The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 16, 1916, Image 5

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    Our "Open Book" Policy
We believe that "he profit most who serves best."
Following; our be.ct judgment, supplemented by the best
obtainable advice from public administrative and judicial bod
ies, we constantly endeavor to conduct our business so our serv
ice will be of the' greatest good to the largest number of people.
Our business methods and policies, the amount of our in
vestment, even the dividends we pay, as well as the details of
the transaction of our business are matter of common knowl
edge. Analyzed and sworn to in the annual reports to our stock
holders and to the public, the minutest details of our business
are taken up and explained .
We aim to ive the best and broadest service to the great
est possible number at the lowest rate at which it can be pro
duced and still pay a fair wage to the employee and a reason
able return to the investor.
We believe that such success as wo have had has been
because our business has been conducted on these lines.
Sign of flood Digestion
When you see a cheerful and hap
py old lady you may know that aha
has good digestion. If your dilu
tion la impaired or If you do not rel
lah your men Is take a done of Cham
berlain's Tablets. They strengthen
the stomnch, lniproTe the digestion
and cause a gentle movement of the
bowels. Obtainable everywhere.
Adv March
Events in the Social Realm
j rine
call. A Si. Patrick's day program
I will be piven, anil the r-ummittee who
J I have so etm-ientiy arranged ror same
j are Mrs. Myrtle Wilson. Mrs. Ida
! Johnson and Mrs. liDTin.
The members of the Woman's
Phoral Club were hostesses to a large
mpany of gentlemen friends Mon
day evening, at the Reddish ball, and
from the lirst greeting to the last
wood night, the time was surely one
leng to be remembered. Charades
ware enjoyed by groups, each one im
personating in a clever manner some
"kid prank". After this diversion it
in safe to say that everyone felt ac
qaainted and heartily entered into
tfae spirit of a jolly good time wheth
er it was the different figures of the
Id fantastic Virginia reel, indulging
m the daintiest of refreshments, or
Names which were played after the
taaoheon hour. Somehow the ladies
sve always felt that they had the
kent wishes of the gentlemen in their
ewdeavors and were not disappointed
ia this event, and whenever a like af
fair will be given, we are sure that
m one will decline the invitation if
sssh can be possibly avoided.
T. II. Barnes, Rolla Wilson, B. J. Sal
lows. J. F. Tiller, II. J. Ellis. A. T
Lunu, M. E. (Irene, Claude Vaughn,
J. S. Adams, Sewell. W. It. Tate were
among the list of guests.
John Farker is busy hauling hay
at present.
W. I. Lorance helped Fred Hadley
butcher a hog Tuesday.
J. H. Lawrence is out from town
aortine potatoes thla week.
Joe Carey drilled wells for Jess
Chilson and Otto Mats last week.
Tom Manlon and wife are the
proud parents of a boy born last
Robert Iawrence of Alliance spent
Saturday and Sunday with his grand
pa and grandma.
Mr. and Mrs. Denton of Alliance
visited with Grandpa and Orandma
Lawrence Sunday.
Jess Chilson is building a frame
hen house on his place. Elmer
Shanks Ir boss carpenter.
Win. Kust. Jr.. sold 40 head of
hogs last Friday to Oscar Braman, re
Icelving 8 cents per pound for them.
F. H. Nason, Charles Health. John
Paiilow and Adolph Brost were some
of those hauling hogs to town Mon
E. W. I'urinton loaded a car of po
tatoes for Kowan and Wright last
week, getting cents per bushel for
Mrs. Kendall preached at Falrview
church Sunday morning and evening
about seventy being present at each
The lox social at the home of John
(.JerdeK last Friday night was well at
tended. f.r,9 being real I used from th
sale of boxes.
There will be an oyster supper fo
the benefit of the minister at the
home of Herbert Nason Friday even
ing, March 17. Everyone is invitee
to come.
The children of school districts
and will give an entertainment a
the Fairview church the evening of
March 24. this being the cloBe of both
schools. The teachers are working
hard to make it a success. Every one
is i m ited to attend.
Frank Momtt went to Alliance Fri
Iielbert Jay is on the sick list at
Samuel Hickman went to Alliance
last Sunday.
Knlph Wade called at the I'atton
home Sunday.
Herman Stllle and family were mo
oring Sunday.
Win. Archer motored down to his
Klnkald Sunday.
Miss Edith Moffltt returned to Al
liance Saturday.
Herman Stllle railed at the Covalt
ranch Thursday.
Arthur Feaglns was visiting in our
vicinity last week.
Samuel Smith made a business trip
to Alliance Friday.
J. II. Wade and wife called at the
I'atton home Sunday.
Mrs. llobbfls returned to her home
In Alliance Saturday.
11. Wade cnt to Alliance Mon-
IjAtett Date but On Thla Ontury tat
KhMct How the Date
la Kiied
Easter this year falls on April IX,
the latest dale but one on which It
falls during the rest of the twentieth
century. In 1943 it will be celebrat
ed on April 25. In the year 2000 it
will come on April 23. again. Every
other year in the century Easter will
come earlier than April 23.
Easter is fixed by ecclesiastical cus
tom as the first Sunday following th
first full moon after the spring equi
nox March 21. If the moon falls on
Sunday, then Easter Is the Sunday
In 190R Easter came on April 21,
the same date an this year. In 1886
it came on April 25, which Is the lat
est date on which Easter can possibly
The next late Easter will be April
20, 1919, and on the same date In
1924 and 1930. In 1935 Easter will
be on April 21. In 1R89 Easter was
celebrated on April 21, and on the
same date in 1878 and 1867.
II. W.
Mrs. M. M. Reynolds entertained in
honor of Mis. II. C. Reynolds. Mon
day afternoon previous to her depar
ture on Tuesday for her home in
Lincoln, after an extended visit with
her sons, M. M. and A. R. Reynolds,
and their wives. The hours were
socially spent and a delicious lunch
eon served at the close. Mrs. Rey
nolds has made many friends during
her visit in Alliance, who will be
glad to welcome her to their midst at
any time she finds it convenient to
come to Alliance.
I The Elks Club are to entertain at I
a. St. l'atrick's dancing party Friday
evening, and if the time proves as
lenjoyaKW" as previous parties have
been, we are sure that no one will re
j uret the social evening spent.
I Mrs. B. J. Sallows entertained on
Tuesday afternoon at a well arranged
kensington. and a the elose of the
informal afternoon hours served a
delicious luncheon to her guests.
On Saturday afternoon Mrs. W. E.
Spencer was hostess to a well ap
pointed five-course dinner, the hours
previous to the repast being passed
with a contest in crocheting, in which
Mrs. Lunn won the first prize. It be
imn s crochet book, and Mrs. B. J.
Sallows second, and was presented
with a bouquet of carnations. The
hostess was assisted by Mrs. Lunn,
Miss LaRhea Lunn and Miss Flora
Spencer. Mesdames. W. W. Johnson,
Mrs. Oscar O'Bannnn pleasantly
entertained in honor of Mrs. C. F.
O'Bannon of Seward, who has been
visiting here for several weeks, and
the time was enjoyed at kensington.
after which a two-course luncheon
was served. Music was furnished by
rr. . . ,t : l...t I
an r.u.bou iuP rum ..bu luuuun. ,n,8t thftt Mnj
.viesuamea e arns, i-ueipn. iuim, uh
bert. Reynolds of Lincoln, and the
two Mrs. Feagins.
Attorney Robert. Simmons, of tier
ing, was in Alliance the first of the
week on business and visiting his
friend and former class mate. County
Attorney Iee Ilasye. Mr. Simmons
is a candidate for the Republican
nomination for county attorney of
Scotts Bluff county.
How to Prevent Croup
When the child Ib subject to at
tacks of croup, see to It that he eats
a ipht evening meal, as an overload
ed stomach may bring on an attack,
also watch for the first symptom
hoarseness, and give Chamberlain's
Couth Remedy as soon as the child
becorocB hoarse. Obtainable every
where. Adv March
Ed Blalsdell called at the I'atton
ranch last Thursday.
O. W. McNurlln and wife called at
H. W. Patton'a Monday.
Mrs. A. D. Hill "called at the J. B.
Wade home last Friday.
Clarence Morgan went to Alliance
with Sam Hickman Sunday.
Messrs. Ray and John Wade called
at the Frank Moffitt home Sunday.
Mrs. Herman Stille called at the
Ward Johnson ranch last Saturday.
Samuel Hickman and wife motored
down from Alliance Sunday evening.
John Wade and brother Ray are
visiting at the parentliil J. B. Wade
home. ijl
Mr. Lowe's foreman. Lea
ley, spent Friday evening at
Harold Carson went to Crawford
last Wednesday to accompany Miss
Moon home.
Mrs. Maud Hacker is visiting with
the cook, Mrs. Herman Stille, on the
Wm. Illll ranch.
Eldo I'fford and wife and hired
man called at the J. 11. Wade home
Thursday evening.
The neighbors of this viciuity are
greatly grieved to learn that A. D.
Hill and family are going to leave In
the near future for parts unknown.
The Alliance Chiming Works 1
now located in the Imxeinenl or Hit
Drake Hotel. Telephone rM.
Advertising Is just as necessary to
the success of anv business as are
show windows, show cases, a place in
which to conduct the business and
clerks to help sell the poods.
Jail OfTciiHe to Sign More Than One
CandhUto'N Petition for the
Hume Otllce.
Be careful about signing petitions,
says the ('alia way Queen. A great
many people have a habit of signing
a petition whenever asked to, with
out taking pains to find out what It
is for. This Is it risky practice, for
If you slim a petition for more Ibaa
one candidate for the same office, un
der the laws of NebrasKa, you are
gulltv of a misdemeanor, and If con
victed may be punished to the extent
of a six months term In the county
jail. The conviction would be sim
ple enough, te, if one's namo ap
peared too many times. So when
someone asks yon to sign a petition,
make sure that it is the only one of
that particular kind that you do sign,
or you may find yourself in trouble.
The following Ik an extract from
tho state law:
"Any person who shall sign more
nomination petitions than there are
positions to fill In any kind of of
fices shall be guilty of a misdemean
or, and upon conviction thereof be
punished by imprisonment In the
county Jail not lr than one nor
more than six months."
Servic es ut Nt. M UlJiew's Church.
Holy Communion. 8:30 a. m.
Sunday School, It a. in.
Morning prayer. 11 a. m.
Evening prayer. 7:30 p. m.
Ed Lewis, an Alliance, lad who be
longs in Frank Reed's ihus for lndus
triouKiiess. was arrested Sunday by
the city police and lined 125 and cost
by Judge Roberts Monday morning.
Sentence was suspended in order to
give Lewis an opportunity to show
some intentions ol getting busy and
staying busy.
A social session of the Woman's
Club will be held Friday afternoon
of this week, at the home of Mrs. E.
G. Laing. and every one is asked to
have an Irish joke ready for the roll
Mrs. Mary E. Parker arrived Tues
day from Mitchell. S. D.. for a visit
with her son. F. W. Hicks, and fam
ily. Previous to her arrival in Alli
ance, she visited some time at Elk
Point. S. D., and Sioux City. Ia. We
Parker will enjoy her
stay here, and find that Nebraska has
many Interesting features as does the
"Sunshine state".
"TiT rsKZ?
J1 A
Pbwerl Farming Machinery
More Acres, More Bushels
Each is possible when an OilPull is used. Plow as deep as
you like, find plant at the right time to get the bumper crops
it's easy to do both, with the
15-30 s.Wlrrv 30-0
Honepowcr L.JMMZTJ Hor.ef.ower
The OilPull is easy to start and easy to operate. It bums
cheapest kerosene or distillate at all loads. After plowing, it
will furnish you steady reliable power for hauling, roadmaking,
threshing, husking and dozens of other jobs. Wheels conform
to every highway restriction. . The 15-30 has two speeds for
road work.
Demonstrator will be in Alliance on or
about April 1st, wait to see this wonder
ful machine.
Local agent Phone Black 719
Hopes Women Will
Adopt This Habit
As Well As Men
Glass of hot water each morn
ing helps us look and feel
clean, sweet, fresh.
-riff,- ""t
I vr It ml
The Greatest Value
In a Bed Spring
We've Ever Offered
Happy, bright, alert vigorous and
vivacious a good clear skin; a nat
ural, rosy complexion and freedom
from illness are assured only by
clean, healthy blood. If only every
woman and likewise every man could
realize the wonders of the morning
Inside bath, what a gratifying change
would take place.
Instead of the thousands of sickly,
anaemic-looking men, women and
glrla with pasty or muddy complex
ions', instead of the multitudes of
"nerve wrecks," "rundowns," "brain
fags" and pessimist wo should see a
virile, optimistic throng of rosy
cheeked people everywhere.
An inside bath Is had by drinking,
each morning before breakfast, a
glass of real hot water with a tea
spoooful of Umeatone phosphate In it
to wash from the stomach, liver, kid
neys and ten yards of bowels the pre
vious day's Indigestible waste, sour
fermentations and poisons, thus
cleansing, sweetening and freshening
the entire alimentary canal before
putting more food Into the stomach.
Those subject to sick headache, bil
iousness, nasty breath, rheumatism,
colds; and partlculary those who have
a pallid, sallow complexion and who
are constipated very often, are
urped to obtain a quarter pound of
limestone phosphate at the drug store
which will cost but a trine but is
sufficient to demonstrate the quick
and remarkable change In both health
and appearance awaiting those who
practice internal sanitation. We roust
remember that Inside cleanliness Is
more Important than outside, be
cause the skin does not absorb Impur
ities to contaminate the blood, while
the porta ia th tblrtv feet of bov.els
No matter how much more you pay, you cannot get more real sleeping com
fort, more perfect restfulness, longer satisfactory service or more desirable features
in a bed spring: than we offer you in the
WaySaqXess Sytq
It does not roll occupants toward the center, even though they greatly vary in
weight, like the big man and .small child in the illustration below.
It is absolutely uoiselcss.
It has stiff cable edges that keep you well above the side railo of the bed.
It is perfectly sanitary all metal vermin proof.
It has no loose strands or exposed sharp cortiers cannot tear bedclothes.
It is made to fit wood, iron or brass beds, any size.
It is guaranteed for a quarter century not to sag or break.
Sleep On One For 30 Nights
That's the only way you can appreciate its supreme comfort and restfuluess.
We'll send one to your home with the understanding that we will buy it back
at the end oi 30 days, if it is not all that is claimed for it.
Furniture House Furnishings
(vp DoNotRoU to Centre SUuUg