The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 01, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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The Atlas Tanks in the Log and the Finished Product
Train Load of Redwood Logs at Factory of the Atlas Mfg. Co.
Atlas Redwood Tanks are Guaranteed for 20 years
Ask any one that knows anything about 1 lie lasting
qualities of California Redwood and you will be convinced
that it is not good business judgement to buy a tank that
will rot or rust out within a few years when you can buy
an Atlas California Redwood Tank at the prices we offer
Atlas Tank Manufacturing Co.
1102 W. O. W. Bldg., OMAHA, Nebr.
Live Stock Sanitary Board
One of the Most Necessary and Effeclent of All the Boards
Operating Under the Nebraska State Government.
jF i ''
V J :
President Nebraska Live Stock Sanitary Board, South Omaha, Nebraska
Personnel of the Hoard
Of all the boards and official posi
tions filled by appointment of the
governor of the state, the Nebraska
Live Stock Sanitary Board occupies
the position of most importance to
the live stock interests. In making
the appointment of members of this
board, Governor ftforabaad baa aa
t04 m t r0fiM4 ttuity who
are rendering the stockmen of Ne
braska valuable service In carefully
and we think wisely looking after
their interests. In the discharge of
their duties some questions arise on
which opinions differ as to the best
course to pursue, but such matters
are carefully considered and decided
4ttr being looked at from every
Tlewpetot of tt rtoebi&tQ and fann
ers, as well as others interested in
the live stock Industry.
The governor of the state Is ex
officlo head of the board. The other
members, who are appointed by the
governor, are: J. II. Bulla, South
Omaha, who was recently re-appointed
to the board and re-elected presi
dent of it; Dr. J. S. Anderson, Lin
coln, state veterinarian and secretary
of the board; Dr. C. A. McKlm, Lin
coln .assistant state veterinarian; II.
C. Prlchard, Falls City; John A.
Berg, Pender; Alexander Burr, Pull
man; L. W. Leonard, Pawnee City.
J. H. Bulla, president of the Ne
braska Live Stock Sanitary Board, is
a dealer in live stock at the South
Omaha market. He Is president of
the Live Stock Traders' Exchange at
that place, and also a candidate for
the legislature, being one of the dem
ocratic nominees for Btate represen
tative from Douglas county, a posi
tion which he has already filled with
ability. His platform is brief, being
one of the shortest that we have seen
anywhere, and is as follows: "Do
what the people want while in office."
Two new Quarantine orders were
recently issued by the Nebraska Live
Stock Sanitary Board, that are of In
terest to the large majority of read
ers of this paper. One relates to the
shipment of horses Into the state,
ana the other of cattle, sheep and
hogs from territory east of the Mis
sissippi river. They are as follows:
Rules Governing Horses
Under authority conferred on the
Nebraska Live Stock Sanitary Board
by the laws of the state of Nebraska,
this order is made to and hereby does
revoke and supercede any and all
orders which have heretofore been
mad or authorised by the board,
and walch ara or mar bay bead 1
conflict with this order.
It is hereby ordered that horses,
mules and asses .consigned to points
in the state of Nebraska from any
point or points within the United
States, may enter tho state of Ne
braska without restriction, and it is
further ordered that the rule of this
board requiring physical inspection
on horses, mules and asses entering
this stat is hereby revoked and no
longer in force.
This order shall be in full force
and effect from and after midnight
of April 26, 1916, until revoked by
order of this board.
(Siguod) J. ir. BULLA, President..
J. S. AnderEon, Secretary.
Kules Covering Cattle, Hogs,, Sheep
Under authority confered on the
Nebraska Live Stock Sanitary board
by the laws of tho state of Nebraska,
this order is made to and hereby does
revoke and supersede any and all
orders which have heretofore been
made or authorized by this board,
and which are or may have been in
conflict with this order.
It .Is hereby ordered that order
known as quarantine order No. 13 of
this board is hereby revoked and of
no effect after this date.
It is further ordered that any and
all orders prohibiting the importa
tion of cattle, sheep, other ruminants
and swine from territory east of the
Mlssislppl river which have hereto
fore been prohibited entrance into
the state of Nebraska are hereby r
vaked and such live stock may come
Into the state of Nebraska under
rules promulgated and issued by this
board and published by the Bureau
of Animal Industry in bulletin issued
December 11, 1916, known as "State
(Continued on page I)
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