The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 06, 1916, Image 16

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V- .r.
Oldest PjanoffouscinlhcWhst 1
Player Pianos 373800 5
t Pianos $200 3150
ibr Reasons
Why you should buy now of us who arc
manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers.
First The magnitude of our business enables us to
place a price on our instruments that small dealers
cannot duplicate, quality considered.
Second Our guarantee for 25 years is the strongest
offered and is bached by our entire resources of
$1,000,000.00 and by our 57 years of experience in
the piano business.
Third Our easy payment plan, monthly, quarterly
or annually, makes it convenient to buy for people
of moderate incomes.
Fourth Our direct Factory to Home selling plan
eliminates all dealers' profits and saves you over $100.
Write today for fre Illustrated catalog and special offer to firat buyers In
jour locality It meant dollars to yon.
Sciimoller h Mueller Piano Company
Dept. C I J I 1311-13 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
hours, close and
tedious work are very apt
to result in Headaches or
other Pains. Don't suffer.
dr.. miles;
will quickly drive your
Pain away, and
Dr. Miles' Nervine
will assist you by relieving
the Nerve Strain.
"Mr nerves became all
worn out. I had bad head
ache! and sever dliiy
spells. I oovld not sleep
and my appetite was poor.
I began using Dr. Miles'
Ant I-rain Pills and they
always gave me Instant re.
lief no matter what the
pain. Tbea I used Dr.
Miles' Nervine regularly
and wns soon In perfect
health again.
324 Pittsburg St,
Newcastle, penn.
.ry-oiv--:;3r" y .'jn
to 60 minutes an hour
by taking the "grind"
out of typewriting
AND smile ! For hr at 1ast is tht moctor
machine that makes it easv for anv stenog
rapher to turn out MORE letters with LESS
effort in the ordinary working day. The new
Royal Master-Model "10" speeds up the day's
work and sets the pace that pays!
Built for "Big Business1' and its
Great Army of Expert Operators
These re.v features of the Royal add to the
sensitive fingers of the typist, the one vital thing
that the old-style typewriter subtracts speed!
The speed with brains behind it the all-day
speed cf the c::pert typist in the day's work.
Errorless speed is the kind of sneed that counts.
Corrmcr-c nee h punctured the illusion of the
other kind.
Get the Facts t
Send for the Royal
man" and ask for a
Or writ us direct
for oar new bro
chnre, "Btfr
Serwicm, "and book
of facts on Toach
Typing nl free to
typewriter neera.
Vc $100
L " f,il i i
sMtleWea rft I I II
318 South 19th St., Omaha, Nebr
John (Jalvln spent Friday and Sat
urday in Alliance.
Mrs. Kapan was an over Saturday
ami Sunday visitor in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ilohe were in
Alliance between trains Friday.
M. ('. Addy, mother and Bister,
were shopping In Aillanrp Saturday
llallie Curry left here Friday for
Hayard, Nebr., where he will farm
lliH HeaKOtl.
Mrs. Kate Hurhman of Allianre is
i t'ueiit at the Creenn home In this
ity tills week.
Mins Lea l.loyd and F.llen Dohson
weie over nlvht visitors at the Arm-
strorm home Saturday nipht.
Mrs. Frank I'oitueHil and daughter
a net to visited friends in Alliance a
few days last week, returning Sun-
M. ( Ileaumont returnel Friday
front Port Angeles, Wash., where he
had been to attend his brother's fun
Miss Agnes Moravek returned to
her home near Canton Saturday af
ter a two weeks' stay with friends in
George Hedgecock is spending the
week in Alliance this week, where he
has a carload of Maxwell autos for
Hussell Miller and Ksther (Jeiger
went to Kushvllle Sunday where they
spent the day with Miss Delia Hrown
returning the same evening.
Prof. Ilagan went to Gillette
Wyo., Thursday, returning Saturday.
The professor was looking after mat
ters connected with his property
Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Fierce and son
Donald, accompanied by Mrs. D. U
Shepherd and Pearl Lorenson, auto-
ed to Chadron Saturday, returning
Sunday evening.
Vern Hucke returned Saturday
from Denver, where he has been at
tending business college the last few
months. V'ern's friends are pleased
to have him with them once more.
Mrs. Carrie II. Canfleld, who has
spent the last week with friends
here, went to Alliance Monday sven
ing for a few days visit, after which
she will return to her home at Van
Tassel, Wyo.
Branches and Agencies the World Over
H. J. YOUNG, Local Agent
Police and Detectives Are lifting Lip
Heading In Place of the
Thousands of deaf people are today
throwing away all hearing devices
and enjoying all conversation. This
method Is easily and quickly acquired
thru our system. Absolutely the only
thing of its kind in the country. Our
proposition is entirely original. We
guarantee results, it will amaze you.
Cost is trifling. See what New Inter
national Encyclopaedia says on Li
Reading. Hundreds of people witl
normal hearing are taking up Lir
Reading for the many adidtlonai ben
nfltg gained. You can understand
what the actors are saying in the
ovlng pictures. You can under
stand what people are saying just an
far away as you can see them. The
eye understands beyond the range of
hearing. Send no money, but men
tion this paper and state whether or
not you are deaf. All particular
will be sent you absolutely free and
with no expense to you. Address,
School of Lip Language, Kansas City,
w ho
A. S. Iteel Visits AlliuiM-e
S. Heed of Phoenix, Arizona,
was one of the ttrst settlers in
Butte county, and who moved
Phoenix, in the Salt River valley
Arizona several years ago, is back
on a visit. Mr. Reed looks as though
'h fine Arizona climate was agree
ing well with him and has been busy
since his return greeting old friends
and attending to business matters.
Safe Meiticlne for Children
"Is it safe?" is the first question to
be considered when buying cough
Medicine for children. Chamberlain't
'ough Remedy has long been a fav
ite with mothers of young childrei
as it contains no opium or other nar
cotic, and may be given to a child a
ontidently as to an adult. It i
'leasant to take, too. which is of
;reat importance when a medicin
si ust be given to young children
This remedy is most effectual in re
lieving coughs, colds and croup. )b
ainable everywhere.
Adv April
Alliance, Nebr.. March 22, 1916.
The board of county commission
ers met pursuant to adjournment.
Officers present, Geo. W. Duncan,
chairman, C. L. Hashman and J. M.
The matter of the petition for the
establishment of a public road com
mencing at the section corner com
mon to sections seventeen and eight
een, nineteen ana twenty, township
twenty-six, range forty-nine W, 6th
P. M., thence west on section line
nineteen milca to the west line of
Box Butte county, coming on to be
heard before the board upon the pe
tition and the remonstrance was ruly
considered. The petitioners and
signers of the remonstrance a creed
that county road No. 18 be graded
commencing at the section corner
common to sections seven and eiuht,
seventeen and eighteen, township
twenty-six, rante forty-nine, W. 6th
P. M., thence west on section line
twelve miles and terminating at the
section corner common to sections
seven and eight, seventeen and eight
een, township twenty-six, range fifty-
one, W., 6th P. M., and that a county
road be stablished and graded com
mencing at the section corner com
mon to sections seven and eight, sev
enteen and eighteen, township twenty-six,
range fifty-one. W. 6th P. M.,
thence south on section line one mile
to the section corner common to sec
tions seventeen and eighteen, nine
teen and twenty, township twenty-six
range lifty-one, W. 6th P. M., thence
west on section line seven miles and
terminating at the section corner
common to the southwest corner of
section eighteen and the northwest
corner of section nineteen, township
twenty-six, range fifty-two, W. 6th P.
M., and the clerk is Instructed to
proceed with the establishment of
such part of said road not already es
Whereupon thfl board adjourned
until tomorrow morning, March 23,
1916. at 9 o'clock.
Alliance, Nebr.. March 23, 1916.
The board of county commission
ers met pursuant to adjournment. Of
ficers present: Geo. W. Duncan,
chairman, C. L. Hashman and J. M.
County Engineers R. E. Knight
filed with the board the plans and
specifications of two bridges to be
built over the Niobrara river in the
northwest part of the county, and af
ter duly considering teh same the en
gineer Is instructed to ask for bids on
material and on the construction as
per plans and specifications.
Whereupon, the board adjourned
until toxorrow morning, March 24,
1916. at 9 o'clock.
Alliance. Nebr., March 24, 1916.
The board of county commission
ers met pursuant to adjournment. Of
ficers present: Geo. W. Duncan,
chairman; C. L. Hashman and J. M.
Mrs. R. Simmons and B. F. Gil-
man, ner attorney, appeareu oeiore
the board in regard to certain taxes
assessed on a bankrupt millinery
stock, the property of Mrs. Simmons,
claiming same to have been errone
ously assessed and after due consid
eration a refund of J91.24 was al
lowed and the clerk ordered to draw
warrant on the general fund for
same, said taxes naving oeen paiu un
der protest.
F. M. Seidell, farm demonstrator,
submitted to the board a proposition
wherein the U. S. Department of Ag
riculture proposes to furnish to each
county maintaining a county agent
of agriculture an expert in demon
strations of road building, such dem
onstrator coming without expense to
the county. The board approved the
proposition, the arrangements and
date to be fixed later.
Whereupon, the board adjourned
until tomorrow morning, March 25,
1916, at 9 o'clock a. m.
Alliance. Nebr.. March 25, 1916.
The board of county commission
ers met pursuant to adjournment. Of
ficers present: Geo. W. Duncan,
chairman; C. L. Hashman and J. M.
The board examined and viewed a
road petitioned by F. J. Betzold. et
al, described as follows: Commenc
ing at the section corner common to
the northwest corner of section twenty-eight
and northeast corner of sec
tion twenty-nine in township twenty
five, north, range forty-seven, run
ning thence south on section line two
miles and terminating at the section
coiner co mon to the southwest cor
ner of section thirty-three and south
east corner of section thirty-two, all
In township twenty-five, north, range
forty-seven west of the 6th P. M., and
after examining same waive the de
posit and instructed the clerk to pro
ceed with Its establishment.
Whereupon the boaru adjourned
until April 13. 1916.
Jack Miller An Auctioneer
As will be noticed by bis announce
ment in The Herald this week. Jack
Miller wil do a general auctioneering
business. Jack is an old time hand
at the business and knows the bus.
ness thoroughly.
Pill lioM for Liver
Because they contain the best liver
medicines, no matter how bitter or
lauseating for the sweet sugar coat
ing hides the taste. Dr. King's New
Life Pills contain ingredients that
put the liver working, move the bow
els freely. No gripe, no nausea, aids
digestion. Just try a bottle of Dr.
King's New Life Pills and notice how
much better you feel. 25c at you
Adv 2
ForwIoMire Suit
F. E. Holsten filed suit April 1 in
district court against Adolph Broft
to foreclose mortgage on a 1,120
acre farm in Box liutte county on
which he alleges a balance due of
eed. sweet clover, cane, millet and
ape seed. Kaffir corn, seed corn or
anything else in the seed line. Camp
bell's Seed House, Department A.
Seward, Nebr.
14-6730-May 1
It pays to keep
Vll'snce Herald.
posted. Read the
Good-bye sore feet, burning feet, swol
ten feet, sweaty feet, smelling feet, tired
Good bye corns, callouses, bunions and
raw snots. Nc
more shoe tight
ness, no more limp
ing with pain or
drawing up your
face in agony
"TIZ" la magical,
acta right off
-TIZ" draws out
all the poisonous
exudations which
puff up the feel
Use "TIZ" and for-
get your foot
misery. All I how comfortable your feet
feel. OH a 23 eent box of "TIZ" now at
any druggist or department store. Don't
suffer Have good feet, glad feet, feet
that never swell, never hurt, never get
tired. A year's foot comfort guaranteed
r money refunded.
Hoofing That Hasts
half a lifetime is not at all expensive
when you consider durability and
freedom from the expense of repairs.
There are many kinds of composition
roofing in our stock that will give
complete satisfaction.
Explain Your Needs to Us
and we will tell you the particular kind
best suited to your purpose. If you will
show us your plans we will show you how
to save money on material and labor.
All Our Building Supplies
Are Guaranteed
Dierks Lbr. & Coal Co.
Phone 22
We sell Coal: Canon City Lump and Nut; Sheridan Lump
and Nut; Eastern Hard Coal; Kirby Nut.
Dalton Townsite
I am offering for sale the DALTON TOWNSITE section;
about 500 acres unsold. Will sell all in one body, including
all unsold town lots, or will sell the south half of the section
separately for 147.50 per acre, one-third cash, paynientB to
suit purchaser on the balance.
I also have for sale the following lands near Dalton:
160 acres, two miles southeast of Dalton.
640 acres a Btock section four miles north of Dalton.
80 acres under cultivation; 6 room house; barn 24x32; two
wells; 34 miles of fence; one mile from Simla. Price f 14.00
per acre, one-half cash.
320 acres. 12 miles west of Dalton; 200 acre3 under culti
vation; all fenced and cross fenced. One-half cash, balance
one and two years.
480 acres, 6 miles northwest of Sidney; 300 acres under
cultivation; bouse 20x32; barn 24x32; 4,000 bushel granary.
Price Is $30.00 per acre, $3,000 cash, balance to suit the pur
chaser. For further information write or see
Dalton, Cheyenne County, Nebr.
Yellowstone Park
unique among the recreation ami woiulor spots of the world, wan set
aside by the Government "For the Benefit and Knjoyment of the Peo
ple" for all time, primarily because it contains by far the largest and
most complete collection of natural phenomena in the entire world.
There are Geysers of every known variety, Falls twice the height of
Niagara, the largest lake at its altitude in the world (excepting one
in Peru) ; while to see the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone is an
epoch in anyone's life.
The Burlington Park service through Cody, the Kast and Scvnic
Gateway, will be improved, in connection with a special automobile
service between Cody and the Lake Hotel a ninety-mile delightful
auto ride along one of the World's famous scenic highways. Through
Coast travelers can also enter the Park via Cody, resume the rail jour
ney from Gardiner, paying extra only for such Park side-tour accom
modations as they receive.
Park publications on the press. In due time, ask us
for then.
J. KltlPKI.IlAl Ml. Ticket Ag' tit, Alliance, Neb.
I,. W. WAKKI.KY, (ieneral lasMiiK'r Agent,
lOOl Puriiam Street, Omaha, Neb.