MAT, 111! IIENKFITH OF MKMHERSIIIP (Continued from pae 2.) tng anything belonging to members of the N. 8. O. A. He might steal a steer belonging to a member and get away with It by skinning it and burning the hide, but he can't ship It to an open market without getting caught. Other Heannna for Joining Association There are other splendid reasons why all Nebraska ranchmen and oth ers Interested In the live stock In dustry In thla state should join the association, all of which cannot be mentioned In one issue of the paper. Brand inspection Is a matter of groat Importance to all who are in danger at any time of losing their cattle by being stolen or straying. Some of the good work of the association ben efits stockmen who are not members as well as those who are, by making it dangerous for cattle thieves to try to operate in this state, but no one has a right to expect the benefit of brand inspection provided and paid for by the association unless he Is a member. Many other benefits of member ship In the N. S. O. A. might be enumerated, but they can all be In cluded, In a general way, in the good that comes to any line of Industry or biiBlnesB when those engaged In it are in touch with each other. They are ready then to act conjunctively on short notice when occasion re quires, which would be practically impossible without organization. We refer our readers to another article in this Issue under the head, "Necessity of Union Among Stock men." UNION AMONfl STOCKMEN (Continued from page 2.) June 20 and 21, followed the balance of the week by a fine public enter tainment consisting of an exception ally attractive program of races, con tests and other sports. Alliance is planning to give you the best time you have ever enjoyed a? one of these conventions. You are cordially invited to make the office of The Herald Publishing Co. your headquarters while In the city. Special provision will be made for your comfort and convenience. APPLICATION FOIt MEMBERSHIP to Mall to Chas. C. Jameson. Secy.. Ellsworth. Nebr. Annual Dues $2.50 .and 3c a Head Assessment on Cattle and Horties. Date Name PoBt Office No. Cattle County Assesed in Brands PKFDE OP THE SAND HILLS Our frontispiece this month Is a view on the ranch of Huffman Bros., well known stockmen of McPherson county. We have been claiming that the best stocker and feeder stuff on earth, or as good as the best, is found in the ranch country of western Ne braska. The picture tells the same ator7. and the prleea paid at the live stock market, prove It. illy" Sunday in Kansas City The revival there of the world-renowned evangelist starts out as a record-breaker in some ways. Many readers of this paper will want to read about it, hence we have made special arrangements for them to do so, as will be seen by reading the following. He is preaching two or three times daily to thousands of people who crowd the big tabernacle on the same ground where he used to play league base ball. All the news about it; his sermons in full, pictures and descriptions will appear in The Weekly Kansas City Star We have made special clubbing arrangements with The Weekly Kansas City Star, to continue only till June 1st, by which we practically give that pa per ONE YEAR FREE, to readers of this paper who wish it, but you must no tify us NOW. . . . Here is our SPECIAL OFFER for the balance of this month: To The Alliance Herald subscribers, both old and new, paying one year In advance, THE WEEKLY KANSAS CITY STAR, FREE ONE YEAR. To The Nebraska Stockman subscribers, paying one year in advance, THE WEEKLY KANSAS CITY STAR, FREE ONE YEAR. Don't Wait-Do It NOW! The Weekly Kansas City Star is one of the biggest and best weekly newspapers in the United States. Clean, ably edited, enterprising. A paper, for the office and the home. We will also receive subscriptions for it at a very low price, from per sons who may wish to subscribe for it alone. ALD PUBLISH ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA HER IE Fifteen decad,s sweep us up to the , Church on Law and I w for' Z . L?..? I aTr'the. far East