r - -... -1 .?;v .;?; i:" 5 - I.: . X LLOYD 0. THOMAS Aaadldate for Democratic nomination 1st aute representative from the 73rd district Primaries April 18, 1916 tf Dominated and elected my time fUl be given to serving In the inter at of western Nebraska. I believe Chat I know the needs of Box Butte ad Sheridan counties and that I .have the ability to serve the cltliens f these counties In an efficient man Mr. Tour support at the coming vrlmaries Is respectfuly solicited. poltticaT" a n no uncfji ent f ' &r !. z ...5. Cndi(l:it for K"p'i!lic:in nomintition for tho dfl'n-o of Sheriff of llox Itntlo Count) Primary election. April 18. 1916 Tbe support of the U puMioau voters is resiuM'ifuliy solieiteii it I Kl.h it xit'l.i l;i; C.i til ni.-: iwr i fin . i.i : ,iu for i.'i 1 1 , V I i . . .. .. I ' I' : .". ; . : i i i Your mi i I- ! w i i CAIAIN M. COX Candidate for lUHiiination fur SHERIFF OF BOX BUTTE COUNTY Primaries April 18. 1916 1 respectfully solicit your support 1 t m I For ltereionUtlve 73rl Plst. I hereby announce my candidacy for State Representative on the re publican ticket, from tho 73rd Dist rict, comprising Sheridan and Box Butte counties. My long residence In the District enables me to be con versant with the needs of the people, and If successful will pledge most loy al service to my constituency. I will appreciate your support. B. C. SWIGERT, Gordon, Nebr. x ' ' 1 3 " ? . , 1 :- - JS VJ t T. 1 1 i r , W. It. IIAUI'LH Candidate for nomination of REPRESENTATIVE, 73rd District Republican Primaries April 18, 1916 Your support Is respectfully solicited W. S. ItllKiKlili State Fire tMiimissioner Candidate for State Railway Cominis Hioner Democratic Ticket Primal iea. April 18. 1916 Your support will be appreciated 'TJ'.J! .tw J,l-,", " VI' !"1 V.-.;ff ) .1:.., l.l.OIU.I i-. . DI K Ca niluiii it- for in - I )"tnorr:i t ic noni- .llf in!l io; I ;,c ntlli ( of t .iini ) i !c of !'. (In r ( County " IS. Voiir -i!f''orl will be arTrei-i)ite) i I Ww '.mi Lin i i -J F. AV. IRISH Condidate for nomination of County Treasurer Republican Primaries April 18. 1916 Tour support solicited and appreciated E "1 . V." 1 . '; " Announcements k KEITH NEVILLE Democratic Candida!, for Governor Born and reared in Nebraska. Stands for a constructive rather than an experimental program. Hia election will mean a con tinuance of clean, business-like and efficient executive administra tion. - - H - REI'IiKSENTATIVE 73rd DISTRICT I hereby announce that I am a can didate for the nomination of Repre sentative 73rd District, comprising Sheridan and Box Butte counties. subject to the electors of the Demo cratic party at the Primaries to be neia April asm, luie. Your sup port will be appreciated. ARTHUR E. CLARK. Gordon, Nebraska For County Clerk I hereby announce that I am a can didate for the Democratic namlna tion for County Clerk of Box Butte county, subject to the will of the vot ers at tho Primaries to be held Tues day. April 18. 1916. I will appreciate your vote. UKORUE FLEMING. KDWAKD MAltlN Candidate for nomination for the of fice of SHERIFF OF BOX BUTTE COUNTY Republican primaries, April 18, 1916. I will appreciate your support. Have lived in Box Butte county thirty-one years and if nominated and elected will fill the office to the best . .of my ability. 5 If V'y- rrtmifliiiw iswi A i ' V." CANDIDATE FOR ASSESSOR W. O. Zediker Announces Candidacy for Republican Nomination for (bounty Assessor I hereby announce that I am a can lldate for nomination on the Repub lican ticket for county assessor of Box Butte county, subject to the ap proval of the voters at the primary "lection to be held on April 18. If lomlnated and elected I will do all 1 an to get a more uniform assess nent throughout the entire county. Home men are assessed too high and ome too low. Some not at all. Equality Is the only true basis of tax ttion. I located In Box Butte county, wenty miles north of Alliance, wenty-seven years ago this fall. I nave held the office of precinct as sessor the most of the time during ;he last twenty years and I am famil iar with the revenue laws of the ttate. I will appreciate your support at 'he primaries. W. 0. ZKD1KER. LEE 1JASYE Rpiihlican Cundidate for Ite-elecHon to the Oflire of County Attorney Graduate of Alliance Schools and University of Nebraska, College of Arts and Sciences anil Co' ge of Law. Vote for an honest and 'Conomical administration of Justice. Do I not deserve re-election? YOU BE THE JUDGE. v & V FOR SIIF.KIF I hereby announce that I am a can ildate for the nomination for Sheriff f Box Butte County, subject to the lecision ol' th. voters at the Demo cratic Primaries to be held Tuesday, April 18. 191(5. I will appreciiit" your .support. ARTHUR A. RALLS. 1 wish to announce thai 1 will b a Republican candidate for nomina tion of County Clerk at the primaries April 18, 1916. Your support will be appreciated. W. C. MOUNTS. f - it V Si -. . YV. O. BARNES Candidate for Nomination of SHERIFF BOX BUTTE COUNTY Republican Primaries April 18, 1916 I respectfully solicit your support L. A. DERRT Candidate for nomination for COUNTY JUDGE BOX BUTTE COUNTY Primaries April 18, 1916 Your support will be appreciated CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce my candidacy for sheriff of Box Butte county on the Republican ticket at the primar ies on April 18. 1916. My long res idence of twenty-four years In the county enables me to fill the wants of the people. Your vote Is appreci ated. NORBERT FROHNAPFEL. MISS OPAL Rl'SsELL Candidate for Democratic nomination for County Superintendent of Box Butte County Primaries, April 18, 1916 I will appreciate your Bupport McKELVIE FOR GOVERNOR. Ha Will Win. The eundifluto for RDVernor who at tliis time is Kenerally looked uion an a sure winner is S. R. Mt Kelvie, pub tlsln i- of tli Nebraska Fanner. He is young and active, clean and honoralili knows from u lifetime spent in ih. state what the needs of the state are, has an exceptional record as a success ful business man. lias u splendid rec ord as k-gixlutor and lieutenant gov ernor, and he has made a clean, high class eatnpaiKn whieh should command the reelect of all thoimhtful voters. These ara some of the reasons why he In generally referred to .ih The Popu lar Car..l,dt. I ft ere by anuoutice liiui l aio a can didate for the office or Comny Tla urer, subject to the decision of il. Democratic PrlmaiieK. April l 1916 Your support will be upprtn-iatea A H OROVE V ) i . " ' rfr : . :l '1 " ti.u JflsTft Vi Av f F " -v-x ; ;- if fame HODERT A. DALL I hereby announce my candidal for the office of County Clerk, nr Ject to the decision of the Republlea Primaries, April 18, 1916. From A pioneer Box Butte family; feel aal Ifled for the position and entitled M It. 1 will appreciate a boost. ROBERT A. BALI JOB L. WE8TOVER Caadldata for Democratic NobsIs- tlon for COUNTY ATTORNEY OF BOX BUTTE COUNTY Primaries April 18, 1916 Yoar support Is respectfully solicited XR COUNTY SUPERINTENDS!! I wish to announce that I will fee 4 candidate for the republican dobsmc atlon for County Superintendent af the primaries. April 18. I have teak connected with the Alliance tltr schools for several years past ia tit capacity of teacher. I reepeetfaH solicit the support of the voter. MARY A. ROBERTSON. CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR Having filed for the Republics nomination for eounty assessor I wal appreciate the support of the Repub lican voter at the Primaries, April 18. 1916. E. P. SWEENBT. JOHN BURNS Candidate for the Nominatloa c4 SHERIFF OF BOX BUTTE COUNT Democratic Primaries April 18. 1916 Your support Is respectfully sot1IUi FOR COUNTY ATTORNEY I hereby annoance my eaadlaaqr for the nomination for County Attor ney of Box Butte County subject the will of the voters at the RepaV lieaa Primary April 18. ROBERT O. REDDISH. WW tlttiididAte for COUNTY COMMISSIONER, 1 have filed for the nominatloa fay county commissioner for the Firjjl District of Box Butte county, ss ject to the will of the voters at tip primaries on April 18. Have bi a resident of tho county over thirty years. Your support will be appre ciated. ANTON UHRIQ. HARRISON C. PALL3ER CLAY CENTER rou Supreme Judge PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES Admitted to practice 1895. Member of American Bar Association Probate Judge of Clay County Hr twelve years. No case appealed from his court haw ever been reversed in Supreme Court of Nebraska. LEGISLATIVE RECORD: Active in securing the passage of tfee Insurance Code Bill, Workmew Compensation Act, County Tel ephone Bill and other reform meas ures. "THE PEOPLE'S CANDIDATE" A lifelong experience as a larntcf, teacher, lawyer, legislator and JUdfle makes him truly "Tha People's Can didate." ARE YOU 3 GUILTY t A FARMER, carrying an express package from a big mail-order house was accosted by a local dealer. "Why Jidn'i you buy thai tilt of good from me could have $aoed you (he expreu, and tesidt yoa would haot been patronizing a home tlort, which helps pay the taxe and build up thl$ locality." Th farmer looked at the mer chant m moment and then laid: "Why don't you patronlie your horn paper and advertise) I read M unddidn'lknowthatyouhadthtstujf I ha- here." MORAL ADVERTISE