Paper Your Rooms Now MAKE IT A PART OF YOUR CLEAN UP AND PAINT-UP CAMPAIGN ON YOUR OWN PREMISES HOTE YOUR HOME 5. There is nothing that con tributes so much to the home at this season as clean, sweet, inviting rooms. Our stock of Wall Paper and Other Wall Coverings is satisfactory in range of designs ami prices. Tell Us Your Needs F. J. BRENNAN ARNESS Hand made from beat material. Outlast any factory made goods. Call and aee. Harness repairing by experienc ed harness maker. J. M. COVKRT At M. D. Nichols' stand. AUUtoce B 5S81Sff IP 1 'W 2. Wire Screens for All Purposes In Various Widths RHEIN-ROUSEY CO. Door Screens Screen Time is Here v - - J' Don't put it ofi" any longer. Call up the Foster today and lot us attend to the screen i-euirtmcntH of your home or place of business. FOSTER LUMBER CO. PHONE 650 J. D. HECK, Mgr. rtt1?illlllllllllllllllllllllllM8HlllllllltUMttHintnlllllllllllllltlllllMlllllllllllliUUU j Hot Water Each Morning j 1 Puts Roses in Your Cheeks Musical Column Kdlted by lUlph 11. Unlacke, Violinist with the Alliance School of Music ttmntmntttniiiiiiiniiiitinitinmnmim lo look one's teot and feet one's best' alimentary tract. before puttinir more is vo enjoy an inttme nam mil luorniiiK1 umm into the atomaen. to flush from the svatem the previous day's waste, sour fermentations and poi sonous toxins before it is abnorlied into the blood. Jut a a coal, when it hums, leaves behind a certain amount of in combustible material in the form of aahes, so the fMd and drink taken each (JirU and women with sallow ttkins. liver pots, pimples or pallid com4ex ion. ah thoft who wake lip with a exulted tongue, had tate, nasty breath, others who are bothered with headaches, liiliou spell, acid stomach or constipa tion should hejrin this Dhoenhated not day leave in tl alimentary organs a water drinking and are assured of rery certain amount of indigestible material,' pronounced results in one or two weeks. which if not eliminated, form toxins and j A quarter pound of limestone phoe- poisons which ar then sucksd into the blood through the very duct which are intended to suck in only nourishment to sustain the body. If you want to see the glow of healthy bloom in your cheeks, to aee your skin get clearer and clearer, you are told to drink every morning upon arising, a claa of hot water with a Uasnoonful of limestone phowphate in it, which is a harmlene means of washing the waate material and toxins from the stomach liver, kidneys and bowels, thus cleans ing, sweetening and purifying the entire phate eosta very little at the drug store but is sufficient to demonstrate that just as soap ana not water cleanse, purines ana ireanens the ekln on the ouUkie, so hot water and limestone phosphate act on the inside organs. We must ahrave consider that iuternal sanitation is vast ly more important than outside cleanli ness, because the akin pores do not ab sorb impurities into the blood, while the bowel pores do. Women who desire to enhance the heuty of thair complexion should just try this for a week and notice results. ItYTHM IN Ml'SIO For a long time prtmative man had experienced keen pleasure in bis crude unsystematized and ungrace ful dances, which he kept up for hours at a time, and which were nothing more than a aeries of whirl ings of the body, stamping of the feet, and wild gestures of his hands. These contortions of the savages, known as the savaRe dances, were performed to the accompaniment of the hand clapping and stamping of the spectators In rythmical accents, thereby employing their Innate in stinct for rythm, derived from the u;.ture of all life, In their earliest and lowliest efforts for civilization and culture. One day a savage idly beating two sticks together suddenly pprcelved himself interested In what he was doing by the sounds be was producing from the continued beat lng; and then It was that a different and artificial agency was employed as accompaniment to the savage dances, displacing human means of rythmical accentuation and acniev lng one of the first steps of mental development toward civilization. From that time on all manner of crude devices were made for the pur pose of beating out rythmical ac cents for their dances. Then sud denly a savage, perhaps accidentally, slruck a hollow log and was immeui ately Impressed by the sound given forth, and set about to hollow out logs to be struck for the dances, and the next step was made for advance' ment, for they had discovered that more than mere accents was to be desired .and that was resonance of sound. And so was discovered the principle that hollowness Is the first condition of resonance; and thus be gan the invention of the drum. It was the savage nimseii mat ursi drew a skin over a hollowed out piece of wood and beat it and found the Bound to be desirable; and this style of drum has never been improved up' on to this day. The improvements have been made in the quality of ma terlal used; the length or width of the drum: the tightness of the head; holeB in the sides, and bo on. And so the rythmical element of nature croped out In her highest achieve ment. Man. as among his first at tempts at enlightenment, self-devel onment. and mental expansion. Melody originates at a very early date, so early that It has often been considered prior to rythm. But this, to my mind, can not be, for first, be cause of the close relationship of the rythmical element of nature and the Instinct for rythm in man, man nrsi gives expression to his feelings or emotions in rythmical gestures in the savage dance. Then second, ana what is very important, music may be divided Into three stages first, the drum stage; second, the pipe stage; third, the lyre stage; and this Is the exact order in which they come, and is proved by the savage tribes of today. The lowest of the tribes used the drums only, and In stances of this are found among the savageB of Australia, the Bering na tions, and the Eskimos, ine next higher and more developed savage uses the drums and pipes, while the most developed peoples use the drums, pipes and lyres. The drums are the only musical instruments that were ever used alone. Drums are used with the pipes, and both drums and pipes with the lyre Mythology gives proof of this also for in Greek mythology we find that Athena gives up the flute for the lyre as the flute distorted her face; and Apollo receiving the lyre throws away the flute which he invented and nralses the lyre as producing sweet er sounds ever heard by men or gods, But before that Herodotus tells us of the cymbals used by the Curetes before the invention of either flute or lyre. The cymbals belong to the drum class. Even Egyptian mytnoi ogy corroborates this theory that methods of rythm originated berore melody. And so we may Bay that the root of all music Is in rythmic sound. Besides used for dances the drums were UBed in all religious ceremon les; used by medicine men and wiz ards as possessing supernatural pow er; used to influence the weather, the fertility or sterility of the soil; and in fact for all national or tribal affairs. Returning to the dances it is in- teresting to note the use and effect of the dances upon the spectators and dancers. In the various dances lovemaklng, tilling the soil, and war were portrayed. Even personal hat reds were portrayed and In all of these so vividly and accurately In the gestures that both the spectators and dancers were driven to deeds of vio lence either upon themselves or upon neighboring tribes. There is pretty much of a resemblance between these savage dances and our u'odern rag time, and next week I am going to deal entirely with ragtime, and it is going lo sizzle. You, who have read these articles and If you have been interested, will you not tell your friends of the article on ragtime for next week, for it will be delivered red hot from one long disgusted with that special commodity. Watch Child's t'ougli Colds, running of nose, continued irritation of the mucous membrane If neglected may mean Catarrh later. Don't take the chances do some thing for your child! Children will not take every medicine, but they will take Dr. King's New Discovery and without bribing or teasing. It a a sweet pleasant Tar Syrup and so ef fective. Just laxative enough to eliminate the waste poisons. Almost the first dose helps. Always prepar ed. no mixing or fussing. Just ask your drujfgist for Dr. Klng'a New Die covery. It will safeguard your child against serious ailments resulting from colds. Adv 2 STUDY ftCIF.XTIFIO AGIUCULTUKK AT HOME The time baa passed when ANY- ONE can farm and make a go at It FARMINO IS A BUSINESS and re quires more accurate knowledge than any other business or profession. Ten years from today the agricul tural coleges will be the dominant in stitutions of the country. Are you Interested in a farmT Have you a tenant or do you intend to live on It yourself? In either case It behooves you to TOST YOURSELF. LEARN THE GAME as It Is played today. You would not think of investing in business or running it yourself un less you had first acquired some knowledge of that particular busi ness. HOW ABOUT FARMING? What do you know about it? SCHOOL OF SOIL CULTURE CAMPBELL CORRESPONDENCE You can't go to an agricultural college you are too old, and what Is more to the point, you haven t the time. Hut you can take a course in the CAMPBELL CORRESPOND ENCE SCHOOL and during your spare moments learn everything that you could learn at an agricultural college. You are losing HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS every year by not knowing. GET BUSY. Write at once for our CATALOG NUMBER FOUR and a copy of CAMPBELL'S SCIENTIFIC FARM ER both free. Address: CAMPBELL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL Billings, Montana (jk-nnnii Kv. Lutheran Cong. Church Every Sunday the following serv ices will be held In our church: 9:30 a. m. German Sunday school. 10:30 a. m. Services with Ger man. 2 p. m. Prayer meeting. 7:30 p. m. Services in German. Also every Wednesday and Satur day 7:30 p. m. prayer meetings will be held in our church under the leadership of our minister. During the summer vacation of the public schools German school and religious instruction will be there In German and, if necessary, in Eng lish language. All Germans cordially invited. REV. F. GAFERT. ON IS WEAK KPOT Many Alliance People Have a Weak l'art ami Too Often It's the I tack Many people have a weak spot. Too often it's a bad back. Twinges follow every sudden twist, Dull aching keeps up, day and night. Backache is often from weak kid neys. In such cases a kidney medicine is needed. Doan's Kidney Pills are for weak kidneys. For backache and urinary ills. Good proof of merit in the follow lng statement. Mrs. Thomas O'Neal, S. King St., Chadron, Nebr., says: "I had more or less trouble from my kidneys for several years. I Buffered severely from an attack of lumbago. My back became very lame and painful and I felt tired and languid nearly all the time. Doan's Kidney Pills were fin ally recomended to me and I began using them. I was soon freed from the annoyance." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy-get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. O'Neal had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Adv May Takes Charge of Oil Well A. D. New, former sheriff of Sher idan county, passed through Chadron Sunday on his way to Ardmore, to supervise the drilling of the well of the Ardmore Oil Co. Mr. New doesn't claim to know much about oil, but he is a strict business man, and for that reason has been placed In charge of the work. The com pany has ordered 1,800 feet of eight inch casing, and the drillers are now at work preparing to put it in the hole as toon as it arrives. Chadron Chronicle. Itheuinatlsin If you are troubled with chronic or muscular rheumatism give Cham berlain's Liniment a trial. The re lief from pain which it affords is alone worth many times its cost. Ob tainable everywhere. Adv May LAD1ES!SEGRET TO DARKENJRAY HAIR Bring Back its Color and Lustre with Grandma s Sage Tea Recipe. If you want to build a home see J C. McCorkle and get the money. IIMIIIIII illi Common gnrdeii sage brewed irto a heavy tea. with sulphur and alcohol addi-d. will turn gray, streaked and failed lair beautifully dark and luxuri ant. Mixing the Sage lea und Suiphui recipe at home, though, is troublesome. An i-aier way is to get the readv to use preparation improved by the addition of other ingreilieuts, costing about .r0 c nN a lare bottle, at dru ston-. known as "Wycth's Nape and .Sulphur Compound," thus avoiding a lot of muss. Yi!c "ray. fuJVJ hair is not sinful, wo all desire to retain our youthful appear ance and attractiveness. By darkening your hair with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Couiound, no one can tell, because it does it so naturally, so evenly. You just dampen a songe or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by nioriiing all gray hairs have disappeared. After another application or two your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft snd luxuriant and you appear years younger. Wyeth's Sags and Sulphur Compound is a delightful toilet requisite. It is not intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of dieiK. Sleeping Porches and Sun Parlors Fresh air and sunshine are essen tial to good health. Get all you can of both by adding to your home a cozy sun parlor or airy sleeping porch. Whether you so remodel your present home or build a new one, our many building plans are at your dis posal. They may suggest ideas you might neither think of nor see elsewhere and save you much futile planning, too We can supply promptly, at low est prices, all materials needed from the small alteration job to the complete building. FOREST LUMBER COHP'Y 'n!:ii!iiiiiiinntnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iit;tiiiiti;iiii;iitniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiuii Expert Tailoring Suits Made to Order Cleaning . -:- Pressing I. BELFER Next Door to Newberry's itimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimimiiiiitiiiiimimniminntiiiinnn iH'imiiiiiniinr DYE & OWENS &J Transfer Line llfcl 1 M II I 1 I II 11 III! 1 1 UkKMTVfVIT' M HOUSEHOLD GOODS moved promptly, and Tra A Dray Phone 54 Itaidence phone 636 and Bint 674 1916 A National Park Summer This is going to be a gala season for Rocky Mountain Parks, Glacier, Yellowstone and Kstes Parks all on the Burlington through-service lines. These Parks, with their wealth of scenery, their magnificent "out-of-doors" have gotten their grip on Eastera people. ' - . . Then we have nearby, the Black Hills with their forests and Ht Springs, the Big Horn Mountains with their picturesque old ranchav given over to modern tourists, also the ranch resorts beyond Cody at the Absarokas. THERMOPOLIS HOT SPRINGS In the Owl Creek Mountains, on the Casper-Billings Main Lln, and HOT SPRINGS. BLACK HIIXS are unrivalle in their wonderful waters and rheumatic cures. Send for booklet of the locality and the tour you have in mind. Shall it be Yellowstone, with . its ninety-mile auto scenic tour via the Cody Gateway? Shall it be Glacier Park, the climax of the scenio grandeur of the Rockies? The Burlington is Essentially the Circuit Tour Route for all Rocky Mountain Park Travel. Let the Map Show You. J. KKIDKI.liAl till, Ticket Agent, Alliance, Ne4. Ii. V. WAKKl.l.'Y, (ieneral Passenger Agent lOOt 1'ur limit Street, Ouialut, Neb. niKKKttintinKi:mtKtim82 PUBLIC SALE At the Canton post office and store on the "Whitakcr ranch, 25 nii. west and G mi. south of Hcmingford ; 15 mi. south and 8 mi. west of Marsland; 22 mi. north of ScotUbiuff. THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1916 Skinner's Macaroni Products, mad in Nebraska. Aak your grocer. Adv 75 ' Head of Cattle 75 24 milk cows 5 2-yr. heifers 11 yearling heifers 2 choice bulls. 13 spring calves 1 brood mare 1 young saddle horse 1 yearling mare 1 milk separator 1 spring wagon Other items 11 A.M. Free Lunch Usual Terms M. J. ROCKWELL, Owner Grimes and Coursey, Auctioneers Ttmintim """ tin iiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnif in ii mi i tiiiiniiiiiiiiiiitt