ATTENTION RANCHERS! We Want Your Horses and Mules We have both Italian and French Inspec tions and orders for all the mules from four to nine years old that we can get that stand from fourteen and a half up to sixteen hands. Our trade on eastern horses is extra good and if you have horses get in touch with US. Grand Island Horse & Mule Co. Grand Island, Nebraska being of sufficient like to contain a boi grave neither a monument or vault being admissible. In these sections there shall be no choice of location and the spaces are uniform and sold In regular order. Section 10. A single grave spare or two spaces adjoining mar be pur chased and reserved for the future use of the purchaser It being under stood, however, that the City of Al liance will not purchase any single grave space or a number of splices. Section 11. All lots shall be sold with perpetual care. Section 12. Owners of graves may cultivate flowers upon them, about hich Information shall be furnished by the sexton. Section 13. Any person or per sons desiring any work done on their lots or sraves shall be required to give n written order for the same to the City Clerk or to the sexton. No lots shall be tilled about the estab lished prude. Section 14. The grading or Im proving of lots and all excavation for vaults, graves or for any other pur pose must be done by the employees of the cemetery for which moderate charges will be made which must lie paid to the City Clerk when ordered. Section lf. No Person or persona J will be allowed to plant on the graves or lots without previously consult inn Mho sexton when he will personally advise with any lot owners. ! Section 16. The City of Alliance have no wish to unnecessarily Inter fere with the tastes of individuals In leV'iird to the style of their Improve ments but in Justice to the Interests of the cemetery they reserve the right to themselves given them by law to prevent or remove any struc tures or objections which they shall deem Injurious to the pood appear ance of the grounds and particularly of the adjoining lots. Section 17. No feme, coping, or inclonire of any kind will be permit ted on burial lots except curbing which must not exceed six Inches In heisht. Brass rhelves, toys, and similar articles scattered upon the graves and lots are Inconsistent with the proper keeping of the grounds and shall not be permitted. Section 18. To prevent Injury to monuments and adjoining lots and to preserve the beauty of the grounds no trees shall be cut down, removed or trimmed and no trees shall be planted on lots without the permis sion of the sexton or the mayor and council. Such work must be done by the employees of the cemetery. The city of Alliance reserves the right to remove any trees, shrubs or plants not growing on the lots. Section 19. For an Interment di rections must be given and the charges paid in advance at the office or the City Clerk and a permit ob tained of such form as may be pre scribed by the city of Alliance. Un dertakers are required to have all or ders for Interments signed by the owner of the lot or someone author ized to represent him and accompan ied by the necessity city permit. Section 20. The charges for In- OKDIKAKCK NO. 218 An Ordinance Creating Street Im provement District No. 8 within the City of Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City of Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska: Section 1. That the following street improvement district be, and the same is. hereby created within the City of Alliance, Box Butte Coun ty, Nebraska: Street Iniprunint DUtrict No. 8 Lots 1 to 6 inclusive, In Block 22, and Lots 4 to 9 inclusive, in Block 15. Original Town of Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska; Lots 68 to 91 Inclusive, County Addition to Alliance. Box Butte County, Nebraska; Lots 4 and 5, Block 12, and Lots 1 and 8, Block 13. Second County Addition to Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska. Section 2. This ordinance sh-ill be In effect from and after its age, approval and publication ac cording to law. Passed and approved this 15th day of May, 1916. Passed first reading this loth day of May, 1916. Passed second reading this 15th day of May. 1916. Passed third reading this 15th day of May, 1916. PENROSE E. ROMIG, Mayor. Attest: CARTER CALDER. (Seal) City Clerk. 24-2M24-6955 ORDINANCE NO. 2320 An ordinance of the City of Alli ance. Box Butte County, Nebraska, providing for and ordering the con struction of paving in paving district No. one in said city, the paving of the alley intersecting Block 16 in the original town, now city of Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska, be tween the south line of fourth street and the north line of Third street of said city and establishing the width of the roadway to be paved, and pro vi ling for and determining the ma terial to be used for said paving, and for plans and specifications for said paving and providing for letting the contract for said paving, and desig nating the property -to be assessed for the cost of said paving improve ment. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the city of Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska: Section 1. That that part of the alley intersecting Block 16. in the or iginal town, now city of Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska, be tween the south line of Fourth street of said city, and the north line of Third street of said city, the same being In paving district Number One of said city, be and the same Is here by ordered paved to the established grade. Section 2. That the width of the roadway to be paved aa aforesaid hall be 20 feet, being 10 feet on eaxh aide of a line running northerly and southerly through the center of aald portion of said alley to be paved Section 3. That the material to be used in the construction of said paving in. said district shall be such as a majority of the owners of lots, parts of lots and pieces of lands in said paving district may determine upon, if such owners shall notify the city council in writing of such deter- ination within thirty days after the passage, approval and publica tion of the ordinance. If such own ers in said paving district shall fail to designate the material they desire used for such paving in said paving district, in the manner and within the time above provided; the mayor and council shall determine upon the material to be used in said paving district. Section 4. That said paving in said district shall be done in accord ance with the plans and specifica tions therefore to be made by the city engineer and approved by the mayor and council. That said pav ing shall be done by contract and said contract shall be let to the low est responsible bidder after advertit- ing for bids therefore for a period of at least ten days in some newspaper of general circulation, published in said city. Section 5. That the cost of aaid paving in aald district, exclusive of street intersections and spaces oppo site alleys, shall be assessed against the lots, parts of lota and pieces of lands in said paving district specially benefitted thereby, in proportion to such benefits, to be determined by the mayor and council, not exceed ing cost of said paving improvement. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and; be in force from and after its passage, approval and pub lication aa required by law. Passed and approved May 15, 1916. Passed 1st reading. May 15, 1916. Passed 2d reading, Ma 15 ,1916. Passed 3d reading. May 15, 1916. PENROSE E. ROMIG, Mayor. Attest: CARTER CALDER, (Seal) City Clerk. 24-2t-725-6956 ORDINANCE NO. 221 An Ordinance of the City of Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska, Fix ing Rules. Regulations and By Laws for the Governing of the Al liance Cemetery and Providing a Name Therefor and Further Pro viding a Penalty Xor. the Violation of aaid Rules -and Regulations. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Council or the City of Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska: Section 1. The Alliance Ceme tery shall be known as the Green wood Cemetery. Section 2. Said Cemetery hall be under the supervision of the City of Alliance who shall employ some competent person whose duty it shah be to have general charge of the grounds and buildings and also to have charge of all employees; to superintend all the planting and gen eral provisions of the grounds and to have general charge of the ceme tery under the dlrectloa of the May or and City Council. Section 3. The City Clerk o? ferment Including the digging of graves shall be as follows: 1st. For children under f years of age, fB.00; 2nd. For children from 5 to 10 years of age. 16.00; 8rd. All persons over 10 years of age, 17.00; 4th. For all graves for vaults, from 10 to $15, according to the size and extra labor. 6th. When the ground Is froien 16 Inches or over, an additional charge of at least $1.50 will be made for adults and $1.00 for small graves. Section 21. No graves shall be opened for a disinterment or remov al by any person or persons not In the employ of the city of Alliance. The schedule of charges for disin terment shall be $20. Section 2 2. All graves (hall be made In rectangular shape and not more than one body will be allowed to be burled In one grave, except In cases where the mother dies in child birth, then the chllil can bo buried with Its mother. For sanitary reas ons graves shall not be reopened ex cept by an order or the City of Alli ance. Section 23. When Interments are to be made 18 hours previous notice must he given. Section 24. No grave shall be dug without a written permit to the sexton from the City Clerk or proper authorities. Section 2 5. No vehicle shall be driven In the cemetery faster than a walk. Funerals on reaching the cemetery shall be In charge of the sexton. Drivers shall remain on their carriages or stand. by their horses during the funeral services. Carriages shall not be turned in any avenue and no horses shall be left without being tied. Any person or persons on horseback shall ride only on carriage was. No omnibuses or motorcycles shall be allowed in the cemetery and automobiles Fhall not he driven at a speed to exceed pIx miles per hour. Section 26. No person or persons shall carry tire arms in the cemetery except at military funerals. Section 27. All persons are for bidden to gather flowers or to break or Injure any trees, shrubs or plants In the cemetery. Section 28. Any person or per sons delivering any material at the cemetery must send responsible men to attend to its unloading which must be promptly done. Section 29. No person or persons shall feed horses or allow their hors es to be fed In the cemetery. Section 30. The sexton shall be appointed a special officer of the law with power to arrest on sight and prosecute all those who violate the foregoing rules and regulations or who commit trespass and the sexton and the employees of the cemetery shall serve as watchmen of the cem etery. All persons are therefore re minded that the grounds are sacred ly devoted to the burial of the dead and that the penalties of the law will be strictly enforced In all cases of wanton or Injury or disturbance and disregard of the rules and regula tions. Visitors will confirm a very great favor to the City of Alliance by Informing the city officials or the sex ton of any breach of the rules that may come under their notice. For the purpose of protecting all persona employed In the cemetery In the faithful discharge of their duties and for the protection of the property of the cemetery the City of Alliance of fers a suitable reward for evidence sufllclent to convict any person guilty of violating the foregoing rules and regulations. Section 31. No monument will b allowed to be delivered or set in said cemetery in the spring until the ground has fully settled and is In proper condition. headstones will be permitted In tha potter's field. Every grave In said cemetery shall tie designated by number and recorded in the cemetery records. This is deemed all that good care and proper management mn permit in this portion of th ground. Section 33. When parties desire (he dirt tn ken from the grave to b removed from the lots during the burial serviie additional charge will be made according to the service ren dered. Section 34. Any person or per sons violating aii of the foregoing rules and regulations herein set out shall be deemed guilty of a misde meanor and lined In the sum of not less than $1 .00 nor more than $100 or be committed to the city Jail until such fine and costs are paid. Section 36. This ordinance shall take effect anil be Inforce after Its passage, approval and publication ac cording to law. reading May hist reading May thinl reading May this irth day of 15tL, 15th. May, Passed 1916. Passed second 191H. Passed 1916. Approv ed inifi. PENROSE K ROMIG, Mayor. Attest : CARTER CALDER, (Seal) City Clerk. NOTICE In the matter of the Estate of Pet er Rubendall, deceased, in the county court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, to all per sons Interested In said estate, take notice that the Administratrix has filed a final account and report of her administration, and a petition for final settlement and discharge as such, which have been set for hear ing before said court on the 12th day of June, 1916, at the bour of It o'clock A. M. when you may appear and contest the name. Dated May 17th, 1916. L. A. BKRRT, (SEAL) Ooanty Judge. Burton ft Reddish, Attorneys. 24-4t-727-7106 Mrs. George Mtlllkem returned Sunday from a two weeks visit with her daughter at Casper, Wyo. said City of Alliance shall keep in his office a complete plat of the lots and spaces In said cemetery for sale showing the prices fixed for the sale of each lot by the City of Alliance; and persons wishing to purchase lots and burial sites shall go to the office of said City Clerk for the Inspection of said plat and the purchase of said lots and spaces for sale. Section 4. The Mayor and four cil shall appoint a Sexton for Bai l cemetery who shall have charge and direction of all improvements in the cemetery such as grading .planting, trimming of shrubs, and trees, laying out avenues and keeping the grounds and avenues in proper order, who shall work under the supervision of the Mayor and Council. Said sexton shall keep in good order all the per sonal property, furniture, carts, wag ons, and other vehicles used in and about the cemetery and also the im plements and tools, etc. Section .1. The City Clerk of said City shall show the various lots that are ready for sale and when an ap plication is made shall arrange for details, regulations, etc. No lot shall be subdivided except by the consent of the Mayor and Council of said city. The sale of lots by owners will not be allowed except by action of the Mayor and Council. The receipts of said cemetery being the principal means for the purchase of lands and the improvements of the cemetery. A competitive interest of lot owners would conflict with the interest of the cemetery. Section 6. The Joint purchase of a lot is not recomended but when It occurs the mayor and council on ap plication in writing may if deemed expedient allow a transfer by having the owner of record re-convey by deed to the cemetery, whereupon new deeds will be issued if desired. The lot owner to pay charges for all conveyances and the recording of same. No transfer shall be valid un til extended on the cemetery records as kept In the office of the city clerk and no transfer on the lot or lots by transfer or otherwise by a lot holder without the formal approval of the mayor and council will be recogniz ed. Section 7. Every grantee in such deed shall have full and legal own ership of his or her lot for the sole purpose of Interment under and in conformity with the rules and regu lations heretofore made or thereaf ter to be made by the city of Alli ance; the owner of any lot may dis pose of it or the use thereof by will and if the owner die Intestate the lot and all rights therein shall descend to his or her heirs in common and equal undivided shares. Section 8. Permission may be giv en by written order and hied with the City Clerk of any owner of va cant burial spaces for Interment therein of others other than the im mediate members of his family pro vided it be not for profit. Section 9. For the accommoda tion of those who do not wish to pur enase family lots certain section of the grounds have been subdivided in to single grave spares which space Wanted! Worsesioses We will have our next Inspection at The Alliance Stock Yards Friday, May 26, and Saturday, Clay 27 The following prices will be paid for accepted horses: Cavalry - -Light Gunners Heavy Artillery - $110.00 - $135.00 $150.00 MULES: 14-1 to 15-1, $100.00; 15-1 to 16-1, $140.00 They will take mules 5 to 10 years old. Try to have your horses well halter broke. No commission charged. Plenty of good pasture can be had at ioc per head a day. Write or wire at our expense for any information desired C. L. Lester St Company Alliance, Nebraska Or Call Phone 104