Unusual Millinery Offerings w Iks' 500 New Spring Hats Ready Saturday s$4.98 Thin collection will satisfy almost an many women an there are hats, ho varied and be coming are the styles. Large sailors In twenty shapes; small hata pokes, continentals, trlcorns and small sail ors In thirty more shapes. Llsere, with flower or ribbon trimmings. Milan hemp, some trimmed with bands of llsere. Colors Include black, brown, navy, rose, gray, Copenhagen. Note Five of the many attractive models are pictured here. NKW AM) IN USUAL HATS Foil 9ft Milan hemp with satin facing and flower trimmings; hair braid trimmed hats of llsere straw; gray bars In large and small shapes, hats of fine hemp with lacquered flowers, $8.50 and $12 values. Special, ftft.OO. 200 UNTHIMMKI) HATS, KXCKITIONAL FOR (1.98 Six styles of inilan hemp and llsere Btraw; large and small shapes, black, brown, gray, navy, green, rose. 1,000 bunches of Flowers, Foliage and Cherries, also large assortment wreathes, 75 HATS FOIL C2IKLS AND CIIILDKKX For girls of 6 to 12 years this new show ing includes many styles of prettily trimmed Milan hemp hats, $2 values 91.2ft I NTIU.MMKO HATS AT Kftc Large assortment of hemp shapes, 20 dif ferent styles, all colors. $2.50 values . . . .Hftc $4.98 rmn iawj 1 W. R. Harper Dept. Store TEUU NOIIMAL FAIIIVIKW A Broat Is plastering Jess Chilson's hen house this week. Jess Chllson is building a 16x64 frame shed on his place. Mrs. Win. Hust, Jr., returned home from Hot Springs, S. D., Friday. There was a large crowd at the dance at John Hadley's, Friday night. Frank Trenkle bought a loud of seed barley the latter part of the week. Charles Heath bought a new ma- nure spreader last Wednesday from C. A. Newberry. John I'ahlow is in town this week painting a house for his wife'B moth er, Mrs. D. D. Lewis. Mrs. Itlair and Mrs. Heath of Alli ance attended the social at Mr. Na son's, Friday evening. There will be no church service at Fairvlew Sunday on account of the illness of the pastor. Don't forget the school entertain ment at the church Friday evening. Every one la invited to attend. Rev. Kendall waa taken to Lincoln Monday in hope that the change of climate will benefit his health. John Palow and family went over to ScottsblufT in their auto last Thursday, returning the same even The oyster supper at Herbert Na aon's Friday evening was well at tended, the proceeds amounting to $20. J. It. Lawrence and family from town spent Saturday and Sunday with (Srandpa and Grandma Law rence. Tom Newton of Alliance moved to the J. K. Lawrence place the latter part of the week, where he will farm this year. BEAUTIFIES E TEA AND DARKENS HI Don't Stay Gray! It Darkens So Naturally that No body can Tell. HEAR WITHOUT EAHS Police ami Detective Are I'sing Lip Heading in Place of tlie Dictagraph You can turn gray. fnl.l hair beau tifully dark and lustrous almost ovar night if you'll get a SO-cunt bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound" at any drug store. Millions of bottles of this old famous Sage Tea IUcipu, im proved by the addition of other ingredi ents, are sold annually, says a well known druggist here, because it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that no one can tell it has been applied. Those whose 'hair is turning gray or becoming faded have a surprise awaiting them, because after one or two applica tions the gray hair vanishes ami your locks become luxuriantly dark and beau tiful. This is the age of youth, Cirar-lmired, unattractive folks aren't wanted around, so get busy with Wyeth's Nape and Sul phur Compound to-night and you'll be de lighted with your dark, handsome hair and your youthful appearance within a few day s". This preparation is a toilet requisite and in not intended for the cure, mitiga tion or prevention, of disease. Thousands of deaf people ure today throwing away all hearing devices and enjoying all conversation. This method is easily and quickly acquired thru our system. Absolutely the only thing of its kind in the country. Our proportion is entirely original. We guarantee results, it will amaze you. Cost is trifling. See what New Inter national Kneydopaedia says on Lip Reading. Hundreds of people with normal hearing are taking up Lip Reading for the many adldtional ben ntits gained. You can understand what the actors are saying in the moving pictures. You can under stand what people are saying just as far away as you can see them. The eye understands beyond the range of hearing. Send no money, but men tion this paper and state whether or not you are deaf. All particulars will be sent you absolutely free and with no expense to you. Address, School of Lip Language, Kansas City, Missouri. To lUd Child of Worm uon i scoia tne rretrui, nervous child. Often it's due to worms. Get rid of these by giving one-half to one lozenge Ktckapoo Worm Killer, a la atlve worm candy. Give only plain nourishing food, lots of out-door ex ercise and put to bed early. Watch stools and continue giving Kickapoo Worm Lozenges, they will positively remove the worms. 2fc at druggists. Adv 3 FLOUR ! made in western .Nebraska from wheat grown in western Nebraska. Housewives should use GOLD LEAF HIGH PATENT Sold in lleminjrloiil by: ('. A. Hurlew, C. Lockwood. I. V. Butler, N. rYohnapM ami 11. K. .Johnson. Sold in Alliance by: A. I). Ko.lycis, Wm. Hamilton and Mai lery's. FOREST ROSE HIGH PATENT Sold in Heminttford by: C. A. Mtirbw. l Lock wood. ! V. Hutler. N. lYohnapiYl ami IV K. Join ison. SNOWDRIFT HIGH PATENT Sold by L. H. Highland, Alliance. We stand behind these high class brands of pood Hour. If you are not a regular user yive them a trial. HEMINGFORD roller mills A. M. MILLER, Proprietor YAltD-LONG IvAlLUOAD j TK'KKT TO BK Xo MOKK The American Association of Pas ' senger Traffic Officers has taken up 'the problem of evolving a new inter line railroad ticket that will do away with the yard-long attair now in use. A committee has been appointed to work out a ticket that will till the ; bill and at the same time be much j smaller and carry all the necessary ( information required by the purchas I er. I It if asserted that the committee to j which the ticket proposition was re j ferred has pretty nearly agreed upon ;a ticket that will be satisfactory. The The Junior-Senior banquet, the big social event of the year, was given on the evening of March 17. Over four hundred students of collegiate rank were seated at the tables In the spec ious gymnasium, which had been converted Into a veritable green ar bor. Paul Green was master of cer emonies, and A. Lewis Tyler, toast master. The following toasts were given: Smiles, Sydney Johnson, pres ident of the Junior class; Tears, Pro fessor neck, adviser for the Seniors; Antidotes, Klzada Clover; Tangents, Professor Howie, adviser for the Juniors; Insurance, Mary Hlbler; Comparisons, President Hayes; Knights. Roy B. Hull, Senior class president. A telegram from Dean Rouse, who was not able to be pres ent, conveyed his grettlngs to each class. The Nebraska Dry Federation held a most enthusiastic and successful rally Monday evening in the State Normal School chapel. Dr. Wm. B. Pheifer gave the principal address of the evening. At the close of the meeting a permanent local organiza tion was effected with the following officers, who were unanimously elect ed: President, Dr. N. S. Harajuan; vice president, Roy Cowell; secretary. Prof. W. F. Hoyt; treasurer, T. L. Fisher. One of the special features of the new summer school buleltin is the announcement of the county superin tendents' and rural life conference which will be held In Peru June 20 to 23 inclusive. A part of the plan for this conference contemplates lec tures by Harold W. Foght, national rural school specialist; Oscar W. Benson, head of the boys' and girls' club work in the United States; and George W. Brown, head of the new department of rural education in our Normal. In addition to this the children are preparing a number of pageants suitable for use in rural school communities. On one even ing they will give a play entitled, "Back to the Farm". On March 31 Peru will meet Kear ney Normal in two debates. Roy Hull. A. A. Wolf, and Roy Hagerty will defend the blue and white at home, while O. W. Osness. Bryan Kmmert, Clarence Howie, and Luella Rawley will meet the opponents at Kearney. These young people were chosen from the large group of con testants who took part in the prelim inary debates several weeks ago. Miss Iva Dunn, head of the depart ment of expression, gave a recital at Hrownvllle on the evening of March 15. She was accompanied by Misses Margaret Ralston and Ruth Redfern. ESTABLISHED 1659 S$uoerM&eer Oldest Piano House in iheWest Pianos 200 t430 Player Pianos 375 to GOO Announcement Our direct Factory-to-Home selling plan saves you the agent's and the dealer's profits, not less than $100 and upwards. Our 25-year guarantee, backed by our entire re sources of over $1,000,000 protects you after you have bought. Our terms are as low as $5.00 per month, or quar terly, semi-annually or annually if you desire. When you pay more for a piano than we ask, you pay for something we give you free. Write for our free illustrated catalog and special of fer to first buyers in your locality. It means Dollars to you. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PlANO Co. 1311-13 Farnam Street Dept. A 133 Omaha, Neb. i Events in the Social Realm 3E DDE Miss Hledek agreeably entertained the members of the Presbyterian church choir at the Coppernoll home last Thursday evening. A two course luncheon was enjoyed and a good time reported. The Elks Club gave a Et. Patrick's dancing party Friday evening, with all the "trimmings" In green, and the number of couples who enjoyed the hours are enthusiastic over the entertainment received. Mrs. W. M. Weldenhamer was hostess to about fifty guests Friday afternoon last at 1:30 luncheon. The decorations were appropriate to St. Patrick's day, and the menu carried the same arrangement, carnations be ing used in profusion thru the rooms. The Imperial orchestra were the hosts to a pleasant dancing party on St. Patrick's night, and the Phelan opera house was decorated in a taste ful manner for the occasion, in tht? color appropriate. The couples ap preciated the music and report a de lightful time. 1 The Woman's Club will meet at ! the home of Mrs. 'L. C. Smith Friday who contributed some musical mini- afternoon of this week, and the pro bers to the program. I gram will be a literary one, including ', roll call of current events, and an The Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. , ((Ulre8H by Senator Karl D. Mallery. A. have been engaged in a Religious , am, mU8ca, Beltl.tio8 by Miss Ruth Betterment campaign. The services I Leonard am, an in8trumpntlll duel by at the various churches Sunday were , eI!.UrU.e ,,att. and M.(rip Kib. given over to sessions of this cam- 1 paign, and several special meetings ! were held the first of the week, which . On Monday evening, Mrs. L. M. gave students and citizens of Peru an j Beal was hostess to Mr. Fisher's and opportunity to hear F. MacMillan, of Mr. Cooper's classes of boys of the Des Moines. Ia., who is vice president j Christian church at her farm home, of the Rock Island railway; C. A. ' and the young gents surely enjoyed Musselman. of Omaha, Y. M. C. A. city and railway state secretary; E. A. Worthley, student pastor of Uni versity of Nebraska; Miss Lynch, ter ritorial secretary and state secretary for the Y. M. C. A.; and E. J. Sim onds, state secretary of Y. M. C. A. in coleges and high schools. the time. They played games in the new barn, also enjoyed roller skat ing, wrestling and other activities dear to the heart of the boy, and the hours closed with refreshments both tempting and consuming. It is safe to say that the boys will not forget this outing for some time. me woman a tjiuo enjoyed a ar clal time at the home of Mrs. Lai Of last Friday afternoon. The hoateos had prettily decorated In colors ap propriate to the day, and quite good deal of amusement was canted by the ones In attendance being ask ed to kiss the "noted Blarney stone". The menu served at the close of tie study hours carried out the same col or scheme, and the whole program, which included readings and muite, was pleasantly carried out. Mr. LalAff presented the ladies with green &o4 white carnations as a memento of th ocacsion. The ladies of the Woman's Oull4 were entertained at the parish hoUM' Wednesday afternoon, the hostess for the ocacsion being MrB. W. O. Em banks. A large attendance Wft present, and besides the usual sesalo of the society, a towel shower wae tendered Miss Margaret Shaw, com plimentary to her approaching mar riage to Mr. Frank Was. A social time was enjoyed and a deliciOM luncheon served the guests. The Baptist Misionary society wae entertained yesterday afternoon by Mrs. Layton and Mrs. Rohibns, at the home of the latter, and a delightful and interesting time was spent. The Methodist Aid Society met with Mrs. J. II. Cams 'yesterday af ternoon, and the missionary progruui was very interesting. Miss Ruth Leonard favored with an instrument al solo, and Mrs. Davenport. Mr. Cams and Miss Mable Yoiiuv all gave readings which were along the mis sionary subject. Next Wednesday afternoon the la dies of the Methodist Aid are to be hostesses to all the other aid societies of the different churches, at the Methodist church, and a pl--;is.ut af ternoon is IvH'ke.l forward to. Re freshments will be an important fea ture anil an interest in: program irf beiiiK ai'ani-i-'I twi'. t f X proposed ticket, it is contended, will I ' do away with hundreds oi forms now required. It will be general and will ' apply to all roads, as all lines be tween important gateways ale gioup ed, so that by punching, the selling auent may indicate ly punrlun the lines selected by the traveler. Keep Your Skill Clear and Healthy , I here is only one way to have a j clear, healthy complexion and that is j to keep the bowels active and regu lar. Dr. King's New Life Pills will make your complexion healthy and clear, move the bowels gently, stimu late the liver, cleanse the system and purify the blood. A splendid spring medicine. Adv- '-i- at your drugUt. Real Estate, Loans and Insur ance. F. E. REDDISH, Reddish A. V y y V y y y y V z x z z z z z z z Z z z z z z X t V V SATURDAY SPEC IALS All $1.25, $1.00, & 98c waists, special for Saturday 85 Ladies Gauze Vests 35c values 25c 19c values 2 for 25c Special line at 10c each Ladies Gauze Union Suits 40c quality 75c quality 29c 59c New line Stamped Art goods including Center Pieces) rfs Special U Pillow Tops V y V f y y y y y y y V X y y y y y y REGAN'S Opera House Block Block. ir.-tf.b7-J