The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 01, 1916, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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Winner in Pig Club
Gets Pure Bred Pig
Uold Medal and Other Price Will
Ue Awarded In rig, Totato, Cook
lng and Otlier Club
To the winner in the Pig Club, un
der the auspices of the University
Extension Serlvce, operating tnrougn
Countr Agent Seidell In this county,
will be awarded a pure bred pig.
Winners of first and second places
will also be awarded gold medals.
Prizes are also offered by the ex
tension service In the various other
clubs organized In the county and the
young people participating in this
work have an opportunity to win
other prizes by exhibiting their pro
ducts at the county fair.
Enrollment cards for entry In the
Boys' and Girls Club work, the Pig
Club, Totato Club. Gardening Club,
Sewing Club and Cooking Club can
be secured from the teacher of the
district school, the county superin
tendent or county agent.
Information and rules concerning
this work have been given out as be
low by Mr. Seidell.
Boys' and Girls' Club work is open
to all boys and girls between the ages
of ten and eighteen years.
To the winner of first place In the
county Pig Club, the boy will be
awarded a pure bred pig. besides a
gold medal, to the first and second
places. In case a boy desires to en
ter the Pig Club and has not the
proper kind of pig. arrangements can
be raade to assist the boy in purchas
ing the same.
. 6 The winner of first and second
places in the Potato Club will re
ceive a gold and a silver medal re
spectively. The boys finishing under
tenth place will be given a free trip
Including board and lodging to the
Boys' Potato Congress, to be held in
Alliance one year from this spring.
Boys will be present from twenty
western Nebraska counties.
In Gardening and Canning Clubs,
a gold medal will be given to first
and second places In the county be
sides numerous prizes that will be
given at the county fair.
Enrollments in the above clubs
closes positively May 1. All who en
roll after that date will have to wait
until next year.
In the Cooking Club for girls, a
gold medal will be given the winner
of first place, and a silver medal giv
en to the winner of second place In
the county, besides other prizes at
the county fair. Course I in the
Cooking Club consists of twelve les
sons, and after completing Course I,
Course II is taken up, which consists
of an additional twelve lessons.
In the Sewing Club, the winner of
first prize will receive a gold medal,
and second, a silver medal. Girls
will display their work at the county
fair, and will receive numerous oth
er prizes. This club also consists of
two courses, as in the Cooking Club.
Girls may enroll In the Cooking and
Sewing Clubs at any time.
Reached Unusual Age
Dan on Bad Egg
The United States Department of
Agriculture gives notice that ship
ments containing more than five per
cent of bad eggs will be regarded as
violating the food and drugs act and
suggests that country shippers can
dle eggs Intended for Interstate com
merce. Under the federal food and
drugs act, eggs, in common with oth
er articles of food, are adulterated if
they consist wholly or in part of a
filthy, decomposed or putrid sub
stance. In the opinion of the department,
eggs are adulterated which contain
yolks stuck to the shell, black spots,
black rots, or mixed rots. Moldy
eggs, addled eggs, or any other eggs
which consist wholly or in part of a
filthy, decomposed, or putrid sub
stance come under the same classification.
Farm Motor Short Course
A four weeks' course designed to
give training in the use, care, and
selection of power machinery. Includ
ing automobiles, will be offered at
the University Farm, beginning June
5. The course will Inclde nhop prac
tice ana a general study of gasoline
and oil engines, steam tractors, and
automobiles. Instruction is open to
men eighteen years of age and older
who have finished the eighth grade.
Men of mature age who have not fin
ished the eighth grade will be admit
ted by npecial permission. Owing to
the nature of the work the number
of registrations Is limited.
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Are You in Need of
Bill Heads
Packet Heads
Letter Heads
Call at this office
Good Work Is
Our Specialty
Half of ebrtk'a Farm Par
La Than Hired Men's WafM
farm management survey of the
college or Agriculture have shown
that more than half the farms of the
state are returning less than hired
men s wages if the capital Is credited
with earn'ng five per cent interest.
a reorganisation of the furm bust
ness Is all that is necessary on many
of these farms to make them profit
able. This reorganization does not
mean the introduction of wholly new
systems of farming. Instead, thl
recognition would entail. In the ma
Jortty of cases, merely readjustments
In the present systems of management.
2arden Workers' Conference
School garden supervisors from all
over the state are in session the lat
ter part of thlB week at the Collear
of Agriculture at Lincoln receiving
instruction in technical gardening
and In the administration of th
work. A larae number of Inwna arc
hiring supervisors to look after thl?
work in connection with the locil
flrliools. In n nnmher nf other mm
munitles, gardening clubs have been
formed without reference to school
Circular on Potato Disease
A circular concerning potato dis
eases and their treatment may b
had without cost from the Depart
ment of Agricultural Botany, Collegi
of Agriculture, Lincoln. The dlb
eaaes mentioned are dry rot, stem
rot, wilt, and scab.
Abraham C. Lester Passed Away af
ter Reaching Ripe Old Age
of Ninety-three Years
Abraham C. Lester, father of Felix
W. Lester and grandfather of Dr.
Claude Lester, died April 15, 1916.
at his home in Brownvllle. Nebr.. at
the age of 93 years, 1 month and 26
days. The funeral was held from
the Christian church in Brownvllle,
at 3 o'clock p. m., on Monday, April
Mr. Lester was a man of great vi
tality and, altho not always an abso
lute tetotaler, of temperate habits,
which accounts for hla longevity. His
Hnn nM nee mav be better appreciat
ed by saying that he lived during the
life time of everv president of the
I'nitert states, excent George Wash
ington, being more than three years
of age at the time of the death of
John Adams and Thomae Jefferson,
July 4, 1826.
The Basis of Rates
The last few years have been perilous ones for public utili
ties. The cost of equipment and of labor have been constantly
increasing, while there have been few increases in rates.
We do not believe that any public utility can furnish, nor
the public obtain, permanent and efficient service without a fair
The public is our only source of revenue and any increased
taxes, material or labor costs must always be met by the tele
phone users either directly or indirectly.
We have always endeavored to adjust our telephone rates
to make it possible for everyone to be connected who would add
to the value of the service, thus giving the greatest good to the
greatest number.
We believe that the public is best served by our charging
rates that will afford us enough money to maintain and operate
our system properly, furnish a sufficient surplus fund with
which to rebuild or restore parts of the plant when worn out,
and earn a fair rate of interest for the men and women who
have their savings invested in our property.
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