tttffittfflttmtmrtm is a Beauty This Newest 4 Model 75 F. O. B., Toledo 61 .00 Roadster S5&5.00 Electrically Lighted and Started Many people prefer a car that Is smaller, lighter and more economical to run but with the ad vantage of a larger and higher priced car. Thla Overland Model 75 Is a comfortable family car with virtually all the advantages of the larger and higher priced cars at a price which Is well within your reach. It has powerful motor; electric starting and lighting system; high tension magneto Ignition; 104 Inch wheelbase; cantilever springs; four Inch tires; demountable rims; streamline body design. It la handsomely finished In solid black with bright nickel and polished aluminum fittings. Five ad alts can ride comfortably. The tires are four Inch all around because we believe in the advantage of large tires. Thof insure greater mileage and comfort than can be obtained from the smaller size used on other cars of similar specifications. It has demountable rims with one extra. This car Is very easy to handle. It responds quickly. Anyone in the family can drive it. The electric switches are conveniently located on the steering column. This is the same ar rangement ased on the highest priced cars. It has the easy working Overland clutch which any woman can operate. The pedals are ad ustable for reach. The steering: wheel is large and turns easily. ' The brakes are large and powerful. In sfcort, there Is everything that makes this car up-to-date and comparable with many cars costing considerably more money. ' Yoa will be delighted when you see It. And when you ride In it you'll know Instantly that this is your ideal of a modern automobile at your Idea of a moderate price. Other Overland models are Model 83 five passenger touring car $760; the famous Overland Six seven paasenger touring car $1145. All prices being f. o. b. Toledo. GEORGE F. SNYDER, Dealer LZr.;;!iii!!:n;;Mi!i!ii(iiiiiiiiii!iiifiiiiir!ii;iiitiMti!ttiii(iiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiii;i!iiiniii!iiimiimiiMiM mm M 1TITIIH l II l!IH 1 rTTTTTTT MAYORS REPORT OF CONDITIONS IN CITY AT CLOSE OF FISCAL YEAR (Continued from page 1) f unpaid warraata which are draw ing 2 per cent Interest. The report of the light department will show that, at the present time', there Is a balance in the department of $16,139.88.. For the year ending March IS, 191s, this department had a gross earning mt $32,759.30, with a discount of $3,183.50, opjerating expenses $16,115. 11, construction $1,431.82, maktag a net earning for Third street to Fourth street on the west side approximately 160 feet of sidewalk to be lowered and 800 feet of dirt to be removed. On the east side of this street there is 50 feet of sidewalk to be lowered and 300 feet of dirt to bo removed; on Fourth street between Sweetwater avenue and Niobrara avenue on the north and south sides approximately 150 feet of dirt to be removed on each have in the cemetery fund a balance of $190.98. We are planning con siderable Improvements in the ceme tery and hope to complete a large part of these Improvements this spring. The old buildings will be torn down, and a much larger build ing erected. In this building will be made a chapel, also a rest room. We have installed a new well, which will be operated by a gasoline engine. The pipes leading from the well around the cemetery will all be renewed this summer. At the present, we are having over 200 trees planted around the border. The condition of the fire depart ment shows that the cost of main taining this department for the past Classified Dep't HATK9: The charge for both regular and special editions Is lc per. word per insertion, six words to the line. Advertisers so desiring may have answers to their advertise ment addressed to a box number, care of The Herald. Advertisements charged to patrons having accounts are meas ured by the line, not by the word. N. B. The Herald cannot be responsible for more than one wrong Insertion due to typographical error. No claim for error can be allowed after the 10th of the following month. Any ad vertisement Inserted to run until forbidden must be stopped by written order. The Bargain Center of the Business World WANTED AGENTS WANTED Girl for house work. Mrs. W. T. Spencer, 720 Box Butte. 17-tf-6831 LOST AND FOUND LOST Bunch of keys. A switch key and six others on the ring. My name on tag. Return to Herald of fice. H. M. Suslck. 17-tf-6827 FOR RENT FOR RENT Two desirable office rooms in the Reddish Block. Fhone 168. 16-4t-6726 RECORD FOR TRAIJtMKJT Railroad men can seenrs a vary ass ful book at The Herald offlcs. It Is dally tlma book for trainmen and glnemen. Tha prloe Is reasonable. l-tf-1711 BARN FOR RENT Handy loca tion, 408 Sweetwater Avenue. John W. Thomas, phone 175. -. 15-tf FOR SALE , FOR SALE Good, paying butch er shop. Good location and steady business at good prices. Address box 6406, care Alliance Herald. 9-U-6406 FOR SALE OR TRADE Power ful six-cylinder automobile. Will.sel cheap, or trade. Call or write Tb Herald office. l-tf-6568 MOVE FURNITURE 8AFELY ' We have equipped our dray wag ons and auto truck with the lates appliances for moving furnltur without marring or scratching o. damage. Up-to-date wagon pad will be used by us on all moving Job JOHN R. SNYDER, Phone 15. J7-tf-6960 MONEY TO LOAN On Box Butu county land and ranches in the sand hills. No delay in making the loan, we inspect our lands and furnish tht money at once. J. C. McCorkle, Me Corkle Building, Alliance, Nebr. l-tf-6564 Money to loan oa real estate. U F. ID. RBDDIB FOR SALE 5 STEAM TRAC TION ENGINES, 18 10-yard dump and freight traction wagons, station ary and portable boilers and Engines, Derricks, Stone Crusher, Pumps, Ex cavators, Hoisting Engines all sizes. A $30,000 Contract Iiik Outfit Cheap for quick sales. C. L. Bartlett, Mtn atare, Nebr. 19-2t-6861 side; Fourth street, Sweetwater to!yar waB $999. There were 27 fires the year of $12,228.82. The net Yellowstone, there are no sidewalks during this period. The total cost earnings of the plant prior to the 33 1-3 per cent reduction was made was $14,612.03. It might be Inter oetlng to know that the kilowatt out put at the plant for the year until April 1, 1916, wan 528.900 kilowatts, lor the year ending April 1, 1915, was 473,060 kilowatta. making an iarrease of 55,849 kilowatts. At the present time them are 639 consum ers, an Increase of 75 over the year ending April 1. 1915. This depart ment for the pt year has been han dled In a very satisfactory manner, and I feel there is undoubtedly a gTer.t deal of credit due to the super intendent for the handling of the lectric light department. The report of the water depart ment for the year ending March 15 1916, will show the gross receipts of $8,594.73, which expended $7,369.72 with $1,092.72 construction. The aomber of gallons of water pumped for the year ending March 1, 1915, was 79,410.850; for the year ending April 1. 1916, there were 81.131.250 rations of water ptimped. showing an increase of 1.720.400 gallons over the year 1915. The report of this department would Bhow that there Is only a net earning of $132.39. This Is due to the fact that there is no record kept of the amount of water ylven to park, city hall, sewer and utreet sprinkling Were theBe differ ent Items handled and properly charged for, then the water depart lent would she a decided increase la the net earninps. The number of . customers in this department at the present time U 690 During the past year, the city caused to be installed 16.425 linear feet of curbing ad 4.016 linear feet of Buttering, at a total cost of $8,- 863.17. Of this amount $3,148.07 Is charged against property owners . wfcoi- ih work la done. I would recommend to the. council that Imra dlate action b taken, te have Box Butte avenue... Scpnd.- Third and Fifth streets guttered, with the least possible delay:. It is especially nee ssary that this work be done as won as possible in order to produce iruinim rf hMt streets. . I would also recommend that all, side walk wl.ere the ptre are at grade be lowered to th rtabllahed grade as noon as possible . I would also rec Ammnd that the following Btreets be placed to the established grades mampiv Niobrara avenue from Fourth to Fifth street on two sides There would be approximately 300 fet of sidewalk je be lowered on the voat aide, east on the same street to oe lowerea, Dut sou reet or atn to;0f property was $3,400, insurance be removed. The estimated cost of colected $2,420. The condition, doing this work, lowering the side- , wita tne exception of our water hose. tarn 1 r e a v m Anln re l n sltant M1 1 Aiif ah. a is in nrst class snape. FOR SALE Sudan Grass Seed. Inquire of Victor Shuler, at the Shul- er Studio. wulks, removing thp dirt and lower ng the trees, would be approxlmate- y $1,542. In regard to the general health oudltlon of the city of Alliance: The records will show that for the past year there were ten cases of contagi ous diseases reported to the Health Board. .This Is exceptionally good record considering the number of cases of contagious diseases that have been reported in the state of Nebraska for the past year. The records will show that this depart ment, as handled by the city physi cian, has been handled in a very sat isfactory manner, and that he has the confidence and the support of all of the physicians in the city. The question of the proper dispos al of the garbage Is receiving con siderable attention at this time. The condition of our dumping grounds, also the location, Is proving very un satisfactory from a sanitary stand point, and that the only proper and successful way of handling or dispos ing of' garbage is by the use of an in cinerator plar.t. These plants are In operation all over the United States. I certainly hope that the council will give this matter serious considera tion and I feel that the time is rapid ly approaching when the city of Al liance will be compelled to dispose of the garbage In a more satisfactory method. An Incinerator plant would coHt In the neighborhood of from $8, 000 to $10,000. A plant of this kind would take care of all the rubbish tin cans, manure and dead animals. The report of the police depart merit Bhows that the cost of main tainlng the department for the year ending April 1. 1916. was $2,716.19 The cost of boarding prisoners for the same period was $559.50. It might be interesting to know that from the first of November. 1915. to March 31, 1916. the city allowed 469 men to lseep In the city hall and ljght plant. The men were homeless and by allowing this, we found places for these unfortunates to sleep. Dur ing the past year there were 325 ar rests made, total number of fines and costs colected amounted to 1 $ 1 .27 3. 95. Some time ago the city saw fit to take over the cemetery and I find up on examination of the records that there is due from the sale of lots prior to the time the city took hold of this proposition, the sum of $874 We are making an effort to collect The report of the park board shows there was expended during the year $1,134.08. I believe that the park will need some outside assist ance this year, other than the mill levy In order that the park may be placed In a condition so that it can be enjoyed by our people. I find, upon Investigation, that the total amount of disbursements of the City Library from April 1, 1915, to April 1, 1916, Is $1,255.23. The li brary building Is in need of certain repairs, such as walls painted, wood work varnished, and the basement is unfinished, which Is badly needed. At the time that the city assumed the liability of this library, and In jus tice to the trustees and the entire city. I feel this council should see their way clear to financially assist in making these needed repairs. PENROSE E. ROMIG. Mayor. FOK SALE The best business In Alliance, Ne braska. On account of poor health, owner must sell the Atlas rooming house of 47 rooms at a sacrifice price. Building rent is low. E. T. KIBBLE, Alliance. Nebr. 16-tf-6778 MISCELLANEOUS TAKEN UP A light bay filly, two white hind feet; about 5 or 6 years old, weight about 900, unbroke. J. A. KEEGAN 17-tf-6830 FOR STATE SENATOR I hereby announce that I am a can didate on the Republican ticket for nomination for the office of State Senator from the 28th district, com prising the counties of Rock, Brown, Cherry. Sheridan. Dawes, Box Butte and Sioux. If my candidacy meets with your approval I would like such support as you can consistently give me. . H. J. MILLER, Bassett, Nebraska Third Term .Not Popular u. cook, who is showing his face In this lnBue. is a former old and respected resident of this city and county and has many friends and acquaintances here who. will be glad to have a chance to vote for. him. Mr Beckniann. the present Commission er of Public Lands and Buildings, la opposing Mr. Cook before the priniar les. He wants a third term,, which is quite unusual in a state office, and will lose some votes on that account Mr. Cook has served as deputy State Auditor and is a good hustler and will make a first class Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings, If elected. He will get a lot of votes In this county. St. Paul Republican April 6. Herman Sell, a missionary for the uerman Evangelical church, return ed to Billings Monday, afur spend BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY for man with small amount of capital to get into good, paying business in western Nebraska. Prefer man with some experience In farming. Must b. steady and reliable. Address, with particulars. Box 6645, care Alliance Herald. 12-tf-6645 MONEY TO LOAN on real estate Apply to H. M. Bullock, Room 4 Reddish Block, Alliance. 6-tf-6307 Always at Your Service for Printing Needs! Is there something you need in the follow ing listt Birth AinonocanicnU Waddlnrf Stationary Envelope lacloauraa Sale RUM Haaa Bill Prlca lists Admission Ticket Business Carda Window Carda Tim Carda l atter Haada Note Heada BUI Haada Ravelnpea Calling Cards Leaflate Statement Milk Tickets Meal Ticketa Shipping Tads Aanouncemeata Briefs Notea Coapoaa famphlota Catalnrfaaa Blottaaa Circa lare lanrttatloaa Foateva Folders Checks ' Maaka Metlcaa Labela Blaaka Meat Carda riacarda Dodrfera Paat Carda Prodraaaa acetate Prompt, careful and effi cient attention given to every detail We Want Yon to keep in mind the fact that in addition to printing this news paper we do job work of any kind. When in need of anything in this line be sure To See Us POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT H. J. MILLER Candidate for the ' Republican Nomination FUR Don't Send Your Order Out of Town Until Yon See What We Can Do J STATE b EH AT OR Primary April 18 S ock and Supply Tanks Will outlast several steel tanks or several tanks made from other ma terial, and coat less money. These tanks will keep the water cooler ta summer and warmer In winter. Send for price list today. ATLAS TANK MFG. COMPANY, Fred Botsen, Manager, 1102 W. O. V. Dldg., Omaha, Neb. ri mm? top Lgg 10 Discount Increase the Value of Your Property BY improving its appearance inside and out and BY giving it the protection of a rtew coat of paint. SAVE MONEY by buying your paint here next week. On all purchases of paints and painting: materials here on Clean-up and Paint' up Week, April 10th to April 15th, Cash Sales Only Hughes Crescent Cottage Paints Exterior Faints Interior Paints Varnishes Barn Paints Paint Brushes Floor Paints 1 v mm -m it i ir i O. A. HEILMAN, Mgr. PHONE 73 name amount: Sweetwater avenue this amount. At the present time we ing a few days In Alliance.