A FIREMEN'S SMOKER . F. Tiller Co. THE OLD REUMBLS: Nothing1 Over Alliance- Volunteer Fire DciAr1mcnt rimming on Hntertalnnicnt for Members nml lliislnoss Men BT23 1 Nothing J t I v o JIG, BAKIH6 PWUfDE Absolutely Pure MADE FROM CREAM OF TARTAR mm IL11 Skinner's Macaroni Products, made la Nebraska. Ask your grocer. Adv. Miss Ella Hood went to Antioch Wednesday to enjoy a tew days' Tlslt with friends. - v F. M. Broome of Valentine has teen a pleasant caller on Alliance irlends a few days this week. Real Estate, Loans and Insur ance. F. E. REDDISH, Reddish Block. 15tf-6727 Mrs. Ed. Castle's mother arrived Wednesday morning for a visit with her daughter and family and with ther friends. ' S. II. Fink of the firm of Stephens A Fink, and his brother. H. H. Fink, were called to Elgin Tuesday by the serious illness of a sister. Attorney William Mitchell return ed from Denver Saturday morning, having been called there by the 111 aess of hlB father, who Is much im proved. D. W. Hughes, of York, Nebr., has keen spending a fewdays this week ta our city, having been away from home a short time with Bome very ftae horses which he was successful tn disposing of. M. B. Brown of Marple was in Al liance last Thursday, a patient at one f the local dentist offices, and also .looking after business affairs. " He seports that the season looks promis ing already. The alteration sale at Darling's is ommanding a great deal of atten tion. Seasonable goods on sale dur tag this week at a money saving dis count. Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Mahaffy are the proud parents of another addi tion to their happy family a nine sund boy born Tuesday afternoon.' We are not sure whether the doctor has decided to make a dentist out of Hie young chap, but we feel that the bright little fellow will be pleased with his surroundings. Ninety-eight cents for a Five Dol lar Picture at Darling's. W. S. Leonard left Saturday to take a position In one of the printing shops at Lincoln. A good time to buy pictures for the home. See Darling's display win dow. . D. A. Foley, who was at one time a Burlington dispatcher at Alliance and later first assistant postmaster under Ira E. Tash, is visiting friends In the city. Pictures worth five dollars now on sale at 98 cents at Darling's. Mrs. E. E. Barr and Mrs. Bertha Selfridge, of Hyannis, are expected tomorrow for a several days' visit with friends In Alliance. C. E. Howe of Antioch, Nebr., was a pleasant caller at the Herald office the latter part of the week, and while In our city attended to secur ing final proof on his land near An tioch. Mrs. M. M. Reynolds returned Tuesday morning from an extended visit with her people and old home friends in Omaha. She was absent about two weeks and reports a pleas urable outing. The Eastern Star kenBlngton was held Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Thelps, and she was assisted in serving by Mrs. Hobbs. A nice mu sical and literary program is report ed and the social time was emjoyed. Have you seen the display of 98 cent pictures in our window? Geo. D. Darling. W. C. Rundln, of Crawfordv pastor of the Congregational church- of Crawford, secretary of the Crawford Chamber of Commerce, secretary of the Crawford Trl-State Fair Associ ation, and president of the associated Commercial Clubs of Western Nebr aska, is In Alliance on business today. At the regular semi-monthly meet ing of the Alliance Volunteer Fire Department, held Wednesday even ing, It was decided to hold a smoker apd wrestling and boxing tourna ment at the department club rooms Friday evening, May 12, which will ' be attended by members and business ! men. j .. New officers of the department In-; stalled for the coming year were: F. , D. McCormlck, president; P. T. Rolf son, secretary; George -Hellman, chaplain; Leonard rilklngton, chief; Lloyd Thomas, assistant chief; George Reiser, trustee; Vivian Hall, conductor: Charles Weaver, inside guard; George Waldron, outside guard; R. C. Gladson, treasurer. The department voted to purchase a new boiler for heating the plunge, and the committee was Instructed to do so at once, In order that the plunge may be ready for opening for the T. P. A. convention, April 28 and 29. Over j 5-10 and 25c Store In CIiIiia CrVtckery and (iIass Wart Easter Sale S SATURDAY AND MONDAY, APRIL 10T1I AND ITT1I SALE HTART8 AT 10 A. M.80MB; DIQ V ALU EH. LOOK Til KM OVKH VICTOR STORE OPENING Opening Day at National MunIc Sup ply Company's Store in Alli ance Was Monday Meat Platters, gold band, 25c to 11.00 value 7v China Cups and SaUcers, at ' Gold band Covered Butter Dishes, at Vegetable Dishes, 26c values, at Plates and Plaques, beautiful line Salad Dishes, plain or scalloped, 25c to 60c values, at Cups and Saucers, extra hard clear granite, good shape and quality, at 9c 9c 9c 9c 9c 9c Seml-Porcelaln Jugs, 26c value, at .. , 7 Piece Berry Set, 11.00 values, each piece 7 Piece Chocolate Set, 86c value, each piece , Cake Plates, imported China, 5c to 76c values, at , Footed Sherbets, at 0c Cut Star Tumblers, at , Glass Vases. 1 5c to 25c valuss, at Glass Easter Eggs, at 9c The new Victor Store of the Nat ional Music Supply Company recent ly opened In this city with John Wlk- er as manager, held 4helr formal op ening Monday. - Vlctrola music, the latest records on the market, was played all day, with Miss Eva Duncan In charge. The rooms, opposite the post office, were prettily decorated for the occasion. Large numbers of Alliance people visited the store and enjoyed the mu sical treat. Mr. Wlker has a large variety of machines and a big supply of records already on hand, and reports that several of the highest priced ma chines will be received the latter part of this week. March Fines f t61 Police Magistrate T. D. Roberts' report for the month of March filed with the city clerk shows 8161 fines, $46 Judge's fees, 836.30 marshal's fees, a total of 8241 for the month. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of an Order of Sale Issued by the Clerk of the District Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska, in an action wherein George A. Crlm Is Plaintiff. and John Pelter and Arthur N. Smith are defendants; I will at 10 o'clock A. M. on the lF.th day of May, 1916, at the west front door of the,Court House In the city of Alliance. Box Butte County, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the following described lands and tenements, to-wlt: The Southeast Quarter (SE4) of Section Twenty-five (25), Township Twenty-six, North Range Fifty (50). WeBt of. the Sixth Principal Merldl an. In Box Butte County, Nebraska Given., under my hand this 12th day of April, A. D. 1916. C. M. COX. Sheriff. Box Butte County, Nebraska Norvas Bros, and B. F. Oilman. Attorneys for Plaintiff. 9c 9c 9c 9c 9c 9c 9c 9c Sanitary Glass Dippers, at Salad Bowls, best values in crystal ware SALE OF EASTER TOYS, NOVELTIES Rabbits of cotton and paper mache, sitting, running and standing; and other noveltlew all hare to make the children happy. , . Chicks and Ducks, the fluffy, downy kind, true to life, assorted sites and positions. Handled Baskets and Nest Novelties, many shapes and colors. Easter Egg Dyes for coloring real eggs. Let the children make their own selections. Our toys and novelties are displayed so they can. It will help fill their hearts with Easter Joy. SALE OF EASTER rOST CARDS ' We have hundreds and hundreds of the best ever sold, the kind that will. speak the glad Easter tidings.. t SALE OF EASTER CANDY The gift of Candy Eggs to little folks, a custom that grew from the Easter Legends of old. Is perpet uated today In making of Immense quantities of Candy Eggs. At Tiller's Candy Department you will find cream eggs, marshmallow eggs. Jelly eggs, chocolate eggs all lrreslstably delicious, pure and wholesome. Here also you will find Easter Sweets for the one who knows good candy. Every pound as a gift a delight ful expression of the Easter sentiment. Not only Saturday the 16th and Monday the 17th will bargain be found on our counters, but every day. Visit our storeto get that habit will save you time and money. Merchandise exchanged or money refunded. . . , New Easter Neckwear 10 and 25C Watch the no Store Windows The Latest in Sheet Music Arriving . Weekly r IBE WIHHHIIimiHlllllllllllllimiin'1 iitmiiiiiimimiMMinmmnminrmtrm iliillll llHlimiHIlllHliny Cor All New W. B. Models No. 422 regular $3.00 value, special " 485 44 2.25 44 44 " 449 44 125 44 " 459 V 1.50 44 44 1457 44 - 1.00 44 44 1400 44 1.00 ' 44 $2.19 1.59 1.59 1.00 .89 .75 Underwear Specials 75c value Union Suits 59c 40c value Union Suits 29c Ladies Gauze Vests 35c values 19c values 2 for Special Line at 25c 25c 10c EASTER MILLINERY SALE Our entire stock will be included in this sale and every thing marked down to sell quickly. A splendid oppor tunity for you to buy a hat at a bargain. SALE STARTS SATURDAY R E G A N OPERA HOUSE BLOCK nil UPMINRFflRn nFP'T m IILIMIMUI UIIU UL.I II (I Mr. and Mrs. Flncher were In from the ranch buying supplies Monday. Mrs. Williams and son from near Canton were In after supplies Tues day. I Mrs. Saling went out to the Fred Davison ranch last week for a few weeks visit. j Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Hockey and i Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pitman ajitoed to Alliance Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Franzen went to Edgemont Sunday for a week's visit with relatives'. Mrs. Kinsley and daughter Miss Esther were east-bound pasHengers Tuesday, going to Alliance. Mrs. George Baker has been hav ing quite a siege of grippe and ton silitls the past couple of weeks. Mix Ella Brown got her hand hurl quite badly one day last week on a nail, which is causing her considera ble trouble. Jark Burns, candidate for nomina tion at the Democratic primary next Tuesday, April 18, has spent several days in and around town the past week. April 13 Mr. and Mrs Walt Wed del were In from Sioux county Tues day for a visit to Mrs. Weddell's mother, who has been quite ill the past week. Mrs. Carrie B. Canfield received a message last Thursday morning stat ing the Illness of her mother, Mrs. II. L. Bushnell. She left for her home the same day. Dr. Franklin has been visiting friends in town this week The doc tor is pretty well known here, hav ing visited our town twice before with his show company. Mr. lBssel Is lying critically ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Brad Fenern. Mr. Bissel suffered a stroke of paralysis over a week ago and has been growing weaker since. (Later Mr. Bissel passed away Tuesday night.) i Chris Keehner, who has been em ployed by the Forest Lumber Co. as helper for the past year, has been transfered by the company to Colo rado Springs, where he will fill a like position. Elmer Nohe gets the posi tion In the local yards. New Rug Patterns $18, $20, $25, $27.50 Wilton Velvet, U dy Urus s. Ta'-rstrs Mrns-U. Axminsters, Inl i'kI Linoleum, in aUTm-iitr ru, per yard $2..f Hitchen Linoleum. n-w pattt-rnts. ;t p r aul $l.5( W. R. Harper Department Store Skinner's Macaroni Products, made I THIS is a picture of an English bakery of the fifteenth century. That was a lone time ago and things have changed since then. Among these changes is that ot preparing food. We know how to make Bread and Roils of a kind that makes eating a pleasure for the people ot this community. They have the home flavor, and their use avoids the drudgery of home baking. They invariably bring our customers back for more. ' ' Quality and cleanliness art the twin mottoes of this bakery at all times. Stephens and Fink Successors to Nohe Bakery and Cafe 3 i iiii;iiiiiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiiii:uinuiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiii jimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii In Nebraska. Ask your grocer. Adv.