport, has been secured to deliver the com mencement address. Fifty-six of the students of this class took the eighth grade examln- . ations conducted about ten days ago by County Superintendent Miss Opal Russell. Included In these were seven students from the Alliance , schools who contemplate living la , the country In the near future and who could, by taking the examina tion under the county superintend ent, be entitled to high school privil eges after going to the country, free of tuition. In the Central school there are. about thirty eighth grade students, and in the Emerson school about : twenty. These pupils will take th final examination next Monday and Tuesday and it is quite probable that all of them will graduate. The names of those who took the examination under Miss Russell and passed are as follows: Ilemingford: John Walker. Glea Wiltsey, Ruth Wlldy, Lucile Hubs, John San ford Sating, D. W. Pierce, Margaret Unrig, John Robert Add, Adrian Clark and Leo Walker. St. Agnes Academy: Clinton Bren nan. Florence Brenan, Anestasla Glenn, Lorette Hodgkinson, Mary Herman, May Hayes, Gertrude Han ley, Pearl Trabert, Mary McNulty, Esther Miller. Hazel Minor, D. J. Nel son. Agnes Newberry, Frances Pfls terer, Thos. Prichard, Marie Reeves, Florence Vine, Frances O'Connor and Anna Freemuth. Alliance: Gordon Curtis. Robert Macy. Ralph U. Smith. Abraham Barger, Madeline Zediker. Roda Rowley and George Vandervoort. . . School districts over -the county: 124, Sybil Hutchinson; 14. John Huske; 28, Minnie Nicont; 81, Heat ry Berkner and Ada Lock; 30, Olga. Johnson; 13, Vivian Westlake, Vin can Westlake, Ed Nabb, Alice Har ris, and Lizzie Mabln; 78, Rose Bau ers; 123, Lessie Reeves; 117, Idol Peterson; 11, Bessie Riley; 2. Eltoa Harris and Sterling Harris; 45, Clar ence Gahagan; 3, Vera Nason; IS, Grace Carr. An Ideal Spring Laxative A good and time-tried remedy Is Dr. King's New Life Pills. The first dose will move the sluggish bowels, stimulate the liver and clear the sys tem of waste and blood impurities. You owe it to yourself to clear the system of body poisons, accumulated during the winter. Dr. King's New Life Pills will do It. 25c at your druggist. Adv 1 IN T1IK COUNTY CO U I IT Of ltox Itutte County, Nebraska In the Matter of the adoption of Wadsworth Myers, a minor child. All persons will take notice that on the 13th day of May, 1916. Nor bert E. Krenek and Agnes Krenek, husband and wife, filed a petition is said court praying for a decree for the udoption of said Wadsworta Meyers, and that said petition will be heard by said court in the County Court Room in Alliance, In said county on the 19th day of June, 1916. at 10 o'clock A. M. at which time and place objections to the prayer and said petition will be con sidered. Dated this 15th day or May. 1916. L. A. BERRY. (Seal) County Judge. 24-4-723-6757 RHEUMATISM ARRESTED Many people suffer the torture;, of lame muscles and stiffened joints because of impurities in the blood, and each suc ceeding attack seems more acute until rheumatism has invaded the whole system. To arrest rheumatism it is quite as im portant to improve your general health as to purify your blood, and the cod liver oil in Scott'sEumlsion is nature'sgreat blood maker, while its medicinal nourishment strengthens the organs to expel the impurities and upbuild your strength. Scott's Emulsion is helping thousands everyday who could not find other relief. Refuse the alcoholic substitutes.