The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 20, 1916, Image 5

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Darlington Itailronrf Will Hun Nix---In
I Trnln for Itajrtltt Ohiyimi
IIihi at Minneapolis
The nurliriEton railroad has been
alerled by the various home and for-i
en mission societies, aflinaled with)
4a napttst church to run a special
train for the Northern llaptlst con
vention to be held May 17-24, in,
Minneapolis. 1
The Northern Baptist special will
Bw one of the handsomest trains ever
assembled, and will carry the most
nod em equipment, Including dyna
ao baggage car, reclining chair cars,
tourist sleeping cars, standard draw
la room and compartment sleeping
cars, dining cars and a "lounge" car
of the latest design. The special
will leave Chicago Tuesday, May 16,
t 6:30 o'clock In the evening and ar
rive In Minneapolis the following
Indications are that the conven
tion this year will be largely attend
4, and the program now being com
pleted Is one of exceptional Interest
to all Interested In the work of the
various associations. It has been
planned that Chicago will be the
point of rendeivous for delegates, es
pecially those from the southern and
eastern states. Included In the as
sociations to be represented by dele
gations are the American Baptist
Foreign Mission Society, American
Baptist Home Mission Society, Wom
en's Baptist Home Mission Society,
Women's American Baptist Foreign
Mission Society, American Baptist
Publishing Society, and the American
Baptist Historical Society.
Former KNsworth.Muin, Who Moved
to Florida Several Months Ago,
Is In Alliance This Week
Iko M. Shrlner, former well known
western Nebraska man, who moved
to Largo, Florida, several months
.ago, la in the city for a stay of about
ton days on business. Mr. Shrlner
will spend part of the time at Ells
worth, his old home.
Mr. Shrlner reports that Mr. and
-Mrs. McCluer are getting along fam
ously at Largo In their new home.
Its Sweet, Juicy Flavor Is
Wholesome, Satisfying
and Lasting
In order to really enjoy tobacco
you want to taste the flavor.
There is only one way you can
do this and that is by chewing it
And the most wholesome and
most satisfying form of chew ever
invented is high-grade pressed
u, like Old Kentucky.
A fruity-sweet chew of Old
Kentucky has more satisfaction in
it than a whole plug of ordinary
Take choice Hurley leaf sun
ripened mellow and luscious
press it into golden-brown plugs
by the most modern methods,
without allowing a particle of the
natural juice to escape and there
you have Old Kentucky, the per
fect chew.
There's no other plug tobacco
made that has the delicious, appe
tizing, wholesome flavor of Old
Your dealer has Old Kentucky
in ioc plugs. Get a plug today.
Eiamlruitlon Will Bo Held In Alli
ance for Post Office Car
rier, on May 13
The United) States civil service an- i
nounces that an examination will be
held In this city on May 13 for a city ,
carrier. This position pays from j
$1800 to $1200 per year. Full In
formation regarding the examination
can be obtained at the local postof
flee. Other civil service examinations to
be held In Alliance are:
May 16 Cartographer, male, sal
ary $1500.
May 17 Clerk to commercial at
tache and clerk qualified In modern
languages. Market station assistant.
$1,000 to $1,400, both men and wo
men. Head nurse, operating, fe
male, salary $480 per year and
board. Oil gauger, male, salary II,
200. Clerk qualified In modern lan
guage, male, salary $900 to $1000.
Instructor In patters making and
foundry work, male, salary $900.
Shop apprentice, male, salary $480
to $540. Entomological Inspector,
male, salary $1,000 to $1,740. Clerk
to commercial attache, male, salary
$1,500. Assistant alloy chemist,
male, salary $1,620.
May 17-18. Heating and ventila
tion engineer and draftsman, male,
salary $1,200.
Spring Is looked upon by many as
the most delightful season of the
year, but this cannot be said of the
rheumatic. The cold and damp
weather brings on rheumatic pains
which are anything but pleasant.
They can be relieved, however, by ap
plying Chamberlain's Liniment. Ob
tainable everywhere.
Adv April
Charles Schotte left this morning
to make his home on his claim at
Gillette, Wyo., which land he recent
ly filed on. He will arrange for Im
proving surroundings there and after
he has a home built his wife will al
so go there to live. We trust Mr.
Schotte will be contented and quick
ly have things to please himself and
noptist hurch
Dible school, 10 a. m.
Preaching, 7:45 p. m.
Special Easter service Sunday
Young people's service, 6.45 p. m
W. It. Harper went Sunday noon
to Denver for a few days' business
trip, and while there secured the
services of an experienced dry goods
man, who will assume duties the first
of the month In the Harper depart
ment Btore.
Eyestrain Will
Affect the Mental
and Physical De
velopment of Your
Many parents, while particu
larly careful of their children's
health and food, neglect en
tirely the condition of their
eyes! While the children's
eyesight may appear normal,
often there exists a strain or
weakness that seriously affects
the health. This condition is
aggravated by study and school
work and In time will result In
serious trouble.
A visit to a competent Op
tometrist will determine the ex
act condition, and if any defect
exists the trouble can be cor
rected. We make a specialty
of eye troubles and will give
expert advice and competent,
reliable service.
Drake & Drake
:tl:t4 llox Itu tie Ave.
The Churches of Our City to Give
Hatter Irtgnun Kvery Ses
sion to lie Appropriate
We are giving this week a detailed
writeup of the services which are be
ing planned for the different church
es of Alliance, suggestive of the Eas
ter season and festivities, and are
glad to present this to our readers,
feeling that the interest shown on all
Sides will be a source of gratifica
tion to the workers whose efforts
make such Interesting programs pos
Immaiiiiel'ft Lutheran Church.
Hev. Titus Lang, pastor of Imman-
uel's Lutheran church, has given us
this schedule for the observations of
Easter tide with his people. The serv
ices will begin with Good Friday,
April 1, held at 10:30 a. m., in mem
ory of the suffering and death of our
lxrd and Saviour Jesus Christ.
On Easter Sunday, April 23, there
will be confessional services at 10 a.
m., and festival service in German
with sermon and celebration of Holy
Communion at 10:30 a. m. The
great theme of the sermon and of all
the hymns, chants and prayers, will
be, "The Lord's Resurrection, his
victory over death, the devil, hell and
all its host."
The pastor extends to every Ger
man a most cordial invitation to at
tend these services, to celebrate and
rejoice together.
llaptlst Church.
At 10 o clock Sunday morning, the
regular session of the Sunday school
will be held at the Baptist church,
and following this will be an Easter
program as follows: Opening hymn,
"Coming, Coming, Yes They Are" by
the school; scripture reading by Rev
A. A. Lay ton; an exercise and song,
to include (a) Missionary moving
pictures the seven wonders of the
world, by Intermediate boys, (b) Lit
tle stories in rhyme, Junior girls, (c)
Happy Christian children. School; a
loss dri!l with Euster lilies by Jun
ior girls; solo, "Jesus of Nazareth",
Mrs .C. H. Fuller; reading. "First
Euster Message"; song, "We've a
Story to Tell the Nation," by school;
announcements and offering, and
flowing with an address by Rev. Lay
ton. pastor.
w mm
mmw wifniT
mum nui
Open sluices of system each morning
wash away the poisonous, stagnant
matter, says authority.
Fat Cattie Slow to 10 Lower-
Butcher Siock Steady
A glass of hot water with a teaspoonful of
limestone phosphate in it, drank each
morning before breakfast, keeps
us looking and feeling fit.
Life is not merely to live, but
to live well, eat well, digest well,
work well, sleep well, look well.
What a glorious rendition to
attain, and yet how very easy it is
if one will only adopt the morning
inside V.ttb.
l olks who are aivustnned to
fet'l dull ;u:l !r;ivy when they
arise, splitting headache, stuffy
from ji cold, foul tongue, nasty
breath, acid stomach, can, instead,
feel as fresh as a daisy by open
ing the sluices of the system each
morning and flushing out the
whole of the internal poisonous
stagnant matter.
Everyone, whether ailing, sick
or weli, should, each morning,
lefore breakfast, drink a glass
of real hot water with a teaspoon
ful of limestone phosphate in it
to wash from the stomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels the previous
day's indigestible waste, sour
bile and poisonous toxins; thus
cleansing, sweetening and puri
fying the entire alimentary canal
lefore putting more food into
the stomach. The action of hot
water and limestone phosphate
on an empty stomach is wonder
fully invigorating. It cleans out
r.l! the sour fermentations, gases,
waste and acidity and gives one
a splendid appetite for breakfast.
While you are enjoying your
breakfast the water and phos
phate is quietly extracting a largo
volume of water from the blood
and getting ready for a thorough
Hushing of all the inside organs.
The millions of peope who
are lothered with constipation,
bilious spells, stomach trouble,
rheumatism; others who have
sallow skins, blood disorders and
sickly complexions are urged to
get a quarter pound of limestone
phosphate from the drug store,
which will cost but little, but is
sufficient to make anyone a pro
nounced crank on the subject of
internal sanitation.
heep Receipts Unusually Heavy and
Trade Decidedly Droggy. Bid
Ranged From 10 to 25c Lower Than
Last Week on Lambs, Best Light
Weights Reaching $11.50. California
Spring Lambs Brought $14.00.
Union Stock Yards, South Omaha,
April 18, 19 J 6. Cattle receipts were
tolerably liberal, about 6,100 head.
and the quality was good as a rule,
Demand waa not as urgent as expect
ed and bids and sales were largely a
dime lower than last week. Best
beeves brought 9.30 and the bulk of
the fair to good cattle sold at a spread
of $S.759.15. Cows and heifers were
generally steady and the same wu
true as to stockers and feeders.
Quotations on cattle: Prime beares,
99.2009.40; good to choice beeres,
18.90 9.10; fair to' good beeres, $8.65
8.85; common to fair beeves, $7.75
08.60; good to choice heifers, $7.60 &
S.S5; good to choice cows, $7.25S.00
fair to good cows, $6.2507.25; can
cars and cutters, $4.0006.00; real
carres, J7.5u10.60; bulls, stags, etc.,
$6.00 8.00; good to choice feeders,
$8.0068.60; good to choice stockers,
$7.75 8 25; fair to good feeders.
$7.50(218.00; common to fair feeders,
$6.50(97.50; stock heifers, $6.758.00;
stock cows, $6.25r7.25; stock calv
$7.00 8.50.
Hog Prices Take a Tumble.
There was a good, liberal run of
hogs for Monday, about 11.000 head.
and all classes of buyers insisted on
lower prices. Trade was slow in get
ting started and when once under
way values were generally around
6610c lower than Saturday. Best
j butcher weights brought $9.55 as
against $9.65 Saturday and the bulk
of the trading was around 9.309.60
as against $9.3509 60 on Saturday.
Sharp Break In Lambs.
Receipts or sheep and lambs were
Unusually heavy for the opening day
f the week, some 16,000 head being
yarded. Buyers were slow la going
after the stuff and bids were any
where from a dime to a quarter lower
than last week. Choice California
spring lambs reached $14.00 and beat
corn feds $11.50. MuUon grades of all
.kinds were slow and unevenly lower
! and It took all day to effect a clear
' anee.
Quotations on sheep and lambs:
Lambs,, good to choice handy,
911.25611.60; iambs, fair to good
. bandy, $11.0011.25: lambs, fair to
i choice heavy, $10.5011.10; lamb,
! clipped. $8.2569.00; ylgs., fair to
choice light, $9.2510.25: ylgs., fair to
choice heavy, $8.5069.25. wethers,
i fair to choice. $8.0069.00; ewes, good
: to choice. $8.35tt8.75; ewes, fair to
MethiMlist Church.
Celebrations of Easter Sunday will
!enin with a half-hour sunrise pray-
r meeting conducted by the Epworth
At 10 a. m. Prof. Pate will assem
ble the Sunday school, at which there
Mil be good music. At this session
very Sunday school member will be
irivileged to bring one egg, or more,
inl these collected are to go to the
lethodist hospital in Omaha. We
iii'lerstand that Prof. Pate is to tell
why we eat eggs on Easter, and un
uhiedly all will be interested in
'his item as well as the other sessions
of the day.
At 11 a. m. an Easter program will
"e given, followed by the baptism of
children, reception of members and
t. general cnurcn raiiy.
The evening service will consist of
i concert by the choir.
Every one without a church home
ir otherwise inclined will be heartily
welcomed to these services, and a
profitable day Is anticipated.
Cam tuAruAlv. tvovu cvrvvj
IwoJjJj and 3tWvoo.
l9cAWtt CouruxAxr.
is one in which the mer
chant himself has implicit
faith else he will not ad
vertise it. You are safe in
patronizing the mer
chants whose ads appear
in this paper because tneir
goods are up to date and
not shop worn. : : :
Live Wire Directory
of Real Estate dealers free with
one year's subscription to the
Real Estate Exchange
the best real estate paper. The
paper with 1000 sale and ex
change propositions and lire
clean general real estate Infor
mation. Time limited. Write
for sample copy now.
Belle, Mo.
. Matthew's fhiirch.
The Rev. William Carson Shaw.
lean, will hold services at St. Mat
thew's church on Good Friday, Apri?
21. The litany, penitential office,
will be at 10 a. m. on Friday, and ev-
ning prayer and sermon will be a'
8 o'clock.
On Easter Sunday, April 23, Holy
Communion will be given at 7:30 a
m., and again at 11 a. m. A child
ren's service will be held at 3:30 ir
the afternoon. Evening prayer at
7:30. The Dean will preach at the
11 o'clock and 7:30 services Sunday,
and the Easter message which he
. ill proclaim will no doubt be an up-
io his hearers.
Odd Fellows Will Celebrate Ninety-
Eighth Anniversary of Order,
on April 24th
Alliance Lodge No. 168. 1. O. O. F.
l celebrate the ninety-eighth a
versa ry of the order at the Od
yellows hall on Wednesday evening
rri! 26. On the program will be
usical features, speaking and re
The sneakers of the evening and
.ir subjects are: Rev. J. B. Cams
..iMietits of Odd Fellowship"; Kev.
: J. Young, "Moral Influence of the
rler"; Lloyd C. Thomas. "Growth
I Development of the Order ; Dr.
. II. Ilellwood, "Results Arrom-
.;. h d by the Order."
A YtloiiU Ataet
f Yur Bulacsg
W Help Our Cus
tomers to Success
With Presentable,
ii a en without
Since 1SS5 In Kansas City. I have
successfully treated thousands
of cases of Varicocele, Hydro
cele, and allied troubles. The
knotted veins, pain, enlarge-.
ment, weakness and other,
symptoms auickly disappear.
Write for Illustrated book
"Without the Knife" and full particu
lars free, sealed. .Call or address
or. wHiniERPrUnniinrn
i NaamaMaLI an a
The Imperial
II. A. DUBUQUE. Managers
High Class Concert and Dance
Prices on Members of
Application A. F. of M.
Shipped to us brtaahlahMt prlc.
3ulckat return. TANNIN O-W
o the world's bat Uanlng at mod
erate prices. Tacs and prices fur
nished. Kefercnce Any Bank In Stous. Ctt)
111 Water 81 Bloux Lily. la.
I.B4 fcORMft
aai.u ton rHft Ikart i
full if-t-Atxi thoaBidb
iMhad) lMiicn J '
and Bimtani aw
Write tat lllt'4 book-
smmm cut. ale.
Knowing that you trv insun-d
in the
makoK your recovery from sick
ness and accident more pleasant
Representative for western Ne
braska. All claims settled per
sonally and promptly
' good. $7.7568.35.