Will Soon FOR HOME BAKING (Written for last week) Fred Melick recently purchased h Visit new Ford car, which arrived this week. lEMINGFlMQ DEPARTMENT iAKIEMS PWBEK Absolutely Puro THE GREATEST BAKE-DAY IIELP No Alum No Phosphate Henry Clayton, a wealthy rancher Urtio lives In the Canton neighbor hood about thirty-five miles north west of Alliance, is selling off his dtock, expects to lease his land and Mtire from farm life. He has been nndeclded for some time as to just where he will locate, but has Just aout decided to move to Alliance aad find a suitable Bite to build a fine IftUe bungalow. Nearly new, late model, typewriter tor sale cheap. On easy terms. In Ire at the Herald office. Mrs. Leo Berry, daughter-in-law of County Judge and Mrs. L. A. Berry, is reported in a critical condition at Shelton, near Grand Island, where she went Beveral weeks ago for a vis it with relatives. Mrs. Berry suffer ed internal injuries two months ago in a fall from an automobile, and her present condition is thought to be due to those Injuries. Her husband, Leo Berry, has been called to her bedside from his home near Lake side. Funeral designs made on short no tlce. Alliance Greenhouse. AWFUL SUFFERING. "I suffered untold agony with neuralgia. I thought I would go mad with pain. A friend of mine advised me to take Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills. I did so and the pain stopped almost at once. Then I commenced using Dr. Miles' Nervine and be fore long I was so that I did not have these pains any more." BL. J. W INTER, SSI E. Platte Ave., Colorado Bprlnga, Colo. Close attention to work is the cause of much Pain and many Headaches. Obtain relief by taking one or two 1 DR. MILES' ANTI-PAIN PILLS Then tone up the Nervous System by using Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine IF FIRST BOTTLE. OR BOX. FAILS TO HELP YOU, YOUH MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. I Ill TTZT.. Z"i jjRJ "SPEED UP!" to 60 minutes an hour by taking the "grind1 out of typewriting I y AND tmile I For here at last is the master )S machine that makes it easy for any stenog rapher to turn out MORE letters With LESS effort in the ordinary working day. The new Royal Master-Model "10" speeds up the day's work and sets the pace that pays! Built tor "Big Business1 and its Great Army of Expert Operators These new features of the Royal add to the sensitive fingers of the typist, the one vital thing that tne old-style typewriter subtracts speed! The speed with brains behind it the all-day speed of the expert typist in the day's work. Errorless speed is the kind of speed that counts. Commonsense has punctured the illusion of the other kind. n ra Get the Facts ! Send forth "Royal man" and uk for a DEMONSTRATION. Or writ v direct for our new brochure,- "flalfar ervic,"and book of fact on Touch Typinf sent free to typewriter Beers. .1 ROYALYPE WRITER COMPANY 318 South 19th St., Omaha, Nebr. $125 in Canada Mrs. B. U. Shepherd had charge of the millinery shop during Mrs. Lor- ensen's Illness. llussell Melick came In last week from Missouri for a visit with his brothers and families. Wilbur Melick has rented the Lot- speich form southwest of town and moved thereon last week. C. 11. Hubbell was In from the Cur ly neighborhood Tuesday doing some trading with our merchants. Miss Anna Carter returned a few days ago from Broadwater, Nebr., where she had been visiting for some time. Mrs. P. M. Lorensen was quite 111 last Saturday and Sunday. At this writing she is able to be back In the shop. Mrs. Thlllp Michael, Jr., was a passenger to Alliance Monday where she remained with friends until Tues day night. E. 3. Curry, Hascal Best and James Best came In Sunday for the southern part of the state where the boys have been for some time. A number of auto loads from this place attended the Best sale Tuesday. There was a good crowd in attena ance and everything sold at a good price. Mrs. Haack and sisters, the Misses Geraldine and Katurah Shull, left on 44 Wednesday going to Minatare to join their father, who has located at that place. We hear that Mr. Womack who went to Denver last week to be oper ated on for appendicitis, underwent the operation and is doing nicely, a fact we are pleased to mention. Elliott Beaumont returned to Alli- anfp Tuefuliiv to aeain take up his studies In school. He has been ab sent for the past month on account of a very severe attack of la grippe George Walker has moved his fam ily into the West house in the west part of town, recently vacated by Mr ttohe. who moved Into the Graham house which has just been completed Mr. Barge of Seward, Nebr., was here several days last week looking nftor his land Interests. Mr. Barge was formerly engaged in the mer- .inii hiiHinpHs here. Deing one 01 the firm of Barge Bros. George Taylor, living near Girard, lost several head of cattle a week ago. The cattle had drifted during the storm of Monday night and had gotlBH inside the fence along the right or way, The early train of Tuesday morning ran into the bunch killing several outright and injuring several more. It becomes our painful duty to chronicle the death of Mrs. Frank Pelt a. which occurred at her home northeast of town, last Saturday night. Heart failure was the cause, while it was understood by a good many that Mrs. Peltz had heart trou ble her condition Was not alarming. and the news of her death came as a shock to all. Her death recalls the sudden death of two of her daughters in less than two years, both due to heart trouble. With the passing of this woman, the home has lost a lov ing and faithful, a kind and affec tionate, mother, and the commnity in which she lived, a good neighbor and friend. The funeral services were held from the Catholic church at this place, last Monday morning, conduct ed by the Ilev. Keyser. Interment In (he Hemingford cemetery Alliance, Neb. The Lady Specialist Will be at Drake Hotel SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 1916 ONE DAY ONLY llcmnrkable Sucre of this Talented Physician In the Treatment of Chronic Diseases OFFEItS 1 1 Eft SERVICES FREE OF CIIAItUE FIRST TRIP Sign ot Jood Digestion When vou see a cheerful and hap py old lady you may know that she has good digestion. If your diges tion is impaired or if you do not rel ish your meals take a dose of Cham berlain's Tablets. They strengmci the stomach. Improve the digestioi and cause a gentle movement of tin bowels. Obtainable everywhere. Adv March Licensed by the state, for the treat ment of deformities and all nervous and chronic diseases of men, women and children, offers to all who call on this trip, consultation, examination, advice free, except the cost of medi cine. All that is asked In return for these valuable services Is that every person treated will tell their suffer ing friends and neighbors of the good results obtained by her treatments that they will be pleased to recom mend her to their friends and neighbors. Does not treat any acute diseases, her time and attention being devoted to such diseases as follows: Diseases of the stomach, bowels, liver, blood, skin, nerves, heart, spleen, kidneys or bladder, rheuma tism, sciatica, bed-wetting, leg ulcers, weak lungs, catarrh, bronchitis, as thma, slow growth In children and those afflicted with long-Btandlng, deep-seated chronic diseases, that have baffled the skill of the family physician. According to her system no more operations for appendicitis, gall stones, tumors, goitre or certain forms of cancer. She was among the first in America to earn the name of "Bloodless Surgeon", by doing away with the knife, with blood and with all pain In the successful treatment of these dangerous diseases. If you have kidney or bladder trou bles bring In a two-ounce bottle of your urine for chemical analysis. Deafness often cured In sixty days. Remember this free offer Is for this trip only. Advertisement. EXCEPTIONAL CATTLE If you want exceptional cattle at tend the Hugo Llchte sale, 16 mileB northeaBt of Hemingford, March 28, 1916. Write K. L. Pierce, Heming ford, Nebraska, for bills. Also horses and complete ranch outfit will be sold, as Hugo Llchte has leased his ranch for a term of years. 15-2t-6731 Well-Seasoned Sidling insures long wear and first-class ap pearance in a dwelling house or other structure. Our stock of siding is made of carefully selected lumber and seasoned thoroughly. That is why it wears so well. Tell Us Your Plans for building and we will show you how to avoid waste and get the most for your money. Our customers are our best friends, because they can rely on our advice about building and building material. They always return. We Guarantee the Quality of Everything We Sell Dierks Lbr. & Coal Co. Phone 22 We sell Coal: Canon City Lump and Nut; Sheridan Lump and Nut; Eastern Hard Coal; Kirby Nut. iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!iiii:ii:iiiniiiiiiiiiii:i:imiiiiin!!iiiiiiii;i:iiniiiiimTTTn: Dalton Townsite FOR SALE I am offering for sale the DALTON TOWKSITB section: about 500 acres unsold. Will sell all In one body, Including all unsold town lots, or will sell the south half of Ue section separately for 147.50 per acre, one-third cash, payments to suit purchaser on the balance. I also have for sale the following lands near Daltaa: 160 acres, two miles southeast of Dalton. 640 acres a stock section four miles north of Dalton. 80 acres under cultivation; 6 room house; barn 24x32; two wells; 3 miles of fence; one mile from Simla. Price 114.00 per acre, one-half cash. 320 acres, 12 miles west of Dalton; 200 acrea under culti vation; all fenced and ctobs fenced. One-half cah, balance one and two years. flood-hie sore f'-t, l"ini.... " n feet., pwoiity !, f!!i:Mnir ' v. ... fivt. GooJ-Lve corn. cttllunis, bum taw Pi'ot. more b!"" ti' 4. ncB, no T'or' limping w '. 1 -pain or lrttiti'i up your faco if agony. "TIZ"ii magical, acts right off. "T1Z" draws out all t ho poisonous pmi'lA tions which pull up the feet, l-'s1 "TIZ'' and for- f.t vour foot miserv. Ah I how coin- 1 rtu'lde your feet feel. Get a 25 cent of "TIZ" now at any druggist or ,!.partment store. Don't suffer. Have -..0.1 feet, glad feet, feet that never nu.-ll nver hurt, never cet tired. A vr'H foot comfort guaranteed " or money refunded. 480 acres, 6 miles northwest of Sidney; 300 acres und cultivation; house 20x32; barn 24x32; 4,000 bushel granar Price la S30.00 per acre, 3,000 cash, balance to suit the p' chaser. For further Information write or ae C. W. H ANDL'cY Dalton, Cheyenne County, Nebr. ;:nnnammiiiiiiiiiiiininiiiiii'c ;mmiinniwt -Branches and Agencies the World Over -H.JJ. YOUNO, Local Afent .k Member, for SujigeMinns At the Commercial Club KiuoKer held Wednesday evening at the city hall. Kail I). Mallery, president, had btatetiients distributed showinK item ized expenditures of the club for the pant two years. At the bottom ot the statements were blanks to be till ed out with budgets as the members would plan them. Illanks were also distributed asking the members to desiunate which committees they pre ferred to act on durlnn the coining year. This list includes committees on membership, industrial, agricul tural, publicity, civic improvements, public health and sanitation, legisla tive, entertainment and conventions public building, good roads, charities endorsement, and public amuse ments. A FA IK WAKXIMi One Tliut Should be. Heinled b Alll- ujice ItesidentH h'renuentlv tne tirst sign of kidney trouble is a slifcht ache or pain in the loins. Neglect of this warning makes the way easy for more serious trou bl"s dropsy, ttravel. Ilripht's dis- eiise. 'Tis well to pay attention to the first sign. Weak kidneys gener ally grow weaker and delay is often dangerous. Residents or this locality place reliance in Doan's Kidney Tills. This tested remedy lias been usea in kidney trouble over 50 years is rec ommended all over the civilired world. Head the following: t;i " A K' lHey, C'hadron, Nebr.. says: "I had Blight Bymptoms of dis ordered kidneys. There had been Uright'a disease In my family for sev eral generations and I decided to try Doan's Kidney Pills. This medicine soon cured ine." Trice 50c. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that cured Mr. Kersey. Foster-Milburn Co.. Props., Buffalo. N. V. Adv Mar GEO. D. HARFAH Breeder nd Dealer PURE BRED '3ULLS Can furnish ranchntc-n of Nebraska with either Hereford or Shorthorns. Address Exchange Building, South Omaha It pays to kep posted. Alliance Herald. Head the HIGH GROUND NURSERY STOCK Cheapest to boy and best to plant. You do not go to low lands or draws for seed corn. Why go there for trees t Our Htock is not forced and will give you entire satisfaction. Our plant is located th farthest west of any nursery i the state, which insures prompt service. HARRISON NURSERY CO. YORK, NEBRASKA