Auctioneer I wish to announce that I have apain engaged in the business of auction eer and will be pleased to communi cate with anyone desiring such ser vices. My experience dates back for several years and I have cried many successful sales in the past. For dates and terms phone or write- Jack Miller ALLIANCE NEBRASKA Men and Women Wanted-Government Positions Forest assistant, Industrial teacher, Junior engineer, land law clerk, teacher, telegraph operator. Examination March IB. Stenograph er and typewriter February 26. Quick preparation Is necessary. You Can Learn by Mail at Home, Study at Night. Wouldn't you like a Job for life with a steady Income of J 75 to $100 or more every month with a good chance for promotion? Then why not get it? We guarantee to prepare you for any civil service position, city, state or federal coach you free until you get the pos ition. Send for particulars. CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL Klttredge Bldg., Denver LOUR made in western Nebraska from wheat grown in western Nebraska. Housewives should use GOLD LEAF HIGH PATENT Sold in Hemingfoid by: C. A. Butlew, C. Lockwood, D. W. Butler, N. Fiohnapfel and B. K. Johnson. Sold in Alliance by: A. D. Kodgers, Win. Hamilton and Mal- lery 's. FOREST ROSE HIGH PATENT Sold in Hemingford by: C. A. Hut-lew, C. Lockwood, P. W. Butler, N. Fiohnapfel and B. K. Johnson. SNOWDRIFT HIGH PATENT Sol.l by L. H. Highland, Alliance. We stand behind these high class brands of good flour. If you are not a regular user give them a trial. Hemingford roller mills A. M. MILLER, Propnetor STATE EXPENSES FOR FIRST QUARTER, 1916 (Quarterly Itoport of State Auditor William II. Smith Shows Kx penses $1,421,811.85 Lincoln. Nebr., April 25 State Auditor Wm. II. Smith has Just Is sued his first quarterly report of state expenditures for the present year beginning with January 1. The report shows that the state expenses for the past three months amounted to $1,421,841.85. This total includes $454,411 of school apportionment made In January. Without this dis bursement from the state treasury, which Is only Indirectly a part of Mate expenditures, this amount In cluding bond Interest, game and fish licences, Interest and leases on school l.mds and miscellaneous licenses, the expense of conducting the state's af fairs, Including the state university and other educational Institutions, will be less by $145,000 than the previous quarter, or a total of f 986,- 77;5. rs against $1,107,220 for the three months preceding. During the quarter Just closed the university ex ponded $339,468.81; the four state normals. $85,637.66; while the board of commissioners for the fifteen state institutions spent $350,481.32, in cluding $33,122.07 for permanent Improvements. The balance of $221,- 196.79. which does not Include the school nportlonment, comprises all other state expense, both cash and general fund. GRAY HI BECOMES DARK AND BEAUTIFUL Try Grandmother's Old Favorite Recipe of Sago Tea and Sulphur. Almost everyone knows that flag Tea nd Sulphur, properly compounded, brings back the natural rotor and lustre to the liair when faded, streaked or jrrny. Years ago the only way to gvt this mixture was to make It at home, which i ?iiisy and troublesome. Nowadays we simply ask at any druff More for ""Wreth's fcape and Sulphur Compound." You will get a large bottle of this old time recipe Improved by tho nddition of other ingredient for about 50 cents. Kvenliodv uses t!ii prepara tion now, because no otic can possibly tell that vou darkened your liuir. as it does it so naturally and evenly. You d urn pen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your liair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair disappears, and after another appli cation or two. your hair becomes beauti fully dark, thick and glossy and you look years younger. Wyeth s Sse anJ Sulphur Compound is a delightful toilet pcouisite. It is not intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease, HARM SS Hand made from best material Outlast any factory made goods Call and see. Harness repairing by experienc ed tixrness maker. J. M. t OVERT At M. I): Nichols atand, Alliance K . w - - -n Kli'J-r'aWW 3tl Right on Your Own Farm The OilPull Tractor will cut the drudgery of farm t. a .4,,. form mat, for the simrle reason that the OilPull is a year 'round proposition. It saves money plowing, harvesting, threshing, hauling, drilling and at other power jobs, 1S-30 and 30-60 Horsepower The OilPull burns cheap kerosene or distillate at all loads, at any kind of work. It is throttle governed theic no fuel waste, the power is steady and uniform. The OilPull is oil-cooled no danger of radiator freezing. It is easy to operate any intelligent person can run it after a httla instruction. The 15-30 has two speeds for road work. Advance-Rumely Garr-Scott Line, FULL LINE OK THRESH KH REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES F. A. CLARK, Representative ALLIANCE PHONK HLACK 7 Catarrhal Deafness Cannot lie Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one way 10 cure catarr hal deafness, and that is by a consti tutional remedy. Catarrhal Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or 1m perfect hearing, and when It Is en tirely closed, Deafness Is the result. Unless the inflammation can be re duced and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing will be de stroyed forever. Many cases of deaf ness are caused by catarrh, which is an inflamed condition of the mucous aurfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure acts thru the blood on the mucous sur faces of the system. We will give one hundred dollars for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot be cured by Hall's Ca tarrh Cure. Circulars free. All druggists, 75c. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Adv April 1,275 POI NDS COFFEE IN THREE MONTHS FOR STAT1 Lincoln. Nebr., April 22 The board of commissioners saved about $1,000 .n the coffee bill for tho tif teen state Institution? last wet. i .v ery three monthB the board buys something like 15.275 pounds of this article on competitive bids. Hereto fore they have paid 25c per pound and have divided the purchase among several bidders. However, bid was aubnitted at the last quar terly meeting quoting a price of 18 cents on a sample of coffee which the board considered, after giving it a thorough test, was as good as any they had paid 25 cents for in the past .and as a result one firm will get the entire allotment this time. ATTEMIT TO ERADICATE DISEASE A MONO HORSES Lincoln, Nebr. .April 25 The Live Stock Sanitary Hoard is prepar ing to make another vigorous assault on the disease Known as aourine among horses. The quarantine In the northwestern part of the state was lifted some time ago, and at that time it was thought that the disease hud been practically eliminated, but there are indications that It is still prevalent to some extent In Isolated parts of the state. A supreme effort will be made this summer to tbor oughly eradicate It altogether. Registered Hereford Bulls Three two years old: three year lings. These are good bulls in good condition and priced very reasonable for immediate sale. Come and see them. FRED E. THOMPSON One and one-half mileB east of Thed- ford, Nebraska. 19-U-6856 DRUGS EXCITE YOUR KIDNEYS, USE SALTS Roys' Potato 8cIhh1 Members of the state boys' potato club will be eligible to attend the bovs' potato school which will be held annually In the northwestern part of the state, beginning next snrlnK. The school will last four davs. Instruction will be furnished by the College of Agriculture, and will Include lectures. laboratory work, and inspection trips to potato fields and storage cellars, only mem bers who have successfully complet ed the season's work and made prop er final report may attend. Severs eonnticB are offerlnK free trips, In eluding board and lodging for two o more boys who rank high In thei county club. Membership in thi club is open to any boy In the state between the ages of 10 and 18 wno will raise not less than an eighth o an acre of potatoes of his own. An plication for membership may be sent to the Potato Club, Agricultur al College, Lincoln. No application will be accepted after May 1. Safe Medicine for Children 'Is it safe?" Is the first question to be considered when buying cough medicine for children. Chamberlain's Couch Remedy has long been a fav- lorite with mothers of young children as it contains no opium or other nar If your Back ia aching or Bladder cotiCt and may be given to a child as bothers, drink lots of water and eat leu meat it When your kidneys hurt and your back feels sore, don't get scared and proceed to load your stomach with a lot of drugs that excite the kidneys and irritate the entire urinary tract Keep your kidneys elean like you keep your bowels clean, by flushing them with a mild, harmless alts which removes the body's urinous waste and stimulates thera to their nor mal activity. The function of the kid neys is to filter the blood. In 24 hours they strain from it 600 grains of acid and waste, so we can readily understand the vital importance of keeping the kid neys active. Drink lots of water you can't drink too much; also get from any pharmacist about four ounces of J ad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glatis of water before breakfast each morning for a few days and your kidneys will act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes Bnd lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for genera tions to clean and stimulate clogged kid neys; also to neutralize the acids in urine so it no longer is a source of irri tation, thus ending bladder weakness. fad Salts is inexpennive; cannot in jure; makes a delightful effervescent lithia water drink which everyone should take now and then to keep their kid neys clean and active. Try this, slso keep up the water drinking, and n' doubt vou will wonder what became o. i vour kidney trouble and backache. Potato Improvement Campaign A five weeks' campaign to improve the potato ii;riustry in western Ne braska watTlr.'unrhwl April 17 in Box Butte .I).wen, Kimball and Sheridan ! counties under the direction of the .county agricultural agents. Illus trated lectures, seed treating demon strations for the control of disease 1 and the establishment of potato im prove : ent demonstration plots will be included in the campaign. ' The six steps in potato improve . ment as outlined by the agents are 1. Use pure, atandard varieties for , seed. 2. Select seed free from disease. 3. Treat seed potatoes to control and eradicate disease. 4. Use proper cultural methods: practice rotation. 5. Grade for market. 6. Store in disinfected cellars with proper ventilation and temperature. rnnflrlentlv as to an adult. It pleasant to take, too. which Is of great importance when a medicine must be given to young children. This remedy in most effectual In re lieving coughs, colds and croup. Ob tainable everywhere. Adv April Agricultural Engineering Huilding It is expected that the contract will soon be let for the new agricul tural engineering building to be erected this year at the University Kami. The main wing will consist of two stories and a basement 76 by 1P0 feet, the rear wing, of one story, 84 by 140 feet. Besides the regular class rooms and offices, the new building will contain carpentry and force chops, drafting rooms, and laboratories for experimental and re search work. The basement will be fitted up for testing the draft of wagons, plows, and other machinery by actual u-. The barement will also contain five wells Sb feet deen for testin? farm iu:. !!.' plants or any lift : '' heis.-!i" of tank. An auto obile laboratoiy nd a steam engine testing plant will be other prominent features or me buil'liu-i. The equipment will De an arranged that tractors ma be run on d i urns at full speed. YOUR kAMs Is it on our subscrip tion list? We will guarantee you full value FOR YOUR MONEY 1 a&wo K a m. "V' 'I ' (foV c(dman - -font A(rmje wf ajctA? artd, matitctt itmhv So it uouv- THE "HOSS" KNOWS THAT THE MAN WHO 18 PUTT1NO MONEY IN THE HANK IS NOT WASTING TIME SPENDING IT. HE MUST HE ON THE JOI1, HE KNOWS THE VALUE OF HIS JOB AND HIS TIME HE DOESN'T I-OSE EITHER, HE KNOWS TIME IS MONEY HE WANTS MONEY. WHEN HE GETS IT HE PUTS IT IN THE HANK. IT IS RAPE Til EH E. IT HELPS TO HAVE A HANK HOOK. HAVE ONE. BANK WITH US We pay 4 per cent interest on Time Deposits. FIRST STATE BANK ANNOUNCING The Opening of Our Fully Equipped f!t "7i V . .! V .!-; ' fef-i Columbia Grafonola ,X Department I 'Ic' f. E. Holstan Hot Water Each Morning Puts Roses in Your Cheeks '"..- .-v i A, : ' . T 4. Spring Soring is looked upon by many as the most delightful season of the year, but this cannot be unio or inf rheumatic. The cold and damp weather brings on rheumatic pains which are anything but pieaaani. They can be relieved, however, by ap plying Chamberlain's i-inimeni. u talnable everywhere. j Adv April ! V iitiurft: 11 fo look one's lt and feel one's bet' sllmcntary tract, befor putting mora is to enjoy an inside batn each morning; food into the stomach to flush from the system the previous day's wsnte, ur fermentations and poi snous toxins hefore it is abrled into the blood. Just as coal, wbn it horns, leaves behind a certain amount of in combustible material ia tbe form of ahcs. o the fuod and drink taken each Girls and women with sallow skins, liver spots, pimpfea or pallid eomptea ion, sko those who wake up with a itd tonmie. bad taste, nasty breatit. lot hers who are bothered wits headaches, biliou spells, acid stomacD or enstipsv tion should begin this phMpuatt-d not day leave in tbe alimentary organs a water drinking and sra assured of very certain amount of mdigpstiM msteriai..prononncci resnits in one or i www. wliich if not eliminated, form toxins and A quarter pound of luneatene phoa poisons which are then ukd into the phato coats very little at the drug store bloud through the very dui U which arejhtit is umcint to demonstrate that jusl iutended to suck in only nourishment to as soap and not water oieanse, purioew sustain tbe Ixxiy. If you want to see the glow of healthy bloom in your checks, to se your skin get clearer and clearer, you are told to drink evsry morninv upon arising, a irlaa f hot water w-ith a tannonfu) of limestone phoephate in it. which is a barm lea means ol washing the waMe material and tosins from the stomach, liver, kiJnevs and ltoweln, thus chwns- ing. weetening and purifying the cutirc and freehens the 4dn on the outside, so hot water and limestone phosphate act on tbe Inside organs. We must always consider that Internal sanitation is vast- ly more important than outaide clean tt m'ss, hecause the akin pore do not ab sorb impurities into the blood, whiW tha bowel pore do. Women who desire to cathance tha beauty of thtir compleiU should just try this for a week and notice results.