Hit. inniiiunuL ywi.uiiwii IVrtion of Addrvsa on Horning Sub ject, lMlvered hj lp. V. V. Ital ian! lit Havel. k, Manli 22 fly request of one of The Herald worthy subscribers, who knows an Mllrle of merit when he reads It, we ' togln thin week the publication of an Address on "Who Should Marry and Who Should Not Marry." delivered T Dr. C. F. Italia rd on March 22, 116. at Havelock, Nebr. The ad dress la too lengthy to be published la Ita entirety In his issue. It will ti continued during succeeding Is- bos until completed. Ir. ItiillArd's Address "Ia the wicked forsake hla way tad the unrighteous man his Ifcoughts and let him return unto the Lord and he will have mercy upon him; and to our (Jod. for he will abundantly pardon." I believe there is no greater test, ao more crucial test of reputation . and character than a long continued residence in a small community. In the large city, where nobody knows aobody, a man may be black through and through with very little white la him, and yet upon state occasions, at least, he will pnss for some sort of gentleman; but In the smaller com laonity like ours, where everybody knows everybody, the blnck and the white that may be in us is quite ac curately measured, and I sometimes wonder If there Is not an Inclination to exaggerate the black. I make these remarks, dear friends, freely admitting that I feel a little timidity. Just a little tinge of mbarassment. In appearing before a audience of old-time friends and acquaintances, to talk along lines of oclal and moral race betterment, nd I know of no other way to re lieve myself of this embarrassment ban that I be Included here tonight m one of the audience and what Ut ile may be said will, therefore, ap ply to the speaker as well as to the .hearer, and when I repeat the ad monition of the prophet, "Let the wicked forsake his way and the un righteous man his thoughts," I am speaking to I la Hard as much as to oy of you. One thing, my brother, -ay sister, I think you will agree with ate, and that Is that if It were possi ble to make a practical application of the admonition that Isaiah made thousands of years ago, to the heart M every man and woman In llave ,)ock, Nebraska, In America, It would fee the greatest boon that could pos atfbly come to the moral and social welfare of our community. Some time ago Dr. Richardson of London made the remark or the statement that perhaps no class of Individuals, no class of men. cut down through the veneering and see fce rotten wood of society like phy jalcians do. and having been a follow er of the medical profession for more han thirty-seven years, I might say he observations I have made during iat time, coupled with a little study perhaps along these lines, might be termed the predisposed cause, and Ibe little skirmish Into which I was unexpectedly drawn last summer in flallfornla might be termed the ex citing cause of this effort on my part. 1 begin my talk, Mr. Mayor, Ludies and Gentlemen, with the proposition arhlch I believe Is Incontrovertible. 1feat the home is the unit of govern ment; that the American home, if you please, Is the unit of the Ameri can government. If this be true, it Must logically follow that whatever Influence the home will Influence the government; that Is to say, if a Majority of the homes of America .are good, then the government will fte good. If, on the other hand, the Majority of the homes of America n evil, then we can only expect that the government will be evil. If large preponderance of the homes f America are righteous and Ood learing homes, then we can expect Ails government to be a righteous. God-fearing government. If, on the wantrary, tha large preponderance of fee homes of America are unright eous, wicked homes, then we can but -expect that this government will be an unrighteous, wicked government. If this line of reasoning is correct, H becomes apparent right on the on t that we inquire very closely Into what this home is, this unit or gov ernment. What is home? What ahould It be? If I can take you in my mind's rye down a little stroll in the avenue, we will see the truth or falsity of William T. Slead's state ment of iso ne years ago. Mr. Stead wrote that a home ahould provide three things. It should provide food, it should pro vide raiment, it should provide shel ter. We star down Ihe- avenue, and we coon co i e to a beautiful mansion, a magnificent structure. We stop, we admire its grandeur. Its architectur al beauty, and while standing there, w mi on the front porch talk- It.- . . n ot. He sees that we are 1. 1 mi I ind invites us up, takes us tlf. u-.-'i e beil'ling. We 'ell hit: I , li ; t 'plfidid lioni -. an Jil i b f ' l' UiiiK we take a caret in in.nio.) of what we (ind in the mansion, ; iid we tiud there is a man an I a w: an. a canary bird, a par r h po 'le dog and a thomas cat. Tie se 4ic they we rind in this man tiion Mi . i -e to be clothed and to be fed and sheltered. We v n a little farther to the end of the avenue and we come t i bwuuttful little cottage. Kverythin is clean an I tily about the premise. It ! iMitti white. On the west side la a vine growing; on the south l the porch, a honeysuckle; out in tlf yard we find a man working with hi ehrubbery, and down further in tl lot we .- i wo. nun feeling chic' ens. We say to ourselves, what beautiful little cottage this is. win beautiful home, and we begin ton versatlou with the man. and we t' ! him that he has a fine Utile home and he takes us around, through tlx house, in the barn, and just befoi we leave we again take an inventory and we find in this beautiful Utile cottage a tube rose, a Jersey cow, it flyi.outh Rock rooster and six hens This, together with the man and wc man, are they that are lo be fed ai.' clothed and sheltered. der out from the town and we see In the distance a little cabin. We watch and aee the smoke curling up from the clay built chimney. We get a little closer, and we see clapboards Instead of shingles. How they are warped and curved from the mois ture and the sun, and we say to our selves, what a dilapidated, wretched place that Is. We go to the door and we rap. When we rap, we see a hole bored in the door, a string comes through, somebody on the Inside calls, "Hello, pull the string and come In." We pull the string which lifts the latch, and we go In. We see that cabin Just at noon time. A long table made by two dry goods boxes turned bottom side up, two boards nailed on top of these boxes. No tablecloth ,and about some homemade stools, a nail keg, a small box to sit on, not a chair in the cabin. In the middle of the table we nee a large tin urn full of soup, and we see some little tin cups around the table, and they call the children in for dinner, and there Is Adam, Alex ander and Ueorge, and Jacob and John, Mary, Elizabeth and Marguer ite, Amelia I forget the other one's name, but there were five boys and five girls. There was the father and mother, five boys and five girls In this little cabin without anything in sight for maintenance. These were they that were to be fed, clothed and sheltered. I trust, my friends, I have briefly given you a bird's-eye view of our social conditions today, and yet we haven't found home. We have sim ply found the places where the peo ple live. What, therefore, Is home? What is this home, the unity of my govern ment? The very nature of a physician's calling takes him into a good ninny homes, and I remember one time ko lng Into a home, and Just as soon as I opened the door, I Baw a motto. "God IHesB Our Home." I am quite sure I never saw a motto, "The Devil Take Our Home." I recall that I visited In another home. I saw a motto. "What Is Home Without a Mother?" and I have occasionally seen a companion to that motto, us ually off to one side, sometimes ac tually behind a door, that, was, What Is Home Without a Father?" A long, long time ago, I saw another motto, "What Is Home Without a Baby?" Don't see any n.ore nowa days, not very often. It Beems to have become quite unfashionable, perhaps has gone out of print alto gether. What does this mean? ('all It sentiment, call It science, God, fa ther, mother, children, they In my opinion are the elements to create a home. That would be such a home, that would he a right kind of a unit for this government of ours, and around a home formed as this, made of these elements, clusters the fond est and tenderest memories, the closest and sweetest sympathies, the literature Is full of today. (Continued next week) Itlieiiiuatic Pniu (Stopped The drawing of muscles, the sore ness, stiffness and agonizing pain of Rheumatism quickly yield to Sloan s Liniment. It stimulates circulation to the painful part. Just apply as directed to the sore spots. In a short time the pain gives way to a tingling sensation of comfort and warmth. ' Here's proof "I have had wonderful j relief since I used your Liniment on I my knee. To think one application gave me relief. Sorry I haven't space I to tell you the history. Thanking you for what your remedy has done for me." James S. Ferguson, Fhilada, Fa. Sloan's Liniment kills pain. 2Ge at druggists. Adv 3 Coin Production The secretary of the U. S. Depart ment of Agriculture In his opening statement of the Year Book for 1915 discusses the unusually large produc tlon of the agricultural crops of the United States for the previous year; the wheal crop being 128,000.000 bushels greater than ever before; hte corn crop only exceeded by that of 1913; the oats crop the third larg est on record; the potato crop beinn the second in size in the history of the nation; the barley crop the sec ond largest on record; the tobacco crop only exceeded by those of 1909 and 1910; the hay crop the second largest and the cotton crop the great est. The total production being $83 000.000 more valuable than any pri or crop. W. D. Myers of Louiv ille. Kansas, is vlsitiim his sister. Mis. O. D. Hobhs. He arrived Tuesday noon and will spend some time here. Miss Winifred Hobbs accompanied her Histtr. Mrs. C. C. Rice, to her ranch ho;ne near Antiorh. Monday. Miss Holdis expects to remain all uninier. "JIZ" GLADDENS fflflE jp FEET "TIZ" makes sore, burning, tired feel fairly dance with delight. Away go the achea and pains, the corns, callouses, 11 inter and bullion. "TIZ" draw out the acids and Miftons that puff up mir feet. No nut tier how hard you work, how I long you dance, how far you walk, or how long you remain 0 your feet, "HZ" brings restful 1 foot comfort "TIZ" is won- aching, swollen, smarting fwt. You feet just tingle lor joys shot never Lurt or eem tight. , j Gt a 25 cent box of "TIZ" now from any druggist or department store. Kni foot tort i re frrwfF-.r i-maller slioea, k p vr. - f t U,j. t nnitvwii.lt I W I knew Wt wnw Price Asked Cause Husplclon on rt of Purchaser, Who Noti fies Police Because George Bell, a transcient, offered to sell a fine new pair of sil ver spurs for half a dollar Instead of ffi he land In the city Jail Saturday afternoon and was fined $10 and costs Monday morning by Judge Rob erts on charges of stealing the spurs. The dealer to whom Bell offered the spurs for sale suspicioned him as soon as he named the price and a few minutes later Marshal Wheeler wae locking him In the city Jn 11. Bell claimed he bought the spurs from a parly unknown to him for 40 cents and was merely trying to make a dime on the transaction. A few minutes after Bell was lock ed up complaint was made to the po lice department by W. I. Rust that a brand new pair of spurs which had been left hanging over the horn of the saddle when hlB horse was tied on Box Butte avenue a few minutes before, had been stolen and the Btol en property was awaiting him when he came to make the complaint. WHAT CATARRH IS It has been said that every third person has catarrh in some form. Science has shown that nasal catarrh often indicates a general weakness of the body; and local treatments in the form of snuffs and vapors do little, if any good. To correct catarrh you should treat it cause by enriching your blood with the oil-food in Scott's Emulsion which is a medicinal food and a building-tonic, free from alcohol or any harmful drugs. Try it. Scott A Bowne, Bloom field. N. J. iOm1 I toads Maps The National Highway Association of Washington, D. C, has sent out maps showing the proposed fifty thousand miles of national hignways. Their slosran is "Good Roads Every where." Their efforts will be direct ed toward national appropriations for the building of a network of nat ional roads in each of the states, and over which the United States will as sume Jurisdiction in the building and maintenance. They will also ad vocate Blate, county and town or township roads, believing that the accomplishment of the proposed highways wil dlouble the wealth of the country and treble the happiness and efficiency of the people. It is u noticeable fact In Nebraska that a majority of lite good looking com fortable homes are built along the good roads, the majority of the de serted houses are on the bad roads. Everybody enjoys a good road and detests a poor one. This is one question on which all of our people; unite, therefore we are all In favor of "preparedness" by unanimously advocating better roads, believing! the national government will reap far 1 greater reward by spending the mon-i ey In this manner than for an ex treme war footing. To Kid Child of Worms Don't scold the fretful, nervo.ut child. Often U'h duetto worms. Get rid of these by giving one-half to one lozenge Kickapoo Worm Killer, a lax atlve worm candy, (iive only plain, nourishing food, lots of out-door ex ercise and put to bed early. Watch stools and continue giving Klckapo Worm Lozenges, they will positively remove the worms. 25c at druggist. Adv 3 tioveriinient lind (MMiing 1 Upon the recommendation of Sec retaries Iane and Houston, the pre ident has signed an order excluding about 15,864 acres from the Clever land National Forest, California. The order provides for the restoration to the public domain of the public land therein, which will be subject to set tle i.ent under the homestead laws in advance of entry from 9 o'clock a; m., June 26 until and Including July 23, 1916, and thereafter to disposi tion under any public land law appli cable thereto. The excluded lands are in the southeastern part of California, in San Diego, Riverside, and Orange counties. The lands are reported to have some agricultural value. For detailed information communica tions should be addressed to the reg ister and receiver of the United States land office, at Los Angeles, California. If Mtn ViM ML-In f'loni ntwl HaltHf There is only one way to have a clear, healthy complexion and that is 1 to keep the bowels active and regu lar. Dr. King's New Life Pills will make your complexion healthy and clear, move the bowels gently, stimu late the liver, cleanse the system ami purify the blood. A splendid spring nii'diciiiH. hi your (liUKKim. Adv- 3 Klirnl lligl HclltMil A ureal i i.petus is being piven to iip'.tl hiMii schools by the present public school administration. During the past year 191 such schools have been organized. Many more are ex pected during the coming year. Sup erintendent Thomas is concerned about the welfare of the public schools of Nebraska and realizes thn' something musi be done to lighten the burden of taxation for school purposes in many of the districts. The rural high school promises to assist in materially lowering taxation I Mch will be appreciated by those! ,r-' : jl I'. " thnn one-half j f the total rt!:oint taxed for s.iiooi.-. ''or the year 191". more th:i 1 2K " "It of tic St:il;- Wilf "Vie I fo'1 !' iivrsily and Normal school pu' poses. Kdwir.r. " v fr-iiii I'u j'-r ('. 1-MwarK I'o'! lerly n!e 'reman :it ih Air.-inc" stork yards vhn moved with his family to Cas-- -, Vyo., jbout a year airo, returned o Alliance pitM'eay niahi with his v f-- n h ihy f"r a visit with friends ' alx lit ten days. They will no 0111 A:'inr' 10 Kt't-'Morth. where D' y wil! visit h for l .-tu' iiinu to their home at Casper. National Swine Show, which Is to be I held at Omaha, In October, goes to J. C. Meese, Ord, and Poland Chinas are the breed entered. Therefore j Nebraska occupies Its usual position at the head of the procession. Ijltw'ft Hold PI no Mwra William Lisco, well known Garden, county stock man, on w eaneartay, Ap ril 26, had nineteen steers on the South Omaha slock market that av eraged 9T.9 pounds and sold at $8.65, and also five heifers that averaged 968 pounds and sold at $7.60. Civil Service Kxam I nation Coming United States civil service laminations are as follows, for Al liance: May 16 Expert In commerce and finance, for both men and women, salary from $2,000 to $2,500 per year. May 17 Assistant to expert In commerce and finance, both men and women, salary from $1400 to $2000 per year. June 7 Technical assistant, male, salary $1200. Physical metallurgist, male, salary $6 to $8 per day. KIDS VS MAIL BOXES Otlcns Complain That Hoys Have lleen Meddling with Mail Police 011 Trail Boys who have been meddling with mall In the mall boxes at the outskirts of the city are likely to find themselves In a controversy with Uncle Sam. Tampering with mail be longing to other people la strictly forbidden under heavy penalty and whether these boys mean any harm or not. Uncle Sam is no respector of persons or intentions, and should the lads be caught it will go hard with them. A number of citizens who live at the outskirts of the city where the sidewalks have not been extended have placed mail boxes at the near est corner where the sidewalks run in order to have their mail delivered by city carrier. Some of these peo ple have complained lately that their mall has been opened, stolen or de stroyed and they are quite confident that the work has been done by lads more in a spirit of daring or devil ment rather than with any idea of thelt. The officers are looking out for the offenders and no matter what the. In tentions the boys will have to answer to charges preferred by the federal government If caught. TemiicrK Examination The regular state teachers' exam ination will be held at the court house in Alliance on Friday and Sat urday, May 19 and. 20. The reading circle on Saturday afternoon. Alav 20. OPAL RUSSELL, County Superintendent. may 4-11 1 ATTENTION RANCHERS I BSSSBSS ZSSSSSSMtBSSSSSS Tl We Want Your Horses and Mules 1 ; iri Wc have both Italian and French Inspections and orders for all the mules from 4 to 9 years old that we can get that stand from 144 up to 16 hands. Our trade on eastern horses is ex tra good and if you have horses get in touch with US. Grand Island Horse & Mule Company Grand Island A Change at the Foster Lumber Co's Yard I the slock in all lines and are adding several new lines. Here after you will find stock on hand in sufficient quantities to make immediate delivery on any order. We. want to double the business of the Alliance yard dur ing 1916 and will make inducements in the way of first quality lumber in large assortments at prices that will not fail to bring the orders. We want you to feel at liberty to call for an estimate or to consult us with regard to any building you contemplate doing and assure you that we will be glad to render you any service or assistance in this way possible free of charge and we will not expect you to buy here unless wc can show you that it will be to your advantage. Rest assured that we will make the FOSTER the place for you to buy building material. FOSTER LBR.COMP'Y By J. D. When in Need of Glasses We Can Duplicate Any Lens To The Public: I have taken over the management of the Fos ter Lumber Company's yartin Alliance and wish to announce to the pa trons of the company and to the people of this vicin ity that wc arc enlarging Heck, Mgr. DRAKE &DRAKE OPTOMETRISTS N:bra:ka