The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 06, 1916, Image 6

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    Hliiiinnim'iHMH'1" iiiiiiiiiiinmiiiiiiiiiimtnmtnwmtmuuxuuuumr
1 For Prompt Service in
The Spring Clean-Up
Trains and experienced men al your service at nil times.
Licensed City Scavengers.
IVices governed by City Ordinance.
One Reason Which Contributes to
Trouble More Than Any Other It
Breedinw Young Sows.
I Auctioneer
"Can you (ell mo why my brood
bows only brinn between three and six
pigs per litter?"
Replying to this question Trof. O.
W. Haines, live stock specialist of the
University of Arizona agricultural ex
tension service, says:
"If you have studied hog conditions
In the United States you will find that
about four pigs per litter is the aver
age; and I can point to you men in
Arizona who are actually raising for
market two and three pigs to the 1ft-
lll-'S I ROM OUT WliST."
Keith Neville is Prime Favorite
I wish to announce that I have again
engaged in the business of auction
eer and will be pleased to communi
cate with anyone desiring such ser
vices. My experience dates back
for several years and I have cried
many successful sales in the past.
For dates and terms phone or write-
i biji
Jack Miller
I .
' V w A. M.v
tarrta 111 V
No, I Damp
Mo 2 Mrdiw
Ma 3 flr
Ma. 4 Va,D
Use Paint Made Especially
For This Climate
Paint to last must be made especially for tliis climate. It
must be correctly "tempered" to withstand the dryness and mois
ture, the quick chanpes in temperature and the varying peculiari
ties of our climate.
Lincoln Climatic Paints
stand this climate best. They are made and tested for our local
ity, each ingredient being proportioned and combined in such a
way as to secure maximum durability and protection to the sur
face to which they are applied.
Ixt us show you color Ha tuples and estimttie
quantities required, whether you buy or not.
Men and W jmen Wanted-Guvernment Positions
Poret fifwrihtMiit, Industrial teher, Junior rngtnt4T, Und Iaw clerk,
teacher, leletit Npli operator. Knamiiuitiou March I ft. Htenogrmph
er Mnd lM'wrlter February 24. Quick preuamtioii In neceMtar).
You Can Learn by Mall at Home. Study at Night.
Wouldn't you like a Job for life with a steady Income of 176 to
$100 or more every month with a good chance for promotion? Then
why not get UT We guarantee to prepare you for any civil service
position, rity, stnte or federal roach you free until you get the pos
ition. Snd for particulars
CIVIL KKRY1CK SCHOOL Kittrtwlfe Bid., Denver
Cheapest to buy and bent to plant. You do not go to low
lands or draws for need corn. Why go there for treenf ui
Mock is not forced and will give you entire satisfaction. Our
plant is located the farthest west of any nursery in the state,
which insures prompt service.
Progressive Young Democrat from
North Platte Stands for the
Thing that Western Nebraska
is Asking For.
Well-Developed Sow With Profitable
tnr, yet the cost of maintenance of
the brood sow is practically the same
whether she brings two pigs or ten
pigs per litter, which means that the
farmers are losing a large percentage
of profit by keeping such brood sows
in their herds.
"There are several reasons why
brood bows bring small Utters, and 1
firmly believe that the one which coa
tributes to the trouble more than any
other la the practice ot breeding sows
too young. It Is no uncommon thing
to find sows weighing less than one
hundred pounds with pigs. Usually
you find them with only two pigs. The
young sows which you intend to keep
for brood sows should never be bred
under nine months of age, and It is
much better to wait until they are
twelve or fourteen months old. Then
if they are not full developed, wait a
few months longer. Your brood sow
is good for six or eight years, and, if
by waiting a few months In the bo
Kinning before starting her on her life
work, you can increase the size of her
litters, you have certainly made good
wages for those months. Another
thing which contributes to no slight
extent to cause small litters Is the
lack of exercise.
Keith Neville of North Plntte. drmnc-
racy'a ratHllilutp for governor. Is a west
ern man, navlng tieen born aim rained in
Unroln county.
Western NebrasKann iihould pay heed
to thla fact, for Mr. Neville has always
been especially Interested in the up
building and development of the western
part of the state. Like his father, the
late Congressman Neville, who repre
sented the people of the Ruth Con
gressional district in congress for two
years, ha la In every sense a broad,
loyal westerner.
Keith Neville has made a study of
Irrigation. It la one of the strong planks
In his platform, and one which he greatly
emphasizes. lie will encourage and sup
port appropriations to fight In the courts
the encroachments of water users In
Colorado and Wyoming upon the prior
lights of Naurnskana.
Ur. Neville has distinguished blmnelf
s a good roads enthusiast, and will
devote every effort to the development
of a comprehensive system of road
Another strong plunk In h's platform
Is the creation and maintenance of pub
licity bureau to cotiwt and dlsHSTnlnate
Information as to th extent and value of
the rnaourcea of the state. He believes
Nebraska Is not making the progress it
should In attMiotinK home seekers, who
would Increase ha kind values.
While Mr. Neville is not a prohibition-
1st, he Is a teelot.iler, and has alvaya
stood for law cnfoi cinent. Khoultj the
prohibition amendment carry, he will.
If eli'cted. enforce Its provisions to the
hlter. and, he IliiS repeatedly declare.!
will HMHlft in securing lexislatlve enact
ment necessary to lender It effectlta--no
executive could do more.
Greatest Gains for Teed Consumed
Are Made in Early Life Lard
Hogs Becoming Unpopular.
The prevalent opinion seems to be
that swine were designed to eat up
the corn crop and grow into 300-
pound porkers. Under certain cir
cumstances there is a better profit in
selling wean!'"Ks than in feeding
them up to the usual market weights.
Exact trials at many experiment
stations show that the greatest gains
for feed consumed are made In early
life and that as the animals grow old
er it takes more reed to produce a
pound of pork.
The sucking pig grows very fast
and converts nearly all of Its rations
Into meat. If the sow is fed liberally
she, too, will make some gains while
supporting her brood. The weanling
weighing 25 to 40 pounds Is almost
clear gain and will often bring ten
ceuts a pound at this age.
On the sanie principle the 150 pound
pig will make more profitable re
turns on feed consumed than if left
until It weighs 250 pounds. There is
an Increasing number of farmers who
prefer to sell light "bacon hogs" and
fewer who continue to feed "lard
hogs" up to the extra fat classes that
were popular a score of years ago.
Just look at this picture and do a
little "thinking.'1
Then you will hank your money.
We pay 4 per cent interest on time
Breeder and Dealer
Can furnish ranchmen of Nebraka with either
herefords or Shorthorns.
Address Exchange Building, South Omaha
Have You a Late Picture
of the Little One
H. J. EY1 1 L L R
Candidate fo- the
Republican Nomination
Primary April 18
I hereby announce that I am a can
didate on the Republican ticket fot
nomination for the office of Statf
Senator fro.u the 28th district, com-
GOOD VENTILATION FOR HOGS Dr,sinK tnp counties of Rock. Brown
Cherry. Sheridan. Dawes, Box Uutt
and Sioux.
If my candidacy meets with yout
approval 1 would like such support a
you can consistently give me.
R asset t, Nebraska
Or are you one of those who
think you will have one taken
right away but never get to
Don't Put It Off Any Longer
Children grow ro fast that in a few months it'll be too late
to get a picture of the little darling as he or she looks today
and you'll never forgive yourself.
Quality, Style and Workmanship at your command, and a
variety of shapes, sizes and mountings at the
Frequently When Shed Is Closed Ani
mals Become Heated and Must
Inhale Impure Air.
Of little less importance than the
ventilation of this year's crop of corn
is that of securing; proper ventilation
for the animals that eat it, according
to the Nebraska College of Agrlcul
ture. This is particularly true of
Then vou realize the utter weakness
Frequently when the shed Is closed that robs ambition, destroys appetite,
tightly the hogs will become heat
ed, as well as be obliged to Inhale
Impure air. Such hoi;s. on being ex
posed to cold air, are likely to be
come susceptible to disease, espe
cially pneumonia and Mncalled hog
Noose vs. Halter.
, A rope with a noose in it is some
what cheaper to tie an animal uitli
than a gooo nailer, nut It the iioohm
happens to slip, or the animal g't
into some unusual position which
draws the rope tight enough to choke
the animal to death, the halter proves
a whole lot cheaper in the end.
and makes work a burden.
Toreetorethat strength andstaminathat
is so essential, nothitur has ever equaled
or cotupr-t Hth Scott's Emulsion, be
cause it trength- sustaining nourish
ment invigorates the blood to distribute
energy throughout the body while its tonic
value sharpens the appetite ana restore
health in a natural, permanent way.
II you are run down, tired, nervou
overworked or lack strength, get St-ott
BniuUion to-day. It is free from al nol
Scott & Buwne. Bloombeld. N. J.
Sih- Si-yinorc In-fore you itisuf
Slate Hk'i'iit for OjualiH Health mi '
Accident. Only blanket ihHuram
written in the Ht.nte. At Fleming
Cicar Store.
lK-tf 6H"il
Belgian and Percheron
Weight from 1960 to '2100 pounds. If you want a good stallion
worth the money, the finest Indiana horses, see these horses at
Zediker's Barn, back of the Christian Church.
See or Write
J. W. CUNNINGHAM, Manager. Alliance Hotel