in YOU R ia all figured for you; any measurements; any shape Btncks; both government and local or Western rule; endorsed and used by bankers and hay dealers wherever introduced; as essential to the farmer as the interest table to the banker or the adding machine to the office. Price of tables, 50c each ; set Herald Publishing Co. Alliance, Men and Women Wanted-Government Positions Fort'sl aisMAiit, Industrial teacher, Junior engineer, land law clerk, (earlier, telegraph operator. Examination March in. Stenograph er am! tewriter February 26. Quirk preparation Is nccettsary. You Caa Learn by Mall at Home, Study at Nlgbt. Wouldn't you like a job for life with a steady Income of $75 to $100 or more every month with a good chance for promotion? Then why not get It? We guarantee to prepare you for any civil service position, city, state or federal coach you free until you get the pos ition. Send for particulars. CIVIL 8KKTICK SCHOOL Klttredge Hldg., Denver Get Your School Supplies From Us We carry a full line of tablets, notebooks, theme paper, text books, pencils, pens, ink erasers, bootstraps, schoolbags. :: :: :: . BRENNAN'S Hot and Cold Drinks, Lunches Served at Our Sanitary bountain. HARNESS Dray Phon 54 MARCH BULLETIN OF RATE ATTRACTIONS LOW ONE-WAY FARES TO PACIFIC COAST: The Spring season of low one-way ton, Oregon, Utah, Idaho, Montana, will last onlv from March 25th to April 14th, inclusive. $32.50 one way to the Coasi. Idaho, Central Montana. Hutte . Apply early for through tourist sleeper accommodations via Denver lor California or via Hillings lor the Northwest IOCKY MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARKS: The coming season will he noted for a great nuniher of tourists into the new Kocky Mountain or Loviland, Colo., just north Park and (Jtacicr National Park. Special tours are arranging ly co-operation between the railroads and the (loverniuent. Tin most interesting development the hi aeeoinilishmeut- will hi the special automobile service the only scenic entrance to lellowstone and over Svlvau Pass f a scenic tour be thinkiiiK mm I III . mil wm I HAY of three, $1.00. Nebraska Hand made from beat material. Outlast any factory made good. Call and see. Harness repairing by experienc ed harness maker. J. M. COVERT At M. D. NicboU' stand. Alliance DYE & OWENS (l ll I Trancfar I !ri HOUSEHOLD GOODS moved promptly, anr Transfer Work aollcli ed. Residence phone 636 and Blue 57 fairs to California, Washing and $27.50 to Ttah, Salt Lake, district, etc. National Kstes Park, via Lvons of Denver, as well as Yellowstone via the Cody (lateway, through of a lifetime. It is none too early to over a Park lour and asking me how- it can best be made. 1. KUIDKMlAt (ill. Tli kit AKeiit. Alliance, Neh. L. W. WAKKI.KV, (itMieral raMsenger Agent 1004 frWnaut Ktreet, Oiiuiha, Neb. CHILDREN ARE BOOSTINC Youngster Answer lUvpiest of Com mercial Club for letters, In Way That Surprise ThroupT- the columns of The Her ald last work, the Comemrclal Club asked the citizens of Alliance to urite boosting letters to perIe !n tne east who rhould know of thf. ad vantages of living In western Nebras ka and Alliance, the club furnistilnc free folders to send with the letters. It remained for the school children to start the ball rolling, and some of them have done excellently. Among other letters which have been mailed out, the three following are samples of the excellent letters being sent out by the children. The letter They Sent Alliance. Nehr., March 14, 1916. My dear Uncle: 1 have been requested by the Com mercial Club of Alliance to send out a letter with this circular. Box Hutte county has a large range for cattle. In the country are found some of the best ranches In Nebras ka. Large farming interests are al so represented in our county. Alliance, the county seat, is a city of .1.110. It has modern electric light and water systems. We have cluster lights on the business part of Box Uutte Ave. Alliance has an ele vator, a large creamery, an Ice cream and pop factory and large railroad machine shops. Eight passenger trains enter and leave Alliance every twenty-four hours, also many freight and stock trains. Alliance haB six large grocery stores, four large dry goods stores, three drug stores, four men's cloth ing stores and three hardware stores, including the largest hardware store in western Nebraska. Our water is supplied from four large wells which pump water in the stand pipe which is 110 feet high. Alliance schools are unexcelled, two grade schools, one high school and St. Agnes Academy which I at tend. Next week there will be a govern ment land sale at Alliance. Some thousand visitors are expected. Well, uncle, as it is getting late I must clone. Yours sincerely, D. J. NELSON. Jit. Alliance. Nebr., March 14. 1916 Dear Uncle Jim: No doubt you will be surprised to receive such a long letter and wonder where I managed to And so much news since I am located in a town ui western Nebraska. You can see from the enclosed circular that we have much to be thankful for in our coun try; but I will also prove .to you that there are many other inducements to draw a homeseeker. Foremost among these, In my esti mation, is the pleasure of a cozy lit tle home under the sunny skies and balmy fresh air of Alliance. Nebr. This Is but a town of about five thousand but it is an up to date pro gressive town in every respect. You cannot but be impressed by this as soon as you get off at one of the lln est depots in Nebraska, the Burling ton, and Us well kept park adjoining. It affords shelter and waiting rooms for the many travelers arriving and leaving on our eight daily passenger trains. On passing through the watting room you are ushered on to the main thoroughfare with its numerous clus ter lights on either side, and neatly cleaned cement sidewalks. Travers ing this northward, you cannot but be impressed by the business activi ty, which is visible on this street, in the three banks, three drug stores, many groceries, several dry goods, hardware, furniture, clothing, dying, electrical, flour and feed establish ments; of course, saloons are also to be seen, as this part of Nebraska lias not yet gone dry. . We can also boast of three up-to-date hotels, many restaurants and rooming houses, two moving picture show houses and a tirst class opera house. An elegant buff brick court house, a city hall with swimming pool adjoining, Elks home and a proposed $80,000 federal building show what pride our citizens take in public af fair. You may ask. "Well, what are the educational opportunities of your town?" Let me assure you the best. Just let me show you our tine public library with over 3.000 val- umes. two grammar schools, public high school, and one of the best pri vate schools in the state, St. Agnes Academy, surrounded by beautiful grounds. On the next bloek west is St. Joseph's hospital, which is soon to be enlarged by a f 50,000 addition Taking a stroll through the resi dence part of town you must be im pressed; first, by the Christian and beneticial spirit, that has erected t.ev en or eight churches In our commuii Ity; and secondly, by the beautiful and cozy homes, surrounded by well kept lawns and parkings. These things show the citizenship of which Alliance is rightly proud. Though high and dry above sea Make Your Home Safe by Using Safe Home Matches They are the strongest, sturdiest, safest matches in the world. They light almost anywhere. These are real safety matches. They don't spark. They don't sputter. The heads don't fall off. The sticks are unusually strong. They are non-poisonous and conform in every respect with the new Fed eral law. 5c. A II grocers. Ask far them by name. The Diamond Match Company fill level, we can boast of a park lake summer resort, two miles from town and by the untiring efforts of our wide awake Commercial Club, a city park has been platted out in the east part of town. Now I feel sure that if I could but bottle up a sample of our sunshine and fresh air, no further inducement would be needed to bring you to Ne braska at once. Hoping to see you soon and with sincerest regards to you all, I am. Your loving niece, MARIE NOLAN. Alliance, Nebr., March 13, 1916. My dear Aunt and Uncle: I feel assured you will have won dered at what a long letter you are receiving before opening the envel ope; but ere this you are aware that my news budget is the minor part of its contents. Being a loyal citizen to my present seat of residence I have joined the boosters of Box Butte county in their efforts to make known, far and wide, the grand opportunities that await home seekers under th esunny skies of western Nebraska. Since the inclosed pamphlet extols the resources of the soil and the com mercial facilities, I shall endeavor to interest you by setting forth the edu cational advantages that are offered in the city of Alliance. They indeed show that the people of this section are educated and wide awake citiz ens. There are four large and well equipped school buildings, two of which, the Emerson in the west part of town, and the Central in the east, are grammar schools. The public high school is situated at the north end of Box Butte ave nue, and two blocks west of It on Cheyenne avenue is St. Agnes acad emy. This is a select grammar and high school, conducted by the Sisters of St. Francis and Is attended by about one hundred and seventy-five day pu pils and seventy-five boarders from Nebraska a dnneighboring states. Now let me assure you that a ven ture to Invest in a home in or near Alliance will never be regretted, no matter from what standpoint you may view the matter. Hoping cousin John will come out for the big land auction, I am. Yours devotedly, RUTH JOHNSON. RHEUMATISM ARRESTED Many people suffer the tortures of lame muscles and stiffened joints because of impurities in the blood, and each suc ceeding attack, seems more acute until rheumatism has i u vaded the w hole system . To arrest rheumatism it is quite as im portant to improve your general health as to purify your blood, and the cod liver oil in Scott's Emulsion is nature'sgreat blood -maker, while its medicinal nourishment strengthens the organs to expel the impurities and upbuild your strength. Scott's Kmulsion is helping thousands every day w ho could not find other relief. Kctuse tlie ak.-ou.oIie substitute. :H TAKE EXAMINATION T embers' Examination Held in Cinin- I) Siierintf mlenCc Ottiee Thirty-eight persons took the state teachers' examination conduct ed last Friday and Saturday by Coun ty Superintendent Miss Opal Knsscll in the court house. The papers have been forwarded to Lincoln, and it depends altogeth er on how large a number of the teachers over the state took the ex amination as to how soon a report on the examinations will he available. DISTRICT TEACHERS MEETING POSTPONED Scarlet Fever at Sidney and Other Place In District Is C'aum Declamatory Contest Slat The prevalence of scarlet fever at Sidney and other cities in the district has resulted In the officers of the K'orth Flatte Valley Teachers' Asso ciation calling off the annual meet ing for 1916 which had been sched uled to be held thta spring at Sidney. Notices to this effect have been sent out to members of the associa tion and to the press of the district by the executive officers, President W. S. Dostdor, of Lodgepole; Vice President C. M. Mathey, of Scotts bluff, and Secretary Miss Anna Mc Fadden, of Sidney. The district declamatory contest to he held at Sidney at the same time has not been called off and will be held at Sidney Friday evening, March 31, at the Tobin opera house. Stud ents of the Alliance high school and other high schools in the district have been preparing for several weeks for this event. J IF HI KIDNEYS ACT BADLY Take tablespoonfol of Salts if Back hurt or Bladder bothers Drink lots of water. We ire a nation of meat eaters and our blood is filled with uric acid, says a well-known authority, who warns us to be constantly on guard against kidney trouble. The kidneys do their utmost to free the blood of this irritating acid, but become weak from the overwork; they get sluggish; the diminutive tissues clog and thus the waste is retained in the blood ,to poison the entire system. When your kidneys ache and feel like lumps of lead, and you have stinging pains in the hack or the urine is cloudy, full of sediment, or the bladder is irri table, obliging you to seek relief during the night; when you have severe head aches, nervous and dizzy spells, sleepless ness, acid stomach or rheumatism in bad weather, get from your pharmacist about four hi tiers of Jad Salts; take a tablespoon ful in a glass of water before breakfast each morning and in a few days your kidneys will act fine. This famous salts ia made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys, to neutralize the acids in urine so it is no longer a source of irritation, thus ending urinary and bladder disorders. Jad Salts is inexpensive and cannot injure; makes a delightful effervescent lithia-watcr drink, and nobody can make a mistake by taking a little occasionally to keep the kidneys clean and active. Correct English HOW TO USE IT MONTHLY MAGAZINt Josephine Turck ltaker, Editor For Progressive Men and Women Business and Professional: Club Women, Teachers, Students Ministers, Doctor, Lawyers, &tetKgrttither& and for all who wish to Speak and Write Correct English Special Feature Every Month Your Every-Day Vocabulary: How to Enlarge It Sample Copy 10c Subscription Price 2 a Year EVANSTON, ILLINOIS Josephine Turck Baker's Stands n Magazine and Books are recommend ed by this paper. Your Photograph Is an Appropriate gift for any occasion. One that is always appreci ated by the home folks. One that is always appreciat ed by a frietiil. Let us show you the new style mountings in the various sizes ami prices. QUALITY U'AKANTKKl by ten years experience Kodak Finishing SHULER STUDIO Victor Shuler Rumer Block QUIT (? 05 CorV uAYUVr, 'VLOVO aYWJ lo CaAamIoM, PD 10 4- Jevwft. - Ccurwuur Stock and Supply Tanks Will outlast several steel tanks or several tanks made from other ma terial, and cost less money. These tanks will keep the water cooler la summer and warmer in winter. Send for price list today. ATLAS TANK MFG. COMPANY, Fred Itoisen, Manager, 1102 W. O. W. Itlilg., Omaha. Neb. Live Wire Directory of Real Estate dealers free with one year's subscription to the Real Estate Exchange the best real estate paper. The paper with 1000 sale and ex change propositions and live clean general real estate infor mation. Time limited. Write for sample copy now. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE Belle, Mo. VARICOCELE nunrn without U VI II E. U tmc KNirc Sin. e 1SS5 in Kansas City, I have Hin vi ssfully trvuteil tliousmul.i f rsi'K of Vaiirorfle. Myelo cele, .uiil allied trouliles. The kimttetl veins. p;iin, eiilaine- liiiiit. weakness nmt otiierjwta" symptoms quickly li.appear.5J W'tlte for Illustrated ""'lf jfa- Without the Knife" and full partlou- larg free, sealed. Call or address V K Klaus City. Ma. -liatflKt4.ukfMwtMfcbtaa Ulnra i The Imperial Orchestra MILT II. WUALEY and II. A. DUBUQUE, llauaxers High Class Concert and Dance Work Prices on Members of Application A. F. of If. HIDES FURS Shipped to us bring bivheat price, qulckeat return. TAN NINO We do the world' beet tanning at mod erate prloea. Tags and prtoee fur nlahed. Reference Any Bank In Sioux City. HAWXEYE H10E COMPANY til Water St. Sioux City, la. Dr. W. 1. Mahaffy DKNTIST Gas Administered Lady Assistant Over 1W (Mlice ALLIANCE NKBRASKA KNOWLEDGE THAT PAYS Knowing that .vou are insured in the LINCOLN ACCIDKNT IN- SUHAXL'K COMTANY makes your recovery from nick iickk and accident more pleasant GUY LOCKWOOD Representative for western Ne braska. All claims settled per sonally and promptly maw)